
Two-faced es

Chapter 2


I thought I was waking up now.
For real this time, not one of those dreams where I thought I’d woken up, but then I woke up again... and again. You know – inception-like.

It wasn’t one of those.
You know why? I could smell, hear, touch and feel.
I could feel the dryness in my throat, I could hear the sounds of breathing near me, I felt soft fabric under my fingers. Most of all, I could feel the pain throbbing almost all over my body.

Where was I? How long had I been there?
I felt the stiffness in my body as a result of long time no moving. Stretching felt good as I moved my hands after all this time.
But that was before I felt something fluffy and… hairy under my fingers.

I made a very, very, very girl-like sound – more precisely a squeal, as I scooted away and looked down at the thing scaring me.
It was a dark hairy bun with a face.
Oh, my God – it’s a guy, I thought, and he’s dead!

This time I more-like screamed as I scooted my legs up towards myself, wincing as I felt the pain intensify.

The guy – the dead guy, woke up and as he looked up at me, disappeared into thin air.

What the hell?

And then the guy suddenly appeared again, in the middle of the room.

Did he just appear out of the blue?

I screamed again. What was wrong with me? Then I ran for it.

I saw a door, and as it was my only exit, I did what I could to reach it.
The guy looked at me almost stunned as I ran past him, still screaming like crazy. Then I figured out I probably sounded, well – crazy, and shut up as I reached a long hallway.

And then I stopped in the middle of my steps.

There was a guy about 3 meters away from me, carrying a tray of …food, and looking up as he heard the footsteps of my running.

Oh God, they are surrounding me.

I took a few scared steps backwards, stopping as I abruptly felt my body bump into something. Or rather, someone, I saw as I turned sharply.
It was the dead guy. (Jeez, I couldn’t keep calling him that, he was very much alive – I’d both seen and felt that.)

“Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?” I said, trying to sound as fierce as possible. I wasn’t though; I was shaking and very much not strong.

“Don’t you know what you are?” The guy behind me said, sounding astounded.

Yes, I knew what I was – I was a girl, in the middle of my teens. I thought.

“Of course she doesn’t, Jongin, she’s just awoken from a very traumatic experience,” the other guy said.

I froze. I knew that voice. It was the Angel’s voice. The calm, trusting and kind Angel.
I turned and looked at the guy. Now I recognized him too. Yeah, it was definitely the Angel.

“You’re my Guardian Angel,” I said as I studied him through curious eyes.

“Oh, so you’re her guardian angel. Figures. Why can’t I be that?” the guy behind me – Jongin apparently, complained.

“Because you’re a devil in disguise, Jongin. Don’t tell me I haven’t said that before,” the Angel grinned.

“Oh, yeah. That’s right.”

The Guardian Angel turned his smile towards me. A warm, calming smile that made my knees go weak. I sunk down to the floor, only to be caught by the guy named Jongin.

“Hey, you feelin’ alright?” said Jongin.

I tried to stand up. His arms supporting me felt uncomfortable.

“Let go of me,” I said, fierceness again trying to strengthen my voice.

“You should probably sit,” the Angel said, concern filling his voice.

“Yeah… I probably should…” I surrendered.

We went to sit down inside the room I’d woken up in, and something had occurred to me while I’d been walking. As I sat down on the bed, seeing the expectant looks the guys were giving me, I just had to ask.

“What am I wearing?”

Actually, I knew what I was wearing – it was a bigsize gray t-shirt, and a silk shorts with teddy bears I saw as I studied it. It looked like both were boys’ clothing.

“Seriously? That’s what you’re asking? What you’re wearing?” Jongin said, rolling his eyes. “Only girls.. So typical,” he mumbled incoherently as he pressed the point between his eyes annoyed.

I looked at him expectantly.

“That’s my clothes,” he then said, smirking.

“You have silk shorts with teddybears?”

Somehow it seemed like this Jongin-guy blushed. He stumbled in his words while answering.

“Uhm.. Those are Suho’s..”

This time it was my turn to smirk.

“Yeah, right,”

Suddenly the Angel cleared his throat, which made both of us look at him.

“You hungry?”

My face brightened at the sight of the food.

The food tasted really good.
I think I must’ve eaten like I hadn’t had food in months, which was probably right, according to Suho. The Angel had told me his name now. Very fitting, since he was my Guardian Angel.
They’d also told me I’d been in a coma for 5 days now, after collapsing out front of the Academy, which they said was a school for people with supernatural powers. (Wasn’t quite sure how I fitted in that box, but they said only people with supernatural powers could see the Academy. Speaking of which – Suho’s superpower was apparently water, while Jongin’s was obviously teleportation. God, why did I accept this so easily?)

“So I’m some kind of superhero? What kind of powers do I have?”

In some kind of weird way it didn’t feel odd thinking of myself having superpowers. Like I’d already known it someway or maybe at least knew it before.

Suho smiled at my questions before answering me.

