You're dead to me.

Sacrifices of a Wife


After Jaejoong left, Jaemin oppa turned to me with an eyebrow raised and his arms folded across his perfectly built chest. Oh boy, if only looks can kill, I'd be dead that instant. I tried to walk past him but he stood in front of me, blocking my way. I gulped.


"Kim Hani." He said in a very very low tone.


"Why. Did. You. That. For?" He asked word by word. I sighed and looked him in the eyes.


"I...I don't know, oppa. I just did what my heart told me too. I mean, it's been a week since I last saw him. I guess, I kinda miss him." 


He closed his eyes while rubbing his temples with one hand and the other was on hip. I bit my lower lip waiting for the blow but to my dismay, it didn't come. Instead, he surprised me with an unexpected question.


"You really love him that much, huh?" 


I nodded slowly still avoiding his gaze.


"Even though he didn't text or call or beg you to go home, you still love him?" 


"Yes." That was it, the last straw. Jaemin oppa couldn't hold his anger anymore and bursted.


"Oh my God! Hani, you have gotta be kidding me! Do you not have any feelings, no pride?! He cheated on you, he re-married, he even nearly had in front of you, for God's sake and you still love him? Snap out of it, will you?! I've told you so many times before to divorce him yet you're so stubborn. Then be it! I've had enough. As long as you're still tied to him, you're dead to me."


With that said, he stomped his way out of the house. I could hear the front door being slammed but I could careless about it. Oppa had never raised his voice to me no matter how serious the trouble I was into. Let alone to talk like that to me. 


My tears were as if they're the Niagara Falls. They fell down my cheeks endlessly and...a lot. I  slumped to the ground and cried hard. The pain I felt, it was! It was million times more painful than what I felt when Jaejoong hurt me. The maids heard me sobbing, panicked and immediately called Jaejoong.


"Hani-ah." Jaejoong said with his brows furrowed.


I stood up and was about to dash to the bathroom but he was faster. He grabbed my arm and pulled me in his embrace. 


"Yah! Let go. I don't need you. Let go!" I said while struggling to get him off but he hugged me tighter. 


I punched his chest but he didn't even budge. Damn him for being so strong. Soon, I gave up struggling and continued to cry my heart out. He patted my back gently and rocked us a bit, helping me to calm down. I cried until there was no more tears and shrugged Jaejoong off me. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.


"You...okay?" He asked me carefully. I shot him a glare and walked into the bathroom. After awhile, I went out with puffy eyes and a red nose. He stood up when he saw me walked past him to the closet. I ignored him and proceeded to take the luggage bag and packed my things for the trip.


"If you're not okay, you can stay. I'll call appa and tell him you're sick..." 


"Did I say I'm sick?" I cut him off mid-sentence.


He sighed. "What is wrong with you, seriously?"


I scoffed. 


"Actually, what is wrong with you?" I shot back. He furrowed his brows.


"What do you mean?"


"Well, for these past 3 years, you never talked to me. Not even once had you appreciate my presence, my existence! So why suddenly you're so concern about me? Did your Hana feed you something weird that you're talking to me again?" I asked sarcastically and simply threw my clothes into the luggage bag. I didn't know what'd gotten into me that time and I didn't care. I was fuming hard and I could literally feel heat radiating from my body.


He sighed again. "You're not in your right state of mind." 


I rolled my eyes and continued to molest the poor bag. "What the hell is wrong with this thing?! Why won't it zip? Ish!" 


"Yah. You're gonna break it if you keep on doing it like that." He said. 


"What do you care?" I spat back at him.


"Yah! Kim Hani. Why are you so sarcastic today? What happened between you and Park Jaemin? You two fought didn't you?" He guessed.


"And what if we did? Oh? So what? You're gonna beat him for me? Like hell you'd do it." I looked him in the eyes for the first time after 3 years of being tied to each other. 


"What makes you think I won't?" 




Hi! So yeah, I finally updated. Sorry for making you wait. I left you guys a cliff hanger! (Is this even considered as one?) LOL.

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kimwifey #1
Chapter 13: I just wanna said that I hate kim jaejoong
VestaRo #2
Chapter 13: I remember reading this before and i cried so much when i was 13
And now that i reread it again at the age of 22 xD im so pissed, frustated and still end up crying like a mad woman . Im so angry with jj and hana for being selfish. Esp jj. He doesnt even truly love her right? Even the ending pissed me off (yet still crying lol) cause he said hana name firzt! Like hani will forever be fhe second place. Thaat msn doesnt deserve her!! I want to protecr hani lol. She is too pure and this world is too evil
Its 4am and yet i have this crazy idea about wht if hani is not dead cause they didnt found her body. And shes like forgot about jj and now shes totally different . Fiesty and badass now. Opposite of her old self. And when they meet again. He will be the one who suffer ! Hahahahaha
Gosh i think i had too much sugar.
Chapter 13: And i hate kim jaejoong for leaving hani
jloved #4
Chapter 13: reading this story again and nvr fail to make me cry again,hope there will be a sequel to this story where hani is nt dead
SassyWitch #5
Chapter 13: Love it so much.
jloved #6
Chapter 12: love ur story so much, cried when hani decided to let go of her hand and die at the chapter of uri nampyeon.... look forward to more of ur story :)
Chapter 13: Like what the heck is this woman?
I was so angry the whole time reading the story.. Lol
Hate you jaejoong!!!!! Lol