Chapter 5

A Promise To My Twin Sister


I spent a dreadly half an hour just waiting outside the room, waiting for other trainees and the manager to start talking to us. “Have a seat; my name is Mr. Shin Jae Suk, I’ll be in charged of you guys. So, could you start introducing yourself to each other?” he said.

There are six trainees in this meeting room, and it’s only me, applying as an actress. Lucky me! I have no one to go against. They started to introduce themselves, age, hobbies, and everything. Here comes the narcisstic prince, did not know how to introduce himself properly, but trying to look y and cute at the same time. “O-oh, so it’s my turn, huh?” he rubbed his chin with his fingers, “Hmm, you see, I’m Lee, Lee Donghae, and I’m a great dancer here. Do you want to see what I’ve got?” he suddenly asked.

Without giving a second for the others to react, I interrupted, “Ah-ah! I understand, so you’re a dancer huh? I’m an actress, want to see me act? Okay, this is my turn to introduce my cool sense. My name is you , I’m 18 years old, and I could say that I’m a multi-talented girl” I introduced myself and gave him a deadly glare, straight in the eyes.

“You!” I pointed directly at him. He stared at me confusely, he didn’t know how to react, I guess he’s such a scaredy-cat. That’s the type of guy I have always refused to be friend with, but, but, he’s too handsome. I just couldn’t resist him. “You, Lee Donghae! Please, hmm, wear a mask whenever you go, especially when we’re having a training” I unconsiously said that and was deeply embarrassed, especially when everyone started to burst into laughter.

“Ya? Why should I wear a mask? I don’t spread virus or anything, what the hell is wrong with you? Really!”

“Forget it, I’m losing my mind” I covered my face and ran outside the building.


“AH ! It’s raining,” I yelled out loud, glad I didn’t curse badly infront of my company building. What I hate about this company is that, this building is just out of the shopping areas, there is less bus stops, and we need to walk around 500km to reach the closest bus stop. No wonder the artists here are so skinny and healthy. But, but, I’m wearing my favourite dress and high heels, I can’t be bothered to walk in the rain with these on me, I can’t let it get wet. I took out my phone, a problem solver to me, hmm, Baek-Baekhyun..

“Anyeong! Are you still at work, Bacon and Cheese?” I asked

“Stop calling me Bacon! What do you need?” he swiftly asked

“Calm down, man, calm! What are you doing?” I said it with aegyo, “Bbuing~ Bbuing~” I added.

“Aigoo! What do you need? Argh, Really!”

“Araso, araso! Can you pick me up, it’s raining heavily here. I don’t have my umbrella with me, please!”

“I’m busy, darling!” he stressed the word ‘darling’ and clenched his teeth, I could hear that.

“Find me a boyfriend then! So you could stop being my private driver!” I complained.


“Oh yeah, a boyfriend...” someone random said from behind.

I looked back; it was that East Sea, Donghae. “Yes, what’s wrong fisherman?” I asked and hung up the phone call.

“You need a boyfriend, huh? Who would ever want you?” he smiled

I raised my shoulder, “Who knows? Brad Pitt? Won Bin?” I walked closely to him, “Or maybe.. maybe.. it’s you!” I pointed at him very closely.

He was taken aback, “M-me?” he pointed himself.

“Yes, what’s wrong? You don’t think you’re good enough for me?”

“Ah, aniyo, aniyo. That’s not what I meant”, but before he finishes his line, I interrupted him again, “Okay, okay. Nevermind, I’ll find someone else”

“MWO?! That’s not what I meant” he grabbed my wrist.

I was shocked and I looked at him with much confusion, “MWO?! Don’t tell me you really believe in that prank!”

He stared at me blankly, for a minute or two. I thought he was going to cry or something, but instead, he threw the bottle of orange juice into my dress. Now, my dress that used to be white drastically turned yellow, because of him. “YAAAA!!” I grabbed his hair and pulled it down with all my strength.

“AAAAHHH!! It’s really painful! Let me go, please, let me go!” he begged.

“Drive me home! It’s the Hanbok Road, number 19” I tried to act cool

“AAAAAHHH! Never, you’re too dirty! My car is expensive, !

I pulled his hair harder, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! Araso, araso! Come with me, I parked my car at the basement” he said in pain.


I followed him, in case he wanted to do somekind of revenge to me. “Ya, Lee Donghae, why do you have such a funny name? I asked

He stopped taking steps closer to the car, he looked back at me and placed him hand on his waist, “What do you actually want from me?, he asked calmly.

“Hmm, no-nothing. I just want to know where you get that name from” I lowered my head.

“Donghae means the East Sea, there’s where I got my name from. Happy?”

I didn’t speak up, but got into his car, without saying a word to him again.


“Get off here” he said.

“This, this is just the bus stop. Didn’t you promise to take me home? It’s damn raining, boss. Look at my dress, seriously!” I complained.

“Get off !” he unlocked his car door and dragged me out of his car.


I watched as his car went further and further away from my view. He’s handsome, he’s cute, he loves to act spontaneously, but there’s something inside him that makes me think that he’s actually has a weak heart or something. I’m sure he’s actually arrogant, and he’s definitely an annoying brat. Maybe he’s just angry because I made fun of his name.

you-ah, where are you?” I read the text message from Baekhyun.

“Bus stop near the mini supermarket”

“I’m almost there. Ey! Let me talk to Yoona, okay? Please, you-ah!”

“Up to you” I replied simply.


I started to feel goosebumps on my skin as the weather began to get colder and colder. AH! Where’s he? I looked around, but there’s no car coming from a distance.

“Where are you?” I texted him


“Yoona’s waiting for you, dork!”

“JINJAYO?! 10 seconds to go”

It’s seriously only 10 seconds until I could see his car coming from the West. I waved my hand from side to side so that he could see me. I ran closer to his car and went in

“Anyeong! Thanks for picking me up”

“Why did you hang up your phone?”

“Not your problem. Yoona’s waiting for you, you better drive quickly”

“There’s no way you could ever root for me and Yoona’s relationship. Anyway, you look gloomy”

“Yes! I feel like , seriously!”

“Why? Is it because I like Yoona? Is it because she’s prettier than you?” he laughed

“YAA! Could you stop that? I’m pretty as well, but I look fierce. Some people prefer this kind of girl, don’t you know that?!”

“Why are you sad?” he asked again

“I met a guy, he’s also a new trainee. He’s very good-looking, he’s funny, and is a great dancer. But he’s annoying and arrogant at the same time. But I made fun of him, and now he’s so fustrated because I made fun of him name”

“What’s his name?”


“MWO?!” Baekhyun stared at me and started to burst out into laughter again.

I pouted, “Ya! Stop laughing. I guess his name has somekind of a memory, or it holds a special meaning to his family. I’ll try to find out more about him”

Baekhyun stopped the car and stared at me, “Ya! you-ah, you.. Don’t tell me you like him? You fall in love with a guy again? Love at first sight again? Aren’t you tired of getting ditched?”

“Aniyo. This is a different thing. I’m not afraid, but I just feel like he’s actually, I don’t know. Let’s see...”

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Just added Shin Hyesung, Lee Soo Man, and Lee Hyori to the character list :)


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I feel really sorry for yoona :c
I_Love_you4orever #2
I prefer yoonjae ( yoona x jaejoong) but love your story (poor Yoong)
blingest #3
Chapter 1: In the first chapter I freaked out cause I saw " Littlemisscookie "
Chapter 3: just saw the trailer and also read the story.. its awesome!!! #3#
Chapter 22: Yeah!!! I hope they can see each other!!! ^_^
Thanks for this new chapter and fighting with the next!!!
Chapter 21: Thanks for this new chapter!! I prefer the maun character with Donghae, keejejeje.
Yes! They go to Australia!!
Fighting with the next!!
sujusone24 #7
Chapter 20: I alsl prefer yoonhae!!!
Chapter 20: OMO!!! Yoona is the decision maker in this?!?!?!? So i think she is going to say no.
But i think i preffer Donghae kekekekekeke ^_^
Thanks for this new chapter and fighting with the next!!!!!
Chapter 19: Wow!!!! This is going to be problematic, I think so.
I hope Donghae can appear more often, kekekekeke *_*
Anyway, thanks for this new chapter!!!!! and fighting with the next!!! ^_^
Chapter 18: Thanks for this new chapter!!!! But i prefer her with Donghae, kekekekekeke. Fighting with the next!!! ^_^