Their Journey Began

Behind their beautiful smiles

                As surprised gasps and whisperings ran through the now excited crowd of idols upon hearing the announcement in the practice room, each group was handed a letter. Yoona cleared and started to read out the letter which was presented to her by her very much respected Sunbae.


Dear Yoona, Minho, Sooyoung, Kai, and Krystal,

This is a special assignment dedicated to all five of you.

I hope all of you will stay devoted and united till the end of the project.

The process would be as important as its product (Sooyoung’s teaser).


Yoona, undoubtedly you’re definitely the best candidate as the leader of the visuals.

You’ve been through the most as the face of Girls Generation.

You know the pain very well and I hope you’d guide your hoobaes along.

You'll never be alone when you fall.


Minho, you’re still struggling as the visual of Shinee.

You always thought, nobody would ever understand you.

But you’re wrong, because these people here do. They held the same position as you do.

Face the struggles bravely and shine together with them.


Kai, needless to say, being the face of Exo must have been difficult for you.

You’ve indeed endured well.

The masks that you all have been wearing, remove them.

Don’t hide anymore, show your true selves to everyone.


Krystal, you’re the maknae of the group.

Do not live under the shadows of anyone anymore.

Step out and face the criticisms bravely.

Stop finding excuses; you were the chosen one right from the start.


Sooyoung, you’re the precious gem of SM.

We knew you were the one when we saw you on the very first day.

Nothing comes easy, you’ve worked hard to get where you’re today.

Overcome the fears you have and starting from today, you’ll see more the world.


Lastly, all of you will be staying together. We’ve prepared 3 rooms.

I wish you the best of lucks in completing the assignment.

Be punctual for tomorrow’s 1st meeting as a group.

Overcome the fears you’ve and remember,

You’re never alone.


With love,

Boa Sunbae-nim


              Instead of the joyous atmosphere they were enjoying earlier on, there was a pleasant silence among the five of them. However, nothing had changed; the other idols were still actively mingling around but only the five of them stopped and gaze at each other. They realize there were tears beaming.

All five of them were the same; they were indeed the chosen ones.

                Krystal was the first to break down in sobs. She had been hurting deep inside, but no one knew. She always act tough as if she did not care, but she knew she was very mindful of the criticisms. Her members who were always envious of her taking the center stage and have never known her concerns. And now…

              Yoona hugged her dearest dongseangs as they cried together; she knew very well that they had all been acting strong. They were the kind who had to hold back their tears even when they were in pain or misery. The tears that were streaming down their face now showed the hidden bonds between them. Minho and Kai looked at each other and bit their lips before giving a hug to reassure each other.

               They were indeed more than just pretty faces. They were the special ones chosen. Deep inside their heart, they knew that they will overcome all the obstacles together.

                The unspoken promise, the invisible bond, the precious friendship and they themselves were unbreakable. 


                “Sooyoung, are you sure that’s all you have?” Krystal raised an eyebrow as she looked with astonishment at the luggage the girl had brought with her. “We’re staying here for more than a month, you know?”

               “You think all girls are as vain as you, Krystal Jung?  I’m really impressed by you. Your luggage looks ridiculously heavy, you know? Just what exactly did you bring along?” Minho teased as he saw her dragging her luggage.

                Krystal let out an impatient grunt before whipping her head behind as she recognized the owner of the deep voice. “Oppa, they are necessities woman need! As a gentleman, shouldn’t you be helping the girls carry our luggage?” She dropped her luggage in front of him and shot him a mischievous grin triumphantly.   

                Picking up her luggage reluctantly, he looked around. “So, Where’s Kai and Yoona?”

                “Kai went over to Unnie’s place to help her with the luggage.” Sooyoung answered.

                “Is that so, she could have asked me instead…” His voice trailed off.

                “There they are!” Krystalchirped, being completely oblivious to Minho’s disappointment. In front of them stood a very well-matched couple. Kai was helping Yoona with her luggage while she was searching for the keys. They looked like a newly-wed, getting all ready to enter their home together.

                “Good morning!” They greeted each other while Yoona was still searching for the keys.

                “Yoona, are you sure you brought the keys out?” Minho furrowed his eyebrows.

                “I did, I double checked before coming out!” Yoona retorted as she began to search for the keys frantically now. Beads of perspiration had formed on her beautiful face.

                “Noona, I remember it’s in your pocket.” Kai pointed out.

                “Ahh, you saved me! Thanks Kai!” Yoona retrieved the keys out and gave him a thankful smile.

                “You’re of such great help, Minho. Unlike Kai, you only know how to make Unnie flustered.” Krystal threw him a sarcastic statement.

                Minho began to clench his fists tightly as he was slightly disturbed by her comments.

Simply because, he didn’t want to look bad in front of the woman she loved.

                All five of them walked towards the staircases, stepping into the dormitory slowly, nervously yet with so much anticipation. It was not going to be easy, yet they were filled with so much anticipation because they knew it was going to be an unforgettable experience and when they looked back someday, they would have no regrets at all. As they entered the dormitory, they breathed in deeply. 

And finally, they began their first journey together.


Hi readers! ^_^ How do you find this chapter?

I hope you've enjoyed reading as much as I've enjoyed writing!

I focused alot on the Ulzzang group as a whole, instead of individuals b'cos I want to show their bonds.

These bonds are different from the bonds between their own group members.

B'cos these people are going through the same pain in each of their group, except Sooyoung who has yet to.

And the later part  is more interesting, MINYOON ^_^

Keke, I love romance~ 

Ahh, all the romance are subtle now, b'cos it's still in the midst of development

I hope it's not getting boring for you guys :<

And not to worry, Luhan is still one of the main characters of the story.

I know he hasn't appear in this chapter, but he will soon :)

And for Sooyoung, who's she gonna end up with is still a mystery ^.^ 

Thanks for reading

P.s I love reading comments & will reply one day :)

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I'm a bit of a new reader, but I'm already looking forward to kaistal in this fic (I hope there's kaistal)
woaaaa amazing chaptur <3
Yoona hwaiting ^-^
your writing style is really amazing
I really could feel how sas Sooyoung is^^
good job so far d(^.^)b

Hope you'll update soon
Can't wait for the next update :>
Thanks for the lovely comments which always motivate and drive me to write better and more frequently!
I'm aiming to update daily, hopefully. ^_^
As for Minyoon, you'll have to read on to find out more! Kekeke..
And once again, thank you very much for reading~
Please update this soon authornim!!! :D
This is amazing!
I'm totally looking forward to reading even more chapters!
I hope you will update weekly!
Thank you for having Krystal and Kai in this fanfic!
update soon!
Nice Update :] Ive been waiting for it!
Minho likes Yoona? Am I right? XD
Please do update soon :))))))))))
This story is DAEBAK! :D
It has all of my biases rolled up in one awesome story :))))))
Please do update soon :]
canonship91 #10
Omg!!!loving it update soon! :)