Break the Rule

Break the Rule


Love Letter


“What will we do this morning?” Sungyeol sighed. He looked so bored.

“Jogging?” Sungjong suggested. Sungyeol’s gaze made Sungjong frozed.

“Are you a human now? Why we need jogging? Are you joking?”

“Ah...ehm...playing game?maybe?” Sungjong suggested again, now smiled widely, tried to persuade Sungyeol.

Shirheo...thats more boring...”

L and Hoya tried to played piano and guitar. L taught Hoya to played guitar and Hoya taught L how to played piano.

Sunggyu red a newspaper and Dongwoo red a manhwa. Woohyun played with cards, he tried to made a building, but always broke it. He tried to play Lego. But he got frustrasted fastly.

“Why this is so difficult?” he mad. Sunggyu looked at him and laughed. He took the cards and in five seconds, a beautiful card building created. Woohyun didn’t believe that.

“What tricks are you using?” he flustered. Sunggyu just laughed a little.  

“I’ll go outside,” said Sungyeol, couldn’t bore his bored anymore.

Sungyeol went outside and realized that the snow started to fell.

“Ah, snow! I like it!” finally he found what he liked.

Suddenly the postman came. He looked at Sungyeol and amazed,

“You look so pale, young man. You should go inside and warmed up,”

When the postman went to next house, Sungyeol laughed.

“He don’t know who I am, tsk...If he now, he’ll be scared,”

He walked to the mail box and opened it,

Omo, is there someone who still sent a letter at this age?”

He looked at the sender and started to wondered. He walked back to home.

“L! L! You have a letter!” he shouted.

L, who still tried to played piano looked at Sungyeol,

“A Letter? From who?”

Sungyeol shrugged his shoulder,

Molla,” and he gave the letter to L. L took it and when he opened it, he started to smiled a little.

“That little dog...”

Sungyeol flustered,

“Little dog?”

L laughed a little,

Ani,” and he went to his room.


Ji Hye played with her ball. She threw it and then caught it fastly. She felt bored. Himchan suddenly appeared,

Hya, what are you doing?”

Ji Hye looked startled,

Omo, oppa! You shocked me!” and she hit Himchan’s shoulder. Himchan laughed,

“You played like a children. Like a little dog who catch a ball,”

 Ji Hye’s face turned sullen.

“Tsk...You’re annoying, oppa...”

Himchan laughed again.

“Daehyun and I will keep vigil. Are you alright to be alone here?” he asked. Ji Hye nodded,

“I’m alright,” and she smiled widely.

“ cute...” Himchan pinched Ji Hye’s cheek. Ji Hye laughed,

“Ah, what are you doing oppa? You always think that I’m still a children,”

Himchan laughed,

“You are. You like a little dog who...” and before he finished his words, Ji Hye tried to hit him agaim, but Himchan avoided quickly.

Oppa!!” Ji Hye shouted. But she only heard Himchan’s laughed from far. Ji Hye sighed and played with her ball again. She threw it again, but...

“At this age you still playing...this?” L looked at the ball. He had a sneer on his face.

“First Himchan oppa, and now you did it too...” Ji Hye looked annoyed.

“That’s not childish...” she added. L laughed a little.

“Catch this,” and he threw the ball. Ji Hye catched it fastly. L look amazed,

“That’s impressive,” he said.

“Ha ha...” she laughed, looked so satisfied.

L  searched something in his pocket.

“You sent this, don’t you?” he asked. Ji Hye nodded,


L shook his head,

“Tsk...At this age, still sent a letter. Don’t you have a cellphone? Why you don’t text me?”

Ji Hye’s cheek blushed,

“Ah...that...Um, I don’t have your...your number,” she said shyly. L laughed., why you ordered me to meet you?”

Ji Hye embarrassed,

“Ah...that. Um...”

“I just want a friend to accompany me. Um...casually, I’m vigil alone. And that so...boring. Because I don’t have any friend, so why don't I ask you to come here?” she said. L laughed. don’t have any friend?” he asked. Ji Hye shook his head.

