Their Distance

Behind their beautiful smiles

    Krystal was pacing in her room and it drew frustration and impatience from her roommate, Minho. Her mind was in a mess and it had been an hour since she left Yoona's room. Why did her Unnie had such a complex and painful expression on her face? Why was her reaction so negative? There was so many questions she had, and they were left unanswered. 

    And finally, Minho broke the unpleasant silence as he could no longer bear with the intolerable suspense. "Krystal, what's the matter with you? You've been pacing for an hour! Enough of that, just talk." 

    "It's a secret between Yoona and I." The young lady, with a slight frown on her face, gave up pacing and lay motionlessly on ther comfy bed. Besides, you won't understand even if I tell you, Oppa."    

    Upon hearng her name, Minho sat straight up from his usual sleeping position and looked at her with a serious expression. "What is it about? I'll understand." Krystal was rather puzzled at the complete change in his attitude, but that wasn't her main concern. There was far more serious matters to be concerned over.

    "Sooyoung-ah is troubled lately, especially after .. the BBQ party we had." Krystal started as she twirled her long brown hair that fell on her shoulder.

    "You mean something happened during the BBQ party when Sooyoung was drunk?" Minho questioned as he listened attentively.

    "Precisely. I went to check on them and guess what I saw? Luhan and Kai were ignoring each other." Krystal continued fluently as Minho nodded in agreement. "And recently, Luhan had been avoiding Sooyoung! Isn't that weird, especially when they're best buddies." Krystal couldn't help but feel frustrated. "When I talk to Unnie just now, she advised me not to do anything and let it be! What's wrong with her? She's our leader for god's sake! Sooyoung's part of our team and she's like a sister to me. She's troubled and we're not going to do anything? That's ridiculous." She grew increasingly agitated as she lashed out mercilessly. 

    On the other hand, Minho was deeply in thoughts. He knew Yoona was not the selfish kind of person to ignore one's misery. She was compassionate and would never turn a blind eye at one's plight. 

    "I'm quite certain that Kai likes Sooyoung. I'd call it an one-sided love." His abrupt statement had surprised Krystal so much that she was at a loss of words. The mystery that had bothered them was now half-solved. And the peaceful night was filled with uncomfortable silence between the two of them, with many doubts on their minds.


   "Sica, I missed our Im Choding.." Yuri whined as she watched the replay of her drama - Love Rain, which she had casted alongside Korea's Hallyu Star, Jang Guen Suk. 

   "Me too, our dorm feels empty without her pranks." Jessica pouted as she stared at the TV screen. "She'll probably mature in that Ulzzang Team as the leader of their group." 

   "It's going to be challenging since she never had the desire to lead. But she'll do fine since there's Krystal, Kai, Sooyoung and ..." She paused before continuing as painful memories flashed through her mind. "And Minho."

   "Yul, it's already in the past. You should move on, without him." She gave her a soft yet encouraging pat on her shoulder. Her face was expressionless, but Jessica knew she was in pain and she was deeply scarred.

    "I'm fine, I'm just clinging on the last hope that maybe, he would turn to me someday. I'll move on, Sica. I'm just wondering how Minho would feel, seeing the woman he love in front of him yet so incredibly far from her since he's unable to reach her at all." Yuri scratched the back of his head and chuckled lightly as she recalled the time they had spent together. "Probably like how I feel when we were performing together.."

    "Yul, you're a Pabo! You never move on." 

    "I never did. I love him, back then and even now." 

    As she pulled her into a warm embrace, she comforted her lovingly. 

    "It's his loss, definitely." 


    "Being Lee Soo Man's favourite, how did you feel?" 

    A random conversation was what brought them closer and they'd fall asleep peacefully after knowing a little more about each other. To her, he had always been a rather cold, manly dancer who's exceptionally talented and skilled.

    "It feels really good initially, but after debut, all expectations went up and I'm still struggling to cope with them." He was clearly bothered by the harsh criticisms that was splashed all over the net.

    As he gazed at the beauty beside him, he felt instantly at ease. Her bare face was pretty, with her milky skin that complements those dark emotional eyes that would sparkled every now and then. His eyes lingered on her smooth wavy hair that fell off her shoulders with small messy curls. She had a smile on her flawless face as she listened to him. "Kai, you're simply too humble, you've coped well." 

    "How about you? Everyone knows you're his precious gem, Sooyoung." He posed the same question back to her. 

   "I'm not even sure myself. Since the very first day, he had always told me what I was lacking. I've never feel his preferential treatment towards me." She answered causually, rather unfazed. 

   To him, she shone the brightest in a crowd. He was captivated by her beauty helplessly, not her physical appearance but everything about her was beautiful. It was her fearless and carefree personality that had enchanted him. 

    He smiled as he looked at the girl who shifted slightly, at a comfortable position and was off to her dreamland. He murmured a goodnight before closing his eyes, resting well for the next journey tomorrow.

    And he was rather pleased that starless night for the distance between them had shorten, once again. 


    /I need to see you urgently tonight. I'll be waiting at the usual place./

    /I'm not coming, Yoona. I'm busy, I really am./

    /You can always leave those unimportant things aside./

    /I can't, I need to settle them. Don't wait for me, I'm not coming./

    /You will come. And I won't leave until you're here./

    Her tone in the messages was demanding, but she knew she had to for she didn't want any of them to get hurt.

   Staring outside the window, she found the starless night sky mysteriously beautiful. Immediately, her expression contorted to that of pure worry and unhappiness when she saw him. 

   "Yoona, I'm ..." The man in disguise had worn a navy hoodie with a mask that covered half of his face. Despite his perfect disguise, Yoona had noticed his bitter expression and his now haggard manner. 

    "Don't say a word, Luhan. I'll do the talking instead. How long are you going to hide? How long are you going to avoid them? Back then when everyone was against it, the two of you insisted on dating. You did, and now you're wavering. Why? And your best friend cried because you refused to talk to her. Why? I don't know and only you know it best yourself!" She lashed out at him mercilessly as tears threatened to fall out of her eyes. 

    "Yoona, I've let them down. I know it but I don't know. I never knew ... " Luhan spoke inconherently as he looked at her helplessly. Frustration was clearly shown on his face as he ruffled his messy bronze hair. 

    "You never knew you'd fall in love with your best friend? You're such a jerk, Luhan! Seohyun loves you, she loves you dearly. And you left your best friend just like that. You're hurting both of them. Do you know how much tears they've shed because of you?" She shook her head as she couldn't believe the man who had promised her best friend happiness was going to be one hurting her the most.

    "Yes, I'm the worst! And, are you that great either? Minho, you love him but have you ever express your love towards him? At least, Seohyun was once happy when she was with him. You never did, you never fought for your own love." He was exasperated and he knew she was absolutely right and that angered him even more.

    There was a short icy-cold silence between them before Luhan spoke up.  "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lose my temper, Yoona. You're right, I'm a jerk and I ...." 

    "No, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have lash out at you like that. I just want ..." 

    "No, you're right. You've always been right.  I'll figure out soon, Yoona. I know I need to do something now, they don't deserve to be hurt."

    Their heated argument had ended as they closed their eyes with a relieved smile on their faces. And they craved for a cup of coffee as they smelled the heavenly aroma in the pleasant air. 

    "Hot chocolate macchiato for you?" 

    "Your treat?"

    "Of course, we're best friends."  


Hello readers!

There's so many possible couple pairings here! *hyper*

Minho x Yuri, Kai x Sooyoung & Luhan x Yoona 

Did you expect Luyoon?! It's a little twist I've added in this story :)

I hope you've enjoyed the story so far! Do comment & subscribe!

I'll update again~ ^_^

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I'm a bit of a new reader, but I'm already looking forward to kaistal in this fic (I hope there's kaistal)
woaaaa amazing chaptur <3
Yoona hwaiting ^-^
your writing style is really amazing
I really could feel how sas Sooyoung is^^
good job so far d(^.^)b

Hope you'll update soon
Can't wait for the next update :>
Thanks for the lovely comments which always motivate and drive me to write better and more frequently!
I'm aiming to update daily, hopefully. ^_^
As for Minyoon, you'll have to read on to find out more! Kekeke..
And once again, thank you very much for reading~
Please update this soon authornim!!! :D
This is amazing!
I'm totally looking forward to reading even more chapters!
I hope you will update weekly!
Thank you for having Krystal and Kai in this fanfic!
update soon!
Nice Update :] Ive been waiting for it!
Minho likes Yoona? Am I right? XD
Please do update soon :))))))))))
This story is DAEBAK! :D
It has all of my biases rolled up in one awesome story :))))))
Please do update soon :]
canonship91 #10
Omg!!!loving it update soon! :)