Boys' clothes no more (or maybe)

Two-faced es

EDIT 11.11.12: Seems like some of the story got cut away from chapter 3, actually the whole beginning of it which contains information about a lot of things it's good to know about. We sincerely apologize, and hope this hasn't created any confusion! For those of you who began reading after 11.11.12 this should not be a problem :)

Chapter 4

Boys’ clothes no more (or maybe)

“So.. What powers do you guys have? One of you got telekinesis, right?”

I said this as I took a sip of my vanilla flavored bubbletea, rejoicing as one of the bubbles came with it. Sehun had insisted that I’d buy with extra bubbles, and let me tell you; I didn’t regret it.

We were sitting outside the local bubbletea shop, the one where Sehun and Luhan apparently were such regulars that they got free bubbletea every now and then. This was one of those days, the nice Ahjumma behind the counter spazzing when she discovered me. (Not sure why, though.)

“I’m the one with telekinesis,” Luhan said, and when he smirked afterwards, he didn’t seem that girly.. “Lil’ bro here got control over the wind,”

As Luhan said the last words, a faint wind brushed past us all, swirling my hair. I looked at Sehun who smiled proudly, obviously the one controlling the wind that messed up today’s hairstyle.

“Together we can make a pretty good team, actually!”

Sehun scooted closer to his brother and Luhan looked up at him affectionately while smiling.

I wasn’t sure if I was used to their weird relationship yet – not certain what their relationship was either.

“But what’s your superpower, Sora?” Sehun asked, shifting his gaze over to me.

Somewhere along the way, we’d introduced ourselves formally, before we’d gone out on this shopping trip.

Sehun and Luhan had just left school, still wearing their uniforms, while I was wearing Suho’s tightest denims (which didn’t end up that tight on me, though) and one of the boys’ white wifebeaters with a loose checked shirt on top. I looked like a tomboy. With long hair. And s. Not big s, but s. You know. I didn’t have a bra on either, which left me a little uncomfortable, but I got used to it.

“Uhm..” The earlier question kind-of left me stuck. Suho had told me that I shouldn’t tell people about myself, but if I told them I didn’t know, they’d be even more curious.

But seriously? How could it hurt telling these cute brothers about my short lifestory? I couldn’t imagine they’d splutter around about my personal life to everyone. Who’d be interested?

“I don’t know, actually..”

Screw Suho’s words. I could take care of myself.

The boys did exactly what I thought they’d do; they asked more questions. And so I told them what I knew: that I’d somehow found the Academy, wounded and weak with no memories of the past days whatsoever; that Headmaster Kim had taken me into his house after days of unconsciousness; and that I would soon enroll to the Academy, trying to find my powers and my memories in the process.

“How did you discover your powers?” I asked. Maybe it could give me some hints about how to figure out my own.

It was Luhan who answered.

“I don’t know. It’s like they’ve always been there for me,”

“Yeah, me too,” Sehun chimed in.

“Ah! Do you remember that time, when I was celebrating my seventh birthday, and you blew out the candles on my cake because you were jealous? And then I ended up smashing the cake in your face with my powers cause I got so angry?” Luhan lighted up.

Suddenly the boys had emerged on their path of old memories.

“Yeah! That hurt!” Sehun’s eyes were suddenly filled with tears and he pouted slightly.

“But then I kissed the pain and the cream away, huh sweety?” Luhan’s eyes widened at the sight of the boy almost crying, and scooted closer to wrap an arm around him.

I was completely lost as I imagined Sehun with his face layered in a giant piece of cake with Luhan bending forward to…. Jeez, these boys had no shame. No shame at all.

I cleared my throat, clearly trying to get their attention again.

“The point is anyways that I must have some powers, if not, I wouldn’t have found the Academy,”

The boys looked over at me again, and Sehun smiled through his teary eyes.

“Yeah, you’ll probably find them soon,”

“But you might just have a weak power though, we have people at our school that’s of that kind.. That one person that can turn into a basketball if it rains? Really inconvenient..” Luhan scoffed.

