Room Choosing

Behind their beautiful smiles


                The dormitory was immersed in silence as the five members stared in awe at the magnificent place they had stepped into.

                “Wow, I like it here!” Krystal shrieked in delight.

                “Yes, and it's bigger than Shinee's dorm.” Minho added.

                “So now, we’ll have to decide on who’s staying at which rooms.” Yoona paused before suggesting, “The boys will stay in one room and the girls in the other?”

                “Unnie, you should take the single room since you’re our leader.” Sooyoung spoke, earning nods from the other members.

                Krystal was sharped to notice the name tags on the door of the rooms. “Unnie, look!” She pointed, diverting their attentions to the door. And then, they gasped as they exchanged surprised glances at each other.

                What they had expected was far from SM's arrangement - Minho and Krystal in one room, Kai and Sooyoung in the other and Yoona taking the single bed.

                “I always thought it was banned to have one girl and one boy in a room?” Krystal questioned, breaking the awkward silence.

                “If you’re referring to Leetuek’s pre-debut incident, that’s centuries ago! I guess, no objection is allowed here. So, we’ll just unpack our stuff first and meet here in thirty minutes’ time then.” Yoona heaved a sigh of relief after dispersing the members.  As she made her way to her own room, she placed her hand over her chest area, as she could feel her heart thumping faster. It was the first time she had called the shots in a group.

So this is how it’s like to be a leader…

                “I bet it’s going to be very awkward between the two of them, especially when both of them are so shy.” Krystal commented, smiling widely as she imagined the scene at the other end.

                Minho nodded, agreeing to her sentiments. “It would have been better … if she was here instead.” He mumbled to himself softly.

                “Oppa, I prefer the bed by the window. I’ll take that then.” Ignoring Minho's tongue-tied mumbling, she began to unpack her luggage excitedly.

                At the other end, it was real awkward between the two. They were slightly uncomfortable with the arrangement but had failed to voice out their opinions.

                “Kai, which bed would you like to have?” Sooyoung asked politely.

                “…I’ve no particular preference. How about you choose?” Kai offered Sooyoung the choice.


                Both of them were too considerate to make a choice, as they wouldn’t want to bring unwanted inconvenience to the other party. Then, she remembered the conversation with her soul mate. "Kai doesn’t like to sleep near the door; he’s very sensitive to light, thus he would be disturbed when I open the door to go outside."

                “How about I take the bed near the door then?” Sooyoung beamed in delight, as they had finally come to a decision at last, with the help of Luhan.


                “Okay, thirty minutes up. Where’s your roommate, Minho?” Yoona looked at her watch with slight displeasure. “Krystal Jung, where’s your sense of punctuality?”

                “I’m coming! There’s just too much for me to unpack and Minho isn't helping me at all!” Krystal yelled impatiently.

                “Krystal, stop finding excuses for yourself. You were the one who choose to bring so much things, and that means you’ll have to pack faster than others.” Yoona enunciated each word clearly.

                “I’m sorry, Unnie.” Krystal pouted and apologize sincerely.

                “You don’t have to apologize to me. We’ve to manage ourselves strictly because we’re the face of the group. Any mistakes we make will cost the image of our group.” Yoona explained further, in hope that everyone understood the reason for her strictness.

                Her words had certainly reminded most of them of their past experiences. Sooyoung remembered being scolded by her instructor for her non-stop yawning because of her sleepless night, countlessly. And Kai suffered from netizens' criticisms for pulling a long face on stage just because he had not have enough sleep during the debut period. Minho was also reprimanded severely for staying silent throughout the whole interview because he was not feeling well. Yoona had been accused for being disrespectful when she was overly-concerned with her Unnies. And Krystal condemned for looking bored during a talk show when she couldn’t relate to any of the topics. Their little actions had been exaggerated and magnified by the media, jeopardizing their group's image.

                Jolting back from memories, everyone gave a light smile before bowing politely to Yoona for her kind advice which they had truly appreciated deep inside.

                “That’s right, she ought to be tamed!” Minho broke the serious atmosphere, earning himself a death glare and a sharp nudge from Krystal.

                “And you’ve matured, Yoona.” He whispered charmingly to her, who blushed upon his compliment.

                She regained her composure almost immediately, before announcing aloud, “It’s breakfast time!”

                As they leave the dorm, like five happy elementary kids, Krystal had hooked onto Minho’s and Yoona’s arms who then hooked Kai’s and Sooyoung’s arms respectively.

                “Let’s go!” They chuckled happily together, raising their hands up high. "Hwaiting, Ulzzangs!"

And, off they go for their very first breakfast together.



Anyeong Readers!~

So now, girls and boys can stay in one room together! kekeke~

Were you surprised at the arrangementKrystal and Minho, Kai and Sooyoung.

You can see the difference between the interactions between these two roommates clearly.

In contrast with Krystal being totally comfortable with Minho, Kai and Sooyoung being so awkward together cracks me up.

Will there be any development between Krystal and Minho / Kai? You’ll have to read on to find out yourself~

But I hope you’ve noticed how Sooyoung would think of Luhan, even when making such a minor decision.

This shows how important Luhan actually meant to her, whether she realizes it anot. 

Lastly, Yoona’s advice which tears me up T_T

Being the face of their group, they must have absolute responsibility and discipline.

And the perfect couple, Minyoon – Their simple yet sweet interactions never fail to make me smile.

You’ll have to use a little of your imagination to picture the perfect last scene together! ^_^

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I'm a bit of a new reader, but I'm already looking forward to kaistal in this fic (I hope there's kaistal)
woaaaa amazing chaptur <3
Yoona hwaiting ^-^
your writing style is really amazing
I really could feel how sas Sooyoung is^^
good job so far d(^.^)b

Hope you'll update soon
Can't wait for the next update :>
Thanks for the lovely comments which always motivate and drive me to write better and more frequently!
I'm aiming to update daily, hopefully. ^_^
As for Minyoon, you'll have to read on to find out more! Kekeke..
And once again, thank you very much for reading~
Please update this soon authornim!!! :D
This is amazing!
I'm totally looking forward to reading even more chapters!
I hope you will update weekly!
Thank you for having Krystal and Kai in this fanfic!
update soon!
Nice Update :] Ive been waiting for it!
Minho likes Yoona? Am I right? XD
Please do update soon :))))))))))
This story is DAEBAK! :D
It has all of my biases rolled up in one awesome story :))))))
Please do update soon :]
canonship91 #10
Omg!!!loving it update soon! :)