Chapter Three : Reunion Party

♥ So Much For Our Happy Ending

The next morning, Deera had to go for her schedule. She had her song recorded and will be dismissed by 5.00pm since the party starts at 8.00pm and she only have 2 hours left to get herself ready.

She wore a blue aqua strapless dress, black high heels, a shining accessories and her hair clipped.
And now she was ready for the party. She looked gorgeous with that dress. The destination of the party was only 45 minutes’ drive. She rode her Convertible car and reach there by 8.15pm.
When she have arrived the venue, she parked the car, stepped out of her car and walked up the stairs to the ballroom. She saw many students were walking up the stairs, entering the theatre and some of them staring at her in amazed. While Deera standing outside the theatre, someone called her out. Deera turn around and found a beautiful lady standing in front of her smiling.
Lady: Hi Deera! Long time no see.
Deera: Oh! Hi! You are?!
Lady: Don’t you remember me? It’s me Krystal. The one who invite you to the party.
Deera: Oh yes! I remember you now. Yeah! It’s been a long time I’ve seen you. And wow! You look totally different from the old days. You look prettier now. What’s your secret?! And how have you been?
Krystal: Thank you for the sweet compliment. It’s natural beauty and there’s no secret to it. Well I’ve been great after graduation, I have successful career as a General Manager.
Deera: Oh! Manager?! Which industry are you working for?
Krystal: I’m currently taking over my dad’s company which is in the Fashion & Design Industries. How about you? You’re still studying or have you had a stable career?
Deera: Oh! You probably don’t know that I’m working as a singer right now. I’m working with SM Entertainment and Mediacorp Industries in Singapore. I’ve been coming back and forth to Singapore. And due to my tight schedule, I’ve been quite busy sometimes with commercial ad, song recording, acting and modeling. The truth is today was supposed to be the day I fly to Singapore for my schedules. But since I wanna attend this party, I cancel my entire schedule and postpone it to next week.
Krystal: *amazed* Wow! That’s a great success. I’m sorry I couldn’t watch you on TV since I’ve been so busy with my company. But it’s good to hear your success and your fulfilled dreams. Anyway, how long have you been an artist?
Deera: Hmm. If I’m not mistaken it’s already 2 years. I’m still trying to go for worldwide. *smiling*
Krystal: Ouhk! It’s good to see you again Deera. Could you excuse me as I need to get something done?
Deera: Sure! And it’s good to see you again too.
Krystal: Have fun inside.
Deera: Thanks!
After talking with her old colleague, Deera walked into the ballroom to find that everyone was looking at her in amazed. Music was played on the background and couples were slow dancing. The spotlights were shone brightly on Deera making her the center of attention. People were staring in wonder and amazed. They couldn’t recognize her as a friend but as an artist.
Near the buffet catering, Key was standing there drinking a cup of fruit punch. And suddenly he caught someone in the eye. It was Deera. But he couldn’t recognize her due to her changes.
Key: Who’s that gorgeous lady? Seems like I’ve seen her somewhere before but I just couldn’t remember where!
While Key was wondering who that mysterious lady is, Deera walked towards him with a sweet greeting.
Deera: Hi Key!
Key: Hello Young Lady! You look totally familiar to me. But I can’t seem to remember your name. May I know how should I address you miss?
Deera: OMG! Key! How heartless can you be? How could you forget about me all this while?! Have you forgotten your old time lover? It’s me Deera, your wilted rose that you left 8 years ago.
Key: OMG! Is that really you Deera? Err … You look really different since then till I couldn’t recognize you. Yeah! The wilted rose that I used to now. *blushing*
Deera: Yurp! It’s really me. Why? Have you really forgotten all about me? *smiling* Anyway, your attitude is still the same. The same old Key. You really didn’t change a lot huh?!
Key: *laughing* Well it’s not that I’ve forgotten you; it’s just that you look really different from the past. That’s the reason I couldn’t recognize you. And yeah! Same old me. *laughing* But so do you. Your sweet attitude is still the same. Though you’re different from the look, but your attitude is still the same. So how’s your life? Have you been dating anyone currently?
Deera: Well! Thanks for the sweet compliment. *smiling* Life for me now was good. Too busy with work till forget about dating. So yeah! But how about you? Are you currently dating a gorgeous lady?
Key: Nope! Now I’m just basically going for higher studies at Cambridge University plus working as a part-time modeling. Dating?! Hmm … I’m too busy to think about it. So when was the last you dated any guy?
Deera: Any reasons for answering your questions?
Key: Nah! Just curiously asking …
Deera: Hmm … Let me see … Ok! The last time I dated is 3 years ago. But I broke up with him because of his bad habits. Plus my agencies don’t want me to create a hideous scandal with him. How about you? When was the last time you dated a lady?
Key: Well! The last time I dated was exactly the same year as you do …
Deera: Asking curiosity, why did you break up with her?
Key: I break up with her because we’re totally the opposite and also she was not the rightful one. And not someone I’m looking for.
Deera: Wow! So much for heartbreaking. *grinning* I’ve been wondering. Since she was not that right person or not someone you’re looking for, who is the right girl you’ve been searching for?
Key: *laughing* What a typical question. Well! Only God knows who *smiling*
Deera: Okay *smiling*
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@koolcatkey: Thanks for reading :)) yeah that's onew and sica...<br />
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wedding dress promotion .. hahaha<br />
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i couldn't tink of any korean name so i thought of putting it randomly :D
koolcatkey #2
and the ending is great. the name kiwon is cute lol! <33
koolcatkey #3
lol isn't that onew and sica? nyahahaha. well okay. that's cute :))
@parkbeomsshi : thnx .... i writing new fiction soon ... :)
ahaha >< nice ending^^
cute chappie, update soon^^
3 more episodes left ... and im creating a new story soon :)
Hey guys!! I have added some stories in chapter 5 and 8 :))<br />
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do read and enjoy ... i'll update again later :*