Their Project

Behind their beautiful smiles


                 He stared at the beauty standing in front of him, he knew he could feel his heart beat, maybe just a little faster. Helplessly, he blamed himself for being such a coward. He wanted her to know his feelings, but he just wasn’t good with words and couldn’t express himself properly.

                “Sooyoung, how are you?”  He asked bashfully, as though it was the first time he spoke to her.

                Sooyoung was surprised when she turned her head and met the handsome manly figure. He was tall and his dark and tan complexion matches exceptionally well with his flawless facial features. He was doubtlessly good-looking.

                She was quick to jolt back to reality.Kai! I’m doing great. We’re preparing for our debut soon.”

                Then, there was an awkward silence between the two of them. Kai opened his mouth, only to find that no words were coming out. He closed his mouth again, waiting for Sooyoung to continue the dry conversation.

                “Luhan oppa had told me that you guys are going for variety show tomorrow?” Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she was keen in their idol life, which she had yet to experience.

                “Ah, yes. It’s the first after our debut. You know, I’m not a good speaker unlike Hyung so …”

                Sooyoung chuckled as she attempted to encourage him, afterall she was older than him. “Don’t worry, you’ll do just fine! KamJongg Hwaiting! I’m sure Luhan oppa will look after his dongsaengs well. ”

                Kai flinched as he realized  how much trust she had in his hyung and during the few sentences they had spoken, she had mentioned him so many times. “Neh, thanks.”              

  Simply put, he was jealous of his hyung, Luhan.

                Sooyoung had always wondered why Kai hadn’t called her Noona. It wasn’t that she found it disrepectful but was just curious of the reason.  After all, the other maknae, Sehun had addressed her as Noona. She decided that she will ask Luhan one day, since he would always had the answers to her questions.



                 /Oppa, hwaiting for the variety show! I'll watch it after my practice tonight ^^/  A smile curved upon his lips as soon as he saw the text from his best friend.

       /Thanks, I'm really nervous now/

       /Oppa, you just have to show your blank face and your fans would be satisfied, kekeke/ 

       /Okay, will talk to you again, have to get ready for the dry run now! Cya!/ 

                "Let me guess, you're texting Luhan Oppa?" Haneul, who had an exceptionally good vocal asked. 

      "Why doesn't Luhan Oppa text me? I'm jealous!" Hana pretend to pout, earning a light smack from Eun Seo.

                "You two are always teasing Sooyoung." Eun Seo defended Sooyoung before a smile crept up on her face. "But Sooyoung, you're on very good terms with the Exo members right?" 

                 "Unnie, I'm not that close with them. They're chinggu and really nice sunbaes!" Sooyoung avoided the question tactfully. 

                 "Gojimah! (Lie) You're so close with Luhan Oppa, with Baekhyun and Chanyeol always flashing their bright smile at you. D.O would always bring his food here. Not to forget, the maknae showering you with so much ageyo that could easily kill the Noonas!" JiHyo, the most observant of the group, presented her analysis proudly. "And not to forget, Kai, the poor boy who's always trying to strike a conversation with you. Sooyoung, are you sure you ain't close with them?" Eun Seo shot her a victorious look. 

       "Unnie, I don't think you'll be able to get away today!" Hana chuckled lightly as the members waited patiently.

                "I give up, I give up! Luhan Oppa is my best friend, are you happy now?" Sooyoung blushed, and quickly avoided their gazes as she turned completely pink.

      "Kya, I knew it!" The other members shrieked in unison and cheered loudly. 

                 It was late at night and there she was, laughing lightly while staring at the computer screen broadcasting the variety show which she had promised to watch earlier. The hosts had hilariously teased the Exo members for being such Noona-killers. 

       -At the broadcast station-

       Host: I'm sure the fans must be curious of their ideal type and what they would look for in their girlfriend! Let's start with Exo's Kai!

       Kai: Neh, I've mentioned before that my ideal is actually Han Ye Seul. I like girls with long hair and beautiful smile.

       D.O: Most importantly, he likes girls who call him Oppa!  

       Baekhyun, D.O, Sehyun, Chanyeol: My ideal is actually my fans! kekeke~ 

       Host: Hahaha! How about Luhan-shi? Would you prefer chinese or korean girls? 

       Luhan: I have no special preference over their race. I like a girl who can get along well with me and laugh comfortably with me.

                 Host: Ahh, Exo fans! If you like Kai, remember to call him Oppa neh? And if you like Luhan, remember to laugh at him at the next fansign! Okay, the next question is directed to Kai. Many fans say that you're very chic and seldom speak. Please explain. 

                 Kai: About that, I'm not a person who's very good with words unlike the other Hyungs. Sehyun and me don't talk much, so we might come across as cold. I'm working hard to improve that, so that one day, I can express my love for all of you.

                 Luhan: Isn't our maknae lovable? They have lots of ageyo, that have yet to be shown!

                 Baekhyun, Chaeyeon: Buing Buing! 

                 Sooyoung was chuckling with them as she looked at the sunbae-nims who were being so dorky. "It must have been really fun to be on variety shows, I wish one day I'd be like the sunbae-nims." Sooyoung thought as she drifted into her sleep. 

                 The next morning, Sooyoung made her way to the practice room, surprised to see the SM top idols gathered inside. She glanced around to make sure that she wasn’t at the wrong place. She greeted them shyly with a gentle smile and looked for her group members as she found herself out of place with her sunbae-nims. There were many of her sunbae-nims including SNSD, Super Junior, Shinee, f(x) and Exo.

                 Suddenly, there was a dead silence in the air as the door creaked open. Lee Soo Man entered.

                 "Good Morning. Today, I've gathered all of you here to make an important announcement. Before the new girl group make their debut, I want to attach each of them to one of the senior group with an assigned task which will be used for their teasers. The visual group - Sooyoung, Yoona, Minho, Kai, Krystal will be making a special dance cover which will be used as the first teaser. The maknae group - Hana, Seohyun, Kyuhyun, Taemin and Luna will be making a song cover. The leader group - Eun Seo, Leetuek, Victoria, Onew and Taeyeon, I expect nothing lesser from you guys. Further instructions will be given for the rest of the members. Those who are involved, practice schedule will be printed out by tomorrow. Thank you." With that, Lee Soo Man left the room, leaving the idols to mingle around.

                 "Ulzzang group? Daebak! I like our group." Krystal beamed with pride as she walked towards Yoona and Minho. 

                 "It's the 2nd time we're working together this year, Kai. Hwaiting! I feel old being with you people!" Yoona chuckled softly as she ruffled Kai's hair. 

                  Kai blushes slightly, "Noona, but your face doesn't show your age at all. Do take care of us!"

                  "Sooyoung-shi, we'll take good care of you! Call me Oppa, neh?" Minho smiled cheekily.

                  "Neh, Oppa!" Sooyoung looked at Minho with awe, as she hadn't seen someone with such handsome features for quite sometime other than the Exo members whom she often hang out with.

                  "So, I'm the oldest here. Who's the maknae then?" 

                  "Me! I'm born in late 94! Sooyoung-shi is under the 93-liner!" Krystal announced. 

                  "Kai looks really mature for his age!" Yoona commented. 

                  "He's manly." Luhan hopped over, correcting Yoona at the same time. Instantaenously, he pulled his best friend into a tight embrace, whispering into her ears, "Congrats, your long-awaited dream is finally coming true." 

                  "Kya, I want a hug from Luhan Oppa too!' Krystal screamed like a fan girl as she repeatedly beat Minho's arms excitedly. 

                  "I guess I'm just too old for all these!" A small sigh escaped Yoona's lips as she looked at her dongseangs. 

                   All of them giggled, and you can picture them just like a happy family. 


So this is chapter 3 ^_^ 

My bias, Yoona and Kai have made their appearance finally! Did you notice Kai's subtle feelings towards Sooyoung? And the reason for not calling Sooyoung Noona? I hope you did ^.^ 

I really like the project group - Ulzzang! All the visuals, so cool right? Kekeke ^^ Appa Minho and Umma Yoona will be looking after the kids - Sooyoung, the diligent & respectful elder daughter, manly, handsome yet shy child, Kai and the wilful, cheerful youngest daughter, Krystal. I've also decided to dedicate one chapter mainly for Minyoon in the future. It's going to be interesting! Hehe~

AHH, the skinship between Luhan and Sooyoung?!! Luhan's not hiding their friendship at all since Sooyoung is still not known to the public / media. However, once she has debuted, it would be a whole different story as they have to hide their close friendship from the media and fans. It's going to be overwelming for both of them, since there's bound to be scandal.

 That's it, thanks for reading! Do comment and subscribe if you like it ^_^

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I'm a bit of a new reader, but I'm already looking forward to kaistal in this fic (I hope there's kaistal)
woaaaa amazing chaptur <3
Yoona hwaiting ^-^
your writing style is really amazing
I really could feel how sas Sooyoung is^^
good job so far d(^.^)b

Hope you'll update soon
Can't wait for the next update :>
Thanks for the lovely comments which always motivate and drive me to write better and more frequently!
I'm aiming to update daily, hopefully. ^_^
As for Minyoon, you'll have to read on to find out more! Kekeke..
And once again, thank you very much for reading~
Please update this soon authornim!!! :D
This is amazing!
I'm totally looking forward to reading even more chapters!
I hope you will update weekly!
Thank you for having Krystal and Kai in this fanfic!
update soon!
Nice Update :] Ive been waiting for it!
Minho likes Yoona? Am I right? XD
Please do update soon :))))))))))
This story is DAEBAK! :D
It has all of my biases rolled up in one awesome story :))))))
Please do update soon :]
canonship91 #10
Omg!!!loving it update soon! :)