Ani..I only have a friend when I was a human. When I became a vampire, I never meet a girl vampire,” 

“You must meet my cousin. Remember the story about your family who falling in love with my family member?” L asked. Ji Hye nodded,

Ye...I ever hope if she married with my oppa, finally I have a friend. A girl friend. Poor Himchan oppa...”

L surprised,

“The B.A.P family whom my cousin love is...Himchan?”

Ji Hye looked at L, wondered,

Ye, why? You don’t know?”

L shook his head.

“Yes, my family member who fell in love with your cousin is Himchan oppa... But he’s strong. He can face it,”

L can’t say anything.

“But I ever have a boyfriend. He has the same age as me,” Ji Hye said. L suddenly felt annoyed.

“And then? Where’s he?”

“He died,” Ji Hye said. L surprised.

“Wh...what? die?” and Ji Hye nodded.

“The people found that he’s a vampire, and then they killed him,” Ji Hye looked sad a little.

“Like Eun Yoo,” L suddenly said. Ji Hye looked at him,

“Your Eun Yoo died in citizen’s hand too?”

L nodded. He smiled a little,

“Ah, we have the same fate...”

L looked at his watch,

“I must go home now. Otherwise Sunggyu hyung will look for me,” he said. Ji Hye looked dissapointed.

“Ah, arasso...”

When L left, Ji Hye looked sad. Suddenly there was a sound behind her, and made Ji Hye looked behind.


She never saw Bang Yong Guk’s face as angry as now.


“L! Look at the time now!” Sunggyu looked at L’s return. L laughed a little,

Mian hyung...Where are the others?”

“Hoya and Sungjong playing chess. Woohyun and Sungyeol watching movies. Dongwoo still vigil around the house,” Sunggyu answered.

“Ah...hyung, do you want to play games?” L asked while smiled widely.

“What games?” Sunggyu looked interested.

Hya, why you look so happy now? Is there anything happen? ” he suddenly asked while saw L’s happy face.

 “Ah, ani...ani...Yesterday I downloaded some new games. Want to play?”

“Ah...OK,” finally he agreed.


“Yong...Yong Guk oppa...I...” Ji Hye looked scared.

“Talked with enemy,” Yong Guk said coldly.

Op..oppa...It’s not like that...” Ji Hye didn’ know what to say. Yong Guk’s face turned red.

“Let’s go home,” he grabbed Ji Hye’s arm.

“But...but my duty...” Ji Hye confused.

“Jong Up and Zelo will replace you,”

Ji Hye didn’t have any choice except followed Yong Guk. After reached home Yong Guk stopped and asked,

“Do you falling in love with him?”

Ji Hye shook his head fastly.

Anio...I don’t love him, oppa...”

“Ji Hye, never ever falling in love with enemy. Or your fate will be the same as Himchan,”

Ji Hye didn’t know what to say,

“But I...I’m not falling in love with him, oppa...We just talked,”

“I know what happen next, Ji Hye...Like Himchan, first he just talked to Song Yong Mi. Then, he fell in love with her. What happen next is they inseparable...”

Yong Guk’s face looked so serious, and Ji Hye can’t say no to what he said.

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hazuki11 #1
@HizyaR: Thank u so much^^...I'm really appreciate it^^
hazuki11 #2
@aileejjang:A sequel? he3...I'll think about it. Although the story already done.Many thanks, I'm really appreciate it^^
done for now..
love this story( again )
love it. . but i just stop to charter 10 next one will be in the future. .
we need sequel unnie~
hazuki11 #6
@Jewelandelf: Apanya yg kpn?mksdny kpn km bkn ff lg?Ayo ayo...q tgg^^
hazuki11 #7
Thank you for the comments^^...I'm really glad with it...Please anticipate my new story&hope u'll like it^^
woohh...i didn't see it coming..but good story there..thanks you author-nim
Finally~ I can smile happily~
Thank you author-nim for such wonderful story~
wah..aku kapan ki..