Break the Rule

Break the Rule



L met Ji Hye Again


“Since when the blood line exist, hyung?” asked Sungjong. Sunggyu, who played billiard answered,

“The first vampire is my grandfather. He came to Seoul and decided to built a residental area. His arrival attracted other vampires from another clan. B.A.P’s clan. Their first leader, before Bang Yong Guk’s father, wanted to lived here too. So my grandfather made a deal, they divided area. With my grandfather’s blood and their leader’s blood. They signed it and the smell of the blood will recognized from far, so we will not entered another’s area. But someday, one of their family member chased his victim until he reached our area. Their leader wanted to forgiveness, but my grandfather refused it. After that, they hated us,” 

“That blood won’t vanished after a hundred years?” Sungjong asked. Sunggu shook his head,

“Our blood are different from human’s blood.”

L, who red his book asked,

“Am I the second who broke the blood line?”

Sunggyu looked a little uneasy when he answered,

“I think so,”

L didnt’s responsed. Sungjong said fastly,

“Mmm...hyung, is there any reason that our family and B.A.P family became our enemy?” 

Sunggyu thought,

“Mmm...One of their family ever killed our family member. It happen 100 years ago,”

Jinjja? Waeyo?” Sungjong surprised. Sunggyu nodded,

“Their family member loved our member. You know Song Hyo Mi? Our cousin?” he asked. Sungjong smiled.

“Hyo Mi? Ah...ah she’s beautiful. The  most beautiful member in our family. I ever saw her photo. And Sungyeol hyung told me that she’s the most beautiful member. Now she’s in US. Ah, I want to meet her,”

“One of B.A.P family member fell in love with her. And Hyo Mi loved him too. But their relationship is forbidden. Hyo Mi was sent to US, and B.A.P family member who fell in love with her wanted to followed her but our family forbid him. His family became angry and one of them killed our member intutively.” Sunggyu added.

Omo...” Sungjong shocked.

Sunggyu said,

“So, you must not to faliing in love with one of their family member. Otherwise, your destiny will be the same as Hyo Mi’s,” he looked at his dongsaengs. Sungjong nodded his head and L didn’t answered. But he looked at Sunggyu and Sunggyu smiled a little at him.



L was on the top of building. He closed his eyes, try to felt the wind’s blew.

“You like roaming alone, huh?”

L opened his eyes, looking for the that voice.

“Tsk,” he muttered when he saw Ji Hye smiled at him.

“You followed me, don’t you? Why, you attracted to me?” L said coldly to her. Ji Hye smiled.

“Ah, I’m just...interested. I never saw a vampire like you. Not in a hundred years since my existence,” she said.

“What do you mean?” L looked at her, didn’t like Ji Hye’s words.

“You chased your victim until you didn’t realized the blood line. There’s no vampire did that in a hundred years,” Ji Hye smiled.

L felt annoyed. He knew what Ji Hye’s meant.

 “That’s interesting. It means you not scare everything,” Ji Hye said again.

“You wrong,” L said. Ji Hye looked at him curiously.

“When I entered your territory, I thought about my family. Our future. If I died because I broke the agreement, I can still bear it. But it will cause a big trouble in the future. Our enmity will grow bigger and I don’t like it become like that,”

Ji Hye looked amazed.

“You don’t think about yourself, huh? You don’t like our enmity?” she asked.

“Who will like it? We are the same. We both are vampires. But remember, your family was the reason of the enmity,” L looked at Ji Hye coldly.

“What do you mean?” Ji Hye asked the same question like L before. L smiled a little.

“Your family member was the first who broke the blood line,”

Ji Hye shocked. L laughed a little,

“You don’t know, huh?”

Ji Hye didn’t say anything. L looked at her, felt pity,

“So, don’t say anything else about I broke the blood line. Your family member ever broke it, it cause the enmity. But, I felt thanked when you stopped your brother,”

Ji Hye didn’t know how to answered it. L stood up,

“Think about it,” and he dissapeared quickly.


Hyung, I saw you talked with Ji Hye on the building,” Sungjong said when he on the same room as L. L was red a book and Sungjong played the piano. L surprised,

“Wha...what?” he raised his head. Sungjong looked at him and nodded,


“She bothered me. She remembered me with incident when I broke the blood line. She’s so annoying,” L said. Sungjong laughed a little.

“Just ignore her,”

“I did it. But she always bothered me. I said to her that her family member ever broke the blood line too and then she can’t say anything,”

Sungjong laughed again.

“That’s good. It was them who start our enmity,” he said.

“Do you think this enmity will be over, hyung?” asked Sungjong suddenly. L  shook his head,

“You can’t say like that when we’re with Sunggyu hyung and the others, Sungjong~i...”

Sungjong smiled,

“I know. I just ask your opinion,”

L smiled too,

“When one of B.A.P family fell in love with our Hyo Mi, I thought that the enmity will be over. know what happen next. The enmity gotten worse,” he said. Sungjong nodded.

“I know.”

Hoya entered the room. He looked bored,

“Ah...I’m bored. What are you doing, Sungjong?” he sit near Sungjong and then played the piano. He played the piano so well. Sungjong clapped his hand.

“Whoa....You’re amazing, hyung... Vivaldi?” he asked. Hoya nodded.

