
Black Butterflies and Gray Roses

Chaerin's POV 

It's been two or three weeks since I've talked to Jiyong. I don't know what's got to me. Everytime I saw him, I wanted to avoid him. I kept far away as possible and I gave him the cold shoulder each time he called my name. I didn't mean to tell him about why and how my mother left me. After that, I felt exposed and violated. It's like someone ripping a scab off my skin, revealing the bleeding exterior. I've never opened up to anyone, especially not people like him. During those two or three weeks, I've seen him make out with at least eight different girls. They were all of the same category: Hot, puts on lots of make up, low self respect. 

On the positive side of those weeks, I didn't see any sign of Seungri. Anywhere. I found it strange and unusual that he would give up that easily. I know he's planning something and paranoia has been my best friend these past weeks. Every suspicious man that crossed paths with me, got a taste of a great whooping. They're were probably mostly erts. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep for a while and bags have permanently hung themselves under my eyes. Due to my lack of sleep, I can't make it down the school hallway without getting pissed off or super grumpy at some idiotic who puts way too much time on her s. My counselor suggests anger management. 

My school counselor, Ms. Jang, knows of my situation. Ms. Jang is a sweet woman. She doesn't look like she's older than 35. Her hair was naturally wavy and long. Ms. Jang's personality was the best out of her whole being. Her style of clothing is very formal and nice; I would dress like that but it doesn't fit my personality. Her eyes are usually filled with wisdom and fairness. She can't tell the police of my situation because of the counselor-student privilege. She knows about how I'm being threatened by dangerous entities( a.k.a Seungri). The first time I told her was a couple days after I went to Jiyong's house. Ms. Jang was calling in students to let them know she was there for them and to let her know of any kind of trouble they were facing. My first impression was: She's a joke and a fake who only does this job for make her image as a person better. But I don't know how it happened but Ms. Jang got me to open up about everything. I mean it, everything

From there on, I talk to her regularly for therapy; I guess you can call it therapy. It's ...nice to know someone is willing to listen to your story for once. I've never had a stranger care about my problems either. I can tell she cares too. When I told her of my problems, her eyes were listening carefully and her ears were perked, absorbing in the information. I thought it was strange. However, in a little bit, I learned to trust her. I should congratulate her for winning the slot for the second person I trust in the world next to my dad. 

"..You add the two radians and the number you get, you're going to subract it from the previous radian to get the next number. " Mr. Goo droned on about the topic. I tapped my pencil quietly. Of course, the couple days after the day with Jiyong, he tried to talk to me. But that was when we still sat next to each other. Mr. Goo had to rearrange the seats again due to his OCD of wanting to get the seating chart perfect.  Now I sat with some silent girl with straight black hair and a plain exterior. Jiyong sat with one of the girls I've saw him make out with. I think her name is Hara. There were times where I walk into class and see them having a tongue wrestling contest. Anyways, it's gross and disgusting. They sat across the room from where I sat. We were both in the third row of desks. How fun. 

I felt myself falling asleep but then jolted awake again. I've been doing this for fifteen minutes. I couldn't even take notes properly. Sleep was too strong and it overpowered me within a couple of minutes. I was done trying. I was so tired. I don't know how long I was asleep for but a loud bang woke me up. 

"Oh my god! " I gasped as I jumped awake. Mr. Goo was standing in front of me with a ruler in his right hand. He glared down at me and then went back to his desk to get something. As expected, he gave me a detention slip. He slammed it onto my desk. I flinched. 

"Go to the detention room. Now. " Mr Goo commanded with his back to me. Giggles echoed in the classroom as I gathered my things. I swung my bag over my shoulder with attitude and left the classroom. As soon as I entered the hallway, I ran to my locker to put my things away. As if I'm going to the detention room. I have other things to do. When I was done putting my books away, I headed for the entrance with my bag hanging loosely from my shoulder. Halfway to the entrance, someone called my name. 

"Lee Chaerin! " The female voice hollered. I stopped and looked behind my shoulder. It was Ms. Jang. She was wearing a skirt with a frilly blouse and a cardigan. Her hair flowed in the wind. 

"Oh..Hey Ms. Jang. " I greeted, fully facing her. She caught up to me. 

"What are you doing leaving school this early? " She asked. I shrugged vaguely. Ms. Jang cocked her head. 

"I got detention for sleeping in class so I'm ditching to find something better to do. " I stated bluntly. Ms. Jang put her hands on hips. 

"You shouldn't ditch school just because you're bored Chaerin." She advised. I sighed a breath of annoyance. I shoved my hands into my pockets. 

"Well, I'm certainly not staying so enjoy the rest of your day while I enjoy mine. Bye Ms. Jang. " I closed the conversation quickly because I was getting  bored and grumpy again. I spun around and started to head towards the gates. Her heels clacked behind me indicating that she was following my lead. 

"I'm going to go with you. It's not safe for a young girl to wonder the city . " She said while digging into her bag for something. I stopped in front of the gates and stared at her like she was crazy. She noticed my pause.

"What is it, Chaerin? " Ms. Jang questioned. I coughed to cover my laugh at her ridiculous statement.

"Ms. Jang, didn't you hear anything I said over the past few days? I know how to take care of myself. I don't need a babysitter stumbling around in my way. So I suggest you return to your office and have yourself a nice lunch while I go and take care of some business. Okay? Okay. " Boy, was I on edge and cranky. Ms. Jang gave me a flat look. 

"Young lady, don't use that tone of voice with me. Well, I can't go with you now. I have a mandatory meeting starting fifteen minutes. " She concluded, reading whatever was on her phone. I mentally cheered. 

"Then I'll see you later. " 

Glad, I left the school. I went to some random cafe to change out this uniform. I changed into a pair of black leggings, a big and loose white tank top (which was kind of see through so I wore a black bandeau ), and with my usual Adidas.  The cashier of the cafe, Brian, knows me because I come in so often.

"Hey, what are you doing here so early? " Brian asked when I was done changing. His small eyes twinkled at me, emitting innocence. Usually, his hair was flat but today he spiked it up. I chuckled bitterly. 

"I got in trouble for falling asleep in class so Mr. Goo sent me to detention. But I decided to ditch. " 

"Hahaha! Wow, got in trouble for sleeping? Wah, times have changed.. " Brian stared wistfully into space. I laughed. 

"Yah, you're only 23! " I said happily. Hanging out with the innocent gets me in a good mood. Brian cracked up. 

"I'm just joking! Anyways, have fun ditching school Chaerin! " He giggled, getting back to baking some pasteries. I smiled and exited the cafe. The sun hit me like a laser ray. I shielded the sunlight with my arm and headed towards downtown.

As I walked, I admired my own tattoos. I unconsciously trace them lightly with my index finger; it's my own idiosyncrisy. Often when I'm staring out into space or thinking, I would flip my left arm over and stare my butterflies. You know, wearing this tank top, I realize that it reveals almost all of my tattoo. I mean my tank top is so loose that the sides stretches so low that you can basically see half my stomach or side profile of my stomach. Oh you can see the stems of my rose around my side stomach area. As I travelled, I notice some glancing at my tattoos. Of course they would judge. It's all about image and the outside. 

I was going to meet a new friend that I made during the weeks. We made plans to meet up Seoul Plaza, where all the teenagers go to hang out since it has the popular restraunts and stores that teenagers love. Well, we're not suppose to meet for another hour but whatever I can just hang around until the time comes. 


Hope you enjoyed this little update chapter about Chaerin! Stay tuned! 


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Chapter 14: From 5 years agooooooooooooooo..cliffhanger
Chapter 14: I come here againnnn..the last part still give me chilled feeling, WHERE ARE YOU?
Chapter 14: OMG..why you not continueeeeee >_<
seraphim_leah17 #4
Chapter 14: Omo.. Authornim, you have to update soon. Im dying to know whats gonna happen! Haha :)
ra21ah #5
Chapter 14: Where the hell is ji? I hate you author nim.why did you stop there? Palli and update soon.
Chapter 14: Get your revenge, girl.
jenny_gdcl #7
Chapter 14: O MA GOD WHO IS THAT "NO!"!!!! I GOTTA KNOW!!!!!!
Chapter 13: awww. thanks for updating!! omoo Minho is a bad guy? seungri sent him? Nooo.. why they go to hotel? what he gonna do?? please somebody help her..
xxailinxx #9
Chapter 2: I loves your fanfic!!!! ^^
Chapter 12: mygwad!! Minhooo is back! The one she has crush to.
OMG! This is gonna more exciting. Chae doesnt love minho anymore, does she? Oh please nooo..

and That playboy JIYONG. I hope he will realize soon that he has feelings for chae and it will makes him stop toying his ! Please UPDATE SOON.