“Really?” I asked, surprised that there existed powers of such. It kind-of made me afraid to discover my own.

“Yeah, but they’ve been trying to teach him how to turn at any time, though – and I think he gets it now!” Sehun answered, oblivious to my actual surprise.

“They have?” Luhan asked curiously.

“Yep – don’t you remember last week in gym? That basketball was Hyunbae, in the middle of the shining sun,” Sehun answered his brother. I couldn’t help but stare dumbstruck at the boys. How could they discuss this so naturally?

“Was it sunny that day?”

“You were walking around in half of your birthday suit, hyung, that’s how hot it was,”

“Oh, that’s right – that’s why I went to the Principal’s office that day…” Luhan smirked and I wondered what happened when he talked himself out of that situation.

“You and Kai were kind-of asking for it though, hyung..”

Why didn’t it surprise me that Kai was in on it…

“But you know you liked it, Hunnie,”

They kept talking, but I didn’t bother listen anymore as I looked at the watch and figured we should go before the stores closed.

“Uhm, guys – we should probably go…” I informed them, standing up as I drank the last bit of bubbletea and turning a small smile at them.

They stood up too, brushing off their uniforms and mimicking me as we moved towards the exit.


Luhan’s POV:

The first store we visited was a lingerie store (Victoria’s Secret of course), because hey – a girl couldn’t go Commando, that was boys’ fun on Thursdays for the ones being slightly more tough. (Of course I was one of them. Sehun didn’t enjoy the feeling as much though, but I think he liked the thought of me not wearing my undergarments.)

When the girl – Sora – insisted that Victoria’s Secret was too expensive for her, I offered to buy it for her, being the gentleman I am. A girl needs proper underwear. I don’t need it. Because I’m a tough guy. But Sehun would probably look cute in it.

Sehun and I picked out the iest we could find. Red silk. Black silk. Purple silk. Silk, silk, silk. Oh, and don’t forget the lace! I could see the slightly protesting look in Sora’s eyes as I personally calculated her bra-size as I stared her chest down. She was a B size. A nice size for a girl, even though they could have been a wee bit bigger, but also: bigger they’d be too much to hold, and smaller they’d be… To small.

Not that I didn’t enjoy the smaller one’s, if they just had nice s… Like Sehun’s…

And not that I had much experience with holding A-, B-, C-, D-, E-cups(oh, gosh – I’d once seen a girl with an H-cup.. How is that even possible? And don’t judge me – I didn’t touch them.), but I did have experience with Sehun’s… Cough. Or did I?

Sora trusted my judgment though, but when she picked out underwear from PINK’s collection, I wasn’t that happy. Even though sporty could be appealing, I thought she should go with y thongs, certain that appeal was the only thing she was looking for. I mean, who would want comfort in their underwear.

We followed her into the dressing rooms, a long dark alley with fitting rooms on either side with dark curtains covering them. I turned to look at my precious baby brother Sehun as Sora stepped inside a fitting room.


Sora’s POV:

I went into the dressing room, mumbling grumpily to myself as I stashed the bunch of underwear on the stool on the side. I started undressing and quickly I stood in front of the mirror only wearing one of Kai’s Calvin Klein boxers, and covering my s with my long hair.

My hair was actually one of the things I found pretty about myself, a thing I remembered from earlier times. I’d always been careful with my hair.

It was another thing with the rest of my body.

As I slowly trailed my eyes downwards and turning my body to see the horrible details in the mirror, I found myself studying the scars.

The scars and the bruises, which had not yet healed.

It was another thing with the rest of my body.

I looked over my shoulder, but kept silent as I saw the many vertical stripes hiding under the hair that ran down my back. Carefully moving it, I studied those long scars – some faint and some more visible.

What had happened to me in the past?

My whole body was covered in scars, as if I’d been beaten and perhaps whipped. Why, I thought. What did I do? I must have done something terribly wrong.

As I turned my gaze from my body and began trying the lingerie I couldn’t help but admire the fabric and design on the different bras and briefs. But when I tried on a dark-purple, silk set, and looked in the mirror again, I couldn’t help but whimper a little.

A huge dark scar ran from my left, upper rib, sloping down to my right waistline.

Who would enjoy something like that? Who would find it pretty? No one would want to hold, kiss and touch such a scarred girl.

My body could have been beautiful, even though I was too skinny at the time. My ribs standing out, leaving a dark shadow where there should have been sweet forms and muscles.

The color of the bra went well with my milky white skin, even though it also made the……


Interrupted by Luhan’s POV:


I stared up at the slightly taller boy who was only centimeters away from me at the moment; his body pressed up tightly against me.

He was looking at me with those dark eyes of his, with that same unfathomable expression that was so hard to read.

“W-what are you doing?” I asked.

I saw how he was slowly leaning down towards me, and I remembered all those times I’d done something like it. My blood was pumping quickly in my veins, my breath coming in sharp intakes, but he still looked at me with his unreadable expression.

And then he smirked.

It made me not noticing when he grabbed my wrists and pinning them to the wall behind me.

I wasn’t used to him being so…

“Rough,” Sehun breathed as he took the words from my mouth.

My eyes widened as he leaned even closer, breathing in my scent through his nose and closing his eyes slightly. He was so close to me, and I felt myself only wanting to taste those sweet lips of his, colored a pink making me think of lollipop. I wanted to know if they tasted the same.

And then I suddenly heard someone gasping to the left. I stole a quick glance that way, caught off guard when I saw a small group off girls – all of them wearing EXO’s school uniform. Wow. How convenient.

As I looked back at Sehun, I felt a smirk curve my lips, all earlier thoughts of pink lollipop having left my mind. Now this was the time it would be fun to play along. I raised my voice a bit louder than necessary as I spoke.

“A-ahh.. Sehunnie.. I’m not used to you being the… dominant one..”

Put a few moans on top of that, and it was just perfect. The girls to the side of us started giggling as Sehun caught them staring, before he pressed his body even closer to mine, our groins pushed together to make the friction just right to wake up my little member.

“Aaah.. Sehunnie…”

“Call me hyung… Luhan.”

Sehun dropped the honorifics. Sehun dropped the honorifics. It sent a ripple through my whole body as I let out a small moan. Because it just felt so y when Sehun took control.

Hyung,” I breathed as I pushed my body even closer to his, and I heard the girls gasp in unison from their side.

We were “completely” in “our own world” – but not really, since I was overly aware of the girls giggling over mine and Sehun’s moment.

Then we heard someone chatter beside us, before making a very exaggerated exclaim.

It was that girl. Sora.

“Hey, guys – I’m thinking of buying these…” The girl was completely in her own world before seeing the position my brother and me were in.

Now here is how the following should have gone:

Sora should have squealed like all the other girls, blushing a lot for interrupting us, and then she should have finished it with an either cute or ugly giggle before she apologized severely.

The reality was a wee bit different:

Sora was completely caught up in her own lingerie before wanting a response from us and then looking up to see us.

“What the…” she was on her way saying a very unholy word before deciding to just take a theatrical pause “are you guys doing?!”

Weirdly enough this made Sehun and I feel embarrassed. Embarrassed of all things. We never felt embarrassed. Sehun stepped quickly away from me, which was even weirder.

In these kinds of situations we’d put on even more moans, and the case would be closed when the girl fainted.

There was a long, awkward silence before Sehun spoke.

“Luhan hyung, why isn’t she reacting right?”

I was asking myself the same question, baby brother. Maybe there was something wrong with her.

“Maybe there’s something wrong with her,”

Sora just kept staring at us like we were some kinds of lunatics.

“I think I’m perfectly fine,” Sora retorted, her face taking on a stubborn expression.

“Are you sure?” Sehun asked.

“Shouldn’t I be asking what’s wrong with you guys?” Sora decided to look at me with a piercing gaze, and Sehun turned to look at me with big puppy eyes.