“I wouldn’t call you a super hero, because I’m not sure you’ve done anything hero-like yet,”

“But it would sure have been cool if you were Catwoman or something,” Jongin sighed, a dreaming expression on his face.

I rolled my eyes at him.

“We don’t know what kind of superpower you have, actually,” Suho said, studying me. “But maybe you have some memories of it?”

I shook my head. “Not any I can think of,”

“Hmm..” Suho mumbled, his chin with one thumb. “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see then!” He smiled at me, and again I was reminded of his Angel-like presence.

“Yap, we should send you into battle and hope you survive,” Jongin grasped his hands behind his head and leaned back, grinning. “And if you’re really Catwoman, you won’t survive, because she truly in the live action movies…”

I rolled my eyes again. “Can’t I just stun people with my beauty?”

“Oh, that’s right; Halle Berry was really y… Don’t know if I could have teleported away from something like that.”

I grinned widely as I looked at Jongin. Now that we were talking about appearances – Jongin was actually really handsome…  And my Guardian Angel? Well… He looked like an angel. A very, very, very y angel.

“So, when are you going to throw me into battle?” I asked, afterwards stuffing a very good dumpling into my mouth letting the taste spread. Really good dumpling…

“Well, first of all we’ll just put you in one of the classes at the Academy. The first week you’ll probably wander through many levels and groups to check what would suit you,” Suho explained. “But it won’t be for another week or two – we need to see that you’re all well again,”

I nodded, understanding, but feeling slightly annoyed at the fact that I would be coped up doing nothing for a week.

Suddenly Jongin spoke again, looking sheepishly at me.

“Uhm… I just remembered something… What’s your name? The week you’ve been here we’ve just been calling you Sleeping Beauty – speaking of which, I did try to wake you up, and obviously you did in the end, so… Doesn’t that make me your Prince?”

Flattered by the nickname, and trying not to think of the fact that Jongin might have kissed me in my sleep (“What the hell? You kissed her in her sleep?!” I heard someone yelling in the background), I actually had to focus all my thoughts on the question instead. It really felt weird that I had to think through what my name was. But I remembered it.

“Sora. Song Sora,” I said, pleased with myself.

“Your last name is Song? That is a pretty uncommon Korean name,”

“Yeah, I guess…”

“That could make it easier finding your family,”

“Oh.” I said, realizing that fact. “Oh! Yeah, that’s right!”

I’d already told them I couldn’t remember the things from my past, not even my family. The only thing I had was the truth of knowing what something was. Like Catwoman. I couldn’t remember when I’d heard of her or stuff like that, but when Jongin mentioned Halle Berry in the live action movie, I knew I’d seen it. The pictures of the movie itself and my opinion came flying back.

Happy with this fact I smiled widely.

“You have a really beautiful smile,” Jongin pointed out.

I turned my gaze towards him, smile disappearing.


Jongin smirked widely while I suddenly felt the need to yawn.

“You tired?” Suho asked, stepping closer to the bed.

I looked up at him, smiling faintly.

“Yeah, it’s weird – even though I’ve slept for so long I feel like I just want to sleep more…”

“Do you hurt anywhere?” he asked afterwards, and as he reached one hand up to caress my forehead, I stiffened.

“I think I’ve felt worse,” I just answered, not wanting to admit the pain that had been surfacing more and more since I’d woken.

“I’ll go find some painkillers for you – you were in a pretty bad condition when you came,” he said. As he my forehead I noticed I’d been wearing a big band aid by the hairline. Weird that I hadn’t noticed it earlier.

Curious, I studied the other parts of my body, finding plenty of band aids plastered on my knees and arms. Actually a great deal of my body was covered in patches.

Again I sighed, and Suho smiled at me. Then he started moving some of my bed sheets, and I moved myself to make it easier for him. After that he tucked it around me and I lay gratefully back.

“You should sleep,” he said. “Jongin will stay here watching after you,”

“I will?” Jongin asked incredulous. Then he looked at Suho’s eyes on him which were speaking legions.  “I will…”

I looked at them both and smiled one last time before closing my eyes.

“Thanks, guys,”

Then I fell back into a much wanted Dreamland.

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i'm sorry, i've had a lot to do, and the next chapter has just been a true bother to write.. not done yet - SORRY


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fairlockhartval7 #2
Chapter 17: This story is so good!! Although i have to admit i was looking forward to her training with Tao. Cant wait to see how her power grows and Im hoping she gets better at martial arts and puts Kris in his place lol!
Chapter 17: Amazing storyline you have there. Pls continue writing!
SoleeTaemin #4
Chapter 17: OMG OMG OMG! Her power's so cool. Niiice~ update more, i really love this story..
Chapter 16: Ooh~! Is Jimin interested in Tao?? Or just really excited about someone beating her???
Chapter 15: That was an interesting chappie ^_^ their powers are pretty cool!! XD thank you for updating!!
smoothehun #7
Chapter 14: she gets to learn more....
can't wait for the next chapter ^^
SoleeTaemin #8
Chapter 14: wohoho! Cooool! Update more. Hihi.
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD