Skills or Luck? (Chapter 8)

Mission Impossible (A SM and YG FanFiction)


Leeteuk POV


Two days had past and I was already fed up of staying in bed, I didn’t need rest, I needed to train, so I decided to get out of bed and head to work.

I admit I did still feel uneasy but it wasn’t as bad at two days ago, I look down at the pathment as I walked wondering the same thing I did 2 days ago ‘What was on his mind that bothered him so much?’his face, it looked so fragile, like if anyone had touched him or talked to him about what happened he would break down, but my plan was to get to work and train harder to make up for the day I missed.


I finally got to the building, I put in my pin and went in, going down the stairs I past Hankyung who seemed too be in a hurry since he didn’t even stop to say hi, I finally got to base and just as I opened the door I bumped in to Key who was carrying a pile of paperwork, “oh annyonghaseyo, do you want me to help you with them?” I asked politely,

“No” he shook he head and pushed past me in to the base and in to his office, with no emotion on his face.

I understand why he would still be upset, anyone would if they lost someone close to them, but why was he this way towards me, as if he hates me’ I thought to my self as I made my way to head agent Minho’s office, I didn’t even realize that it was only Key and I in the base until I reached the bosses office.

“Leeteuk, how are you feeling? Aren’t you supposed to be taking it easy?” Minho asked as I walked in,

“I’m feeling a lot better sir and that’s why I came in today” I replied, bowing before sitting down, “I would like to start my training again, I feel so useless at home doing nothing” I complained hoping Minho would let me stay.

“Hmm, so let me get this straight, you want to continue training even in you current state” he asked giving me a sharp stare, this made me nervous, how do I answer?

“Yes sir… I mean if I’m to become a field agent as great as Siwon then I need to endure pain and carry on” I responded with confidence,

Minho’s sudden laugh took me by surprise “good answer” he leaned back and smiled “ok I will resume your training, but I don’t know how Siwon is going to take this” Just before Minho could page Siwon I asked,

“Siwon? I thought he was mad at me? I thought he would want me to start training ASAP” Minho’s face changed from happy to confused, he paged Siwon then replied,

“Why would Siwon be mad? He was the one who requested you should rest till you recover” Minho’s words changed a lot of things, for the last couple of day I though he was angry with me, but now I think about it … why would he be mad?


10 minutes past had until Siwon came to Minho’s office “yes sir, you called?” I didn’t know whether to turn around or not “yes Siwon, Leeteuk here feel like he ready to resume his training”

Siwons facial expression was a mixture of serious and worry “Y-yes sir” Minho nodded at Siwons acceptance even if it was hesitant

“Here take this” Minho past Siwon a folder, a few minutes after reading it Siwons face changed to shocked, what had he read?

”You understand now? Ok, so there is no need to start with combat skill, so go straight in to gun practice” Siwon nodded and signaled me to follow him, I bowed to the boss and followed Siwon out.


Siwon POV


I still felt partly responsible for the incident, but there’s nothing I can do now, “so you feel better?” I asked rather quietly, but he heard

“Yes” he replied, why was there this awkward atmosphere?

“So where is everyone?” Leeteuk asked, this surprised me but I was happy that he was making convocation,

“Well Heechul is on a mission and where ever Heechul is Hankyung isn’t far behind haha” I looked around and smiled at him, he smiled back, that was reassuring. We walked out of base and towards the shooting range, a large room consisting of 10 different counters each counter held different target distances and weapon, main usage is for training.


We walked over to the third counter, which had a dismantled pistol and 3 targets about 30 metres away, “okay first is to piece together this gun” I pulled out my gun and dismantled it “okay, so watch carefully” I slowly pieced my gun back together, “okay now you have a go” he smiled at me so confidently and then got to work, I hit start on the stop watch and watched him piece it together with ease. Stop. 32 seconds, he had done it in thirty two seconds, so the results were right.

“Well done that was very impressive” I tell him as I take a look at the perfectly mantled gun, I noticed he was looking at me as if he really wanted to ask something; I put the gun down on the counter and looked away from his gaze “what is it? It seems you want to know something?”

“Well, I was wondering what was in the folder that Agent Minho gave you” he looked down as if he was ashamed to ask; of course the substance of that folder was about him.

I picked up the folder and opened it “It’s about you” he looked at me as if he already knew the answer,

“Is it bad or good, because the way you looked at it the first time you saw it…” I think I started to understand, I looked at him, he was still facing down, was he afraid he wasn’t good enough?

“There’s no need for you to worry, it’s a record of you mental and physical state” I shut the folder and picked up my gun “I’ll show you an example of the results” I held up my gun aiming at a target “right, so you can safely say you have never shot a gun before, I’m I right?”

“Yes” he looked at me, wondering what I was getting at.

“Ok well watch carefully” I perfected my aim and shot three bullet’s in to the targets bulls eye, “ok now your turn” I blew on my gun like a cowboy to lighten the mood, it worked, Leeteuk laughed and picked up his gun.

“Ok so 3 bulls eyes right?” he asked suddenly full of confidence,

“Right” I replied and stood back to watch, he got in to position, and held up his gun aiming at the target.





I looked at the target to confirm the results were right, they were.

“You see, three perfect bulls eyes, almost as good as me” I laughed as I walked closer to him,

“Yeh, well I guess it was just luck, again, I’ve always had luck, my whole life I guess it’s a gift” He told me.

“You may be gifted but that gift isn’t luck” he looked at me even more confused than before, I sighed and decided it was time to explain what was written about him.

“Ok, let see where should I start” I crossed my arm think while Leeteuk turned around and leaned against the counter readying him self for what I was about to tell him.

“You have a condition called Eidetic Memory or more commonly known as Photographic Memory, only your condition is advanced, for example not only did you watch me dismantle, then mantle the gun and remember every precise movement but you then put this memory to use and copied my movement accurately, and the same with the shooting, I hadn’t shown you how to aim and fire you wouldn’t have gotten those bulls eyes” Leeteuk’s expression was a mix of shock and happiness, he understood clearly “so you see that is the main reason you are hear in SMIF, your skills are so advanced that when I finished training you, you will be a good as me or maybe even better” Leeteuk nodded.

“I see, so this is rare then?” he asked, I nodded in response,

“So be ready, your training will be continuous for the next 2 weeks, I will teach you short and long distance shooting, map reading, gadget usage, field work and hand signal, that is just a handful of tasks we have to get though, it seems your already equipped with 3 different martial arts so we can skip that step, are you ready?” I gave him a serious look, and he stood up and saluted “yes sir!” the sudden formality made me smile, I turned around and got out an automatic rifle “okay lets give this a try” I grinned at him and he grinned back, he was ready for anything.

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Chapter 21: That was fast
Chapter 15: Woah, Teuk really is the top one
Chapter 13: Leeteuk topped Siwon? Really? This is the first
Chapter 12: First move of Soo
Chapter 11: They doesn't know Soo is the target of YGAA
Chapter 10: Aigoo, Choi Siwon
Chapter 9: Always, kind-hearted
Chapter 8: I envy Soo... I wish I have that kind of gift
Chapter 7: Figured, Soo is their next target
Chapter 5: Flirt, Hee