Bumping into people are nice conversation-starters.

Two-faced es


Chapter 5:

Bumping into people are nice conversation-starters.

Days went by fairly quickly after the shopping-trip.

I still did the cooking-chores in the house, making the family breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. It was something I enjoyed, and something I felt like I owed them, for letting me stay with them. The least thing I could do was making them food, which was particularly enjoyable when Suho’s mother (Eunjong her name was – she insisted I’d call her Eunjong, if not umma.) joined me. Eunjong always brought fresh vegetables from the garden, her superpower actually being to control all that grew in the earth, so the vegetables were always in perfect condition and tasted amazing.

Besides that, I’d often gone out of the house.

I wasn’t allowed to go that far, but the bubbletea shop Luhan and Sehun had brought me to the last time had become a regular place for me.

The lady behind the counter had become quite fond of me, and I of her, which always led to some kind of nice conversations and more often than not, free bubbletea.

This time, I’d chosen the chocolate-flavored one, just having one of those random moments when chocolate was stuck on my mind. At the moment though, that wasn’t really what my mind was occupied with. I was staring down at my new phone, trying to figure out this application that Kai had said was truly, really important to have. I think it was some sort of game.

So I was walking down the aisle leading to my table(just because I felt like I’d been there enough times I could call it my table), one moment balancing phone in one hand and bubbletea in another, eyes only focusing on the screen of the phone; the next moment having tripped over something in my way and falling towards the floor.

“Woaa-aah!” I exclaimed as I hastily pulled my hands in front of me to cushion the fall.

Then my arms and the rest of my body made contact with the floor, and suddenly I felt something cold and wet drawing into the fabric of my shirt.

. The bubbletea..

“Oh, holy… – I’m so sorry!”

A dark, a very, very dark male voice spoke. The voice was like dark chocolate, and sounded both surprised and worried at the moment.

I looked up where I lay on my stomach, dark tea most likely splattered across the whole front of my white shirt. The plastic cup of tea had probably burst when it got smashed between me and the floor. Hell.

When I looked up though, my mind almost went blank when I saw the guy squatted down in front of me. The guy was super tall. Like really, really tall.

He had a mess of chestnut curls surrounding his face, and was wearing big, black glasses plus a dark-blue shirt with a grey V-neck sweater over.

“Are you okay?” he asked. “I’m so sorry..”

He held one hand out for me to take, and I quickly crawled up on all four, but declined his hand when I felt mine were slick with tea. When he discovered he slowly lowered his hand, and just sat there as I in the end sat in the same position as him – one knee on the floor, leaning back on his foot.

“Uhm..” I mumbled.

“I’m so sorry, I’m not always aware of where I stretch my legs..”

That made me smile as I looked up into his eyes.

“Haven’t really had that problem before,” I mused, thinking about my 1.70 meter.

“But you’re quite tall, aren’t you?” he asked.

“Am not!”

My hands and knees felt kind-of sore because of the earlier impact, but it wasn’t that bad. The worst part was probably the fact that I was drenched in tea. I stood up, and the guy followed suit.

“I would say you are compa-“

The guy had begun to speak, but stopped right in his tracks as he turned his head to look at me. His eyes widened, and suddenly his cheeks started to turn a faint red as he looked me down. For a few seconds we just stood there in silence, my expression turning curious as I cocked my head to the side. Did I do something? Was there something on my face?

My eyes turned downwards, and then I discovered it.

My shirt. Who would have known the white fabric would turn this transparent when wet.

I gasped as I quickly turned and covered my chest with my arms. Sweet Jesus, the shirt was completely see-through! Thank God I’d worn one of the more simple bras Luhan had picked out for me, it’d be worse if I’d worn that one, red with black laces, that Luhan had snuck along when we paid. I’d put it in the far back of my closet.

I turned my head as I heard ruffling behind me and felt something nudge at me. It was the guy; he had averted his eyes and was now standing in only his dark-blue shirt, sweater handed out to me.

“Thank you,” I said as I reluctantly grabbed the sweater from him and pulled it over my head.

When I turned around, he was looking at me again, one hand scratching the back of his head.

“Sorry,” he said.

I smiled up at him.

“No problem,” I said.

At the moment, I was more interested in the soft fabric that had enveloped me. It was still warm, and smelled good too. It was kind-of a nice change – the tea had begun feeling cold.

“Let me buy you something,” he said, eyes brightening and voice still as dark.

I studied him, Suho suddenly popping into my mind. Nah, this guy couldn’t be dangerous, I decided as I watched his lips turning upwards.

“Sure,” I said. “But I’d rather not have another bubbletea,”


“So, what’s your name?” the guy asked me.

Somehow, that hadn’t been something that had occurred to me as we had sat down by a table and started chatting. I was nibbling on a blueberry muffin, and he had continued drinking his coffee. What a grown-up guy.

“Oh!” I said, because the question had surprised me. “Sora,” I said. “Song Sora.”

“That’s a beautiful name,” he told me.

I smiled up at him where he sat across from me as I felt my cheeks turning a faint pink. “Thank you,”

There was silence for a few moments before I spoke again.

“But what’s your name?”

“Park Chanyeol,” he answered.

“Chanyeol..” I repeated, tasting his name on my lips.

He grinned. I smiled too, because I found his smile to be very contagious. As if he was a Happy Virus or something.

“So, while we’re still at the introduction point, what hobbies do you have?” he asked me, still smiling.

I stiffened at his question. It was a good question. A very, very good question. What did I like to do? What did I do before I came to Suho’s home? Since I’d come to Suho’s place, the only thing I’d really done was to cook. I wouldn’t say that was one of my hobbies though, or at least I didn’t think so. Therefore, I went with my gut-feeling.

