
Baby, don't cry

A loud clonk against a door wakes me up suddenly. My head lifts painfully and I untangle myself from Baekhyun’s arms. Vision still hazy, I can make out a girl.

It’s Calla.

Her hands grasp a metal tray with two pieces of stale bread and a bottle of water; as well as a piece of paper along with a pen. Her eyes are bright like the night stars but they look haunted with fear as she walks closer towards the bars that separate us.

“What’s wrong?!” I ask, alarmed.

She shakes her head as if I’d never seen the look in her eyes, and gestures towards the food. Quietly, she turns around and shuts the room's door gently. Then she returns and retrieves a key to unlock the cell door. Opening it ajar slightly, she passes us the tray of food.

“Thank you,” Baekhyun says, smiling.

Suddenly, Calla reaches into her pocket of her maid uniform and when her hand comes back out, she’s holding a knife.

Seeing the light reflect off the shiny, silver blade immediately sets off warning bells in my head. I look away, gasping for air, staring at my hands. I’d murdered someone with a knife like that. Murderer. I’m a murderer.

The memories flood my mind. My pounding heart, shaking hands. His cold lips on my neck. The impact of the knife stabbing his chest.

My head goes dizzy but I try to keep my senses clear.

No matter what happens, keep it, I read as Calla quickly scribbles on the notepad.

"I-Is there s-something wr…ong?" I say, stuttering.

Baekhyun presses me tight against his chest, and his body radiates warmth.

I can hear the tightness in his voice.

"Why should we trust you? You work for them." At the last word, his lips curl in distaste.

I put my finger to his lips before he could say anything else.

Calla's eyes floods with tears, and my heart aches seeing her cry.

NO, she wrote in big, bold letters. I didn’t want to. It wasn’t my choice.

Baekhyun looks at me, questioning her. I nod grimly. "It's all true."

Then I plead. "Calla, please tell me what’s wrong."

No matter what happens to me, keep fighting for your life. Okay?

My thoughts are jumping inside my brain, I’m utterly confused about what to do, or what to expect.

Even if I get killed…Calla writes painfully slowly.

That was all I needed.

My mind became a vast, empty pit of nothingness.

My eyes widened as images and memories flooded back.

Baekhyun breathes out. “Alright.” He leans forward. His fingertips graze the holder and grab onto it.

Calla breathes softly in relief.

"How are we ever going to make it out of here?” I ask, sobbing.

"It’s okay, have faith. Plus, we have-" He stops midway, avoiding the word knife.


The door smashes open suddenly, and the man in black marches in.

Bright light dances its way into the dimly lit room.

The knife sparkles as light rays bounces off its shiny surface.


Everything happens in slow motion.

The last thing I remember is Calla falling,

falling, falling. Falling to the ground.

Seconds tick by slowly

Digging its sharp claws, scarring my mind.

My brain shut down along with all of senses.

I feel numb.  

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nabmyn-ssi #1
OMG! I'm your 100 subscriber! :D
it's great! i wanna a sequel!! :) can't wait for it
Waiting for the sequel~~~ Muehehe. I cant wait. I want them to be together again. T_T It hurts me to see Baekhyun hurt. OHMYBAEKKIE, stay strong. I'm sure you'll meet her someday and live with her forever. I'm sure with it. DONT WORRY. STAY STRONG, OKAY? :')
S-E-Q-U-E-L!!!!!!!i need SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can't wait for the sequel! I really like this fanfic! hehe
d3vilsangel #6
You guys better make a sequel or else. LOL no jkjk but i would rly love a sequel. Great job guys! <3
Whyd she leave him?? *sobs*
Whoa! I wasn't expecting this O.O I'm going to read the sequel for sure!! I hope they will live happily ever after <3
EXOticbacon #9
Thank you all so much for the supports and kind comments!
The link to the sequel is at the end of the last chapter in case you guys didn't see~
thank you :)