Just Another Annoying Brat - Chapter 12

Just Another Annoying Brat

Just Another Annoying Brat – Chapter 12

Pairing: NinomiyaxOC

Genre: Romance, School Life (The only genres I know)

Rating: Supposedly PG13, or is it G? (sorry, guys. Please help me in this one...)

Sumarry: “What is so different about him than the others?!” I hissed, my fist tightening. “He’s just another annoying brat that’ll make this class even noisier!”

Disclaimer: Oh, I own Arashi, in my dreams that is.

Author: Well... me!

Warning: It might have... a bit lot of bad language..

A/N: This is my first time writing a fanfic, so please help comment or critic my fanfic. Thank you... :D



Chapter 12





"Hina!!" Nino shouted at the top of his voice, frantically searching every corner of the area just to locate the missing girl. Soon, he reached the park, the paradise for young children. It was almost 5.30p.m., the time when the sun would usually set. Looking at the scenery, he noticed that someone else was looking at the sunset. Her back was the only the thing he could see, but he noticed how the wind brushed her hair gently and tears could be seen flowing down her face. It was Hinata crying in front of the sunset. 


"W..why are you crying Hina? Did I do something to... Upset you?" Nino asked, sitting beside the girl. She hurriedly wiped her tears away. "W..what? I am not crying..." She forced a smile. Mad with her reply, he pulled her into his arms roughly. "Wah!" She cried, falling safely into his arms. "What do you want, Ninomiya?!" She hissed, pushing him away. But she was no match for him, he pulled her in close till her face hits her chest. 


"Ummph.. N..ninomiya!!" Her face stuck on his not-muscular body. "Let me go!!" She tried wiggling her way out but her attempt still failed. "No way missy, not until you tell me what's wrong." Nino said, cupping her face. An akward silence, it's like Maika froze. "A.. Um.. Nino.. Can I p-please... Hold your hands?" Maika blurted. Are his ears decieving him? The chances of her asking him to hold hands with her is the same amount of chance a pig have to fly in the air. 


Nevertheless, he held her hands in silence. Slowly, the sweet heat travelled from one hand to the other. "Hey.. Can you please tell me what's bothering you?" Nino brought the subject up again. "Not until you fulfill all my wishes..." She pouted. Wishes? What wishes? He's not the genie of the magic lamp, so why are these 'wishes' given to him? 


"Please... my hair, Ninomiya..." Maika blushed. "Y-your hair?! Why?!" Nino shrieked. "Just do it, and be gentle..." She smiled. "Well, I really wanna know so... Okay, I'll do it." Ninomiya gulped.  Placing his palm on her head, slowly he her hair. Maika made herself comfortable with her current position, she pulled his body closer and shut her eyes. 


'Oh damn... Please don't let her feel my heartbeat, please don't let her feel it, oh please don't...' Ninomiya prayed in his heart, getting a bit nervous. Suddenly, his shirt felt wet and he could hear the girl mumbling something incoherent. "Tou..chan..." She cried, tears flowing down her cheeks. She held onto his wet shirt and bursted into tears. "H..hina.. What's.. Wrong?" He asked worriedly. "Don't worry, you can cry as much as you want.... Let out all your feelings, I won't be mad..." Nino smiled gently, patting her head. 


"Tou...chan.." She whispered. "Why did you have to die in the fire?! You leave me with that cold-blooded witch and look at how miserable I am!! Meanie!!" She screamed, hitting his chest. Not wanting her to stop herself, Nino just moaned in pain silently.


 "I miss the moments how we would play tag together, how you would pat my head whenever I did something good and how you'll always hold my hand whenever I'm lonely... And you'll always bring me here every Saturday to watch the scenery while hugging me... But now that you're gone... My life feels so empty!! Why couldn't I have died with you?! Tou-chan!! Answer me!! Do you hate me because Kaa-chan died after giving birth to me?! Kaa-chan that you love so much, I killed her! Is that why you hate me?! Why must I be born... I'm just giving people trouble... I wish I wasn't even born!!!" Maika bursted into tears, hitting his chest till he fell on the grass. 


"Hinata, calm down!!!" Nino scolded, hugging her. She stopped in an instant. "No one hates you, your dad loves you and their death was an accident... It's not your fault at all, it's just your thoughts." 


"THEN WHY MUST TOU-CHAN LEAVE ME WITH THAT GREEDY WITCH?!" She screamed at the top of her voice. "That person you call witch must be a good friend of your dad's, so she decided to take you in. Your dad doesn't hate you, he just thought that you can continue your life with her. He never thought you would be so sad with her, if he knew, he would've let someone else take care of you. It was never your fault. I promise you " Nino smiled gently, cupping her face while swallowing away her tears. 


She lifted her head and stared straight at his eyes, "P...promise..?" She asked. "Yeah, I promise." He grinned. "T..that's good to hear..." She whispered and went to sleep. She was probably exhausted from all the crying and screaming, but even so, she was able to let out all her feelings. Things slowly became clear to him. Her dislike for boys wasn't actually caused by some brats that ganged on her, it was actually her father's sudden death and 'the witch's adoption. Maybe she felt betrayed, but she didn't want to admit it and so she blamed the whole thing on her 'guyfriend'. She was like a lost kid, looking for the way out but ended up blaming it on herself. 


And luckily, the reason she always blushed happily when she's with Sakurai isn't because she likes him, but because Sakurai resembled her father. That's a relief.


"You had to keep in such heavy emotions for such a long time now... I can't believe you would be strong enough to do so... Take a good rest, Hinata." Nino sighed in relief, planting a small kiss on her forehead.




"Oh, your awake?" Ninomiya asked, looking back at the girl he was carrying on her back as soon as he felt movement. "N..ninomiya.. W-wait!! Put me down!!" Maika panicked, making herself heavy. "Calm down..." He sighed, placing her back on the ground. "W..why are you carrying me?!" Maika'face turned bright pink in an instant. "Hm.. Let's see... SOMEONE ended up sleeping and the police threw me and that SOMEONE out of the park since it was too late. Who is this somone? Guess." Nino shot her a glare for a second. "Okay, okay.. I get it.." She sighed.


"You know, I feel a bit rude for leaving Sakurai-senpai and Hanitsu-senpai alone... Will they be mad on Monday?" Maika sighed. "Don't worry, in fact, I think they're pretty happy to be alone together, they are a couple after all..." Nino shrugged. "I se- HUH?!" Maika gasped in shock. "Yeah, didn't you know? Sakurai-senpai actually kept the whole 'fake boyfriend’ thing a secret from Hani-senpai. " Nino rolled his toungue out. 


"Then why were YOU there?" Maika stared at his eyes. "W..well that's because..." He mumbled. Oh shoot, what to say now?! Suddenly, Hani-senpai's words echoed inside his head. "You love her, don't you?" No, I don't like her, do I?! He took a big gulp. "Nino?" Maika asked, waving her hands in front of his face. "That's because... I... Someone that I like is dating a guy and I tried to follow her with the excuse of a date..." 


"Someone you like..? Nino.. You like someone?" Maika asked, staring at him with unintentionally made puppy eyes. "Do I know that person?" She asked. "Y..yes!" He took a big gulp. "Someone I know... Nino likes her.. In the cafe.." She whisered to herself, seeming to be in deep thought. 'Damn it!! It's you Hinata, you're the someone I like!!' He groaned in his mind. "Wait, doesn't that make you a stalker?" Maika asked, raising her eyebrow. "I..I am not! Anyway, we're here at your house, goodbye!" He said, stomping away. She pulled his arm and he immediately turned back. "Wait! I forgot to tell.. Arigatou, Nino." She smiled and let go of his arm. 


Looking at her blushing face, he let out a small chuckle. He pulled her into a hug and patted her head gently. Again, she bursted into tears. "Tou-chan!!" She shouted, hugging him tightly. He continued patting her head while giggling. "Never thought you were such a crybaby..." He grinned, giving yet another kiss on her forehead. "Sorry, but I have to go. Bye Tou-chan's crybaby!" He teased, walking away. "Shut up..." She blushed silently, wiping her tears away.



So... how was this update?

I'm gonna be going out for two weeks so not updates until then,

I hope I left you guys with a pretty good ending...


Comments are highly appreciated:)

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ilovenino #1
Chapter 19: Nyaawww! Why you so cute Nino? ;)
Chapter 15: The 'ITADAKIMASU' part!!! KYAAAAAAAH~ ♥
candice-chan #3
@DidIMentionILoveYou Ehehehe :) I'll try ^^
This is really good TTwTT
candice-chan #5
@SandraHayes Of course, he's so responsible and gentlemanly XD
Lol, don't blame me if you become a bit erted after you read about their "game" ;)
Oh...Sakurai-kun as a perfect man...I can imagine it :D And I can't wait for that "game" of theirs :D
candice-chan #7
@SandraHayes: lol, at least he's vice, not the president. I guess the only shock he got is that he's gonna spend more time in school to work, than staying home and playing games like a mad man XD.
I'm prety surprised that Nino doesn't mind he's "just" the vice president. He has to go through very big schock no to realise that :D
candice-chan #9
@skipbeat308: Thank you... I feel a bit flattered... Ehehee (>//<)
@SandraHayes: I know!! >< He's pretty mean but actually pretty sweet.. (for me- wahahaha)
Pretty interesting. Typical Nino :D