Cab driver

Truth or Dare

My phone kept ringing over and over again but I really didn’t feel like talking to Kim right now. After a while my phone finally stopped ringing and I just stared out the window at the passing buildings.

What if they find out who I am? What if YG forbids Seunghyun from seeing me? What will Seunghyun and I become once I leave for Beijing? I kept asking myself all these questions over and over again. I ruffled my hair in annoyance. My phone started ringing again.

“Aren’t you going to answer that?” asked the cab driver.

I pulled out my cellphone from my jacket, put it on my lap, glared at the driver through the rear-view mirror as I let it ring. The cab driver let out a small chuckle

“Sorry I asked”

I felt a bit remorseful, the cab driver was simply being curious and I behaved like a child. My cellphone was still ringing, I glanced down and the caller ID showed: Seunghyun.

I hesitated for a few seconds but finally decided to pick up. The call was dropped just as I was about to slide my finger across the screen to answer. I started going through my contacts to call Seunghyun back when my phone started ringing again. I took a deep breath and slid my finger across the screen and pulled the phone up to my ear.

“Hello? Sam?! Why weren’t you picking up you’re phone! I’ve been worried sick! Did anything happen?” shuddered Seunghyun worriedly

“Seunghyun, calm-” I tried answering

“Nevermind! I’m on my way to your place now! Don’t move! Should I call 911?” he jabbered

“SEUNGHYUN! Damn it! Geez... Calm your horses here. I’m fine, my phone was on silent. Anyways, I’m not home right now but I should be there in 10 minutes. Where are you now?”

“I’m on my way back from a meeting with the guys, Daesung’s with me. We should be there in 20 minutes.” he answered

“Alright see you in 20 minutes then, I’ll start preparing something for you two! Love you Oppa” I cooed

He mumbled something back incoherently

“What did you say?” I asked

“I love you too” he mumbled a bit louder

Although I had heard him I pretended I couldn’t hear him and asked him to speak louder.

“I love you too!” he finally bellowed

I could hear Daesung screaming in disapproval, a small thud was heard afterwards Seunghyun whined, in pain I guessed. I smiled and hung up, the cab driver had a giant grin plastered across his face

“Was that your boyfriend?” he curiously questioned

The idea of calling Seunghyun my boyfriend was still new to me, I wondered if I’d ever get used to it. Then again, it definitely felt good when I thought of him as my boyfriend.

“Yes it was” I nodded

“You shouldn’t avoid his calls, he seemed truly worried. It seems like you got a really nice guy on your hands here. Make sure to treat him well!” he insisted

Just as I was about to retort the car came to an abrupt stop, the cab driver turner around. I payed him and thanked him and the driver politely bid me goodnight.

As I walked my way through the parking lot up to my apartment complex, I couldn’t help but to think back to what the cab driver had said. The cabbie was right, Seunghyun is a really nice guy and I’ll make sure to treat him well. I entered the lobby, greeted Gary, our security guard, and entered the elevator. That dreadful music was still annoyingly playing and I reminded myself to ask Gary if it’d be possible for us to change to Nyan Cat’s Smooth Jazz Cover.



Hello my dear readers :D
I know the chapter is short but I only had 3 hours of sleep last night and my eyes are starting to have a life of their own

Given I pretty much typed this chapter with my head (literally) it wouldn't surprise me if there's like a billion typos. Let me know in a PM or comment and I'll make sure to fix it tomorrow morning, after a good night sleep.

Good night my little fishes!



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uh lalalalalaaaa she's going to meet tao! i'm excited!
Aaahh yeahhhhh this is where the sweet stuff starts! What a heartless cliffhanger you are. Aish. Asking me to update all the time but you aint a bit quicker than me. That means that I have to wait for a while now. Arasseo, I'll just :( Go to work and :(
Gahh, can't wait to see my EXO in le fic.
FIGHTING! you can do it with your exams <3
Without internet.... oh god. I'm dead meat.
The chapter didn't at all, I wish I still had emotions left in my organism but i just read Absolute Chanyeol AND Be Human like without a frigging pause to gather myself lol.
But you're not the only one waiting for Tao to get in the picture :3
After reading Be Human I guess I'll be more interested in reading about him, keke,.
shouldn't you be studying hubby? ^^