Introducing the HunHan-brothers

Two-faced es

EDIT 11.11.12: Seems like some of the story got cut away from the chapter, actually the whole beginning of it which contains information about a lot of things it's good to know about. We sincerely apologize, and hope this hasn't created any confusion!

Chapter 3

Introducing the HunHan-brothers

I was standing with tears streaming down my face.
Oh – don’t worry – I wasn’t crying, at least not in the true sense of the word.
I was chopping onions.

Why? Well, I had to have something to do in this house, and besides, the Nurse had said I needed to eat well and do normal things.
Which meant that I was just killing two birds with one stone.

The last days had been pretty uneventful.

I had visited the Nurse at the Academy, who with his magic X-ray vision had seen that nothing was wrong with my internal organs and skeleton – I was just severely malnourished after having gone weeks without proper food, or any food at all really.
He had told me I needed to rest for 2 weeks, which meant 1 week more had just been put upon my already 1 week of coping.

Evenings had been spent talking with Suho and Jongin, even though they were pretty busy with training and other activities.

Other than that… I hadn’t really done anything.

I had gotten myself my own room, though! Or, I would rather call it a small house with one room, since it was actually placed outside of the main house.

Its interior was quite basic, a big bed with a nightstand, a closet, a desk and an armchair. Plus a cute, little bookshelf that hung above the bed. While lying in bed I had company by three walls minus the one that faced the rest of the room. Dark purple curtains made the last “wall” and I could close them at night, making the bed a room in itself. It was really cozy.

The small annex didn’t have a toilet or a kitchen, though, so my private business and getting food I had to do in the main house. It didn’t bother me much though – the small path that lead towards the backdoor of the main house was surrounded by green grass and flowers, so it was only a joy walking up and down it.

I did feel a little intrusive, but Suho insisted they enjoyed having me there.  He continuously told me that his father, mother and grandfather wanted me to stay. I had talked to them quite often, and they were all nice and welcoming – behaviors I wasn’t very used to.
Another person I had connected especially well with was Suho’s little brother; Joon. An adorable kid who was very smart for his age, even though he was only 5 years old. And when I say very smart, I mean very smart. He had the Super Smarts, as they called it (or Genius-Level Intellect, but that was an awfully long name…) – which basically meant that his superpower was his intelligence.

Even though, he could be extremely innocent on certain things. I didn’t really know if he faked it or not, but nor did I care, because he was just so freakishly adorable!

“Noona, why are you crying?” the little boy asked.

I looked up at him through teary eyes; he was sitting on the kitchen counter beside me, and looking worriedly down at me with big eyes. Yeah, told you he was adorable.

“I’m not crying, sweetie, I’m just affected by the onions I’m cutting,” I told him, smiling.

“Oh..” Joon looked as if he just had a giant epiphany. “But how does that work?”

I stopped my chopping, thinking. I hadn’t really thought about that. It had something to do with the strong scent annoying my eyes or something, right?


Suddenly one of the apples in the fruit basket on the counter started floating in the air. I stared at it with wide eyes. Was the apple flying?
Movements and noises were heard from the hallway.

Hey! Bring an apple for me too, I’m hungry,”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll get one,”

Suddenly another apple started to fly. Not long after, both fruits began moving towards were the noises came from.

“Good you’re making yourself at home...”

There was a voice I recognized. A very ironic voice at the moment- it was Suho.

And then Joon began knocking his hands in the counter and trying to jump off.

“Noona..” Joon complained.

“What, sweetie?”

“Help me down!”

“Why? I’m not finished with the lunch yet?”

“Help me down!” Joon repeated while cutely pouting his lips.

It wasn’t like I really could do anything else than lifting him off the counter. When his feet reached the floor he quickly ran off and upstairs.

Did I do something?

“Sora? Are you home?”

In came four boys walking, Jongin and Suho amongst them. And then Jongin suddenly appeared beside me. I dropped the knife as my hands jerked. Jeez, I still couldn’t get used to that. Jongin rested his head on my shoulder as he looked down at what I was doing.

“Ooh, what’s for lunch?”

“Chicken,” I shook his head off as I answered.

At the same time I could hear someone having a shushed conversation behind me.

“Suho, why is there a girl in your kitchen?”

“There is a girl in their kitchen, Luhan,”

“They never have girls in their kitchen,”

“Why is there a girl there?”

“I don’t know, Sehun,”

“I’m confused, Luhan,”

“There shouldn’t be a girl there – why is there a girl there?”


The last word was said in unison.

Yeah. Shushed indeed. I turned and looked curiously up at the two strangers standing next to Suho, shutting up quickly by shoving an apple in each of their mouths.

“Sora, meet the HunHan brothers,” Suho gestured his hand towards the two guys.

One was very tall and good-looking, the other one slightly smaller, with a really cute face. He could have passed off as a young girl, actually – just put a wig on his head.

“Sehun,” Suho pointed at the tall one “and Luhan,” Luhan was the girly one.

I raised a hand and waved it quickly before putting it down again.

“Is Joon home?” Suho asked me then.

“He was here just a few seconds ago, but he ran off when he heard you enter. Not sure why though,” I said as I stood with slightly furrowed brows.

“He just doesn’t like our relationship,” the girly boy – Luhan - said, after biting off a huge chunk of his apple and then looking at his brother.

Then the other one linked an arm around the girly boys’ waist, and I just stood there dumbfounded. What? They looked at each-other with a rather dreamy-looking expression.

“They’re a little bit weird, but you’ll get used to them. Just promise me you won’t be a spazzer,” Jongin was there again, whispering in my ear.

“Err… What?”

“You’ll find out,” I could almost hear the smirk in Jongin’s voice.

“Why did you need to introduce us, by the way?” Luhan suddenly asked, arms still embracing his brother, but looking at Suho – then me, curiously. “Doesn’t she know who we are?”

“She’s new,” Suho said.

“She is?” Sehun looked almost shocked. “Luhan, when did we get a new girl at school?”

“I don’t know, lil’ bro’, ask Suho,”

“Suho, when did we get a new girl at school?” Sehun turned his gaze towards Suho.

“A week ago,” I interrupted. I didn’t like people talking as if behind my back when they were right in front of me.
By all means, I didn’t like people talking behind my back anyways, but it was slightly more awkward hearing it all. These boys had no shame.

“Why is she wearing boys’ clothes?” Luhan asked, and all eyes were turned towards me.

I shifted awkwardly.

“My mother’s clothes don’t fit her,” Suho answered.

“Yah!” I exclaimed. “Don’t say it like that! It makes me sound fat or something…” my words ended in a mumble.

Jongin placed two hands on my hips.

“Oh, darling, you’re not fat, you’re just a wee bit taller than Suho’s mother,” he explained.

I sighed. “More like a giant compared to her…”

“It’s not your fault she is 150 centimeters and you’re like… 20 centimeters taller. Let’s say it like this – there’s a reason Suho’s a teeny tiny small person. It runs in his veins!”

“Hey! I’m not that small!” Suho complained.

“Yes. You are,” all four of us said in unison.

Suho pouted, and I had to smile.

“But the question is anyways, why don’t you wear your own clothes?” Luhan asked. “Yeah – why don’t you?” Sehun chimed in.

“I don’t have any,” I answered bluntly.

They looked at me astounded before speaking in unison again. “Why?”

“Well, it’s a long story…” I started.

“Too long story to speak of right now,” Suho interrupted before I got the chance to say anything more. He sent me a look, and I understood. I wasn’t supposed to speak of my story to just anyone. Not that I had that much to tell anyways – I couldn’t remember much.

“It’s true though Suho – why don’t I just go and buy myself some new clothes?” I turned my head towards him. It wasn’t as if I had that much to do anyways – a shopping spree would have been fun. Not that I had any money, though…

“You can’t go walking around in the town all by yourself,” Suho said, which sparked some annoyance within me.

“What? Why? I know how to defend myself if something is to happen!”

“No, you can’t – don’t you remember your condition two weeks ago?”

My thoughts flashed back. Open wounds and other injuries. My shoulders slumped.

Suho walked closer to me and tilted my head upwards.

“Remember? Suho – Guardian. Can’t really guard you if you’re walking out all by yourself, ey?” he smiled.

I smiled back and nodded. Suho always had an easy way of making me happy. His smile was the only thing needed to lift one’s mood.

 “We could always go shopping with her!”

It was Luhan speaking, looking quite excited.

“What?” it was me being incredulous.

“I just lo-o-ove shopping!” Luhan exclaimed while I looked at him, dumbstruck. Then my mouth widened into a huge grin.


“Yeah! Let’s go tomorrow – classes end early tomorrow,”

“I wanna join!” Sehun whined, while tugging on Luhan’s shirt.

Luhan turned his attention to Sehun.

“You thought we were going alone? Just me and the girl?”

“I don’t know what you’d do,”

“You think I’d ever leave you?”

“Don’t leave me, hyung!”

“I won’t, baby brother, I’ll always be there for you!”

Then the two brothers were suddenly embraced in their own little bubble, hands clutching around each other as if they’d never see each other again.

I looked at Jongin.

What are they doing?” I mouthed.

“As I said – you’ll get used to them,” Jongin answered, and then smirked. 


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i'm sorry, i've had a lot to do, and the next chapter has just been a true bother to write.. not done yet - SORRY


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fairlockhartval7 #2
Chapter 17: This story is so good!! Although i have to admit i was looking forward to her training with Tao. Cant wait to see how her power grows and Im hoping she gets better at martial arts and puts Kris in his place lol!
Chapter 17: Amazing storyline you have there. Pls continue writing!
SoleeTaemin #4
Chapter 17: OMG OMG OMG! Her power's so cool. Niiice~ update more, i really love this story..
Chapter 16: Ooh~! Is Jimin interested in Tao?? Or just really excited about someone beating her???
Chapter 15: That was an interesting chappie ^_^ their powers are pretty cool!! XD thank you for updating!!
smoothehun #7
Chapter 14: she gets to learn more....
can't wait for the next chapter ^^
SoleeTaemin #8
Chapter 14: wohoho! Cooool! Update more. Hihi.
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD