Break the Rule

Break the Rule


Hello everyone...I'm so sorry for not update this story...because nmy notebook was broken :'(...

But now I hope u'll forgive me ^^...And I hope'll enjoy this chapter...^^






“Are you crazy, Ji Hye? Are you definitely crazy?” Himchan said, didn’t believe what Ji Hye said. Ji Hye shook his head.

Ani, oppa,”

“You and L planned this?” Himchan asked. Ji Hye nodded,

Ye, oppa...”

“We both believe that our enmity has no use at all. You are the first victim, oppa...We became friends after I met him,”

Himchan looked at Ji Hye.

“Are you falling in love with him, Ji Hye?” he smiled while asked. Ji Hye’s cheek blushed.

“Wh...why?of course I didn’t,” she answered. Himchan smiled again.

Arasso. I’ll come with you,”  he Ji Hye’s head.

“I want you to be happy, oppa...” Ji Hye hugged Himchan.

She didn’t know that Zelo looked at her and Himchan. He closed his eyes for a second and then left quietly.


“You said that you will brought me to some place. Where is it?” Hyo Mi said. She followed L. L smiled at her.

“You will know soon, noona...”

L reached the building. He stopped. Hyo Mi stopped too. She looked at L.

“Here?” she looked suspicious. L nodded.

“Then what...”

There’s a sound from a far.

“Come on, oppa...It’s near,”

Omo, you make me curious,”

L smiled and Ji Hye appeared. She smiled too. L looked at Hyo Mi. But Hyo Mi looked at Himchan.

“Him...Himchan..” she said. Her eyes wet again.

Omo, you will not cry anymore, noona...don’t you?” L looked worry. Hyo Mi smiled while nodded.


Himchan walked to Hyo Mi. And he hugged her.

“Hyo Mi...My Hyo Mi...” he cried. Hyo Mi cried too.

“Long time no see, Himchan~ah...”

L looked at Ji Hye. Ji Hye smiled.

“I’m happy. Very happy...” she said. L nodded.

“Me too...”

From far, from one of building, Zelo watched it. He almost fell because of shock. His breath became faster and faster.

“It can’t be…”

Ji Hye, who still talked to L suddenly closed and looked around,

“Why?” L startled. Ji Hye didn’t answer. She looked around again and suddenly jumped down. She ran and then stopped in front of Zelo. L followed her. Himchan and Hyo Mi who realized what Ji Hye’s did followed her too.

“Zelo…” Ji Hye shocked.  L shocked too. And both of Himchan and Hyo Mi.

“Ji Hye…” Zelo said softly. L grabbed Zelo’s collar.

“You spied us?” L said loudly. Zelo shook his head, frozed in front of L’s eyes. Ji Hye touch L’a arm.

“Relax. Zelo oppa, what are you doing here?”   

L set Zelo free. Zelo looked at him once efore he said,

“I just want to know their progress…I’ll never hurt Hyo Mi noona…”

Then he hugged Hyo Mi, made L shoked,

“Welcome back, noona…” said Zelo tenderly. Hyo Mi smiled,

“Ah…gomawo, nae dongsaeng…”

Ji Hye and Himchan smiled too. L looked at them all, still didn’t understand.

“Wait…wait…You’re on our side?” he asked.

“Always…” Zelo answered and smiled.

“From the first time,” Ji Hye smiled again.

“Till the end,” Hyo Mi looked at L who still shocked.

Gokjongma…” Hyo Mi twinned L’s arm.

Then Zelo and Zelo sit on the building, Ji Hye accompanied them while looked around, made sure there’s nobody around them. L, who still felt unsure sit far from  them, watched. Himchan walked to him.

Gomawo…” he said. L looked at him,

“You’re welcome…” he answered, a little bit awkward.

One question suddenly  came to L’s mind.

Hyung…Why Ji Hye knew that Zelo was near to us? I didn’t hear someone’s voice,”

Himchan smiled.

“In our family, one of Ji Hye’s task is trace…She is the smartest among of us in trace. She can feel someone’s presence,”

L looked amazed. Himchan laughed.

“That’s why she became our blood line guard,”

Ji Hye walked to them and Himchan smiled at her. Then he left and walked to Hyo Mi.

“You’re…amazing,” L looked at J Hye, still amazed. Ji Hye laughed,


Suddenly L kissed Ji Hye’s cheek quickly.

