On fire

Two-faced es


Chapter 10:
On fire

When I went to bed that night, I slept surprisingly well. Guess I was just that tired after the exhausting last days. My body was tired the whole way through, and I’d also strained myself mentally just by being around so many people. It wasn’t really something I could do anything about, but I guessed it would be something that would pass. It wasn’t like I was afraid of people or anything like that, and my body had to get stronger some time.

Anyway, the exhaustion made me get lost in a deep and heavy sleep.

It was wonderful.

Filled with dreams of handsome guys rubbing me in with suntan oil, jumping to handsome guys driving me around in private limousines, jumping to handsome guys singing me love-songs and dancing with me ‘till my feet bled – not that I even knew if I had rhythm, but in my dream I had – jumping to going skiing with handsome guys down beautiful snowy hills.

Well, the dreams were wonderful until something or most likely someone suddenly shook me out of it.


Someone shook my arm and I looked up at that someone groggily from the position I had in my bed. Flat out on my stomach with my limbs spread out in practically every direction.

Way to wake up a sleeping person.

“Sora!” the person said again, loudly and in my world – annoyingly.

Kai. Big surprise.

“What?” I complained turning my head into my pillow and closing my eyes.

“There’s someone standing outside the door who apparently wants to speak with you,”

That somewhat perked my interest. But I was still too immersed with my dream – I wanted to get back to the massage I was getting. I’m telling you – that massage treated my muscles way better than the real world did.

“Ughaamaa.. just.. aaaamm.. let them in.. handsome… mawama..”

I don’t think I was quite coherent when I mumbled that. In my sleepy haze I just got a picture of a handsome male masseur standing outside the door, and boy – I didn’t mind letting a guy like him come in.

After that the world went quiet again and I sighed happily as I crammed my face further into the pillow. The wonderful world enveloped me again.

Before someone decided to bother me again by poking my shoulder.

“What?!” I exclaimed, turning around and suddenly facing someone much unexpected.

Someone with big black glasses, chestnut-curls and a closed smile on his mouth.

Oh sweet Jesus.

“Chanyeol?” I asked, stupefied.

“Didn’t expect you to be sleeping when I was going to pick you up,” his dark voice mused down at me.

I sat up with the quilt covering my chest, well aware that my hair must have looked like a haystack. His words didn’t make sense to me, and I acted accordingly.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “Why are you here?”

“I was going to show you the city today,” Chanyeol clarified. “Don’t you remember our appointment?”

Chanyeol emphasized the last word, while sneaking a glance at Kai, who apparently still stood in the room, when I took the care to follow Chanyeol’s secret glance.



The appointment. The date.

Yesterday’s improvisation play.

So Chanyeol was serious when he’d said that.. I guess I was just very easy to see through while playing then, since Chanyeol was actually serious about touring the ignorant and new girl around. I guess he was just that kind-hearted.

I sat up abruptly, and looked at the two boys one at a time. They weren’t going to leave?

I started to point at the door, “Out,” I commanded.

Both guys’ eyes widened.

What?” Kai asked as if it was the weirdest thing he’d heard ever.

“You aren’t going to stand here staring while I’m changing, ey?”

I think Kai was much too perplexed to even think of a ier comeback, but it wasn’t like it bothered me. “You’re letting him tour you around the city?”

“Yeah, of course,” I said, pausing. “Now get out!” I made a hushing-motion toward the door again, and the boys finally complied, Chanyeol with a tiny smile on his lips and Kai with that still flabbergasted expression.

I didn’t really notice Chanyeol’s outfit when he was inside my room, which I thought I had a pretty good excuse for. In the end though, he and I ended up kind-of matching I saw as we sat down in the Bubbletea Shop figuring we’d start our trip there. Both wore gray jeans; mine the loose fit, him wearing a black sweater with some white patterns at the top and bottom; me with a black-and-white striped sweater underneath, both had a military green parka over it. It was a little bit creepy. I felt the importance of my giant red wool-scarf as I felt the cold wind outside, and felt blessed when the warmth of the store sore through the cold surface of my clothes and skin.

“We’re matching,” Chanyeol noted with a smile as we sat with our food by the table. Chanyeol had proposed we grab some food before starting the tour, since I obviously hadn’t eaten yet.

I hadn’t figured guys realized stuff like matching of clothes.

“Yeah, what a coincidence,” I said, letting out a small laugh.

“Really,” he answered back at me, and I didn’t know if he was sarcastic or not.

There was silence for a few minutes as he and I both showed sandwiches in our mouths. We were eating a more Western breakfast, and I didn’t mind it. It tasted well. I smiled unconsciously.

I looked up at Chanyeol through my mouthfuls, and found him staring out the window.  We hadn’t sat down at my usual spot, and rather found another one we could have together by the big windows.

“I’m sorry I chased you out of my room earlier,” I said. I did feel a little bad about that.

Chanyeol looked up and a little smile started tickling by one of the corners of his lips, “No problem,” he said. “I have heard that girls can be a little cranky in the mornings,”

My eyes widened.

“What? You think I’m cranky?”

“We all need our blood-sugar levels raised – you’re better already,” he grinned.

I gaped.

“So-so, next time I’ll bring you a chocolate bar first thing you wake up,”

I huffed, “I wasn’t cranky.”

“You were practically barking at Kai and me,”

“Yah!” I exclaimed.

Chanyeol hummed a deep and warm laugh that made me smile. It was impossible to be mad at such a warm expression – the way his one eye would scrunch slightly more together than the other was something I just noticed and found incredibly charming.

“Let’s have a question-game,” Chanyeol suddenly suggested.


“You know – these get-to-know-each-other games where I’ll ask you a question and you’ll say the first thing that comes to mind,”

Never done that before.

“And I’ll get to ask you questions too?”

“We’ll do it in turns,” Chanyeol grinned.

I was kind-of unsure if I was going to be able to answer all the questions since I didn’t really have a memory of anything much, but well-well. “May I pass questions?”

Chanyeol paused before answering, “Hm.. That depends.”

It depends? What did it depend on?

“I’ll start then,” Chanyeol took another bite of his sandwich while looking quite thoughtful. “Favorite manga? Or manhwa for that sake,”

Haha. Funny that was his first question. He seemed like a bit of a nerd with the giant black glasses too – the knowledge he’d shown yesterday was only adding to it. So a genius with the likings for manga?

I had to think though. Hadn’t I said Kris looked like a manga-figure I knew about? I didn’t really know which one though, but it had to be a sign that I liked to read mangas. Think Sora, think. After probing through my mind for a bit, the first thing I found was a book with the text Death Note out front. Oh! That manga I remembered!

Suddenly the plot from the manga came back to me, L, Ryuk and Light staring at me from my mental image. I didn’t have any memories of reading it, though, only the story.

“Death Note,” I said, looking up at Chanyeol. Jeez, I’d used long time answering.

Chanyeol nodded, an appraising gaze taking place. He waited.

Oh. I was supposed to ask for something.

“Favorite number?”


I scrunched my eyebrows together – why 21?

“Favorite fruit?” he countered.

“Peach,” I answered. At least I thought so. The taste kind-of popped up in my head though.

“Favorite color?”  I asked.

“Black,” Chanyeol grinned.

“What a bad boy,” I laughed.

Chanyeol winked.

“Favorite song?” he asked me.

Why did he ask questions where I had to think for such a long time?

Looking for a melody was difficult. How could you find a melody you didn’t know if you had heard before?

“Umm..” I mumbled.

I tried to probe around again, and suddenly I had the wicked feeling of my eardrums almost exploding, voices all around me in a bright room and daylight surrounding me and others by big, open windows. The faces all had shadows, and all were wearing these tired, grey and white-striped pajamas while they were yelling in sound with the drumming of beat from a couple of worn-looking speakers that were playing melodies with a crappy sound to it.

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious, so come on!

“Uprising,” I said. “Uprising by Muse,”

It was a startling sensation, the vivid memory taking over my mind for the few seconds it lasted. I had joined the singing I noted.

“Wow, you like Muse?” Chanyeol asked, sounding surprised.

It brought me out of my reverie, and I looked at him. “Yeah,” I said slowly. “I think so,”

“A band I’m thoroughly impressed with,” he said, “I love their use of the synthesizer – and their cool effects,”

“You play synth?” I asked, trying to get my mind on something else.

“Not synth, no,” Chanyeol said looking sheepishly at me and scratching the back of his head. “But I do play some instruments,”

“Which?” I asked, curious.

“Guitar, bass and different kinds of drums,” he said, sounding embarrassed. “Not that I’m any good,”

I ignored the last comment. “You’ll have to show me sometime!” Music nerd too? Or?

Chanyeol laughed, and quickly avoided my last statement with another question.

"Okay, so what's your favorite book?"

"Harry Potter," I answered. "Uhm, the series I mean,"

"Seriously?" Chanyeol asked, surprised.

I felt a little bit childish for a few seconds before Chanyeol answered. "That's mine too!"

"It is?"

"Of course." Chanyeol grinned. "I mean, I've read a lot of books, but.. The world of Harry Potter.. Nothing can truly match it,"

I nodded along. "Yes! I know! Think of the magical and huge world J.K created!"

"You have no idea how much I've wanted a wand and spells," Chanyeol sighed. "How awesome wouldn't it have been if it had been that world we lived in, not just having a bunch of random powers,"

"Powers are pretty cool too though," I laughed.

"True-true," Chanyeol agreed. "Speaking of which, what kind of powers do you have?"

I stopped in my tracks. Why did everyone ask me that?

"Uhm.. It's kind-of hard to explain," I said. "I'm not quite sure yet,"

"Why?" Chanyeol asked, looking at me expectantly and with new-found interest.

I was kind-of sorry to disappoint him, because I wasn't in the mood for giving him the bio of myself.

"Sorry, Chanyeol, you can't know my every secret just yet," I smiled.

"Aw, man," Chanyeol complained, but I could see he was faking it just a little bit with the smile he kept on his face. He understood, and he didn't push me. I liked that.

"But, what's your power?" I asked, curious.

Chanyeol took one glance at me, said, "It's a secret," and winked.

I laughed.

"Touché," I said.

"No, actually I am going to show it to you," he said. "Gotta' use something to impress the lady, mustn't I?" He glanced at my plate and found it empty. The food had kind-of disappeared into my mouth without me noticing ‘cause of all the talking. "You finished?"

"Yapyap," I said and started to put my jacket and scarf on again. Chanyeol followed suit and we stood up. "I'm feeling a little bad for not paying anything though," I said as we walked towards the exit. "Promise I'll pay you back,"

"No problem," Chanyeol said as he opened the door for me, "Just act impressed as you see my powers and that'll be enough,"

"You're going to show your powers to me?" A hopeful expression made its way to my face.

The cold wind from the outside hit me, but the sun had found its way through the cloud cover, and it warmed some through the cold wind.

Chanyeol smirked and lead the way, "Just follow me,"

He led me to an alley some streets away from the Bubbletea Shop, all the way keeping on asking me questions. Some were questions that forced me to think for a while, and Chanyeol always kept silent while I was thinking, being patient as well when slowing his pace to match mine. That guy had such long legs.

“Okay,” he said, after I’d answered his last question about characters from Harry Potter. “I thought it would be better for me to show it to you here, away from people who could accidently happen to see. That is just leads to unnecessary extra work on our part, or our school most often,”

“Smart,” I said. “So what are you going to show me?” I asked. I must admit, I was more than just a little bit excited to see another power in use. What would his be? It must be something noticeable since he didn’t want to do it in the open.

“Give me a few seconds,” he said as he stepped away from me, “Patience is a virtue,” he grinned.

“Sure, but pleasure gives more joy,” I retorted.

“Good point,”

After he said that, he lifted his right arm, stared me straight in the eye and made a sharp movement to the right.

I didn’t really know what happened, but suddenly one of the dumpsters by the walls was in flames.

I gasped in shock and stared at it with wide eyes. “Woah!”

The flames disappeared with one quick movement from Chanyeol. I looked at him.

“Was that you?” I asked in awe.

Chanyeol didn’t answer – didn’t look at me. There was a new glimmer in his eyes.

He held his hand up and spread his fingers, and suddenly fire appeared above it. Chanyeol stared at it; I stared at it, as the fire vanished with the wind into thin air.

I looked at the expression on Chanyeol’s face. He looked almost fascinated with what he himself did. Or maybe it was the flames he was fascinated by.

I was about to take a step closer to him, but as he spread his arms, humongous flames arose like wings from behind him and I let out a little yelp. They stretched far while Chanyeol followed the tips of them with his gaze.

It was a terrible beauty to see, and I too grew fascinated by the flames.

Until they started stretching towards me.

The wings of fire wanted to envelop me, and I tried to hunt for Chanyeol’s eyes feeling a little panic creep over me. Dangerous, my mind whispered to me. Never play with fire. I finally met Chanyeol’s gaze, and I figured out what the new glint in his eye was. It was fire.

“Chanyeol?” I asked a little loudly – unsurely.

I tried to be calm as I felt the heat grow hotter and hotter, but it was difficult.

The fire never burnt me though, for before it could get to that point it disappeared. It simply evaporated.

“Chanyeol?” I asked again, stepping a few steps closer to the guy standing in the end of the alley, with an almost empty expression on his face. Some ember left in his eyes.

He looked up at me as I got even closer.

“You were supposed to act impressed of my powers,” he smiled weakly.

I smiled a wee bit as I breathed a sigh of relief. “I am impressed,” I said. “Just a little.. umm.. scared as well, I guess,”

We were only a few feet apart now.

“I’m sorry,” he said, looking as if he felt sincerely bad about it. “But I had it under control you know,”

I looked at him dubiously.

“Okay, so the fire might get a little over-powering sometimes, but that’s just because it’s so brilliant,” Chanyeol said, and at the end his voice was eager, almost passionate.

I kept staring at him in silence.

“The fire would never have hurt you,” he said. “They would never have reached such a high temperature on your skin; I never lose control over it,”

“How can you be so sure about that?” I asked. I had felt the heat. A heat that was beginning to disappear because of the coldness in the air.

Chanyeol stepped even closer, and as he lifted his hands, his eyes searched mine as if to ask for my permission. I accepted.

He placed his hands on my shoulders, and for a few seconds we just stood there. Then, suddenly I could feel heat slowly starting to spread from the place his hands lay, spreading like a soft and warm glow all over my body. It was a wonderful feeling, a feeling that made me smile involuntarily. Chanyeol smiled, and we just stood there for a few minutes.

“So..” I said. “Fire, huh?”




.. Uhm.. 


I hope that wasn't too boring.. 

Isn't he just too cute?


OMG asdhakdsgakjdgadgajdasjdgfakjdgaldalfskldgklsualfhadgaidgafku EXO WON THE ROOKIE AWARD!! And OMG WHAT A PERFOOOOMAAAAAAAAAAANCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - How can they be such FREAKIN' GOOD DANCERS! Mirotic, Lucifer, Mama.. woaaaaahahah.. And singing them too? I'm in awe. 


I must say, I'll always be an ELF. ALWAYS. FOREVER. AND EVER: Ever since I *cough* got to touch our dear Supermen at SS4 Paris... *cough*

No, I mean, I've always been charmed by Yesung's hair. And awkwardness. but most important - HIS VOICE. 


So happy. TOP. I love you and your totally DRESS CLASSY DANCE CHEESY-way of living. Seriously. That must have been PSY's TRUE inspiration for that song. Tabi you're the TRUE abbreviaton of that phrase, not Gangnam Style. Love you still, though. 



Lots of writing here.. 

So.. Wassup DUDES!?? 

Please comment and subscribe, I would absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE that! And seriously.. I'm having a little bit low self-esteem on this chapter.. So.. be some dears and comment on what you think, huh?


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i'm sorry, i've had a lot to do, and the next chapter has just been a true bother to write.. not done yet - SORRY


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fairlockhartval7 #2
Chapter 17: This story is so good!! Although i have to admit i was looking forward to her training with Tao. Cant wait to see how her power grows and Im hoping she gets better at martial arts and puts Kris in his place lol!
Chapter 17: Amazing storyline you have there. Pls continue writing!
SoleeTaemin #4
Chapter 17: OMG OMG OMG! Her power's so cool. Niiice~ update more, i really love this story..
Chapter 16: Ooh~! Is Jimin interested in Tao?? Or just really excited about someone beating her???
Chapter 15: That was an interesting chappie ^_^ their powers are pretty cool!! XD thank you for updating!!
smoothehun #7
Chapter 14: she gets to learn more....
can't wait for the next chapter ^^
SoleeTaemin #8
Chapter 14: wohoho! Cooool! Update more. Hihi.
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD