Break the Rule

Break the Rule




Hyung...let’s hunting again...” Zelo begged. He showed his sad face. Daehyun looked at him,

Omo, you hungry again?”

Zelo nodded,

“It was a month since the last hunting...” Zelo said. Yong Guk looked at the calendar.

Jinjja? Omo, you’re right,”

“Your stomach is really like the alarm, tsk...” Daehyun shook his head. Zelo smiled widely,

“So, will we hunt again?” he asked expectively. Yong Guk laughed,

Omo...alright. Let’s prepare before we go out,”

Zelo yelling,


“Ji Hye! We will go out, let’s get ready!” Yong Guk called Ji Hye. Ji Hye looked at Yong Guk. She was using netbook when Yong Guk called.

“Arasso, oppa!” she answered.

“It must be Zelo oppa who request for hunting,” Ji Hye wore her coat.

“He did,” Yong Guk answered and hit Zelo’s shoulder while Zelo just smiled.

They left and Zelo was the one who looked happiest among the other member. He laughed and quipped with Jong Up.

Hya, kids! Stop fooling around!” Yong Guk shouted while laughed looking at his dongsaengs.  

They reached the forest. That place looked quiet,

“Ah, so quiet...Why there’s no human here?” Zelo looked dissapointed.

“Perhaps we must go to the city,” Jong Up suggested. Yong Guk shook his head,

Ani. There’ll make people suspicious with so many dead people,” he said.

“How about the beach?” Daehyun suggested. Youngjae looked happy,

“That’s a good idea!”

“Well, let’s try,” Yong Guk said after thought about it.


They run and jumped fastly, through the top of the building, and kept eyes open. Yong Guk looked around cautiously. They reached the beach. And luckily, saw several peoples there.

“Seemingly, there’s a people who like to out at night,” Youngjae said while smiled widely.

“We’re lucky,” Zelo rubbed his hands felt satisfied.

“Let’s start,” Daehyun smiled. The other member smiled too and then jumped again, silently.



“Ah, looked at the bonfire, there’s a lot of people sit around it,” Hoya said while smiled.

“You’re right,” Dongwoo smiled too.

They reached the forest. It seems that when the B.A.P family came, the bonfire hasn’t started yet. Then when Infinite family came, the people started to gather.

“Ah, it seems like we get a delicious dinner tonight,” Sungjong said while looked at the people.

“Hyo Mi~ah, we catch them at the count three,” Sunggyu said. Hyo Mi nodded.

“One,” Sunggyu started.

“Two,” Woohyun smiled widely.

“And...three,” Sungjong said. They started to jump.

 There’s a little stir when the people saw them. When Sunggyu caught his victim, the people started to run.

“Don’t let they run away!” Sunggyu shouted.

Finally, there’s no people left. Hoya clapped his stomach, looked satisfied.

“Ah...” he smiled.

“How about it, noona?” Sungjong asked Hyo Mi. Hyo Mi smiled.

“Ah, that’s amazing. I never hunting like this!” and she laughed.  

“Let’s go home,” Sunggyu said.


“Catch him, Daehyun!” Youngjae shouted. Daehyun ran fastly. Then he grabbed his victim’s neck.

“Got it!” Daehyun said loudly, looked satisfied. Youngjae smiled.

They finished. Then they went home, looked satisfied.

Hya, did you see how I caught my victim?” Zelo asked to Jong Up. Jong Up nodded.

“Yeah...And did you see how I ran behind my victim and then caught him silently?” he asked. Zelo nodded.

“Yeah, that’s very cool,” he gave his thumbs up.

“Come on, kids. We go home,” Yong Guk said.

“Alright!” Zelo answered loudly while smiled.                

They jumped across the beach, then tey reached the forest. Daehyun and Youngjae laughed at each other, looked very happy. Zelo and Jong Up joke around again while Yong Guk just laughed when he saw his dongsaengs.

There’s a sound. And then, suddenly...the Infinite family appeared.

The B.A.P family stop and frozed. They heard Infinite’s members laughed. There’s a woman sound. Then Himchan baulk. And that woman did the same too.

“Hyo...Hyo Mi...” Himchan said softly.

“Himchan...” Hyo Mi said softly too.

Zelo frozed. He looked at Hyo Mi.


Himchan’s eyes started to wet. Ji Hye looked at him and Hyo Mi. Hyo Mi’s eyes started to wet too. She ran to Himchan but Sunggyu stopped her.

“Don’t ever think to move!” he shouted.

“Don’t touch Hyo Mi!” Himchan shouted angrily. He started to move but Yong Guk srabbed his hand.

“Stop, Himchan!”

Ani, hyung! Hyo Mi...Hyo Mi!” Himchan started to cry while Ho Mi’s tears fell when she heard Himchan’s voice.


“We’ll go!” and Sunggyu grabbed Hyo Mi’s hand. Hyo Mi refused. But Sunggyu said,

“Woohyun, hold her hand!”

Woohyun looked at Hyo Mi’s face and he felt pity.

“Woohyun, please!” Sunggyu said louder. Woohyun didn’t have another choice. He hold Hyo Mi’s hand.

Hyo Mi cried out and Himchan moved.

“Himchan!” Yong Guk hugged Himchan’s waist.

