Kismet: Chapter 6


"Your hair smells nice," Joon said from behind, putting his arms around me.

"Joon, please. I'm trying to pack away some of these leftovers. Plus, you promised you won't make a move on me, remember?" I pleaded. He pouted and stood beside me.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked.

How could I not be? Actually, I was angry at myself, and the real question was: How could I have missed it?

When I saw Seungho standing outside the room, Joon had no choice but to introduce us. Little did he know that Seungho and I were already acquainted. Joon introduced me to Byung Hee and Cheon Doong as well, and Cheol Yong whom I did not get to see because he was resting.

I suggested that they should join us for dinner together since Joon seemed to have ordered too much for two. Joon, of course, nearly threw a fit until I grabbed his hand and gave a slight squeeze. In which he responded positively to. He was smiling like a cute dork the whole night.

That was, until I found out what he did for a living.

It was when I asked the boys what they did for a living, and if they were in the entertainment industry with Joon too. Cheon Doong nearly choked on his water, and Byung Hee laughed, "I guess we aren't that famous yet, huh?" He later explained that they were in an idol group called MBLAQ.

I was not one to immerse myself too much in music and entertainment in general, as I prefer peace and quiet. I keep to myself most of the time, and prefer to read in my bedroom than watch TV. How was I supposed to know about MBLAQ's existence? All this while, I thought Joon was an assistant floor manager, or something of the sort. I never knew he was one of the main characters on stage!

Cheon Doong was surprised, "Joon hyung never told you?" Seungho, who was quiet most of the time munching on breadsticks, also piped up, "I'm surprised he never did. He's usually quite showy."

I looked at Joon who was looking quite uncomfortable. "I'm not really into music, so I'm sorry if I made you think you guys are unpopular. I'm sure you are very popular. Now it makes sense why all of you are so attractive," I said.

My eyes were on Seungho when I said that, but somehow looking at him made me even angrier. Which was why I volunteered to pack away leftovers in the kitchen.

The boys were watching the movie that Joon rented, and I was left with Joon and his pouting lips. "Seriously, Joon? You're doing that right now?"

"Why? Why are you mad at me? Because I didn't tell you I was in a boy band? I'd rather you didn't know, Jenny-ya. I liked the fact that you didn't know. Because that means you're hanging out with me because I'm me, not Lee Joon of MBLAQ. Not a member of an idol group. I hate living up to that name. It feels easier with you, like our conversations flow nicely, and I feel like you don't judge my every move. I feel like I was starting new in life when I'm with you. I'm tired of people knowing small tidbits and facts of my life, as if they know me as a person. I like telling you stories of my life, telling you about my dreams..." Joon was still talking when I finished packing up. I avoided his gaze as he continued, "You know what I'm publicly labelled as in my group? I'm labelled as an idiot, a muscle idiot. Everyone knows this for a fact. But to you I'm just Joon. You don't even know I have six-pack abs," he interjected with a joke, but continued being serious right after, "To you, I'm the Joon who doesn't like to share his food. The Joon who can't stop making jokes in front of you because he wants to impress you so bad. I am the Joon who likes you, Jenny."

I looked up at him and saw sincerity in his eyes. At that moment, all I wanted to do was cry. At the same time, I wanted to comfort him, hug him and tell him that everything would turn out fine. That it was fine, no matter what. I wanted to say all this, but Joon stood up and walked out of the apartment.

I was at a loss for words, and took refuge on the dining table. I sat there in a daze, and put my head on the table.

"Do you like him?" a voice came from the kitchen door. I looked up and saw Seungho standing there. I could not bring myself to answer him.

My mind wandered as to how I was going to go about this situation. I kept asking myself, "Why was it so hard for me to like Joon back?" He was like the perfect package. He was sweet, charming, considerate, and his good looks were definitely plus points.

But then my eyes fell on Seungho who now sat directly opposite me on the dining table. It dawned on me why I could not like Joon. It was this man; This one man who made me go crazy every time he came near. His mere scent captivated all of my senses, and I was paralyzed by it.

He was looking at me now, as if willing for me to look at him in return. When I did, his eyes pleaded with mine as he murmured, "Don't... Please don't like Joon."

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I have two different storylines for chapter 14 already, but what do you think? Should I go darker or lighter?


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Chapter 15: Yeay, new update!
Thanks for updating, and please update again soon ;)
Chapter 14: yey!the loooooooong awaited updated! (^^)
can't wait for more (^^)
may_21st #3
Chapter 14: just read it,and i really like it,cant wait for the next update...
sCeNeBLUETattoo #4
Chapter 13: Also, why isn't Chapter 14 here? I read it in your tumblr fanfic posting but I don't see it here. Keep up the good work.
sCeNeBLUETattoo #5
I love this story! I like the dark turn that it took. I am sure that a stronger ending will come to you. I have some thoughts about possible directions your story could go in if you'd like to hear them. Excellent job!
Wow. Love this!
Update soon ;)
asdfghjkenia #7
LuckyJune #8
Andweee!! Joonie!!!!! Seungho!!!!! I love them both.. Please fon't get hurt :')
vanaja: We shall see what Joon had witnessed in the next chapter! Stay tuned. ;)
...OK, joon definitely overreacted there.
She just held seungho's hand, right?
There's nothing wrong with that.