Finding rescue

Two-faced es


Chapter 1

Finding rescue

The pain.
It was the only thing I could focus on.
Spreading through my whole body, making me nauseous, making me wanting to do nothing else but fall to the ground, burying myself in my own mind.
I wanted to bury myself in the blackness that was threatening to consume me.
But I couldn’t.
If nothing else, that was the one thing I couldn’t do.
For what was it that I saw in front of me?
Was it the institute?
No, it couldn’t be the institute. I had run to far for it to be the institute.
To long had I been walking restlessly around, restless but with a goal.
Had I found my goal?
Great walls towering above me made of dark stone. Either that, or it was the heaven that was dark.
I thought I could feel something warm running down my forehead. Was it rain?
No, I didn’t think it rained.
Slowly I moved what part of me still moveable – my hand.
Carefully it touched something wet and sticky on my forehead, and I felt a stabbing pain just where I touched. I tried to look at my hand, but all I could see was something dark red before I caught something moving in my peripheral vision.
Something was moving towards me, dark shadows coming from the building in front of me? Were they coming to get me?
No! I couldn’t be caught. Not when I had gotten so far.
I panicked.
But the pain was too much for me as I tried standing and backing away. Nothing worked. No part of me wanted to listen, and I saw the darkness again.
Before I could do anything else, the blackness had consumed me.

* * *

It was still dark, but voices filled my ears.
For a few seconds I only listened. I had to figure out what the voices were saying.
They were speaking Korean.
I could figure that out.
“Look at her, she looks just like the last one that came in,” a womanly voice said.
It was light. And worried.
I tried to turn my head towards the sound, but it was too hard.
“Who? Byun…” a male voice said. He said something afterwards, but I didn’t catch it.
He had an angel-like voice, calm and light. If I was going to imagine him I would want to imagine him like an angel. I tried to picture it, not focusing on the words themselves.
“We don’t speak about him,”
It was another male voice speaking this time. He sounded old, worn from time and difficult happenings in a dark past.
Even though, I found it warm – something I could trust.
I tried to open my eyes. The voices continued to speak, but I only caught single words.
“So many injuries…”
The Institute.”
The last word was like pouring salt into an open wound.
My eyes popped open terrified of the pain that coursed through me.
I looked at all the people around me, but I couldn’t really see them.
At least not the angel.
They were all devils, trying to capture me as I sat up. The dark walls were bending above me, and I didn’t realize the piercing scream that shook my body was mine until someone covered my mouth with something and the sound was suddenly muddled.
Kicking fiercely around me I tried to tear the cover from my mouth. It was someone’s hand. My eyes went only wider, trying to see whom the capturer was.
“Shhh…” a voice said. So calm. It couldn’t be other than the angel’s.
 My eyes flailed wildly around until they found someone else’s. A pair of dark, warm eyes were looking down at me – right now they looked worried.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” the angel said.
I stopped moving and looked up at him. He was heavenly handsome, but it wasn’t what I focused on – it was the calm and protective aura he radiated. I felt more at ease at once.
We’re not going to hurt you,” The angel removed his hand from my mouth, and I took a deep breath while looking around me.
“She’s like a scared, little animal,” someone quietly said.
I moved my head towards the sound, meeting the eyes of an old man. Probably in his early 70’s.
“Joon Myeon, I think you need to take care of her,” the old man continued.
I felt confused, who were they talking about?
The angel beside me spoke, and I found out I was laying on a couch, the angel sitting beside me. The closeness of his body felt really good, because I was cold and he was warming me.
I didn’t catch what the angel was going to say, because the blackness was consuming me again. Right before I went back to the darkness I moved my hand. I caught the angel’s hand, so warm against my cold fingers, and I wanted to hold on to the safeness it brought me. Then I closed my eyes, and fell back to the land of darkness.

* * *

“Joon Myeon, you need to take care of her,” the old man said.
“What?” Suho answered, somewhat astonished.
He was sitting beside the girl on the couch, who had just woken up. Quickly he glanced at her fragile body, before looking back at his grandfather.
“And how do you propose I’ll take care of her?” he asked.
Princepal Kim – Suho’s grandfather, smiled a small, amused smile before answering.
“She needs a place to stay. Because of her injuries we can’t leave her alone by herself. Poor girl has already been too long alone…” At the last words Princepal Kim glanced at the girl with sympathy, Suho followed closely after with his own gaze.
She closed her eyes now, but then she suddenly moved her hand, carefully, on top of Suho’s arm. Suho’s eyes softened, watching the once beautiful, but now so very injured and thin girl.
“What about Lay? Can’t he heal her?” Suho asked.
“He’s in China on a mission, you know he’ll have to stay there for some time to heal the wounded and get himself back on track.”
“So she’ll live with us? In our house? With Kai as well?”
“Isn’t it only reasonable? We took care of Kai, now we’ll take care of another one,” the grandfather said. “Besides, it looks like she trusts you.”
Suho sighed as he looked at the girl again. Yes, she definitely trusted him. He saw it in her gaze when she looked at him. And Suho did feel protective over her, even though he didn’t know why or knew her at all.
He was the one to have found her, yes, and maybe that was it.
The young, wounded girl who seemed more animal than human right now – he had to protect her.


A/N: Yo, waddup duuuuudes?!
Sorry. We're just a little happy.
Know why?
The first chapter is out!! YAAY!

Okaay, sorry.. We'll let you readers comment and subscribe and do all that stuff now.(please do it! please!!)
Say your thoughts on this - it'll make us very happy.

Have a nice day/evening/morning! We're signing off!
//heemiah and eunmi203

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i'm sorry, i've had a lot to do, and the next chapter has just been a true bother to write.. not done yet - SORRY


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fairlockhartval7 #2
Chapter 17: This story is so good!! Although i have to admit i was looking forward to her training with Tao. Cant wait to see how her power grows and Im hoping she gets better at martial arts and puts Kris in his place lol!
Chapter 17: Amazing storyline you have there. Pls continue writing!
SoleeTaemin #4
Chapter 17: OMG OMG OMG! Her power's so cool. Niiice~ update more, i really love this story..
Chapter 16: Ooh~! Is Jimin interested in Tao?? Or just really excited about someone beating her???
Chapter 15: That was an interesting chappie ^_^ their powers are pretty cool!! XD thank you for updating!!
smoothehun #7
Chapter 14: she gets to learn more....
can't wait for the next chapter ^^
SoleeTaemin #8
Chapter 14: wohoho! Cooool! Update more. Hihi.
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD