
Two-faced es


VERY IMPORTANT FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET: Seems like some of the story got cut away from chapter 3, actually the whole beginning of it which contains information about a lot of things it's good to know about. We sincerely apologize, and hope this hasn't created any confusion! For those of you who began reading after 11.11.12 this should not be a problem :)

Chapter 9:


I felt weight upon my comforter that was spread over me and turned around in the bed to peak up at the something that lay on me.

“Joon,” I mumbled, surprised in my sleepy state of mind.

“Noona, you should wake up now!” Joon said a happy voice as he in his eagerness jumped up and down on top of me, making me quickly realize how much I’d been hurt yesterday.

God dammit how every part of me was aching.

“Junior, why are you here?” I asked groggily, trying to sit up with the little boy still on top of me.

Junior had become a nickname for Joon, starting from Joonah to Joonie to Joonieah to Junior. It seemed like he liked it. He hadn’t complained for getting a nickname at least.

“I’m waking noona up!” Joon grinned.

As both of us got of the bed, Joon skipped over to my desk with all my drawings. I thought I’d hid them away yesterday, but apparently I hadn’t.

“Noona draws really pretty!” Joon said, and even took the care of holding one of the drawings up to me. It was the drawing of the Kris’ look-a-like with purple hair.

“Thanks, sweetie,” I smiled as I turned to find some clothes in my drawer. Today was Friday which meant we didn’t have to wear the uniform. We were only obliged to wear the uniform Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, so today I could wear whatever I felt like.

And today I felt like wearing a pair of military green harem pants with a denim shirt on top of a white singlet. I picked out a simple, long, silver necklace of an eagle in flight, and turned around to look at Joon who was still looking at the drawing.

“But why have you drawn Kris-hyung, noona?” He asked, while having a cute little frown upon his face.

“Umm.. Noona just felt a little inspired I guess,” I answered. “He looks like someone I knew before,”

Knew was a rough way of putting it. But maybe I’d actually known the look-a-like in my dreams.

“Hmm..” Joon pouted even more, seemingly not satisfied with my answer.

“Come on, Junior, we should get some breakfast,” I said and lifted him up to sit on my hipbone. I was going to change in the main house since he’d come waking me up, and I’d put on my morning robe for the walk into the house.

“Okay, noona,” Joon said and let the paper fall back on the desktop.

Speaking of which, I was a wee bit curious to know if Kris’ hair color had changed or not.


“Didn’t follow my order of absolute refrain of physical activity, did we now?” The Nurse said as he checked me up and down and all the way around in my very vulnerable only-underwear position.

He preferred I’d call him Doctor Lee instead of Nurse Donghae or Nurse Lee, which I kind of understood. He was very male where he stood in his white doctor suit and muscles, even though he wasn’t all that tall. I could see why he preferred to be referred to as the manlier “Doctor” instead of “Nurse”. Nurse would have been a very fun concept though, if he had some self-irony. By the way, there was a possibility he actually had a Doctor’s degree.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, as he closed in on me and checked my pulse with his stethoscope.

“Breathe in deeply,” he said. The stethoscope felt cold on my skin, even though his fingers were warm where they lingered to keep me steady. It wasn’t a ual touch at all, which might be what made me feel fine under his touch. I don’t know if I should have worried from the fact that there was a guy checking my almost- body out and touching it afterwards, but he was a doctor after all. “Sorry is not good enough,” he said.

I inhaled deeply through my nose and exhaled from my mouth.

“Can’t you see how your body looks right now?”

No, I thought, but I can feel it…

“No more exercising for you for a month at least, girl,” he said.

I turned around sharply and stared at him in horror.

What?” I exclaimed. “But I need to catch up with the others!”

He put his stethoscope down and watched me carefully. “My X-ray images tell us that you’re not completely healed yet. We don’t want to ruin your restitution progress,”

“Then maybe your images shows wrong – I’m fine,”

“My powers don’t make mistakes. Powers grow, they don’t weaken,”

Donghae had X-ray vision as his superpower. Maybe it was a little harsh to dash out on it. Still though.

“I feel absolutely fine. I shall practice till my body collapses if that’s what it’ll take,”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” he said calmly. “Your body is still weak, I’m not sure how well it would handle being damaged severely again – considering the fact that your body might have used up all its extra resources already,”

“I’m strong,” I said. “I’ll handle it,”

“You are not strong right now, Mrs. Song,”

“I said I’ll handle it,” I repeated, emphasizing every word. No way was I going to cope around in that house for 1 freakin’ month longer. I needed something to do.

“Fishy!!” another voice beamed through the medical office, interrupting our discussion.

I was quick on my legs to jump over to my clothes and tried to cover up my half-ness with the shirt in front of me. It didn’t cover a lot, but it covered some parts. My eyes were wide in bewilderment as I looked at the doctor.

“My dear, dear fishy-boy – my mermaid – I need something invigorating right now,”

A man came in through the door, but in some ways his features were so female-like I didn’t really know if I could call him male. Shoulder-long light brown hair didn’t really help the male image, nor did the super tight pants he wore.

“Hyung,” Donghae said as he looked at the newcomer in the corner of his eyes. “Can’t you see I’m a little busy?”

“But fishyfishy, something fishy happened in the drama-class!” Now the male female walked over to Doctor Lee and placed a slim hand on his shoulder. Jeez, the guy almost had a womanly body. You could in some ways compare him to a female model minus the s. He had milk-white beautiful skin too.

“What Heechul-hyung?” Donghae turned his gaze towards the male – apparently his name was Heechul – and I was amazed at the fact that it didn’t seem like he had discovered me there yet.

“Now-now, don’t take that tone with me, loverboy!”

“Jesus, hyung, I’m not your loverboy,”

“How would you know? Sharing is caring, I always say!”

“Heechul! Can’t you see I’m busy?” Donghae hissed, obviously talking about me when his eyes spoke loads.

“Puh-lease. It’s not like your gayness is a secret, let’s just share the rainbows dripping out of you with the rest of the world!”

“HEECHUL!” Donghae banged his fist to a nearby wall and made a hand-motion towards me.

Oh, don’t mind me – I’m just standing here half-.

Heechul’s eyes shifted towards me, and apparently he seemed surprised to see me there. Then he smirked.

“Oh, so my little fishy is playing doctor and patient?”

My eyes widened.

“First I’m gay, now I’m the doctor?” Donghae asked – a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

“A varied -life is supposed to be good, I hear,” Heechul shrugged.

Donghae rolled his eyes.

“May I join you, though?” Heechul grinned.

“She’s a student for ’s sake, Heechul!”

Heechul let out a little laugh. “I know- I know. I enjoy it best when it’s only us two anyways, prince,” Wink wink.

I’m not so sure I wanted to catch that hidden sorry, obvious meaning behind Heechul’s words.

“But you dear one, you are perfect!”

Heechul got closer to me, and I kind-of had the urge to move further away.

“What?” I asked suspiciously.

“Donghae, go fetch me the invigorating stuff!” Heechul commanded.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me towards him, and it made me feel more than just a little bit scared. The startling movements made me drop the shirt I’d held.

“Hmm.. A little skinny you are…” he muttered as he turned me around in an elegant well, he tried at least spin on the floor.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Well, as I said – we had a little unfortunate happening in class,”Heechul explained. Donghae had moved on to some of the many lockers in the office and was searching through the many medicine bottles inside. “Yoona ended up fainting again,” Heechul continued, mentioning a foreign name to me but apparently mentioned for Donghae’s sake. “Nothing serious I assure you – it happens quite often!” he quickly said when he saw my look.

“Hasn’t she gotten some control on her power yet?” Donghae asked as he came over with a bottle. “This should help,”

“Well, I guess she’s got some control, but she still immerses herself too much when she’s acting,” Heechul answered. “Which could in some ways be good, but not in her case,”

I was a little fascinated. That was a power to have too? I wasn’t quite sure exactly what the power was yet, but it had something to do with acting. At least I’d understood as far as that Heechul must be the drama teacher. Why they had a drama class at a school for supernaturals I had no idea.

“That’s why you’re perfect sweetie!” Heechul exclaimed. He apparently found it fun spinning me around because he spun my arm to make me do another one. “You really should eat some more, though…”

“What am I perfect for?” I asked.

“Well of course – we need another actress!”


Which was how I ended up being dragged away by Heechul to his class.

At least I escaped the discussion with the doctor. He seemed a little annoyed as I left, but I sent him an apologizing smile as I dressed and walked away with Heechul. It didn’t seem like anybody really could do anything else when Heechul decided something either – he just had that effect on people.

Heechul seemed extremely happy, but maybe that was just his natural way of being. He told me what the class today was about, and I found out that they were working in groups of three, improvising and making a play with themes depending if they were two boys or two girls on their team. I was apparently being put to the team with two boys, since that’s where Yoona had been before she.. umm.. fainted.

Heechul opened the door to the classroom and ushered me inside, and then we were there. The room was very much alike a normal classroom, only it was double the size. It didn’t seem like they were any more students than in a normal classroom, but perhaps they needed the space since they were acting and doing lots of movement ‘cause of it.

It certainly seemed that way as I watched them sitting and standing in groups of three around in the room. On the desk before the blackboard lay a girl, looking quite dramatic in her pose, gorgeous and almost princess-like. I supposed it was that girl they’d been talking about – Yoona. She hadn’t awoken yet, it seemed.

“Students!” Heechul yelled.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us when Heechul made his exclaim. I could almost feel a blush creep up my skin in the eerie silence that followed.

“Sora?” someone said in a questioning tone.

My eyes scanned the crowd for the ones having said my name, and they stopped at two very familiar faces.

Chanyeol and Luhan, I thought, but I didn’t dare saying their names out loud, too afraid of the seemingly unstable (in my point of view) Heechul. I smiled at them though, and made a little wave their direction.

“This is Song Sora,” Heechul presented me, and made a dramatic hand gesture towards me.

Not that I’d even mentioned my name to him before, I thought.

“Hi,” I said giving a small wave to the crowd.

“Hi Song Sora-sshi,” the rest of the class answered. My eyes widened.

Heechul looked at me with expecting eyes. Go on, his hands said as they waved at me.

“Umm.. Please take good care of me?” Or something, I thought as I said what I felt was necessary from Heechul’s gaze.

All of the students held their fists up. “HWAITING!” they then yelled.

Okay, it seemed like the class was affected by Heechul. And I wasn’t sure if it was in a positive way or not.

“Now Sora, you can go sit down with Chanyeol and Luhan whom you apparently know already,” Heechul informed me. “How lucky it is that you already know these guys that Yoona ended up fainting around,” Heechul took a theatrical pause. “Even though I think I can see why she fainted,” after this he winked, smirked and studied the boys.

I swear I could see Luhan wink back. “Let’s hope you don’t faint,” Heechul finished. No way, I thought.

I went over to them though, and both Luhan and Chanyeol met me with a smile, Chanyeol’s smile as if his day had just been made complete. I had a feeling Chanyeol’s smiles often were big and bright.

As I sat down they explained me the basics. Apparently it was an improvisation-play.

“Okay, so we’re at a nightclub, and us two,” Luhan pointed at me and himself. “are spies,”

My mouth slowly turned into a grin. A spy, huh?

“Dear Chanyeollie here,” Luhan pointed at Chanyeol. “Is the enemy,”

Dear Chanyeollie made a growling sound at me, and with his incredibly dark voice he could have been a lion. I had to laugh a little.

“So?” I asked.

“We’re going to get information out of him,” Luhan simply answered. “So get that womanly charm of yours to good use, dear one,”

My eyes widened. Womanly charm? Me?

Too scarred, too damaged, one part of my brain told me. I don’t have any womanly charm.

But it’s an act, another part told me. Chanyeol will probably be acting too. And Luhan.

It didn’t take long until I decided. I didn’t have much time anyway.

“Okay, let’s start this thing!” I said in the end. It was all about taking chances.

“Showtime!” Luhan smirked.

We stood up, and Luhan made me put my arm through his. Chanyeol  rose and walked away to a nearby wall, and suddenly it was like his whole aura changed. It was surprising as well as a little disconcerting. The guy suddenly seemed dangerous.

“Okay, let’s walk over to him and find out some further information,” Luhan spoke low into my ear. “If not any information, let’s at least set up with another meeting,”

Okay. In role. What would the spy answer?


God, I sounded so stupid.

“Think Sora – Think. How should you react to this?” Luhan whispered. I thought.

“Hello,” I said, and I felt my voice change. We had walked over to the enemy and I looked up into his eyes that met mine as I spoke. “What is a handsome man like you doing here all alone?”

That was cheesy. That was really cheesy.

Chanyeol (or the enemy) smirked (he smirked) and I thought again: that was so cheesy of me.

“Better question yet, what is a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?” After the enemy answered he turned his gaze to Luhan, suspiciousness coloring his every feature as he studied our arms linked together. I slowly let go of Luhan’s arm, and Luhan couldn’t really do anything about it. If I didn’t know wrong, improvising was all about the other actors reacting to my actions with absolute naturalness to help the play keep moving.

“I kind-of followed you,” I admitted, and looked down at my hands to try and force forward a flustered expression. “I’m a little new here, so I don’t really know my way around,” I could almost feel Luhan glowering behind me. What are you doing?!, it felt as if he yelled. Mentally yelled, that is.

“Why did you follow me?” Suspicion didn’t really leave the guy’s expression as he heard my explanation.

“Well,” I said, looking up at him with a small, innocent smile on my face. “Tall people can see above the crowd well,” I said. “You’re tall,”

The guy let out a small laugh. “Then who’s he?” he asked, and looked at Luhan.

I lifted my hand to tuck some hair behind my ear and looked a little away from him, again trying to show uncertainty.

“He’s kind-of my bodyguard,” I said.

Way to go mentioning and probably implying the fact that your dear friend is a good fighter. Way to go.

“I see,” the guy – the enemy answered. Then he smirked again. “Then I guess you’re a girl who needs protecting?”

I looked up at him, questioning.

“I don’t know if we should talk more if that’s the case, since I’m a pretty dangerous guy,” the enemy grinned, and I could clearly see what he meant. His eyes glinted darkly, and I actually found them incredibly attractive at that moment.

“Danger?” I breathed and laughed. “I laugh in the face of danger – hah,”

The enemy, or maybe Chanyeol this time, started laughing, but I didn’t really get why. Had I said something wrong?

“Quoting from The Lion King,” he said. “Nice,”

I blinked for a few seconds, trying to make sense of what he said, before I suddenly got it when the pictures of the animated lions came into mind. Oh sweet Jesus, I thought. I had to come up with something.

“One of my favorites,” I smiled.

Yeah, sure. Others speak of deep philosophical matters and philosophes; I’m on the level with Disney-movies. Sure thang they taught me a lot.

“Really? Then we have something in common,”

Chanyeol was so helping me out right now, I sighed inwardly.

“What’s your name, miss?” the enemy asked, and I had to think fast. I shot Luhan a quick glance and he just raised his shoulders slightly. Apparently he was a little annoyed he didn’t get a bigger role than being my bodyguard. That’s life, I thought.

“Seoyeon.” I answered with a small smile. “Kim Seoyeon,”

“Then we have another thing in common, Seoyeon-sshi,” he answered me. “My name is Kim Minjun,”

That boy was too kind for his own wellbeing.

“Now, Seoyeon-sshi,” this apparent Kim Minjun said, “Wouldn’t you like to get to know if we have more in common while getting to know this area?”

I perked up as I looked at him.

“Since tall people can see above the crowd I mean,” Kim Minjun grinned.

“Oh,” I said. “Yes!” I smiled. “Yes, of course,”

Fantastic! This way I can find out more information about our enemy! Too caught up in the improvising-play I reacted spontaneously.

“Then we’ll see each other tomorrow at two o’ clock,” Kim Minjun said. “I’ll be picking you up, and can take care of protecting you for the day,” he continued and gave Luhan a glance.

“Yes,” I said, and smiled again.

Suddenly the bell rang and I got out of the little acting-world. Class was over.

“Then it’s a date,” Kim Minjun- I’m sorry, Chanyeol said as he smiled widely.

The words confused me though. Maybe Chanyeol was still in character.

“Mhm,” I said again, and smiled confusedly up at him.

“Okay then!” Luhan interrupted, and I suddenly remembered his presence. “That was.. Fun,”

I looked at him and felt a little guilty. Poor guy hadn’t said anything through the whole improvisation. Must have been a difficult feat for the guy.

“Sorry,” I grinned at him.

“No-no. No problem. Next time you decide to meddle in love affairs leave me out of it,” Luhan claimed and I giggled.

“Aw, hyungie,” Chanyeol whined, and with his dark voice it sounded quite funny. “We didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,”

“Pssh,” Luhan said and stalked away. “I’ve got my Sehunnie,”

Chanyeol and I looked at each other and walked after Luhan. Both silently agreed to perk his mood up again.

“Hyungieah,” Chanyeol repeated. “Don’t you look forward to see Kris-hyung with his red hair?”

That reminded me of my drawing I’d drawn. I could almost feel excitement build up, but I tried to stop it. Hadn’t I told myself I wouldn’t get keyed up about this? How big possibility was there that I was the one who colored Kris’ hair? What kind-of superpower would that be anyways? Maybe good for hair salons, but nothing much else.

“Kris isn’t at school today,” Luhan said in his still annoyed voice.

I stopped in my tracks. He wasn’t at school today?

“He isn’t?” Chanyeol asked.

Thank you, Chanyeol – for asking.

“Haven’t seen him at the usual spots at least,”

I kept quiet, thinking. Why wasn’t he at school today? Ask Chanyeol, ask! I thought.

“Huh,” Chanyeol said.

Chanyeol didn’t ask.


Apparently Luhan was right.

Kris didn’t appear at school that day, not before my eyes at least. It made me feeling a little uncomfortable that day, thinking with apprehension of why he wasn’t present.

I didn’t really have a choice but to function like usual though, and it wasn’t that difficult. The world wasn’t ending because Kris didn’t show up at school.

I followed Chanyeol through the rest of his classes, since it would give me a better idea of the classes. We had Chemistry and History as our two last, and I must say Chanyeol was one brilliantly genius guy. I didn’t know where he picked it up, but that guy knew almost everything there was to know (or maybe not, since I hadn’t seen the whole curriculum yet).

In History we talked about earlier conflicts between humans and supernaturals, and discussed what stories and myths could be and were real. Again I was astounded at how much Chanyeol knew. He spoke up in class often, and I saw that glint in his eyes when he said something particularly interesting.

The teacher was named Leeteuk, and Chanyeol told me that was the only name he wanted to be called by. Apparently his true name was a secret because “that’s what he wanted to be written down in history books”. Chanyeol said his power was to touch something and then immediately know its history. They didn’t know what limits it had, Chanyeol said. That was often something the teachers kept a secret. Leeteuk was also pretty nerdy where he stood in his straight posture with a bowtie on his shirt, Harry Potter-glasses and hair parted to one side.

Kim Jaejoong was the name of the Chemistry teacher, or Professor, as he liked to be referred as. It was sort-of an ironic thing, Chanyeol told me, because the professor didn’t really take himself that seriously. His power was Chemistry Manipulation, even though that didn’t really mean anything to me. It seemed though, as if every teacher got a subject in which they had a power related to.

I had the feeling that even though some of the teachers acted like they didn’t, they already knew me. Maybe I should have expected it since I lived with the Princepal and his family, but it was a little creepy. I wasn’t really sure what I would make of it, but it was certainly something to look into.

Maybe that was something I could look into tomorrow, when Saturday and no school came. I could ask Suho and Kai, even perhaps the Princepal. If I dared. That is, if I even was free tomorrow. I didn’t have any hopes whatsoever, just some confusion checking me up. Had Chanyeol been in role, or hadn’t he?

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i'm sorry, i've had a lot to do, and the next chapter has just been a true bother to write.. not done yet - SORRY


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fairlockhartval7 #2
Chapter 17: This story is so good!! Although i have to admit i was looking forward to her training with Tao. Cant wait to see how her power grows and Im hoping she gets better at martial arts and puts Kris in his place lol!
Chapter 17: Amazing storyline you have there. Pls continue writing!
SoleeTaemin #4
Chapter 17: OMG OMG OMG! Her power's so cool. Niiice~ update more, i really love this story..
Chapter 16: Ooh~! Is Jimin interested in Tao?? Or just really excited about someone beating her???
Chapter 15: That was an interesting chappie ^_^ their powers are pretty cool!! XD thank you for updating!!
smoothehun #7
Chapter 14: she gets to learn more....
can't wait for the next chapter ^^
SoleeTaemin #8
Chapter 14: wohoho! Cooool! Update more. Hihi.
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD