Just Another Annoying Brat - Chapter 14

Just Another Annoying Brat

Just Another Annoying Brat – Chapter 14

Pairing: NinomiyaxOC

Genre: Romance, School Life (The only genres I know)

Rating: Supposedly PG13, or is it G? (sorry, guys. Please help me in this one...)

Sumarry: “What is so different about him than the others?!” I hissed, my fist tightening. “He’s just another annoying brat that’ll make this class even noisier!”

Disclaimer: Oh, I own Arashi, in my dreams that is.

Author: Well... me!

Warning: It might have... a bit lot of bad language..

A/N: This is my first time writing a fanfic, so please help comment or critic my fanfic. Thank you... :D




A vice-president's job


"Hana-chan, arrange these informations by date."
"Kitami-kun, count the money we need for the next event."
"Takishima-kun, read all the opinions from the students."
"Nino, send these files to all the teachers."

Everyone busily got to their work. Maika also had work, not just instructing people around. She had 5 tall stacks of papers to sign. It was a heavy job, she only had 3 hours to read all those papers. "Hey Hina, want me to help you sign those?" Nino offered when he finished his work. "I can finish all these . Don't worry, you can go home if you're done." She smiled and continued to work. All Nino could do was to look from afar in worry.

The days played in a loop. Maika was always the one who went home the most late. Whenever someone tried to offer help she would always refuse. Amazingly, her work will also be finished at the end of the day but with fatigue showing on her face. Even when Hana tried to invite her to a relaxing place, she still refused. Maybe she was taking this president's job a little too serious.


That day just wasn't her lucky day. Everything went wrong for her. She even had a slight fever when she left home. Nevertheless, she had to go to school. "Hana-chan, why is the stack of information I told you to arrange last time not in order?! Look, the files of May are mixed with June's!! Kitami-kun, you counted the money wrongly! It's supposed to be more than 3000 yen, you counted it as 2700 only!! Takishima-kun, you missed out a few opinions! And Nino, Kirie-sensei and  Fuji-sensei did not recieve it!!" Maika scolded.

"G...gomenasai.." They apologized.

"You guys can go home first. I'll try to work out something." Maika let out a big sigh. "Sorry for all the trouble we've caused." They lowered the head and left the room in silence. Nino stayed behind and tried to help her. "I said you can go, Nino." She said coldly. "You never said I can't help you." He smiled, taking half of the work and placed it on his table. "I'll try my best to be careful." She nodded silently as a reply.

From time to time, Nino would turn his head towards her to check if she's too worn out. Soon, he noticed how she would ocassionally place her hand on her forehead. Her cheeks were also bright pink and she looked very drained. "Hina, are you okay?" He asked, cupping her face. Her cheeks were hot. "H..hina!! Y-you're burning!! Quick, go to the infirminary!!" He tried to pull her out from her chair but Maika brushed his hand off.

"D..don't need to help me!! I don't need it!!" She shouted.

His whole body was filled with rage. His fist tightened and he was ready to break something. But he did not want the girl he likes to see him when he's angry, he doesn't want her to be terrified of him. He took a deep breath and kept the wild beast inside of him in control. Still, he could not fully calm his rage down and blurted out a few words which he did not mean.

"...Fine, I never thought that the Kaichou would not trust us enough to help her with her work. What a let-down, if I knew this was your character I wouldn't want to be vice-president." He said coldly and left the room.

She threw herself on the chair while resting her head on the table. She already had a fever, her friends made a lot of mistakes and she had a fight with Nino. Nothing could make it worse. She had to continue her job despite the fact that she is sick. Her job was only half done, yet her energy was slowly draining and she was suffering from a headache. "I need to drink medicine..." She said to herself, walking towards the door. But just when she was near the door, she fainted.

And the hero saves the day. Nino appeared out of nowhere and let her fall on his chest. "N..ninomiya.." She whispered. "See, I told you to go to the infirminary!! Don't force everything on yourself!!" Nino scolded, carrying her on his back. "I'm just gonna take a headache medicine..." She whispered quietly. "No, you have to take a big rest!!" He hissed. "B...but my work..." Her words were even quieter than a whisper. "Your health is much more important than your job! I'll deal with it. Just take a big rest, no thinking about work."

Soon, they reached the infirminary. The nurse had already gone home, but the door wasn't locked. Walking towards the bed, he placed her down gently. He rummaged the room and found the medicine. He took a cup of water and handed her the medicine. She immediatly swallowed it in, amd it seems like the medicine had a side-effect which made her sleep in an instant. "Have a nice rest..." He whispered kindly, planting a small kiss on her forehead. He started dialing numbers and left for the Student Council room.


Slowly, her eyes flicked open. Her fever has gone down tremendously due to the nap she got. Hurriedly, she dashed towards the Student Council room to continue her work but it was too late. All her work was stacked neatly on her table, each of them done. "Oh, you've woken up?" Nino appeared from behind. "N..ninomiya!" She turned around swiftly. "You finished all these yourself?" She asked in amusement. "Of course not. I had some help from our dear friends." He grinned as the other 3 appeared.

"Mai-chan... Gomen ne... If we gave you trouble... We did all your work...So please... Don't hate us!!" Hana cried, hugging Maika. "If you were to hate me... I'll...i'll *sobs* I'll lose all my intention to live!!" She sobbed, tightening the hug. "That's too exagerated.... Besides, I don't hate you guys... Where did you get that idea?" She giggled. "Eh? B..but Ninomiya-kun said..." Hana pointed at the man. "I think he was fooling you..." Maika sighed. Nino rolled his tongue at her and continued playing the DS in his hands. "Kitami-kun, please console your girlfriend." Maika sighed, pushing Hana towards him. He nodded in reply.

"Even so, Hina, if you have any trouble please tell us, we don't want you to get sick like today. We know we may not be as capable as you are, but at least split the work with us. That's why we're here, to help you. Trust us a bit,ne?" Nino smiled. "That's right!" Hana nodded. "Please let us help you kaichou." Kitami added. "If you would let us help you, we would really be happy." Takashima smiled. Shocked beyond words, Maika pulled them into a hug. A tear trickled down her cheek as she smiled. "Thank you so much, I'm grateful to have such amazing friends like you guys who want to help me."


It was already pretty late, again. Nino was walking home with her. Since the road they'll be going through is somewhat the same.

"Uwaaa, today was so tiring~"
"Oh, I forgot to say thank you for your help..."
"Nah, that's allright."
"No, I should really give you something in return of your help."
"You don't have to, seriously."
"But I insist!! C'mon!! I will do anything!!"
"Anything?" Nino suddenly got interested.


"Then...." He smirked, his lips. He pulled her face close to his. "Itadakimasu." He whispered, pressing his lips against hers. It was a simple kiss, no using of tongue or whatsoever. It didn’t last very long, yet he was satisfied. As soon as their lips parted, Nino took a right turn to his house. She stood there, dumfounded. Eyes wide open, her jaw hanging and her body stiffened like a statue. What... Just.... Happened...?



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ilovenino #1
Chapter 19: Nyaawww! Why you so cute Nino? ;)
Chapter 15: The 'ITADAKIMASU' part!!! KYAAAAAAAH~ ♥
candice-chan #3
@DidIMentionILoveYou Ehehehe :) I'll try ^^
This is really good TTwTT
candice-chan #5
@SandraHayes Of course, he's so responsible and gentlemanly XD
Lol, don't blame me if you become a bit erted after you read about their "game" ;)
Oh...Sakurai-kun as a perfect man...I can imagine it :D And I can't wait for that "game" of theirs :D
candice-chan #7
@SandraHayes: lol, at least he's vice, not the president. I guess the only shock he got is that he's gonna spend more time in school to work, than staying home and playing games like a mad man XD.
I'm prety surprised that Nino doesn't mind he's "just" the vice president. He has to go through very big schock no to realise that :D
candice-chan #9
@skipbeat308: Thank you... I feel a bit flattered... Ehehee (>//<)
@SandraHayes: I know!! >< He's pretty mean but actually pretty sweet.. (for me- wahahaha)
Pretty interesting. Typical Nino :D