“Drawing,” I simply said.

There. I’d said it.

It felt natural though, as if holding a pencil and sketcher was something I actually enjoyed doing.

“Oh!” Chanyeol answered, grin turning wider. “Are you any good?”

I hesitated again. Was I?

“I don’t know,” I honestly answered.

“Just being shy, are we?” Chanyeol teased, but I was still being serious.

“No… I actually don’t know,”

Then there was silence again.

I pondered if I should ask him if he had any powers, or if he went to The EXO Academy, but I figured it would be too risky. I had tried to study the guy to check if he had any signs of going to the school, but I couldn’t find any. And I didn’t know if supernatural beings could just “sense” each other. Could they?

I certainly hadn’t noticed anything from HunHan, but then again – they’d kind-of showed me it before I’d gotten the chance to “sense” it. If I was supposed to be able to, that is. Maybe I was just too new to the whole superpower/superhero-thing.

Jeez, it felt weird talking about myself as a supernatural being.

“I kind-of have the feeling that kind people don’t like to brag about what they’re good at,” Chanyeol said, and I thought he was trying to start a conversation again, not being able to bear the silence anymore.

It was easy though – following his lead when he raised a topic.

“So now you think I’m a kind person?” I asked, looking at him.

“Sure. – maybe.” he said. “Take me as an example – I’m pretty good at reading books,” he continued.

“Which makes you a mean person?” Something was tickling by the corner of my mouth, turning it upwards. I took another bit of my muffin.

“Maybe I am, but that’s not really the point,” Chanyeol said. He was staring out the window, but now he turned towards me.

“I think it’s either kind people or attention seekers who insist they’re not good at something,” he said.

“But isn’t that quite obvious?”

Chanyeol didn’t answer my question. “My question is; does being an attention seeker make you a bad or a mean person?”

I just had to smile at him. “Do you know you have a tendency of getting into very random conversations?”

“Nah, I just have the tendency to bump into people, make them fall, buying them muffins and ending up having a random conversation with them because that’s my actual intention of bumping into them,”

I kept looking at Chanyeol as I laughed.

“So you actually made me splash my drink across my whole, white shirt, on purpose?”

Chanyeol suddenly blushed, which made me laugh even more.

“No-, I just-“

“It’s okay though,” I said, interrupting him as I stopped laughing. “Even though you’re a bit of a ert, it’s okay,”

I smiled as Chanyeol looked at me half insulted, half amused.

“Because it turns out bumping into people really does lead to nice conversation.”


I think Chanyeol and I sat at the bubbletea shop for almost two hours before I figured I should probably go. Not only was there dinner to be made at home, but Suho would most likely become worried if I didn’t come home soon.

I didn’t feel the need to tell Suho nor Kai, nor the rest of the house that I’d met somebody new, so I didn’t. Instead I made them a super nice dinner with baked chicken, and serving the usual vegetables, rice and kimchi by the side.

It seemed they enjoyed dinner this time too, and I loved listening to them talking animatedly to each other about today’s happenings. It was warm and cozy, where all of us sat on the floor around one table, both Kai and Suho occasionally dropping vegetables and meat onto my plate. Joon also tried to do the same, but surprisingly, even though he was such a bright kid, he had problems with using the chopsticks. I ended up having to help him myself, watching his adorable expression when his mouth was stuffed with rice and unable to keep myself from pinching his bubbly cheeks.

When I sat down inside the annex that day, eyes studying the blank paper that lay in front of me, I picked up my new pencils.

I’d bought them on my way home from the bubbletea shop, the question Chanyeol had asked me about my hobbies being glued to my mind, even though we’d talked about so much more afterwards.

I was curious about it. Was I good at drawing? Was I even interested in drawing? Or was it just a small hunch of my wishful thinking? My wish of finding something of my old memories.

I picked up one of the pencils, and immediately felt the way it just belonged in my hands. The way it fell so naturally when I swiftly turned the pencil to the paper and brushed the first line to mark the white.

The lines that brushed the paper and left dark-gray lines were meant to be.

I sensed that.

And I continued drawing, to mark the paper with my thoughts as I went into a new state of consciousness, not knowing where it would take me, but again; wishing. Always wishing.




Know what, peeps? I'm already writing Chapter 6!!

And thank you so much for bearing with us, we absolutely LOVE you! And for the record, this story has an awesome plot, if you'll only keep reading, because me and Eunmi has really built a story for our plot. 

Aaaaand, Chanyeol's curious peeps - he wants an answer: Does being an attention-seeker make you a bad or mean person? 

He also wants comments, subscribers and encouragement by the way... (aaa) 

Can't resist him, can you now? *-*



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i'm sorry, i've had a lot to do, and the next chapter has just been a true bother to write.. not done yet - SORRY


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fairlockhartval7 #2
Chapter 17: This story is so good!! Although i have to admit i was looking forward to her training with Tao. Cant wait to see how her power grows and Im hoping she gets better at martial arts and puts Kris in his place lol!
Chapter 17: Amazing storyline you have there. Pls continue writing!
SoleeTaemin #4
Chapter 17: OMG OMG OMG! Her power's so cool. Niiice~ update more, i really love this story..
Chapter 16: Ooh~! Is Jimin interested in Tao?? Or just really excited about someone beating her???
Chapter 15: That was an interesting chappie ^_^ their powers are pretty cool!! XD thank you for updating!!
smoothehun #7
Chapter 14: she gets to learn more....
can't wait for the next chapter ^^
SoleeTaemin #8
Chapter 14: wohoho! Cooool! Update more. Hihi.
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD