Just Another Annoying Brat - Chapter 16

Just Another Annoying Brat

Just Another Annoying Brat – Chapter 16

Pairing: NinomiyaxOC

Genre: Romance, School Life (The only genres I know)

Rating: Supposedly PG13, or is it G? (sorry, guys. Please help me in this one...)

Sumarry: “What is so different about him than the others?!” I hissed, my fist tightening. “He’s just another annoying brat that’ll make this class even noisier!”

Disclaimer: Oh, I own Arashi, in my dreams that is.

Author: Well... me!                                          

Warning: It might have... a bit lot of bad language..

A/N: This is my first time writing a fanfic, so please help comment or critic my fanfic. Thank you... :D



Chapter 16

A Declaration of War





Maika’s phone buzzed. She took it out in the middle of running home. It was a message from Hana, asking how it went with Nino. Of course, she wouldn’t want to lie to her friend so she told her everything. Yes, everything. From how he kissed her cheek and his declaration of war. She never had thought that it would spread to her other 2 friends.


“Kaichou, I’ve heard from Hana! So you and Nino are in some kind of love situation? And Nino, wow, I never knew you would be so determined when it comes to love~” Kitami teased. “H..hana-chan!! You told him what I told you to be a secret?!” Maika whispered harshly. “S-sorry! I can’t possibly keep a lie from my boyfriend. Besides, Ninomiya-kun doesn’t seem to be bothered about it.” Hana whispered back, pointing at the Ninomiya who was smiling brightly beside the 2 other boys.


“Hey, Ninomiya, tell me... What WOULD you do to make kaichou fall for you? I don’t think she’s the type that’ll fall for someone that easily.” Takishima joked, giving him a pat in his back. “Hm... Let’s see... I’ll kiss her lips, her ears, the nape of her neck, hug her tightly, her hair, caress her cheeks, tie her arms up to trap her, make  her do things, bully her as much as I want, make her shamefully confess her love, and all she could do is just squeal my name helplessly.” Nino’s face showed a huge smirk. He’s not a human anymore, he’s already a devil. A erted one, able to say such things so casually.


“R...right..” Maika whispered, still blushing. “Let’s just finish our work for today, okay..?” Maika forced a smile.



“Mai-chan~ My work is done~ How ‘bout yours?” Hana grinned, bouncing to her side. “Ah, I’m done too. Let’s go home together. It’s been a while since we’ve done that, well, before you had ‘Shi-chan’ that is.” She giggled, standing up from her seat. Suddenly, she noticed something was missing, her phone.


Nino, who was sitting beside her, snuck a small note on her pocket. Surprised by the sudden movement, she shot him a sharp glance and took out the small piece of paper silently. On the note, was written ‘If you want your phone back, meet me back here in after everyone has left.’ “Ah, Hana-chan, sorry, but I can’t go home with you. I forgot where I left my phone...” Maika forced a smile and sent her away. “Eh? But...” Hana pouted. “Just go! Have fun with uh.. your ‘Shi-chan’ I’ll go home with you tomorrow!! Jaa nee! Bye-bye!” Maika pushed them all out.


“Nice job, Hina. You were able to shoo them so easily.” Nino giggled, taking out her phone. “Oi! Give me back my phone!” Maika hissed, charging towards him to snatch it away. “Not so fast, I have some important things to discuss with you..” He looked serious, surprisingly. Putting her phone back to his pocket, he approached her slowly. “W..what?” Maika took a step back. “You don’t have to be so frightened, I wanted to discuss with you about the newest school event. I just got the news from Iemitsu-sensei about it. Check it out.” Nino smiled, passing her the documents. She hesitantly took it.


“Are you sure you took the right medicine today?” She asked. Normally, at these typed of situations, Nino would start hugging her, kissing her, her and well... do erted stuff. Discussing about an event privately is.. it didn’t cross her mind. “Of course I did. Oh... unless.. you were expecting something?” Nino’s face formed his usual smirk. “W..what? N..no... ‘course not..” Maika blushed. “Hm...” He hummed, suddenly pulling her arm, making all the documents on her hands to fall and be scattered on the floor.


“You were so totally expecting something... like this maybe?” He smirked.


“N-ninomiya! W..what do you me-hiiii!!” She shrieked when Nino purposefully her ear. “Ara... is this a sensitive spot of yours?” He grinned, continuing to her ear which had become red in colour. Her head became a bit dizzy over his touch. It was like she lost all her power, she felt weak. Unconciously, she laid her head on his chest. Her ears were still burning hot. “S..stop it!! It damn.. ngh! ..tickles!!” She moaned. “Hihihi... You are so cute when I do this to you. I wonder how good your neck tastes like...” He his lips and approached her nape. She instinctly hit his stomach with her fist and pushed him towards the table. “Ow..ow...” He moaned in pain.


