
Baby, don't cry

Narrator's POV:

It's a sunny afternoon. The bright sunlight creeps in through the blinds and pours into the hospital room.

"Kai, can I ask you a question?" Baekhyun lies on his hospital bed, as Sehun repeatedly throws a small ball at the wall and Kai plays games on his phone.

"Yeah, sure." Kai's eyes are glued to the screen.

"When is ______ coming back? She said she would be back soon but she's not. I'm worried. It's been a month."

Sehun, hearing their conversation, tries to jump in and help Kai. "In a month you've recovered a lot-"

"I know. But I need Kai to tell me." Baekhyun's eyes rest expectantly on Kai's still form.

Kai's fingers suddenly freeze and he tenses up. What is he supposed to say? His mind races frantically.

"Kai." Baekhyun's voice is firm. "I've known you forever. I know you're about to lie to me, so just tell me the truth."

Kai continues to sit there, unable to string together a sentence that won't give her away but won't upset Baekhyun.

"KAI!" Baekhyun shouts, growing impatient.

Sehun puts one hand on his arm "Baek, you-"

Baekhyun shakes him off. "Where is she?" he asks Kai again through gritted teeth.

Kai sighs. He knows can't hide it from his friend anymore. "She left. She works at the school, not too far away. You weren't supposed to know. This is for your own good, to be separated."

"My own good?!" Baekhyun snaps with a disbelieving laugh. "How is this for my own good?"

"We don't want you to get hurt again," Sehun says quietly.

"Wait...and you approved this?" asks Baekhyun. "Was this your idea?"

Kai sighs again. "Yes."

Baekhyun laughs emotionlessly.

"Clearly, you don't know me very well. You just took the girl I loved away from me without asking me first. Why?!" at the last word he slams his fist on the bed, and Sehun gasps.

"Don't do that, you're still recovering!"

Baekhyun eyes the both of them. "I can't believe, my two best friends, of all people would betray me. I know what I'm doing. I love her and I'm going to protect her always."

"Betray you?" Kai begins to grow angry. "Are you just that insanely stupid to believe we're BETRAYING you?! We're helping you because we care about you!"

"Get out." Baekhyun's voice is eerily calm.

"No." Kai glares at him.

"Come on, we should go give Baek some space." Sehun tugs on Kai's sleeve.

"Fine, let's leave this ungrateful brat."

As the door closes behind them, Baekhyun places his head in his hands.

How did everything just fall apart? He normally never got into arguments and was the peaceful one. But somehow, the thought of losing ____ was too much to handle. After they'd been through so much, he could never let her go.

"I'm sorry, Kai," he whispers.

Baekhyun's POV:

I've never been more grateful for wheelchairs before. I self-propel myself, grabbing the rear wheels and traveling at a quick pace.

I'm determined. I have to see her.

I finally reach the street right across the school, and I see a bright yellow bus parked on the opposite side.

Where do I possibly begin?

"I hope you all enjoyed the trip to the aquarium!" a familiar voice chirps and my heart automatically flutters in my chest.

Perfect timing. Thank you God.

Quickly, I push myself behind a nearby bush. I don't want to scare her.

I watch as the small children smile and say goodbye.

Then, as the last kid leaves and disappears, I see her turn around smiling, and she catches a glimpse of me.


Your POV:
"Bye, Cameron!" I smile at the little boy who hugs me goodbye.

Aww, these kids are so sweet.

Finally, another school day over.

I wipe my forehead, exhausted.

I stretch, smiling and turn around and suddenly see...Baekhyun?!

He's peeking from behind a bush, and looks utterly ridiculous. Yet it takes all I can in me not to run over to him and hug him tight. But I remember my deal with Kai and I know I can't do it.

I begin to run.

"______!" he calls, alarmed. "Stop!"

But I don't. My legs carry me further and further, and tears begin to slip down my face.

"Baekhyun, I'm so sorry."

Baekhyun's POV:

Does she not love me anymore?

Or is she just scared to put me in danger?

These types of questions fill my mind as I think back to yesterday and how she ran away from me.

My heart hurts.

I find myself back at the school, only I'm talking to the secretary.

"Is there someone by the name _____ who works here, by any chance?" the secretary pauses. "Wait one moment."

She soon emerges with another woman, but this woman looks sterner.

"Hello, I'm the principal." she smiles and offers her hand to shake, so I do.

"I think I can answer your question."

"I'm her brother." I lie smoothly. "I haven’t seen _____ in a long time, and I came to visit. She's mentioned working here before but I don't know her position."

"She's the kindergarten teacher," the principal replies, she studies my face knowingly. "She’s the one you're looking for."

After I discover this, I visit the school everyday, but she's never there. I know she's avoiding me, but one day she'll come.

I know it.


Your POV:

I feel very grateful for my mom’s friend/the nurse that helped me, Aurora. Her sister is the principal of the school, and she helped me get a job there as a kindergarten teacher. That way, she can keep a close eye on me. I worked for a month.

But I knew one day Baekhyun would find me, and I would have to leave. And that day was today.

"He's always visiting the school grounds," the principal chuckles as she calls me one night.

"It’s too dangerous," I say, sighing. "I've thought about this a lot...and I think I need a new start. Not only do I want to keep Baekhyun safe, staying in Korea is just...the memories keep haunting me. I need to get myself out of this country."

The principal is quiet for a moment. "I'm sure Aurora is fine with your decision, but I think you need to keep a low profile wherever you decide to go. She told me the loan sharks are still looking for you."

I shudder. "I know. Thanks for all you did for me. Thanks to the job and money you've both given me, I can start fresh."

"No problem," she replies warmly. "Remember to stay safe."


How can i stay safe when Baekhyun isn't there to protect me? Who will save me now? 



[A/N: In the process of setting up sequel! Shameless advertising, the link's here ....> 

Anyways thank you all sosososo much for supporting this story! We hope to meet you at the sequel!! ;))]

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nabmyn-ssi #1
OMG! I'm your 100 subscriber! :D
it's great! i wanna a sequel!! :) can't wait for it
Waiting for the sequel~~~ Muehehe. I cant wait. I want them to be together again. T_T It hurts me to see Baekhyun hurt. OHMYBAEKKIE, stay strong. I'm sure you'll meet her someday and live with her forever. I'm sure with it. DONT WORRY. STAY STRONG, OKAY? :')
S-E-Q-U-E-L!!!!!!!i need SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can't wait for the sequel! I really like this fanfic! hehe
d3vilsangel #6
You guys better make a sequel or else. LOL no jkjk but i would rly love a sequel. Great job guys! <3
Whyd she leave him?? *sobs*
Whoa! I wasn't expecting this O.O I'm going to read the sequel for sure!! I hope they will live happily ever after <3
EXOticbacon #9
Thank you all so much for the supports and kind comments!
The link to the sequel is at the end of the last chapter in case you guys didn't see~
thank you :)