“Hyo Mi! Hyo Mi! Get out your hands of from Hyo Mi!” he cried out. But Infinite family dissapeared quickly.

L was the last who dissapeared. He looked at Himchan’s shriek and then Ji Hye. He saw Ji Hye’s face looked very sad. Her eyes wet when he looked at L back. L didn’t know what to say. Then he decided to left.

“Hyo Mi, Hyo Mi!!” that’s the last shriek of Himchan that L’s heard. He will never forgot it. He never thought that he will heard it again, after 100 years.


Oppa...oppa, let me go!” Hyo Mi struggled. Her face wet with tears.

Andwae! Don’t do that, Hyo Mi...Don’t do that...” Sunggyu begged.

Sungjong’s eyes looked red. He can’t saw it anymore and left. Woohyun covered his face with hands. Hoya and Dongwoo looked at each other, didn’t now what to say. Sungyeol frozed. His face looked blank. L was speechless. He still remember that incident. How Himchan shouted and shriek. And how Ji Hye’s face looked very sad when she saw her oppa.  

Hyo Mi gave up. She flopped down on the floor and cried. Sunggyu’s eyes started to red. The he left Hyo Mi fastly. L walked to Hyo Mi and hugged her.

Noona...” and made Hyo Mi cried louder.

“L, L! Let me go to Himchan...I want to meet him,”

L closed his eyes.

“I can’t, noona...”

“Please...please...I’ve been waiting to meet him for 100 years. Now I see him, and I...I can’t let him go!”

That’s enough. L’s eyes started to wet. He cried. And he wasn’t the only one. Woohyun started to cry too. Hoya and Dongwoo can’t bore their sadness and the left the room. Sungyeol cried silently.  From far, there’s a shriek again. Sunggyu shriek which filled with anguish. 


Ji Hye peep behind the curtain. She saw Himchan sat on the floor, in the backyard.

“He didn’t say anything since we went home,” Zelo said. He stand beside Ji Hye. Ji Hye nodded.

“Mmm...Poor Himchani oppa...”

Suddenly Ji Hye remember L. Then she send a message:

“L, are you sleeping?”

The reply came fastly.

“No. You?”

Ji Hye sighed.

“Me too. Still think about Himchani oppa...”

The phone rang. Ji Hye picked quickly,

“What? Why you call me?” she looked worry.

“Meet me at midnight. On the top of the building where we first meet personally,” L answered.

“Why? I can’t...”

Jebal...Bring Himchan too...”

Aigoo...Are you crazy?”

L’s voice seemed sad when he said,

“It’s for Hyo Mi’s noona...”

“Ah...” Ji Hye looked at Himchan again. And she understand. L did this for hisnoona’s sake.

“I will do that. I shall come and bring Himchani oppa...”

Gomawo...And um...there’s one reason why I want you to come...Um...” L said again, seemed hesitant.

“What? What reason?”

L didn’t answered. Ji Hye only heard an “um” and “um” again from her phone. L’s mumble made Ji Hye impatient.

“What? What reason? Tell me quickly!” she said.

“Ah...ani. I’ll tell you later. Bye...” and L end his call. Ji Hye confused.

“Who’s that, Ji Hye?” Zelo asked. Ji Hye stutter,

“Ah...ani...ani...” then she smiled, but Zelo looked understand.

“Your boyfriend, huh?” he smiled. Ji Hye’s cheek blushed.

“Ah...ani, he’s not my boyfriend...oops...” Ji Hye closed . Zelo laughed.

“Ah, I understand...”

“Ah,oppa...It’s not like that...” Ji Hye’s cheek more blushed. Zelo laughed again.

Arasso...Ji Hye, try to talk to Himchani hyung...He will listen what you say,”

Ji Hye suddenly remember.

“Ah, arasso...I’ll talk to him,”

“Himchani oppa...” Ji Hye sat beside Himchan.

“Not now, Ji Hye...”

“Listen to me for a minute, oppa...I’ll bring you to Hyo Mi eonni,”

Himchan turned his head fastly. He looked at Ji Hye,


Ji Hye nodded,

“I’ll bring you to Hyo Mi eonni,”

“Are you serious?” Himchan looked shocked.

“I’ll tell you about something. But promise me, oppa...You won’t let anyone know,”Ji Hye spoke seriously.

“What are you talking about?” Himchan didn’t understand.

And Ji Hye told everything. Himchan looked very shocked when he heard what Ji Hye said.


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hazuki11 #1
@HizyaR: Thank u so much^^...I'm really appreciate it^^
hazuki11 #2
@aileejjang:A sequel? he3...I'll think about it. Although the story already done.Many thanks, I'm really appreciate it^^
done for now..
love this story( again )
love it. . but i just stop to charter 10 next one will be in the future. .
we need sequel unnie~
hazuki11 #6
@Jewelandelf: Apanya yg kpn?mksdny kpn km bkn ff lg?Ayo ayo...q tgg^^
hazuki11 #7
Thank you for the comments^^...I'm really glad with it...Please anticipate my new story&hope u'll like it^^
woohh...i didn't see it coming..but good story there..thanks you author-nim
Finally~ I can smile happily~
Thank you author-nim for such wonderful story~
wah..aku kapan ki..