Kismet: Chapter 5 - Seungho's POV


Another schedule done. I was exhausted, but tried not to show it. My back hurts, and my ribs feel like they were about to crack again. The things I do to keep doing what I love were slowly going to kill me. But I would rather die doing the things I love than not.

I was sleeping in my room when Joon barged in early in the morning. "Hyung! Help me, hyung!"

He knew I did not like being woken up, especially on our days off. I grumbled and turned to sleep on my side, facing the wall. "I'll help you when I wake up. I'm still asleep. You're just a part of my dream right now. Get ouuuttt!"

"Ahh, hyung! There's no one else here who can help me. I have a problem. A girl problem. Just this once, hyunnnng!" his whining was making it hard for me to go back to sleep.

"You know you should go to Byung Hee for this. And since when do you have girl problems? Just ignore her, and move on to the next one," I sighed.

"Andwae! Jeoldae andwae!1 This isn't like the other girls. She's not from an idol girl group. She's not even in our industry," he went on to explain. "I just want to see her again, and she doesn't seem to want to see me."

"Oh-ho. You've caught my attention," I sat up. "A girl who doesn't want to see Lee Joon? The famous Lee Joon?" I scoffed. "She must be some girl to reject you. I'd really like to meet her."

"Ahhhh~ Hyung... You can't meet her yet. You'll probably fall for her," he sighed wistfully and stared into space. Joon really had gotten it. Bad. "She's beautiful, hyung. Inside and out. She's real, sincere, and cute! She likes to laugh at my jokes too, hyung! Her laugh is like music to my ears. I thought she liked me though," his voice changed to a more serious tone. "But now that she's ignored me for a few days, I don't think she does. Oettokhaji?2"

"I don't know... Did you do something that made her ignore you? Like maybe show her your abs?" I joked. In all honesty, I was curious because usually girls just throw themselves at Joon.

He suddenly looked uncomfortable for some reason. "Ahhh, you did do something, didn't you?"

"I kissed her, out of the blue."

My mouth was in an o-shape, and my reactions were slightly slower than usual, but I was excited for the guy. "Ya! You kissed a girl! Way to go!"

Yeah, Seungho, you idiot. Unlike you, you can't even kiss the girl you wanted.

It was unlike any other. I had never had the urge to kiss a girl the way I did with her. Jenny, was her name. Her doe-like eyes were looking up at me, at first scared when I raised my voice, but then fiery right after. Her lips were begging to be kissed, and I was so close. Twice. I was close twice. But courage abandoned me both times.

However, I had decided that I was not going to think about her anymore. She was a stranger that is best to leave in the past. I also could not go around kissing anybody I like just because I felt like it. It was going to ruin my reputation, in case she decided to sue for harrassment.

"Hyung! Stop staring into space, and help me!" Joon burst my thought bubble by waving his hand in front of my face. "You know what's best about her, hyung? She doesn't know us. She doesn't know who I am. She thinks I'm just Joon. Not the Lee Joon of MBLAQ. I mean, no offense, but I kind of appreciate it when I hang out with a girl who doesn't constantly ask what the other MBLAQ members are like and stuff."

"Maybe you're just a bad kisser, that's why she's avoiding you," I teased. I, too, was baffled by the opposite . What is it that they want from us men?

I continued, "You should just be honest with her. Maybe she didn't like you kissing her like that. Take it slow, I don't think she's going anywhere. I think she's going to be the one putting the leash on you, because you and I both know a lot of pretty girl idols and a lot of girls go ga-ga over you, so I bet she's going to not take it lightly."

"Okay, be honest, take it slow... What else? Hyung! That can't be it. Do you think she doesn't like me back? But everyone likes me. Right, hyung?"

I laughed and threw a pillow in his face, "Get out of here. I need my rest. Just take it slow. Don't rush things." I laid back down, but Joon did not leave. He laid down on the floor, and sighed.

He kept locking and unlocking his phone, making clicking noises on it, sighing again and again.

"Ya! If you're going to do that, do it in your own room!" I shouted.

Cheon Doong suddenly came into my room. "Don't people knock anymore?" aggravation showed in my voice.

"What's with the ruckus? Joonie hyung, what are you doing down there?" Cheon Doong asked the seemingly lifeless Joon. Joon just sighed in response. "Seungho hyung, he has been doing this for the past few nights every time before we go to sleep. He plays with his phone and sighs. You've got to stop that, Joonie hyung! I also need my sleep. Aish! He shouldn't have gotten that phone!"

He walked out, and Joon followed suit, but not without a final sigh. I was finally left to go back to sleep in peace. However, now that Joon and Cheon Doong left, all I could think about was Jenny and how I wanted to kiss her. For a guy, it had been a rough ride. I would sometimes imagine how soft and tender her delicate lips would be on mine. Right now my imagination had gone wild and way beyond imagining how her lips would feel.

The feel of her skin on mine... Her soft moans as I run my tongue on ... Her soft moans...

"AAAARGGGHHH!" I screamed into my pillow. Now I definitely could not go back to sleep. I needed a cold shower.

I decided to bring the boys out for a drink that night, just to cool things off. Jenny was still in my mind and a good, hard drink or two would do the trick. Everyone was in, except for Joon. Apparently he had successfully made contact with the girl and already made plans. He made sure that I was the only one who knew about it, and warned me not to tell the others. "If I tell the others now, I'm just scared that it'll be for nothing," he reasoned.

We were snacking on peanuts waiting for our drinks when Chul Yeong felt a little out of sorts. He could not stand on his two feet, "Because the room is spinning," he said. Being in public, we did not want to attract unwanted attention, making people think that Chul Yeong was drunk instead of just being ill, so we had to send him home.

I was worried for Chul Yeong so we dropped by the pharmacy to get some medication. When we got home, though, it was a different thing entirely: I was worried for myself. Not only did I not get any drinks to whizz Jenny away from my mind, but somehow I was looking right into her eyes in our apartment.

The eyes of the woman who I wanted to erase from my mind. Those beautiful eyes...

I was brought back down to earth with a crash, because I realized she was here with Joon.

1. "No! No way!"
2. "What do I do?"

Author's note: I have to apologize for this chapter. It feels like a filler post for some reason, but I can't help but share Seungho's POV. I'll update again soon!

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I have two different storylines for chapter 14 already, but what do you think? Should I go darker or lighter?


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Chapter 15: Yeay, new update!
Thanks for updating, and please update again soon ;)
Chapter 14: yey!the loooooooong awaited updated! (^^)
can't wait for more (^^)
may_21st #3
Chapter 14: just read it,and i really like it,cant wait for the next update...
sCeNeBLUETattoo #4
Chapter 13: Also, why isn't Chapter 14 here? I read it in your tumblr fanfic posting but I don't see it here. Keep up the good work.
sCeNeBLUETattoo #5
I love this story! I like the dark turn that it took. I am sure that a stronger ending will come to you. I have some thoughts about possible directions your story could go in if you'd like to hear them. Excellent job!
Wow. Love this!
Update soon ;)
asdfghjkenia #7
LuckyJune #8
Andweee!! Joonie!!!!! Seungho!!!!! I love them both.. Please fon't get hurt :')
vanaja: We shall see what Joon had witnessed in the next chapter! Stay tuned. ;)
...OK, joon definitely overreacted there.
She just held seungho's hand, right?
There's nothing wrong with that.