The Truth of Hands

Behind their beautiful smiles


                 "Since we’ve some time before our meeting, why don’t we play a game to know each other better?” Minho suggested, eyes sparkling in excitement as he raised up his hand.

                “Hand of truth?” Krystal clapped in delight as she knew she was good in it.

                “Okay, so our leader shall start first.” A  charismatic smile formed upon his face as he stared at the beautiful lady right beside her. “And we’ll go clockwise direction, so I’ll be the last. The person with all 5 fingers down first, loses. And the last person remaining will be the winner.” He started to introduce the game to the two clueless members, who seldom play such games.

                “Oh wait, there’s going to a forfeit for the loser! The winner can ask the losers to do anything.” Krystal beamed with enthusiasm.

~And, the much anticipated game started~

                 “I love playing sports and working out to keep fit.” All of the members dropped one finger each. Yoona stuck out her tongue at the boy beside her, “Perfect!”

                “Um, I have … fair skin.” Kai hesitated and looked at the girls who had dropped their fingers.

                “Thanks, our KkamJong is the best!” Minho chuckled as the girls on the other side sighed in exasperation. “I thought you said you didn’t know how to play the game?” Krystal pouted.  

                “Hm, I have an elder sister?” Sooyoung stated skeptically. All except Minho dropped another finger each.

                “Ah, that’s a good one.” Minho gave her a wink.

                “You should have said elder sibling then he would also be one of us.” Yoona remarked casually.

                “Really, you have an elder brother?” Krystal asked, much to her surprise.

                “That’s right. My elder brother is an Ulzzang too! Right now, Yoona, Kai and Krystal have two fingers down and Krystal has three down. And I’m currently leading with only one finger down.” Minho gave a triumphant grin.

                “Aish, I’ve yet to launch my attack. You watch out!” Krystal shot him a death glare. “My sibling is not an idol.”

                “Making use of your idol Unnie ah?” Yoona laughed before putting her finger down. “Sooyoung doesn’t have sibling, so you don’t have to put one down then.”  

                “They’re catching up with me, 3 fingers down now!” Krystal declared proudly.

                “My turn now! Who shall I target?” Minho paused before he began his attack, “I laugh out loud with my mouth wide open!”

                “This is obvious!” Krystal chuckled and looked at Yoona who bent another finger down silently.

                “4 fingers down now, be careful.” Minho warned her teasingly.

                “I’ve never chop my hair off.” Yoona beamed as she stared at the others bending down their fingers reluctantly.

                “We have 4 fingers down now! Kai attack smartly alright?” Krystal attempted to pressurize him.

                “Um, I’m the tallest out of the people here.” Kai stared at Minho, who had a disgruntled expression on his face. The others giggled together.

                “Omo, all of us except Sooyoung have four fingers down. What happens if all of us drop the next finger together?” Minho questioned.

                “Probably she can ask us all to do something?” Krystal gave a quick answer.

                “I want to date someone right now.” Sooyoung scratched her head as she waited for the members who had turned speechless suddenly.

                Minho flinched slightly, rather affected by the question. And he dropped his last finger. The others exchanged curious glances with each other before dropping their fingers down too.

All of them had chosen to be honest.

                No one spoke a word until Sooyoung began slowly, “Can I know the reason?”

                “Sure, because I’m bored.”

                “I’ve noticed her for a very long time, but she’s slow and never realize my feelings before.”

                “I’ve been acting romance drama but I’ve never been in love before. I want to quickly experience true love.”

                “B'cos, she’s the only girl I can see in my eyes.”

                 All of them wore a light smile before giving a pat on Sooyoung’s shoulder, “You’ll understand one day.”  The truth of hands had ended, with clueless Sooyoung emerging unexpectedly as the victor.

And their sudden confessions had brought them together closer.


Keke, I learnt this game from Shinee's video!!

This chapter is to show each of their perspectives in romance.

I hope you figured out which line belong to who.

It's rather obvious! :)

Hope you have enjoyed readiing and I promise I will update a longer chapter next time.

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I'm a bit of a new reader, but I'm already looking forward to kaistal in this fic (I hope there's kaistal)
woaaaa amazing chaptur <3
Yoona hwaiting ^-^
your writing style is really amazing
I really could feel how sas Sooyoung is^^
good job so far d(^.^)b

Hope you'll update soon
Can't wait for the next update :>
Thanks for the lovely comments which always motivate and drive me to write better and more frequently!
I'm aiming to update daily, hopefully. ^_^
As for Minyoon, you'll have to read on to find out more! Kekeke..
And once again, thank you very much for reading~
Please update this soon authornim!!! :D
This is amazing!
I'm totally looking forward to reading even more chapters!
I hope you will update weekly!
Thank you for having Krystal and Kai in this fanfic!
update soon!
Nice Update :] Ive been waiting for it!
Minho likes Yoona? Am I right? XD
Please do update soon :))))))))))
This story is DAEBAK! :D
It has all of my biases rolled up in one awesome story :))))))
Please do update soon :]
canonship91 #10
Omg!!!loving it update soon! :)