“I...if you come any closer.. I’ll spread that book of yours to everyone in the school!” She hissed, taking out the ‘book of targets’. “Woah, I completely forgot about that... Genius as always. But I don’t care what you do with that book anymore, because the only thing I want now is you. It doesn’t matter if the whole class ganged up on me, or spreads bad rumours about me, as long as I can have you with me, then I’m happy.” He smiled. “N..ninomiya...” She whispered to herself. “Scared of  me now?” His face showed a gentle smile.


“You... You’re really so creepy, like a stalker.” She looked at him with a ‘wierdo’ look.


“How dare you call me a stalker you cheeky brat...” He glared with a pissed off face. He approached her and started pinching her cheeks wide. “I..tte!!” She hissed. “Where do you get your nerve to insult someone older than you, especially me...” He scolded, playing with her cheeks. “Ow..ow.. hey lemme go!” She moaned, pulling away his hands. His glare became a gentle chuckle. “I can’t believe I fell in love with someone so cheeky... quick.. fall in love with me...” He said to himself.


“Eh..?” Maika questioned. The distance between them was too near, even a whisper could be heard. Suddenly, they could hear murmurs outside. A teacher must be near and if they found them in that kind of position, they’re gonna be in big, and I mean BIG trouble. “Yabai! Hide!Hide! Now!!” Nino panicked and pushed her under the table. “Cho- Whaa!” Maika shouted when her head hit the table with a loud ‘thud’. Nino placed his hand on her lips to keep her shut. “Umph!! Mphmm!!” Maika shouted. “S..shut up!!” He hushed.


“Is anyone in here?” The teacher opened the door. He looked around for a second and went out. “Must be my imagination...” He scratched his head.


Letting out a big sigh, he let go of Maika. “Ninomiya... curse you.. I had to go through 15 airless seconds, are you trying to kill me or something?!” She turned behind and shot him a sharp glare. “Uh.. Why do I have to trouble myself with idiots like you..” She sighed, trying to get up but Nino pulled her waist in to prevent her. Her roughly landed on his legs. “W..what do you want now?! After trying to literally choke me to death! Uh!!” She continued.


“You don’t want your phone back?” He grinned. “WAH! My phone! I completely forgot!!” She jumped in shock and unfortunately hit her head. “Uh..” She rubbed her head to ease the pain. “Are you alright?” Nino asked worriedly, patting her head gently. “I’m fine....”She blushed, but she didn’t forget about her phone. “CHANCE!!” She shouted and grabbed her phone back. “What the- keh!” He cursed, but it ended up becoming a giggle. “W..what?” She asked, \crawling outside of the table’s shades and stood up. “Hina, you never cease to amuse me.... Well played.” He grinned, standing up from his seat but hit his head.


 “Ouch!” He hissed. “Damn this table, hitting people’s heads for at least ten times a day...” He scratched his head. “Are you all right?” Maika giggled and lend him a hand. “Yeah... I think.” He giggled together.




“Shoot! 3p.m.?! I have to pick up some things!!” She started to panic. Tidying her uniform and swiftly grabbing her bag, she left the room in a flash. “Wait! About the eve... Che, she left.” He pouted. “Aaaahhh, what should I do about this ‘couple’ event we have to enter??” He sighed, looking at the papers. It was said that ‘Every member of the Student Council must join to promote the event wether the member has a couple or is single’.



SORRY!! I am currently SO busy!! Luckily, next week's the school break!!!

I am currently running out of ideas so I am updating it very VERY slow m( __ __)m

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter~


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ilovenino #1
Chapter 19: Nyaawww! Why you so cute Nino? ;)
Chapter 15: The 'ITADAKIMASU' part!!! KYAAAAAAAH~ ♥
candice-chan #3
@DidIMentionILoveYou Ehehehe :) I'll try ^^
This is really good TTwTT
candice-chan #5
@SandraHayes Of course, he's so responsible and gentlemanly XD
Lol, don't blame me if you become a bit erted after you read about their "game" ;)
Oh...Sakurai-kun as a perfect man...I can imagine it :D And I can't wait for that "game" of theirs :D
candice-chan #7
@SandraHayes: lol, at least he's vice, not the president. I guess the only shock he got is that he's gonna spend more time in school to work, than staying home and playing games like a mad man XD.
I'm prety surprised that Nino doesn't mind he's "just" the vice president. He has to go through very big schock no to realise that :D
candice-chan #9
@skipbeat308: Thank you... I feel a bit flattered... Ehehee (>//<)
@SandraHayes: I know!! >< He's pretty mean but actually pretty sweet.. (for me- wahahaha)
Pretty interesting. Typical Nino :D