Break the Rule

Break the Rule




Ji Hye and Hyo Mi sat on Na Mi’s sofa. Na Mi said cheerfully,

“Make yourself comfortable like when you’re in your home,”

Daehyun and Hoya looked at each other. Then they looked at Ji Hye and Hyo Mi,

“Ji Hye…” said Daehyun.


“Don’t start…” Jong Up interrupted but Daehyun made him quiet with his glare.

“Let me tell you to stop this. Forget L,” Daehyun said firmly to Ji Hye.

“They’re our enemy noona, remember? Please leave him,” Hoya begged.  

Both of Ji Hye and Hyo Mi shook their head.

“No,” they said firmly. Daehyun couldn’t hold himself again,

“Ji Hye, please! Please…” he started to beg. Ji Hye’s eyes started to wet.

Oppa…I can’t…I really love him…”

“Then you disregard the enmity?” Daehyun said. Ji Hye looked at him and nodded.

“Yes. I believe the enmity will vanish someday, when all of you realize that it has no use. You’ll hurt Himchan oppa’s heart once again if you separate him from Hyo Mi eonni. You’ll hurt my heart too. Can you forgive yourself from that?” she said firmly.

Daehyun looked at her but Ji Hye didn’t turn her face, even once.

“Ji Hye…” he tried to speak but Ji Hye looked at Hyo Mi quickly,

Eonni, say something to them,”

Hyo Mi nodded than she looked at Hoya,

“You remember the history behind the enmity, don’t you? So you’ll know that our Sunggyu oppa’s grandfather didn’t forgive B.A.P family when one of them broke our agreement. Since then, the enmities begin. Imagine if at that moment he forgive them, so the enmity will never exist. We are the one who create the enmity first, Hoya…” she explained.

“But their member entered our territory first! He broke the agreement!” Hoya said. Hyo Mi shook his head.

“Then L is the same. He chased his victim until he entered their territory…and their leader forgave us…”

Hoya couldn’t say anything again.

“Am I right? Now, we have an opportunity to break the enmity…If Sunggyu oppa didn’t accept L’s request, then I’ll strike for it. I’ll fight for my freedom to love,” Hyo Mi continued, her glares made Hoya hesitate.

Eonnie…” Ji Hye shocked. Hyo Mi nodded at her.

“It’s time to fight for our right. I should have been doing it one hundred year ago,” she said.

Hoya and Daehyun looked really shocked.

“I’ll be on their side,” Jong Up said.

“And me,” Na Mi said. She looked at Jong Up and they smiled at each other.

“Decide now, hyung…” Jong Up said firmly while looked at Daehyun.


L followed Sungyeol to their home. When they are on their way, Sungyeol said,

“I don’t believe you’ll do this, L…What are you thinking? Are you crazy? There’s so many girl, why must her? Why she must Lee Ji Hye, our enemy?”

“You can’t decide you’ll fall in love with whom, Sungyeollie hyung…” L answered softly.

Sungyeol closed his eyes for a second before replied,

“Then if you die, you’ll accept is, as you said before?”

L answered quickly,

“Yes,” without hesitation. Sungyeol closed his eyes again.

“You know I don’t want it happen, L…” he said.

“Sacrifices like that…” Sungyeol continued.

“I’ll do that if I thought it’s necessary, hyung…”

“Then I can’t restrain you,” Sungyeol looked mad and he ran faster. L didn’t say anything, and in front of him, Sungyeol looked like he wants to cry.


Himchan didn’t say anything throughout the way. And so did Young Jae. They ran quietly, until Young Jae couldn’t hold it anymore.

Hyung…” he said.

“I know you love her. I know how hurt you one hundred year ago. But this enmity is too strong for us…” he continued.

“Don’t you hate the enmity? Because I really hate it. I’ll do anything to break it, Young Jae…” Himchan said firmly.

Hyung…but…” Young Jae tried to explain, but it looked difficult for him. Himchan said again.

“I know the risk. But I won’t let Hyo Mi go for twice. I won’t. I’ll regret it as long as my existence if I do that,”

Young Jae felt frustration.

“Let’s go faster. I’m impatient to face Yong Guk hyung,” Himchan said and ran quicker.


Sungjong sat near on the sofa, looked angrily to Sunggyu.

“You’ll regret it if you do this, Sunggyu hyung. The enmity will getting worse and Hyo Mi noona will more suffer than one hundred year ago,” he said.

But Sunggyu ignored him.

At other room Dongwoo looked at Woohyun,

“How do you think?” asked him. Woohyun sighed,

“I can’t say anything. This is unbelievable thing,” he said.

“On what side are you? Who’ll you choose?” Dongwoo asked again. Woohyun looked at him intensively,

Hyung, we can’t do that. I want peace. L and Hyo Mi noona are our family. I don’t want they hurt…And if Sunggyu hyung choose the wrong choice, the enmity will get worse…”  

“I know…I know…” Dongwoo sighed.

The front door opened and Sungyeol appeared, followed by L.

“L hyung!” Sungjong shouted at L. Heard his shout, Dongwoo and Woohyun ran quickly to the front room.

Sunggyu walked to Sungyeol and L.

“Where’s Hyo Mi?” he asked.

Before Sungyeol answered L said quickly,

“I came to here not for surrender. But I want to make deal with you, hyung…”

Everyone looked at him. Sunggyu looked at him,

“What do you mean?”

L looked at him back,

“I want to make deal. Let me make a relationship with Ji Hye. And let Hyo Mi noona continued her relationship with Himchan hyung,”

“H…hyung…” Sungjod froze.

“If I don’t want to?” answered Sunggyu.

“I’ll fight with you. I know you’re stronger than me so you don’t have to worry,” L answered firmly.

Sunggyu shocked, and the other members too.

“L…” Sunggyu want to spoke but L faster than him,

“I meant it, hyung…”

Sunggyu froze.

“Do you really love her until you want to sacrifice yourself?” he asked. L nodded.

“Of course. And Hyo Mi noona too,”

Sunggyu closed his eyes. Then he turned his body,

“Let me alone. I’ll decide after I think,” he said without looked at L and walked to the stair, went to his room.


Yong Guk sat near the window, while Zelo sat on the sofa. Yoo Mi accompanied him,

“You don’t have to accompany you. You’ll mix up with this familes war,” Zelo said to her. Yoo Mi nodded while smiled,

“No. I’m here to protect you, while my twin protects your brother,” she answered.

Zelo smiled at her,

Gomawo…” he said softly. Yoo Mi smiled again.

Yong Guk saw a move from outside and he saw Young Jae with Himchan. Those two members entered the house and Zelo stood up quickly,

Hyung! Why you came? I asked Jong Up hyung…”

But Himchan said,

“Later, Zelo. I must speak to Yong Guk hyung,”

Yong Guk looked at him coldly,

“So you back…without Ji Hye?”

Young Jae said quickly,

“Daehyun accompany her...”

“I see…” Yong Guk answered.

“I decided to come with Young Jae because I want to beg, hyung… please don’t forbid my relationship, and Ji Hye’s relationship too…It will make us suffer. And forever, the enmity will not vanish…” Himchan said.

Zelo really sad after heard that. He looked at Yoo Mi who sighed many times.

Yong Guk looked angry,

“Do you realize your words? That’s nonsense! Your relationship makes the enmity worse!” he shouted.

“No, hyung! When I make a relationship with Hyo Mi one hundred year ago, we both thought that it’ll make the enmity vanish. We thought that through our relationship, you’ll realize there’s a way to make peace. Through us, both of our family and Infinite family will forgive each other…” Himchan shouted too.

“Are you crazy?! There’ll be no different if you make a relationship with Hyo Mi or not! There’s no way to make this enmity vanish! I will not forgive them!” Yong Guk looked angrier.

“Can we try it first? Let’s try. If it makes the enmity getting worse, then you may punish me,”

Yong Guk looked at him coldly,

“No. Absolutely no,” then Yong Guk left him.

Himchan looked he want to cry. Zelo walked to him and hugged him.

“Keep strong, hyung. I’ll be on your side. Let’s hope Yong Guk hyung change his mind,”


Sunggyu looked worry. He mooned in his room, while sometimes he shouted, full of frustration.

“What I must to do? What I must to do? It can’t be…It can’t be happen!”

He remembered when his father told him about the enmity. He said his grandfather was a scary vampire, he hard to condone. He had cold heart. He remembered that his father told him, the enmity could prevent if his grandfather forgave B.A.P family member who broke the agreement.

“But, that is law. You must obey it or you’ll die,” his father said long time ago.

Vampire territory was an important thing for every vampire. You can’t break it easily. Their area is their directionary. Part of their domination to get human’s blood.   

But L ever broke the blood line too…And because of Lee Ji Hye, he could be saved. Now he couldn’t let L because of Ji Hye…Not for the girl that his brother loves…

Appa…” Sunggyu said not to anyone, just for himself.

“If you were me, what will you do?” he continued.

But suddenly he knew the answer. But it’ll take more braveness.

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hazuki11 #1
@HizyaR: Thank u so much^^...I'm really appreciate it^^
hazuki11 #2
@aileejjang:A sequel? he3...I'll think about it. Although the story already done.Many thanks, I'm really appreciate it^^
done for now..
love this story( again )
love it. . but i just stop to charter 10 next one will be in the future. .
we need sequel unnie~
hazuki11 #6
@Jewelandelf: Apanya yg kpn?mksdny kpn km bkn ff lg?Ayo ayo...q tgg^^
hazuki11 #7
Thank you for the comments^^...I'm really glad with it...Please anticipate my new story&hope u'll like it^^
woohh...i didn't see it coming..but good story there..thanks you author-nim
Finally~ I can smile happily~
Thank you author-nim for such wonderful story~
wah..aku kapan ki..