Their Unrealized Feelings

Behind their beautiful smiles

   -Buzz Buzz-

    Luhan stared at his phone and a frown crept up his face unknowingly. It was the first time he felt troubled, received a text message from her. 

    /Oppa, are you busy lately? I haven't seen you for days. We haven't been talking lately too./

    /It has been long since we could take a long break. I've been busy travelling with the other members./

    /I really missed those times when we met up at night and chat till late hours. I'm lonely without you../                  

    His heart almost sank as it pained him greatly to see her unhappy. He wished he could be there for her, especially during the hard times. He knew she was enduring and he was the only one she could turn to. It took him so much effort to stop himself for reaching to her. He knew he had to avoid her, it was for the sake for him, for her and for everyone else. He couldn't bear to jeopardise their friendship or to ruin her hard work. 

    /I'm sorry, but I'm really busy these days./

   A tear rolled down her face though she tried hard to control her emotions. She felt abandoned as the man whom she relied on had chosen not to meet up with her or listen to her complaints. Why was he avoiding her? As she heard footsteps outside her room, she put her phone away and wiped her tears immediately.

    He walked sleepily into the room, stretching his tired muscles as he closed the door. Instantly, his gaze fell upon his roommate, who was so deep in her thoughts that she had not realized his presence. Yes, it has been a few weeks since they were stuck in the same dorm, and same room. They had gotten closer, much to Kai's delight, since he was rather awkward with people. He noticed that she would stare at the ceiling every now and then, or would toss and turn in the night when she could not fall asleep. Sometimes, he wanted to ask her but his shyness often stopped him.

    But, this time, he changed his mind. He wanted to ask her what's bothering her nowadays. Afterall, they were good friends.

    "You all right?"

    Sooyoung was jolted from her thoughts by his concerned voice. She gave him a smile, before assuring him that she was fine.     

    As Kai sat on his bed, he attempted to strike a conversation with her. "Are you worried with the training? I can tell our trainer are pretty satisfied with our performance though. Don't push yourself too hard."

    The girl shook her head lightly, "Kai, thanks for your concern.. It has been a tiring day, let's sleep early..."

    "You can tell me anything that's bothering you. I would be glad to help you."

    "Is Lu .. I mean Exo ... preparing for any upcoming events? They .. seem busy.." She spoke incoherently, staring quickly at her palms.

    He knew what was bothering her. It was that man, that 'rascal'. An unknown fury rose within him. "Not really, we would only be preparing after the debut of your group.. The group members could be busy with their individual activities outside, I have no idea." 

    "Is that so? I see.." He could sense her disappointment, almost immediately. Looking at her crest-fallen face, it pained him. He knew that Luhan had not been contacting her ever since that incident. And she had no idea why, since she was dead drunk. Other than Kai and Luhan, nobody knew about that incident and no one breathed a word about it. In other words, she was kept in the dark.


   It has been several weeks since that incident, but Krystal could not get the unsettled matter off her mind. She didn't like having unanswered questions.

    "Oppa, are you asleep yet?" She was determined to get her answer tonight.

    "I was about to fall asleep until a brat disturbed me!" Minho snorted, rubbing his eyes as he turned towards Krystal's side.

    "I'm not a brat. I'm a fine lady, mind you!" Krystal retorted immediately and inhaled slowly, before speaking up once more. "Anyway, have you noticed Sooyoung's somewhat weird behaviour lately? She's often drifting away when we're not practicing."

    "Afterall, it's her debut and we're preparing for her teaser. It's pretty normal for her to get nervous." Minho answered nonchalently.

    "It's not like that, Oppa." She let out a soft sigh, before continuing her sentence, "It's as if she troubled and it seems that she has alot on her mind." 

    "Maybe it's the stress, I don't know." Minho shrugged. 

