Break the Rule

Break the Rule




Infinite Family....

On the top of building....


“Sungjong~ah...” said Woohyun. Sungjong looked at him,


“I’ll teach you how to attract victim...”

Sungjong laughed,

“Ah, I can do that without study from you,”

Woohyun laugh a little,

Ani...this is a new method. Watch this,”

And suddenly he hopped down. In the narrow street, he walked to the woman who hold an umbrella. Sungjong watched this while smiled.

“Hello, miss...Why are you walk alone? It’s not a safe road. You must choose another road.” said Woohyun.

That woman looked suspicious,

Jinjjayo? I don’t know that.  I never heard that this is a dangerous road,”

Woohyun smiled a little,

“I’ll accompany you. Yesterday I saw a robber near here,”

That woman seems hesitant,

“I don’t know...”

Woohyun smiled again.

“I lived here, miss. So trust me.” He said “trust me” so tenderly. That woman embarrassed.

“Ah,gamsahamnida. Please help me. I want to reach home quickly.”

Then Sungjong saw Woohyun walked with that woman. Sometimes he saw him laughed. Suddenly, when the road started to empty, he saw Sungjong put his arm around that woman’s neck and bring her to a dead-end alley.

There’s a little scream and then...quite.

Suddenly Sungjong saw Woohyun was beside him.

Omo...” he shocked. Woohyun laughed.

“Amazing, huh?”

“You attracted her by your voice?” Sungjong said. Woohyun nodded,


“Woaaa...” Sungjong looks impressed.

“Come on, let’s go home. We must attend school,” Woohyun said. Sungjong looked like he didn’t like Woohyun’s word.

“Why we have to attend school? I don’t like it. We aren’t a human,”

Woohyun smiled,

“We must act like human, my little brother,”

“Tsk...” Sungjong muttered.


“Aaaah, that’s Infinite family!”

When Infinite family came to school, the students started to screamed. Sungjong really didn’t like it. Infinite family are very popular in that school.

“Ah, I had a headache every time they screamed to us,” he said.

Woohyun laughed,

“Let it go at that,”

But one of the Infinite family seemed like it,

“Woaah, they’re so beautiful...” said Sungyeol.

“Don’t make them happy when they see your excited face,” said Sunggyu, their family leader. Sungyeol laughed,

“It’s okay, hyung...”

They walked until their classes. Sunggyu, Woohyun, Dongwoo at third level class. Hoya and Sungyeol at second level class. L and Sungjong at first level class.

Suddenly they heard another screame.

“Awwww!! It’s them!”

Sungyeol laughed and saw at his back,

“Are they screamed for us again?” and one second later he shocked.

Six boys appeared. Sungyeol dind’t believe it with his own eyes.

“Why they entered this school too? Can’t they chose another school?”

The B.A.P family appeared. They’re popular too in that school. And when they saw Infinite family, they smiled a little.

“Tsk...” Sungjong muttered again.  

Bang Yong Guk saw Sunggyu’s face,

“Ah, you came to this school too?”

Sunggyu didn’t smile when he said,

“This school aren’t at our limit line. Other school were on your territory,”

That’s true. In the Infinite’s territory, there’s no senior high school. The school that they entered now, was the only one school which placed between Infinite family territory and B.A.P family territory. Infinite family can’t entered another school because they placed on B.A.P’s territory.

“You must not bothered us,” Yong Guk grimaced.

“We will not,” Sunggyu said coldly.


 “ annoying,” said Sungyeol. He looked at B.A.P family member, Yoo Young Jae and Jung Dae Hyun. They entered the same class with him.

“Just let them,” Hoya said while red a manhwa.

“It can’t bearable,” Sungyeol said again, and glared at Yoo Young Jae and Jung Dae Hyun. The two member of B.A.P family didn’t realize it. They just laughed to each other.

“If they don’t bother us, everything will be okay,” said Hoya again.

“Poor Sunggyu hyung and Woohyunhyung. Sunggyu hyung hate Yong Guk and Woohyun hyung always irritated with Himchan,”

“Sunggyu hyung don’t like Yong Guk because he’s a leader too. Woohyun hyung don’t like Himchan because Himchan smart at attract woman victim too. They always compete,”

Sungyeol nodded,

“Mmm...Last week I saw Himchan could attracted two women and Woohyun hyung failed and just got one victim. He really mad at that,”

Jung Dae Hyun looked at Sungyeol and he said to Young Jae,

“Hey, look at them. I just heard that Sungyeol said a few words about us,” Dae Hyun had a keen sense of hearing so he knew what people said from far. He is the only one in B.A.P who had a special ability.

Young Jae smiled,

“Two vampire families in one school. What will happen then?”


B.A.P family, at their mansion...

“ tired...” Zelo sit on the chair.

“Tired? What do you mean with tired? We’re a vampire, we can’t feel tired,” said Jong Up. Zelo smiled.

“I’m tired because I must saw Infinite family at our class. You saw Sungjong? The girls in our class really like him,”

Jong Up laughed,

“Ah, they like you too. I saw five girl in front of us looked at you so much,”

Jinjja?” Zelo looked happy. Jong Up laughed again and nodded.

 Yong Guk looked at them,

“Guys, we’ll to go hunting tonight,”

“Where,hyung?” Jong Up asked.

“I saw a mountiner at the forest one hour ago. Their camp is not far from our home,”

Jinjjayo? Ah, I can’t wait!” Zello looked excited.

Ji Hye, the last member of B.A.P family suddenly appeared,

“Can I go with you, oppa?” she asked. Yong Guk nodded,

“Of course,”


“L, where are you going? Tonight we’ll go to hunting! Woohyun hyung found a very good hunting place,” Hoya shouted to L.

“I’ll go just for an hour,” L answered. Hoya shook his head,

“That kid...Jinjja...”

Sunggyu and Dongwoo came, they joined Hoya and Sungyeol watched the television.

“Where’s the others? We must go at 7pm.” Sunggyu said while looked at Hoya.

“L roaming around, I don’t know where he go. Sungjong played game with Woohyun hyung.“

“Aish, jinjja...he’s roaming again?” Sunggyu sighed. Hoya nodded his head,


Sunggyu looked at the sky.

“The sky about to dark. In two hours I hope everyone get on together.We must get ready,” he said.

After two hours, L entered the house. Sunggyu looked at him,

“Come on, we must get ready,” he said. He wore his black robe. Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungyeol wore their robe too, with different style. Dongwoo’s red hair looked loud with his robe.

Sungjong and Woohyun appeared from second floor. They wore their black robe too, which could camouflaged their appearance. They look so adorable in that suit. Sungjong’s white hair looked loud too with his robe, like Dongwoo.

“Let’s go,” said Sunggyu.  


 “Don’t go too far. Five miles from here is B.A.P family’s territory.” Sunggyu said.

“Ah...I want to meet them,” Sungyeol said and he laughed. Sunggyu looked at him coldly.

“Don’t joke around with that,” made Sungyeol frozed with his gaze.

  They hop from one tree to another. Sometimes they run so fastly and then hop again. L was the one who loved to run slowly. Sungyeol, who like played around, hop and then run, and hop again. Hoya, who was behind him, shouted,

Hya! You make me dizzy! Stop doing that!” he seems annoyed. Sungyeol just grimaced at him.

Sunggyu stopped, the other member stopped too.

“Is that them?” Sungjong asked.

“Yeah,” said Sunggyu, he looked happy when he saw seven mountiner from above.   

“I like that one,” Sungyeol pointed at the girl mountiner with the red cap. Her age probably 17 years old.

“That one is mine,” Woohyun pointed at the 19 years old girl. She looked the most beautiful among the woman mountiner.

“That man looked strong for me. I choose him,” Sunggyu said. He looked at 36 years old man with big body.

“Ah, that purple shirt man for me,” Hoya said.

“The third girl is mine,” Dongwoo chose.

“That boy beside that little girl is mine? I don’t like it. Sungyeol hyung, let’s exchange our victim,” he begged. Sungyeol shook his head.

Shirheo,” and Sungjong muttered.

“So I don’t want that girl. She’s too young for me,” he said and looked at L,

Hyung, that girl for you, okay?” he persuaded. L showed his I-dont-care’s face.

“Up to you,”  and made Sungjong happy.

Sunggyu jumped down quietly. The other member followed him.  Sunggyu walked to that mountiners.

Annyeong haseyo...Want to stayed in mountain tonight? I know the best place.” He said while smiled.

“Who are you?” the man Sunggyu chose as his victim looked suspicious. Sunggyu smiled again.

“My family and I are the guides here. We saw your flashlight. Last week, there’s a mountiner attacked by wild bear. We don’t want it happen to you all,”

That man looked afraid,

Jinjjayo? Ah, we are lucky to meet you. Please guide us. It’s the first time we come to this mountain,”

“Let me introduce my friend. This is Woohyun,” Sunggyu pointed at Woohyun, who smiled. Woohyun looked satisfied after he saw two girl in that group showed their happy face.

“You still young,” said them.

“And handsome,” they added and smiled.

“The red one guy is Dongwoo,” Sunggyu pointed at Dongwoo.

“And this is Hoya and Sungyeol,” he pointed Hoya and Sungyeol. Hoya nodded his head, and Sungyeol started to smile. One of the girls’s face blushed.

“This is L,” he pointed at L. The two girls smiled widely,

“You’re a handsome guy. And you still young,” their face blushed. L smiled a little.

“Last, this is Sungjong,”

“You’re so cute,” one of the girls said and Sungjong bowed a little.

“Follow us,” Sunggyu said and the mountiners started to walked behind her. Sungyeol started a conversion with the girls,

“Who’s your name, miss?” he asked. The girls blushed,

“Yoo Young Mi,” the first girl said.

“Ahn Yoo Kyung,” the second girl answered. Sungyeol looked at the third girl,

“Who’s your name?”

That 11 years old girl answered shyly,

“Kang Ji Ae,”

“You aren’t from one family, Sir?” Sunggyu asked. That man with the big body nodded,

“One of the girl is my friend’s daughter. The other girls are her friends. The other guy are my friends,”

Sunggyu guided them until they reached a field,

“It’s a good place if you want to go camping here,” he said. That man looked hesitant,

“Will it be dangerous? The bear can attak us here while we’re sleeping,”

“Yes, they’ll attack us easily,” the girl named Yoo Young Mi said. Sunggyu smiled.

“Are you worry about is?” he asked. Yoo Young Mi frowned,

“Of course we are,”

“Death isn’t scary at all,” Woohyun said and smiled at her. Yoo Young Mi looked afraid,

“What do you mean?”

Woohyun smiled,

“Let me show you,” and he bit Yoo Young Mi’s neck. The other mountiners shocked and screamed. Sunggyu grabbed his victim fastly. Hoya and Dongwoo reached their victim and bit their neck. Sungyeol smiled at his victim and then bit her. Sungjong chased after his victim who run quickly. L’s victim runs quickly too. Sungjong finally got his victim. His victim sreamed.

L, who still run for his victim annoyed,
“Where she goes?” he asked to himself.

He didn’t realize how far he ran. He just followed that little girl who ran so fast. L still chase her.S Suddenly that girl stopped,

“Don’t bother her!” one sound made L startled.

A girl appeared from somewhere, and looked at L .

“Who are you?” L asked, felt angry.

“Run, palli...” that girl said to L’s victim.

“”Hya! She’s mine!” L shouted when his victim ran.

“Wait...You’re a vampire too?” L asked while looked at that girl’s pallor. That girl smiled,

“Yeah, so?”

“Why you let her go?” L asked.That girl hop to the tree.

“Because she’s not your victim anymore. You entered our territory,”

“Wha...what?” L didn’t understand.

“L, L! Where are you?” L heard Sunggyu’s voice.

Suddenly six boys appeared.

“You broke the rule,” Bang Yong Guk said coldly.

“Wha...what? I don’t know it!” L shocked.

“But you still did that. Now, where’s your leader?” Himchan asked.

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hazuki11 #1
@HizyaR: Thank u so much^^...I'm really appreciate it^^
hazuki11 #2
@aileejjang:A sequel? he3...I'll think about it. Although the story already done.Many thanks, I'm really appreciate it^^
done for now..
love this story( again )
love it. . but i just stop to charter 10 next one will be in the future. .
we need sequel unnie~
hazuki11 #6
@Jewelandelf: Apanya yg kpn?mksdny kpn km bkn ff lg?Ayo ayo...q tgg^^
hazuki11 #7
Thank you for the comments^^...I'm really glad with it...Please anticipate my new story&hope u'll like it^^
woohh...i didn't see it coming..but good story there..thanks you author-nim
Finally~ I can smile happily~
Thank you author-nim for such wonderful story~
wah..aku kapan ki..