Chapter Nine

Black Butterflies and Gray Roses



Chaerin's POV

The time has come. It's been a week since I've seen her. Her name's Minzy. She's this crazy talented dancer. I met during one of  my wandering adventures. It took place in Seoul Plaza. There was a dance circle and I got curious and so I checked it out. People were cheering and yelling-- but it was the positive kind of yelling. I remember being to short to actually see the floating heads that were dancing. So I pushed my way through the crowd and found a spot that had a good view. There was two people battling it out : One was a guy with cropped hair and baggy shirt and jeans and the other was a girl with a stylish bob hair cut and she too was wearing loose clothes. I was fascinated and amazed by their quick, easy-looking movements and their talent. 

I don't know who won the battle nor did I care. They were both prettyamazing dancers. After the battle ended, the crowd dispersed and it left Minzy alone to gather her things. I turned around walked away but then I passed these two greasy guys whispering about her. I froze in my footsteps. 

"Hey, she's cute. "

"We should go have fun with this one. She looks like she's tired. Let's go 'relax' her."

"Ha! Let's do it. " 

I spun around and saw them quickly headed towards her. My eyes targeted them immediately. They reached her and started to talk to her. I watched her expression. It turned from curious to confused and scared. She stepped back and one of them snatched her forearm. I couldn't watch anymore so I ran over to her. 

"Yah! Leave her alone you bastards! " I shouted prying the guy's hands off of her arm and placed myself in front of Minzy with my back facing her. I was like a shield. 

" Oh so you want to join us? " The guy took a step closer to me, smelling of cigerette smoke. I almost gagged. I glared at the two guys. 

"Do you guys want to die?! " I growled furiously. The guys laughed at me. 

"Look girl, how about you just come and join us hmm? " The one on the left placed a disgusting hand on my shoulder. My instincts kicked in and I grabbed the hand and yanked. I flipped him and he fell with a thud on the floor. I gave him two kicks in the groin. 

"Hey! Who do you think you are--! " To shut him up, I threw a punch into his jaw; he stumbled and landed on his . People were staring at the ruckus I was making. 

I turned around to Minzy and grabbed her hand. We just started running away. The night was chillly and frosty with the mystery of life. As we ran, the number of people lessened, one by one. Soon, we were at a desolated park. Trees were ominous and stood with the darkness the moon emitted. Our breaths created a disappearing mist around us. My heart thumped and calmed. 

"Thanks..for ..saving me." Minzy panted and wheezed. After a few seconds, I shook my head, still panting a bit. 

"No problem. Maybe if you didn't dance so well, they'll leave ya alone." I gave her a smile. She smiled back and laughed. Minzy stuck her hand out and introduced herself. 

"I'm Gong Minzy. Nice to meet you, o' heavenly saviour. " Minzy joked dramatically. I giggled and shook her warm hand. 

"I'm Lee Chaerin. Nice to meet you Dancing Queen! " I rejoiced. We laughed together and from that moment, we were instant friends. 

So now I'm waiting for Minzy at Seoul Plaza in Yogurtland. I sat next to the window, at the very last seat of the row. I was sitting in a neon green chair that constrast itself with the white flooring and walls. I played with my phone to pass the time. While I was playing, I noticed many people come in and out-- especially couples. Each time a couple would come in, I would indirectly gawk at them. Couples seem more interesting to me now. I observed their behavior and affectionate actions towards one another. All the kissing, the touching and the loving glances were all very gushy. Before I knew it, a brewing envy developed deep in my stomach. 

It wasn't a pleasant feeling. I got irritated and then my train of thought diverted to Jiyong. If he says he's not actually a player, why does he makeout with so many girls. I swear that I see him at least with five girls a day. Each passing period, I'll catch a glimpse of him and some other bimbo. I'm avoiding him. Each time I see him, a uncomfortable, exposed chill travels down my body and I naturally just look the other way. Does he know too much about me? Was I too open about my past with him on that day? Although I only conversed with him for at least two hours, I think that was the first time in two or three years that I sat down with another human being and spilled my feelings. Actually, I think that's the first time I've sat down and talked about feelings. It feels...strange and unknown. It's like I've done something wrong and the guilt is eating at me. 


Oh, I got a text message. I stopped my game and checked the message. It was Minzy. 

-Hey, where are you? 

-I'm at Yogurtland! :) 

- Oh I'm near Yogurtland. Wait there! :D 

I didn't reply; I waited for about five minutes. However, during those five minutes, a spark of blonde hair caught my attention from the corner of my eye. I turned my head and I saw Jiyong. I stood up, surprised by his prescence. A girl with straight and wave-ish brown hair came skipping up to him with a flirtatious smile. He mirrored the smile. Jiyong swung his arm around her and off they went. Slowly, I sat back down. My stomach churned with disappointment. I clasped my hands together and rubbed them. I kept my eyes down.

"Chaerin! " A fun voice chimed. I look up and it was Minzy. I smiled and got up. I hugged her. 

"Hey! You're here! Dude, you'll never guess what happened to me at school. " We left Yogurtland and walked around the shopping outlet. 

"What happened? "

"I got in trouble..for falling asleep in class. I got detention for it." I rolled my eyes as I kicked a pebble. 

"Hahah!  Really?! It's okay. One time, I got sent to the principal for playing my dubstep too loud. I mean what does that have to do with anything after school related? These es are all dumb, I can tell you that. " That lead to me to the thought of Jiyong's bimbos. 

"You damn right they are. " I said with the image of Jiyong and the girl a few minutes earlier. I shook my head and smiled at Minzy. 

"You should show me some moves some time. " I nudged her playfullly. There was a period of time during Sophomore year where I stared to dance but then I lost motivation. Minzy sent me a mischievious grin. 

"I can show you right here. " Minzy spread her arms with authority. I can tell the dancer in her is dying to come out.

"We don't have music." 

"We don't need music. Because the music is in here, " She pointed to her head, " And in here, " She patted her chest. I smiled admiringly at her. I backed up and gave her some room. She was wearing black leggings and a large T-shirt. Her shoes looked expensive since they were studded with bronze squares. 

Minzy started popping and locking to the invisble music. But soon I started hearing the music as well. I bobbed my head as she continued. Her moves were swift, sharp and quick-minded. It was like her body knew what to do without even trying. I was hypnotized. Some were stopping at the sight of Minzy dancing to the beat of her own music. She ended her freestyle routine with a bang. 

"Yah, that was friggin' awesome! Where did you learn how to dance like that? " I high fived her and embraced her. Minzy shrugged and grinned smugly. 

"I taught myself. I don't need no teacher to teach me where my passion is. " She smiled widely and proudly. I could tell she was going to be a dancer in the future. 

"That was really impressive. Teach me another time yeah? "

"I'm up for it. Hahaha. " We laughed and headed into a little cafe to eat. 


After a few hours with Minzy made me forget about Jiyong. But after she left, the thoughts came back to haunt me. The thoughts clouded my mind with a mist of confusion. Why did I feel like this? Why was I so exposed ? 

I was wandering around a nearly closing store. Its sign read, "Woo Wang's Land" . It's a food restraunt. The interior was cute and comfortable. The name sounds sleazy though but despite that, everything was kind of sophisticated. I was kind of outside, observing. People were still eating their black bean noodles and ramen. A family was there. Looking at the mother and father, I feel bitter and the kids, I felt jealous of their benefit of both parents. I coughed  as I felt a lump form in my throat. I was overwhelmed with bitterness. I cleared my throat and turned around. My heart jumped ouf of surprise when I saw Jiyong standing there, gazing at me. 

"J-Jiyong." I stammered, the surprise still running through me. I rubbed my neck and craned it. I kept my eyes away from his dark brown pools. His eyes pierced me. 

"Hey Chaerin. What are you up to? " He shoved his hands into his pockets and stood there, waiting for an answer. 

"How was your little date? " I eneded up sneering at him. Why did I do that..? Jiyong scoffed and crossed his arms. I stood up straight. 

"You didn't answer my question Chaerin. And for your information, my 'date' was fine. " Jiyong gestured air quotations. I nodded and smirked. 

"What am I up to? Why should I answer you? " Unexpectedly, I felt myself put up a shield against him. Jiyong just looked at me with this look that made me squirm. I shifted the foot I was leaning on. I bit my lip. 

"What's up with the attitude? Am I too much a of a player to talk to you now? Am I too low? " Jiyong ranted. I just listened to him. I don't know what to think. God, what's wrong with me? I've only known this guy for about a couple hours. A connection was created, I just know it. I look at this guy and I just feel like I can be in his arms and be alright with the world. I sighed, shuddering. 

"Look, ..I'm sorry for ..avoiding you so much. " I confessed. I couldn't take it anymore. I just had to say it. Jiyong's eyes soften and a smile crept onto his face. I couldn't help but smile as well. This atmosphere changed. I swear, we're bipolar or something. 

"Why did you do it though? " Jiyong cocked his head. 

"I felt weird after telling you all of that personal information. I mean there's more to it but I've already let you have a peek of it. I felt exposed and uncomfortable. That's all. " I blurted. Jiyong chuckled amusingly. 

"Hey, I'm just going to let you know's fine to talk about that kind of stuff..with me. " He stated warmly. Butterflies were released in my tummy. I cleared my throat. 

" you want to go up to the roof? " Jiyong asked, pointing up. I looked. 

"Yeah. " 




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Chapter 14: From 5 years agooooooooooooooo..cliffhanger
Chapter 14: I come here againnnn..the last part still give me chilled feeling, WHERE ARE YOU?
Chapter 14: OMG..why you not continueeeeee >_<
seraphim_leah17 #4
Chapter 14: Omo.. Authornim, you have to update soon. Im dying to know whats gonna happen! Haha :)
ra21ah #5
Chapter 14: Where the hell is ji? I hate you author nim.why did you stop there? Palli and update soon.
Chapter 14: Get your revenge, girl.
jenny_gdcl #7
Chapter 14: O MA GOD WHO IS THAT "NO!"!!!! I GOTTA KNOW!!!!!!
Chapter 13: awww. thanks for updating!! omoo Minho is a bad guy? seungri sent him? Nooo.. why they go to hotel? what he gonna do?? please somebody help her..
xxailinxx #9
Chapter 2: I loves your fanfic!!!! ^^
Chapter 12: mygwad!! Minhooo is back! The one she has crush to.
OMG! This is gonna more exciting. Chae doesnt love minho anymore, does she? Oh please nooo..

and That playboy JIYONG. I hope he will realize soon that he has feelings for chae and it will makes him stop toying his ! Please UPDATE SOON.