   "I told you it's not that simple, Oppa! You're such an insensitive and dumb fellow." Krystal mocked, with much exasperation. "I'm going to sleep, goodnight!" Krystal muttered in defeat, as she gave up talking to him. Throughout the whole conversation, Minho just couldn't get the main point. She noticed that Sooyoung had been troubled lately, especially after that incident. Recently, she hadn't been smiling or laughing. It's as if she lost her optimism she used to have. And it didn't take long for her to figure out that it was because of him. 

    "And you were the one who woke me up from my sleep, you rude brat!"


   "Good Morning, our practice is rather late today so we can have our breakfast slowly and get ready leisurely!" Yoona beamed as her weary-looking members trudged slowly towards the dining table. 

    "That's good, since I didn't get a good sleep yesterday. It was all because of her." Minho pointed at the girl who was reaching for a sandwich on the table, with a look of displeasure. 

    Yoona was rather disturbed as she realized how close the two of them had become. She eyed the two of them who were fooling around, laughing away heartily. Minho tried to stuff a sandwich in , while Krystal whacked his muscular arms playfully.She was envious of the scene playing in front of her.

    "Noona, are you feeling well? You looked rather pale." Kai spoke, jolting Yoona out of her thoughts.

    "Ah, I'm fine. The sandwich is good, isn't it?." Yoona tried to divert his attention.

    Kai looked at her sandwich and back on her slightly upset face. Unaware to her, she had not taken a bite from the sandwich actually. Her eyes were glued to the couple who was still messing with each other's breakfast. She felt uneasy and furrowed her eyebrows unknowingly. She was annoyed and did not utter another word throughout the whole breakfast. 

    That was definitely, Jealousy.


Hi, I haven't been able to update this story daily :< I'm sorry, but I'll work hard on it to make it more interesting ^_^

This story is finally developing~ Yay!

Notice Luhan's and Sooyoung's relationship? It's getting a little tense now, b'cos Luhan is starting to avoid her. Poor girl, and the misunderstanding between Luhan and Kai is not cleared up yet. If you noticed, you'd have realized that Luhan is a kind-hearted man, maybe a little too kind. He's not the kind to fight back, even if he's being put in a disadvantage or even when he's being misunderstood. He'd choose to sacrifice himself, he's that kind-hearted. 

And then Kai - a more manly figure. He's going to fight for his happiness now. He's not that awkward with Sooyoung anymore, though he's still rather bashful.  And it's the perfect timing for him to make his advances. So stay tuned for their development ^_^

Krystal, the willful princess! Hehe, she's really one of my favorite character. Though she's rather spiteful, she's a very caring friend, isn't she? She the first to notice Sooyoung's troubles and she'd make an impact in her life. I like the small bicker she had with Minho :) Does she like him in a romantic way or are they just good friends?

And this probably makes Yoona realize how much she cares about Minho. I've always been talking about how Minho feels towards Yoona. So now, it's the other way round.

So, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter!

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I'm a bit of a new reader, but I'm already looking forward to kaistal in this fic (I hope there's kaistal)
woaaaa amazing chaptur <3
Yoona hwaiting ^-^
your writing style is really amazing
I really could feel how sas Sooyoung is^^
good job so far d(^.^)b

Hope you'll update soon
Can't wait for the next update :>
Thanks for the lovely comments which always motivate and drive me to write better and more frequently!
I'm aiming to update daily, hopefully. ^_^
As for Minyoon, you'll have to read on to find out more! Kekeke..
And once again, thank you very much for reading~
Please update this soon authornim!!! :D
This is amazing!
I'm totally looking forward to reading even more chapters!
I hope you will update weekly!
Thank you for having Krystal and Kai in this fanfic!
update soon!
Nice Update :] Ive been waiting for it!
Minho likes Yoona? Am I right? XD
Please do update soon :))))))))))
This story is DAEBAK! :D
It has all of my biases rolled up in one awesome story :))))))
Please do update soon :]
canonship91 #10
Omg!!!loving it update soon! :)