Chapter 7

A Promise To My Twin Sister

"you-ah! Let's go to the local swimming pool nearby, it has been quite awhile" Yoona sat beside me and handed me a cup of hot camomile tea.

"Ah.. You're right, Yoon" I said calmly, sounding different to the normal you.
"Okay then, let's get ready and meet in the living room.. Don't be such a turtle, time is money" she slapped my thigh lightly and went out of the room. I guess, she doesn't know I acted different, somehow. Much more gloomy and moody than usual


I took out a big red box I hid under my bed, and looked through it. "AH! Here it is" I said to myself. It was the light blue swimming suit that my Mom gave me after she went on a long business trip to Hawaii. I never told Yoona that I got it from Mom, frightened she might get something better than mine.


As I finished packing up, swimming suit, light cream, towel, and everything, I walked slowly to the living room. "Yoona, I'm here" I called her as I moved closer towards her.
"Oh! You're here" she put away her handphone and we went out to the swimming pool, that's only 5 minutes away.


Yoona walked a bit slower and looked at me, "you-ah, you look different" she said hesitantly. I didn't respond.
"Is anything wrong?" she asked again.
"Nothing" I simply said and kept walking at the same pace as hers.
"You fought with Baekhyun? Or maybe Mom? Or Dad?" she kept asking.


I was so disturbed but her questions, I stopped walking and stood right in front of her. Moving my heard forward, closer to her,

"Do you think I deserve any of your concern?" I said with my chin a little bit lifted up. 


Yoona looked a bit confused, she blinked millions of time and kept looking right and left, "You.. You do! Of course you do" she faked a laugh.
"But why do I think I deserve none? Probably because no one have ever thought about me, no one probably realise I'm actually alive, all they see is you. Maybe Yoona without
you is enough for the family" I said sarcastically
Yoona sighed, "Let's keep walking, don't ruin the day" she dragged me and I followed.
"Yoona-yah" I called her, almost inaudible.
"Did you call me?" she tilted her head
"You like Baekhyun, right? I'm kinda sure you've gotten over Jaejoong-ssi"
"Mwo? Jaejoong is just someone I know, he's my middle school friend. And Baekhyun, I don't know about it, we don't really talk that much to each other and I don't even think he likes me" she said
I raised my eyebrows, "Baekhyun likes you, that's obvious, my friend."
Yoona stared at me and said nothing, she just left her sandals near the bench, and went to the dressing room to get changed. While I just opened my jacket and drove down the pool.


UH? Is that Jaejoong over there? Does he have somekind of luck or something? People believe if we talk about someone, and that person eventually appears, that person would live longer than expected. Then.. Then.. Then.. Jaejoong woul life longer, huh? He must thank me for changing his "expiry date".


That guy was walking out of the male dressing room, and was about to go back to the bench where he placed all his belongings, it was quite far from where I am, but I guess if I call him, he would be able to hear and recognise me..... Would he?
"Jaejoong-ssi!" I yelled from the opposite direction as he's in.

He looked towards me and waved back, "Oh! you-ssi!" he then doved in and swam towards me.
"Long time no see.. Ex-brother-in-law" I joked.
He laughed cheerfully, "Don't talk about it, your sister won't like it anymore. Anyway, just to let you know, we never dated, so I was never your brother-in-law. I could be your husband, but not your in-law" he joked.
"What is wrong with you?! So cheesy, HAHA, Pabo!" I splashed the water towards him.
you-ssi, I'm older than you.. 3 years older, you should call me Oppa, Op-pa" he tried to break it up into syllables.
"I'm younger than you, you should call me dongsaeng, dong-sang!" I took revenge
you-ssi, you knew from the beginning I could never love your sister, didn't you?" he suddenly became serious


I looked around and saw Yoona coming out of the dressing room, "SHUT!" I said quickly and dragged him far from the place we're in, I couldn't let Yoona see that I'm talking to Jaejoong, she might ruin everything!
"We're far away now" I sighed in relief.
"What's wrong?"
"Nope, Yoona might see us together and make a big fuss about it"
"Oh, araso. But.. I don't think she's that kind of girl. She's kind, although she's not my type"
"Then..? Me? I'm your type, huh? You told me you like girls who's not feminine, I'm one of them" I smiled widely
"Me? My ideal type would be.. Megan Fox? Probably yes.. She's perfect"
"What do you actually see in a girl? The inside or the ouside? Just like to know" I laughed
"Both! Don't think I'm a ert or something. But I could also say that outer beauty is important as well. You don't think so?"


I stayed quiet for a moment, "I think so too" I said it enthusiastically, I paused for a moment again, "But if you look what's inside, I don't think you would ever like me, maybe you're mistaken"
"Aniyo, who said you don't have a good heart? They're the one who's mistaken. I like you since a year ago, and to be honest, I still do" he said and put his arms around my shoulder
It felt awkward so I wriggled to make him put down his arms. "You know what?" I asked.
He titled his head, showing curiousity
"Kim Jaejoong, everyone here knows you're the only son in the family, which meant that your the heir of your father's medicine company. To make it clear, Golden Flower Company will soon be yours" I explained
"AH, jinja! You're really an idiot. You shouldn't like me. It's weird, dating the daughter of the manager in your company" I said


Yes, my Dad is the manager of his company, there's where I know Jaejoong, I once came into the company to complain about how they treated my Father like a dog! Making him work overnight and stuff, but here comes the good guy, solving everything without me asking for his help.

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Just added Shin Hyesung, Lee Soo Man, and Lee Hyori to the character list :)


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I feel really sorry for yoona :c
I_Love_you4orever #2
I prefer yoonjae ( yoona x jaejoong) but love your story (poor Yoong)
blingest #3
Chapter 1: In the first chapter I freaked out cause I saw " Littlemisscookie "
Chapter 3: just saw the trailer and also read the story.. its awesome!!! #3#
Chapter 22: Yeah!!! I hope they can see each other!!! ^_^
Thanks for this new chapter and fighting with the next!!!
Chapter 21: Thanks for this new chapter!! I prefer the maun character with Donghae, keejejeje.
Yes! They go to Australia!!
Fighting with the next!!
sujusone24 #7
Chapter 20: I alsl prefer yoonhae!!!
Chapter 20: OMO!!! Yoona is the decision maker in this?!?!?!? So i think she is going to say no.
But i think i preffer Donghae kekekekekeke ^_^
Thanks for this new chapter and fighting with the next!!!!!
Chapter 19: Wow!!!! This is going to be problematic, I think so.
I hope Donghae can appear more often, kekekekeke *_*
Anyway, thanks for this new chapter!!!!! and fighting with the next!!! ^_^
Chapter 18: Thanks for this new chapter!!!! But i prefer her with Donghae, kekekekekeke. Fighting with the next!!! ^_^