“What are you…”Ji Hye shocked. L turn his head down and smiled a little. Ji Hye’s cheek blushed and she smiled too.



Then the next day, Ji Hye and Himchan started to met Hyo Mi and L. Sometime Zelo accompanied them from behind. They kept their activity secretly. Zelo perforced lie to Jong Up many times. Until now, they always together and when Zelo started to went alone, it made Jong Up annoyed.

Hya…why you always go alone? Where are you going? Why I can’t go with you?” he someday asked to Zelo.

Zelo grinned a little,

“Ah…that’s man business…Mian hyung…”  and he went quickly, jumped outside through the window.

Hyung! Zelo left me alone! Is he have a girlfriend?” Jong Up told Yong Guk, almost cry. Yong Guk, who played billiard with Youngjae didn’t know what to say, made Jong Up thought the answer is yes.

Aigo…then I’ll look for a girlfriend too!” he decided, looked angry. Then he left. Yong Guk and Youngjae looked at each other.

“Our dongsaengs…” Youngjae started to speak.

“Both of them really made us crazy…” Yong Guk nodded.

At the same time, Sunggyu started to feet annoyed with L. L gathered infrequently with other members.

Hya, L…why you always go? We are family…Look at Dongwoo, although he gather often but he’s more often to gather at home than you,” Sunggyu said one day. L just smiled a little,

Mianhae, hyung…But, I really like to going around alone…” then he left. Sunggyu shook his head then he looked at Sungjong,

“Sungjong~a…You keep an eye on him. I’m a little bit afraid to him,”

Sungjong laugh a little,

“Ah, arasso hyung…”


Wherever they go, people always looked at them. Zelo really like that. Especially that they looked at him,

Omo, look at that namja, he’s so cute,” a group of girls giggle while they looked at Zelo anxiously. 

Today, L and Zelo accompanied Himchan and Hyo Mi to shop at Dongdaemun. Ji Hye could’t come because she must accompanied Dae Hyun to guard the border area. L and Zelo started to feel that they just like a guard for Himchan and Hyo Mi. Himchan and Hyo Mi really like to go to store for couple. They bought couple shirt, couple hat, and many more. L and Zelo just looked at other, didn’t know what to do. The store keeper looked at them,

“Aw, you two really handsome brother. May I choose a couple shirt for you too?” she asked. And at the end, L and Zelo wore a couple shirt with a cute dragon at the front.

“Aw…You two really cute. Ah, Zelo, you really really cute. Let me take a picture of you two…” Hyo Mi showed her thumbs-up and then she took Zelo and L picture with his cellphone. Zelo smiled awkward near L.

“Promise me that you will take this shirt off if they don’t look,” Zelo whispered at L after Hyo Mi and Himchan busy looked at Zelo and L’s photo.

“I will,” L whispered too.   

When L and Zelo walked behind Hyo Mi and Himchan, Zelo suddenly asked,

“Um…do you like Ji Hye?”

L startled,


Zelo smiled a little,

“I saw it. You kissed Ji Hye’s cheek,”

Omo…L  couldn’t say anything. Zelo laughed a little,

“That’s okay…Ji Hye is a nice girl. I’ll be happy if you too can be together,”

L still could’t say anything. He just smiled awkwardly.


Jong Up went to gym. In there, he became the center of attention, especially for girls,

Omo…look at his body…” he heard the girls say. But he still angry so he didn’t respect. Then after he finished his exercise (with sighed full of regret from the girls) he went to minimarket to bought a drink.

And from the minimarket glass door, he saw something that make he got a shock.


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hazuki11 #1
@HizyaR: Thank u so much^^...I'm really appreciate it^^
hazuki11 #2
@aileejjang:A sequel? he3...I'll think about it. Although the story already done.Many thanks, I'm really appreciate it^^
done for now..
love this story( again )
love it. . but i just stop to charter 10 next one will be in the future. .
we need sequel unnie~
hazuki11 #6
@Jewelandelf: Apanya yg kpn?mksdny kpn km bkn ff lg?Ayo ayo...q tgg^^
hazuki11 #7
Thank you for the comments^^...I'm really glad with it...Please anticipate my new story&hope u'll like it^^
woohh...i didn't see it coming..but good story there..thanks you author-nim
Finally~ I can smile happily~
Thank you author-nim for such wonderful story~
wah..aku kapan ki..