Sungyeol came. He talked on phone,

“Ah, Yoo In, what are you doing right now?”

Sungjong looked at him and shook his head,

“He must be looking for girls again. Aigo...”

Sunggyu came, he wore his robe. Sungjong flustered,

Hyung, where’ll be you going?”

“There’s a meeting with another vampire vamily from other city. I’ll be back, don’t mess around,” he said. Hoya laughed.

“Are we a children? The one who like to mess around is Lee Sungjong and Lee Sungyeol,”

Sungjong looked at him and Sungyeol, who still talked on phone suddenly looked at him too. Their face are sullen,

“Wh...what? Tsk...We don’t like to mess around,” Sungjong’s face looked cute than angry.

“Yep...the one who like to mess around is...Dongwoo,” he looked around and when he saw that Dongwoo isn’t in the room, he smiled.

Sunggyu smiled a little,

“Ckck...You...” and shook his head.

When Sunggyu left, his dongsaengs shouting,

“Yoohoo!! He left! Let’s have fun!” Hoya yelled and turn on the music loudly and then sang. Sungjong followed him.

“I want to meet Yoo In,” said Sungyeol and fastly went to his room and in two second his cloth changed. He went quickly as he finished.

L, who agaped with his family’s behaviour laughed,

“Ckck...Then I’ll go too...”

No one paid attention to him. They’re too busy. L, who did’t get any reaction, laughed a little and then dissapeared quickly.


L went to the forest and then looked for a tree. He sat on the branch and felt free. He closed his eyes.

“ again,” said a voice.

L knew who’s that and said, without opened his eyes.

“Why you always following me?”

Ji Hye smiled,

“This is my territory,”

L smiled,

“So funny...”

“I’m serious. You are on your territory. Near you, is my territory,” Ji Hye said.

Finally L opened his eyes and checked what Ji Hye said. How annoyed him when he found that Ji Hye’s right.

“I’m right, so don’t make that annoying face again. Make me irritated,” Ji Hye said again.

“You’re the one who make me irritated first. You always following me,” L said fretfully. Ji Hye shook his head.

“In my family, I’m the blood line guard. You always near on our territory. I’m a little bit interesting about it, there’s no vampire did that,”

“You’re the blood line guard?” L asked. Ji Hye nodded,

“That’s right. Yong Guk oppa gave me his belief to do this,”

L looked at Ji Hye, didn’t though that Ji Hye irritated him anymore. Ji Hye did what she ordered for.

“Fine.” L finally said. Ji Hye smiled.

“Ah, it’s good. We can be a friend then,” and make L frozen.

“We’re enemy, Lee Ji Hye,” he said coldly. Ji Hye shook his head.

“We’re enemy because they said that. You ever said that my family was the first who  broke the blood line. It caused the enmity. But when you broke the blood line, my brother forgave you. You know the difference? Your family didn’t condone,”

L can’t answered it.

“They let you go because of me,” Ji Hye said again. L started to felt annoyed.

Arasso...Arasso. It’s because of you. You feel happy now?”

Ji Hye smiled.

“Don’t be angry. And remember. Your family member ever fell in love with my brother. My brother until now is still very sad about that,” she said.

“I bet my cousin still sad too...” L said. Ji Hye smiled again.

“You see? Enmity break everything. Enmity has no use,” she said.  

L amazed with Ji Hye’s view. He smiled. Ji Hye looked happy.

“Ah, you smile! That’s good! You look more handsome when you smile...Oh no...” Ji Hye looked embarrassed. Her face turned red. L laughed.

Mian...” Ji ye said. L, still felt amused said,

“That’s okay. You like Eun Yoo,”

“Eun Yoo? Who’s that?”

Silent. L didn’t say anything. Ji Hye looked at his sad face and understood.

“Well. I know that it’s hard...” she didn’t knew what to say. L smiled a little.

“It’s okay. I’m fine...”

“Since I turned into vampire, I can’t meet my family again. I can’t blame Yong Guk oppa. As a vampire, you can’t choose your victim, right? If you go for a hunting, and you meet human, you can’t refrain from the blood’s smell. I understand it.Yong Guk oppa so nice to me. He invited me to became his family member. In my real family’s opinion, I was dead,” she looked strong when she said it. L felt pity on her,

“I feel sad for you...” he said. Ji Hye smiled.

“ That’s okay,”

They had a conversation until morning came. L never realized that he could talked with his enemy like that. Ji Hye felt the same too, he looked happy than ever.

But they didn’t knew, there’s someone watched them.

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hazuki11 #1
@HizyaR: Thank u so much^^...I'm really appreciate it^^
hazuki11 #2
@aileejjang:A sequel? he3...I'll think about it. Although the story already done.Many thanks, I'm really appreciate it^^
done for now..
love this story( again )
love it. . but i just stop to charter 10 next one will be in the future. .
we need sequel unnie~
hazuki11 #6
@Jewelandelf: Apanya yg kpn?mksdny kpn km bkn ff lg?Ayo ayo...q tgg^^
hazuki11 #7
Thank you for the comments^^...I'm really glad with it...Please anticipate my new story&hope u'll like it^^
woohh...i didn't see it coming..but good story there..thanks you author-nim
Finally~ I can smile happily~
Thank you author-nim for such wonderful story~
wah..aku kapan ki..