“Hyung, is there something wrong with me?”

Horror clouded my expression as I grabbed Sehun by his shoulders and shook my head furiously.

“Of course there’s nothing wrong with you!” I reassured. Then I looked at Sora. “How can you say something like that?”

Sora stared at me expressionless and it was the scariest thing I’d ever seen. Oh, no – wait. Kris was perhaps worse. I shuddered.

“Seriously? You started it,” she said.

Oh. Good point. Not that I’d tell her. Best thing to do would be to change the subject. Easy.

“Did you find any underwear?”


Sora’s POV:

Conversation after the incident in the store was slightly awkward. I found myself asking myself if this was what Jongin had meant when he’d said that I’d “find out”. Those two siblings were certainly… something.

We went to countless of stores after that. I was surprised Sehun and Luhan wasn’t tired after the first three stores, but no – they had loads of energy even after the tenth.

I found myself staring at black slim-fitted dresses that were slightly revealing, but it was only longing stares. I couldn’t wear something like that with my body and my scars. It would repulse a boy who could have fallen for my looks.

Luhan and Sehun continued to give me tightly fitting mini shorts, tops and skirts, but I continued to decline, and instead I picked out baggy harem pants, huge sweaters and shirts – everything to hide what I was and what my body looked like.

I saw the looks Luhan gave me – even Sehun gave me curious gazes, even though Luhan’s looked more suspicious and even pitying. I didn’t like it, but there wasn’t much else I could do other than to ignore them. If they thought it was weird I didn’t want revealing clothing, then so be it.

When it came to the shoes, I bought myself (or rather: Suho’s family bought me, since I didn’t have any money) some sneakers. First of all because Luhan and Sehun told me I would need such shoes for practice, even though mine were more stylish than proper trainers, and second of all because I didn’t want to wear high heels just yet.

I got myself some outwear, some hats as well as other small accessories that I picked out, and when we went home all of us had our hands filled with shopping bags. I couldn’t explain how grateful I was for the two siblings that had helped me, even though they were kind of weird, but I actually grew closer to the two of them during our little trip.

Suho was sort-of hysteric when we got home – it did annoy me that he meant “10 o’ clock was too late to get home on a school night”, because hell, he wasn’t my father. He was sort-of cute at the same time though, so I forgave him as I lay down in my soft bed that night, tired and happy.

I was looking forward to the next days, because soon I’d finally begin at the EXO academy. 

FINALLY new chapter, guys! What did you think of it? kekeke... It was pretty fun writing in Luhan's POV ~ did you like him this way, or was he just disgusting? D: .. HUNHAN-MOMENTS!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!
Please peeps - COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE - we'd love that (a) <3
Aaaaand we'll update quicker the next time.. I think.. Even though school's just started..
Love you all!


Hunhan-spam <3

Wowch! A lot of pictures... BUT LOOK AT THEM!! AREN'T THEY JUST THE CUTEST! <3<3 ^-^

I'll stop now...




See you soon!! <3<3


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i'm sorry, i've had a lot to do, and the next chapter has just been a true bother to write.. not done yet - SORRY


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fairlockhartval7 #2
Chapter 17: This story is so good!! Although i have to admit i was looking forward to her training with Tao. Cant wait to see how her power grows and Im hoping she gets better at martial arts and puts Kris in his place lol!
Chapter 17: Amazing storyline you have there. Pls continue writing!
SoleeTaemin #4
Chapter 17: OMG OMG OMG! Her power's so cool. Niiice~ update more, i really love this story..
Chapter 16: Ooh~! Is Jimin interested in Tao?? Or just really excited about someone beating her???
Chapter 15: That was an interesting chappie ^_^ their powers are pretty cool!! XD thank you for updating!!
smoothehun #7
Chapter 14: she gets to learn more....
can't wait for the next chapter ^^
SoleeTaemin #8
Chapter 14: wohoho! Cooool! Update more. Hihi.
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD