Happy Virus Yeol

Truth or Dare


We got to the lesson just in the nick of time and Kim and I hurried to the back of the classroom. We sat down and as I took out my notebook I noticed people were casting glances at us and whispering to one another. I tried my best to ignore it but it was a bit hard given everyone was staring at us. I quickly ripped out a piece of paper and scribbled down

“Why is everyone staring at us? Did you hook up with someone in the bathroom again?!” as I passed the note to Kim. She chuckled, took out her pen and wrote back

“Hey! I only did that once for you information. Besides, I’m pretty sure this time they’re not staring at me for once. They’re staring because of yesterday you pabo!”.


Seriously that pabo might as well have screamed it off the roof tops while he was at it. As much as I hate it, this sort of gossip travels fast in this university. You’d think people get smarter with time and find better ways to spend their time than by gossiping, especially in this university. But I guess intelligence doesn’t stop people from gossiping. I still remember when somebody saw Kim making out in the school bathrooms with the hottest guy. Later that night on my way home I overheard university students from the neighboring city discussing whether Kim and him was a couple. For the whole week our school made a really big fuzz out, luckily enough for Kim the following week we had 6 new exchange students from China. The rumor has it that they were extremely hot; sadly I never got to catch a glimpse of them.

My sunbae was still eyeing me, waiting for me to start explaining myself but I really didn’t feel like doing it here. Besides I am way too lazy of a person to take the time to write down a recap of the past 48 hours my life. Instead I just wrote

“Wanna help me pack tonight? But first we gotta go do some shopping for my departure so let’s meet up at 4:45pm at the mall ^^ DON’T BE LATE or I won’t tell you anything” I handed her the note, she smiled and replied

“Me, late? When was I ever late? ^^ Alright I’ll be there, you can count on me”

I read her reply and grinned. I then folded the note and carefully slid it at the back of my notebook.

An hour later half of the class was sleeping and the other half wasn’t far from that state. I looked at my watch, 2 hours to go. The professor had been talking non-stop, at first I tried my best to try to take notes, but now I was so tired I couldn’t even make sense of what he was saying. That’s when I felt my cellphone vibrate in my pocket; I lazily took it out and unlocked the screen. It said 1 new message from Chanyeol, I opened the message

“Annyeong (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・゜゜・。*。・゜*✧  
did you get back to class in time? Actually I was wondering if you were busy this afternoon *^.^*
I figured you could use some tips for things to bring with you to Beijing”

I couldn’t help but smile at his thoughtfulness, Chanyeol was so kind I quickly replied

“Annyeong Chanyeol^^ yes we got back just in time, although the professor was sternly eyeing us and of course you can come! 
I’m so happy you volunteered; I could really need your help. Kamsahamnida!”

A minute later I got another reply from Chanyeol

“Yey, will Kim also be there? “^-^ Oh and Sam, we can drop the formalities, you can call me Yeolie!
What time should we meet up and where?”

I texted him back the time and place thinking our conversation would end there. But we ended up texting throughout the whole lesson afterwards Kim dropped me off at home and I warned her one last time to be on time.

Nobody was at home so I plugged in my mp3 in Daesung’s boombox, put Coldplay’s Paradise on max volume and proceeded to the bathroom for a shower. Once out of the shower I checked the clock, it read 1:54pm which meant I still had 2 hours. I changed into something more comfortable and slung myself unto the sofa and decided I’d call Seunghyun oppa.

Just as I was about to press call, I realized it’d be stupid of me to do so considering he’s probably at work and he might be recording a song. Instead I resorted it’d be safer to send him a text

“Oppa! I hope work is going well and that Daesung isn’t being too much of a diva. Don’t overwork yourself, drink and eat well and try not to break too many hearts with your good looks. I’m going to the mall with some friends this afternoon, what time do you finish today?”.

I pressed “send” and put my phone down on the sofa. I pulled up a magazine from the coffee table and skimmed through it. However I couldn’t help myself from staring at my cellphone screen every minute, checking if he had replied. After doing so for 10 minutes I decided to flip my phone upside down, I turned off the music and turned the TV on. They were showing reruns of Full House on KBS. Although I would check my phone at every commercial break, the drama was distracting me.

Once the episode ended I turned the TV off, changed to decent clothes, pulled on my favorite sneakers and grabbed my beige fjällräven backpack. I checked my phone one last time; he still hadn’t answered. I pulled out my mp3 and put in my earphones in. I pressed play, turned the lights off and headed out.



Annyeong all, please feel free to bash me and stone me for being really lazy and really bad at updating.
I am such a horrible author T.T Oh well I swear I'll try to do better (one day XD)

Anyways I know there isn't much happening in this chapter but don't worry things will start to happen (I hope)

Once again I am reaaaaaally sorry for being a bad author T.T But in my defence I would like to say that I've been away the whole summer.
I was stuck in internetless places and I was also working. Now try living without internet for 3 months. Not an easy thing to do.

I had a really hard time getting used to how fast things are on the internet and my typing has become a lot slower T.T Oh well at least I'm still alive and I wasn't mauled by a polar bear or something. 

This is how I felt when I came back

I hope you all had a great summer :)

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uh lalalalalaaaa she's going to meet tao! i'm excited!
Aaahh yeahhhhh this is where the sweet stuff starts! What a heartless cliffhanger you are. Aish. Asking me to update all the time but you aint a bit quicker than me. That means that I have to wait for a while now. Arasseo, I'll just :( Go to work and :(
Gahh, can't wait to see my EXO in le fic.
FIGHTING! you can do it with your exams <3
Without internet.... oh god. I'm dead meat.
The chapter didn't at all, I wish I still had emotions left in my organism but i just read Absolute Chanyeol AND Be Human like without a frigging pause to gather myself lol.
But you're not the only one waiting for Tao to get in the picture :3
After reading Be Human I guess I'll be more interested in reading about him, keke,.
shouldn't you be studying hubby? ^^