Kismet: Epilogue


It was a dark stretch of road. The street lights were on, but this one was broken. I sighed as I looked around to see any potential dangers that could come up until I approach the next working street light. Before I could look back, I saw a woman, whose face I couldn't see, extending her fist towards me. "What the...?" I remember thinking to myself before the blow reached the side of my face.trans.gif

She then pulled my hair, scratched my face, and pushed me down. She kicked me while I was down, and I couldn't breathe. It felt like it's been a while since I had last breathed. She was screaming strings of words into my ear and I tried so hard to block it out. She was noisy and it gave me a headache. I didn't realize that my head was hurting not because of all the commotion she was making, but because she was pulling me up by my hair. I wanted to scream but I was unable. Tears streamed down my face, as if someone had opened up the floodgates.

"Why am I crying? Why was I helpless? Why am I not defending myself? Why couldn't I defend myself? Why is this woman attacking me?"

Thoughts. They were just thoughts resounding within the walls of my mind.

"What was happening to my motor skills? I need to stop her."

Punch after punch, and then another kick, taking the wind out of my sails yet again. I could hear a distinct swish of a foldable knife, its blade freed from its plastic handle of a home. "I'm going to be stabbed to death, this will be the end of me. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die," I thought to myself. Again with these thoughts.

I was waiting for the horrible pain to come, but instead of stabbing me, she sliced the thinnest skin of my wrist and I started bleeding profusely. The pain came slowly and gradually intensified. She knew what she was doing. She wanted to hurt me. She wasn't planning on killing me straight from the bat.

I felt cold as the blood left me and saw the headlights of an oncoming car. I took a deep breath, sat up and wanted to scream for the car to stop, but I blinked, and realized I wasn't on that dark stretch of road anymore.

Instead, I was in a warm bed, and looking at me was a concerned Seungho, his hand on my back. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I realized it was another bad dream.

"Are you okay? Is it the same nightmare again?" His voice was careful, as if treading on broken glass. My hand automatically wrapped around his waist, my face burrowed on his neck.

"It's different this time, but it's still her," I sobbed. Every breath hurts, as the nightmares felt more real every time I had them.

"Shh... Shh... It's going to be OK, I'm right here," Seungho consoled, rubbing my back.

"Thank you for being here," I told him.

"What are you talking about? You don't have to thank me, I want to be here, so thank you for staying by my side despite everything."

Seungho and I went public with our relationship a year ago after a long talk and a lot of consideration and reconsideration. I knew he was going to announce it at one of the press conferences MBLAQ had, but what I didn't know was the message he had for me at the end of his announcement.

I was at the back of the room when he said, "My dearest Ji Min, will you marry me?", in front of all the media. Cameras suddenly turned to me, and I was blinded by all the flashes that went off. Amidst all the clicking sounds from the cameras, I could hear a dull thud against my ribcage. My heart was pounding, that much I knew. "Give the woman space so she can answer my proposal," Seungho joked when all I did was stand there without a word.

Of course I said yes.

Despite a media-filled proposal, we managed a quiet wedding six months later, and by the time Seungho and I were married, Joon found someone too: Charlotte. Their personalities matched so well, I felt stupid for not realizing it sooner. Now Joon and Charlotte thank Seungho and I for getting married, else they wouldn't have met at the wedding. It was a delightful thing to see Joon genuinely smiling again.

So there I was, in the darkness of our bedroom, consoled by my husband. Every day was beautiful being Mrs. Yang Seungho, but nights could end up like tonight; horrifying. Fragments of memories still come to me, and especially now since I have remembered them so well, they come to me vividly as if it was happening again. Some nights I wake up to no one beside me reason being Seungho was still doing his schedules.

"Yeobo?" he called out to me. "Let's go back to sleep, hmm? Do you want me to sing you to sleep?"

"Yes, please," I said to him, my heart about to burst with the love I have for this man. I can always trust him to know what to do. He laid me down next to him with my head on his chest, and already I had forgotten why I was scared in the first place.

"I wish I could play the piano right now for you, but I'd like to hold you here in my arms," he said while pushing away a strand of hair from my face. He cleared his throat and started softly singing...

"Oh, thinking about all our younger years
There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free

Now nothing can take you away from me
We've been down that road before
But that's over now
You keep me coming back for more

And baby, you're all that I want
When you're lying here in my arms
I'm finding it hard to believe
We're in heaven

I've been waiting for so long
For something to arrive
For love to come along

Now our dreams are coming true
Through the good times and the bad
Yeah, I'll be standing there by you..." 1


"I love you, baby," he whispers into her ear as he saw her eyes drooping to a close. He kissed her forehead and basked in her warmth. He looked forward to this at every day's end, and he wouldn't change it for the world. So he laid there with her until the morning, already looking forward to falling in love with her everyday of his life in days to come.

-- End --

1. Song is by Bryan Adams, called Heaven. I purposely left out a few verses just to suit this story. Watch here for the unplugged version of the song by the original artist, and here is a beautiful acoustic cover by Boyce Avenue and Megan Nicole. :)

Author's Note: That's it, guys and girls! A million apologies if this story did not meet your expectations. I left this story hanging for quite a while, and I did not have the heart to put it down as a discontinued story. I hope you enjoyed reading Kismet. I will be back with more of my writing, maybe more of one shots. Stay tuned!

Oh, also, I have a few extra paragraphs cut out from chapter 16, detailing about what happened to Ji Min/Jenny in the past. Stuff she told to Seungho. The reason why I didn't include it in that chapter was that it dragged the story, and found it a little mundane. However, if you're interested to know what happened to her, I'll only publish it if I get more than five comments and/or requests for it. Else, it'll stay forever in my drafts. LOL.

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I have two different storylines for chapter 14 already, but what do you think? Should I go darker or lighter?


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Chapter 15: Yeay, new update!
Thanks for updating, and please update again soon ;)
Chapter 14: yey!the loooooooong awaited updated! (^^)
can't wait for more (^^)
may_21st #3
Chapter 14: just read it,and i really like it,cant wait for the next update...
sCeNeBLUETattoo #4
Chapter 13: Also, why isn't Chapter 14 here? I read it in your tumblr fanfic posting but I don't see it here. Keep up the good work.
sCeNeBLUETattoo #5
I love this story! I like the dark turn that it took. I am sure that a stronger ending will come to you. I have some thoughts about possible directions your story could go in if you'd like to hear them. Excellent job!
Wow. Love this!
Update soon ;)
asdfghjkenia #7
LuckyJune #8
Andweee!! Joonie!!!!! Seungho!!!!! I love them both.. Please fon't get hurt :')
vanaja: We shall see what Joon had witnessed in the next chapter! Stay tuned. ;)
...OK, joon definitely overreacted there.
She just held seungho's hand, right?
There's nothing wrong with that.