The Ball Gown

My Fair Model

"You look gorgeous!" CL nodded, pleased with my hair and makeup.

My hair was neatly coiled up into a simple ballerina bun so tight it felt like my face had undergone plastic surgery.

The process was almost unbearable for me, but at least my hair was -in CL's words- 'simply elegant'.

The ladies at the salon had dolled up my face with dramatic smoky eyes and candied lips.

I don't usually go through all this trouble to pretty myself up.

The longest I've spent making myself look nice was probably about 2 hours at the most, but today takes the cake; CL and I had stayed at the salon since noon, only now when it's dusk did we start to head back to the loft.

The walk back was awful; the sudden breezes gushed by every now and then so I ended up holding my bun and covering my face while CL went on without messing up her old Hollywood curls.

I'm so jealous of her; how can one be so fabulous in such hectic weather conditions?  I'm a hot mess; biker chic outfit that contrasted with my up do and fancy makeup.

I'm here trudging behind her like a preteen trying on pumps for the first time.

It's no wonder why I had the locals turning heads; there was no doubt in my mind--- I was definitely a hot mess. 

"______ your hair will be fine. Now come on and keep up, please." CL assured.

Not wanting to cause more trouble, I rushed to her side, still holding my hair down.


CL started to hum to herself as she checked her phone.

"______, ______, ______..." CL sighed, shaking her head in slight disapproval.

I frowned, "What?"

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "You're in for a long night. I'm so sorry. And if anything bad happens, well, let's just blame Kibum."

"What?" I repeated, slowing my pace.

"You'll find out. It wasn't my idea." CL answered, as she quickened her pace, "Right now, we need you back at the loft, and ready for your... gown."

There wasn't anything that I liked about what she just told me.

Am I going to be left alone at the ball?

Whatever the problem, I just agreed, following her back to loft.


To my surprise, the guys in the loft were all dress up.

All of them stood at different parts of the living room in perfectly tailored, licorice black, English cut suits.

Onew and Minho, had on black silk cravat ties along with their black dress shirts.

The younger three wore white classic collar dress shirts with deep champagne colored bow ties.

All looking taller, thinner, and younger than usual, I've never seen such a handsome group of men in one place. But where was Key?

"You men all clean up so well, don't you?" CL smiled, nodding impressed with what she saw, "Everyone is just exuding this young sophisticated socialite feel. Can we dress this way all the time?"


Onew smirked, fixing his cuffs, "You two, on the other hand, don't fit the standard. Key's going to kill you two."

CL rolled her eyes and gestured me to go upstairs, "There should be a special set of undergarments in your room, put them on and go upstairs. I'll help you get your gown on up there."

I did just that, finding a backless corset laid out on my bed. I didn't think much while putting it on until I went up to the third floor in my towel robe to wait for CL. 

It only dawned on me then, I have no idea what this gown looks like. I began to worry as I started to understand CL's words when we were heading back.

This gown is most likely going to be risqué; too revealing to be worn to a ball. And for me to wear it is just ridiculous.

Who's to say they'll even let me in with my highly inappropriate attire. I don't even know how it looks and I already sense the danger.

I started to scan the room for the gown until CL popped herself in, already wearing her black velvet evening gown, with a fine black fur shawl resting upon her shoulders.

She looked chic, taller and much thinner. Definitely looking like a socialite of high standards just like the rest of the guys down stairs.

She groaned, "Shoot, I forgot your shoes! Hold on, _______. I'll only be a minute." She says, while leaving the room.

I went back to scanning the room for the evening gown. 

I checked the racks of a few garments near the door that led to the roof. I got desperate and started heading to it, thinking maybe they left it there.


"Didn't I say that was 'off limits' for you?" Key startled me.

I clutched the ends of my robe and froze in front of the door as I heard him walk in.

He smoothed the sides of his wispy styled hair back and cleared his throat, "Over here, please--Now."

He sported all black, the same English cut suit, but no tie.

Instead he had an onyx satin scarf draped once around neck and short cape trimmed with the same fur that matched the one on CL's shawl.

Key was suave when it came to dressing up, you could tell; a debonair gentleman with impeccable taste in fashion.


He glanced over at me, checked his pocket watch and muttered, "Must I do everything? That Chae Rin is too slow to do anything."

Key eyed me up and down with such an intense glare, I started to feel self-conscious. 

You can't blame me; I'm standing in front of him in just my underwear.

He strode past me and ped one of the garment bags behind me.

"Go get on the pedestal, and wait there." He said in a polite, hush tone.

I quickly made my way to it, fixing myself in front of the multiple angled mirrors.

He came behind me holding the evening gown over his shoulder.

I froze once again looking at the gown as he stared hard at me through the mirrors.

"Well?" He smirked, "I can't help you dress until you get that robe off."


I couldn't get over how off my gown was to the others. It wasn't black like theirs, but a fair pink champagne.

There was no way of identifying me with the rest of them unless you count Taemin, Tao, and Kai's bow ties.

"Ahem~" Key cleared his throat, "Ma Cherie, I'm waiting."

I spoke up, "C-CL said she'd pull me into the gown--"

"I have no time for shyness. There's nothing CL has seen that I haven't. Now please ________, just work with me. We don't have time for this." He went on, "This is my profession just as much as CL's."

I stood there hesitant to move, wishfully thinking that CL would come in at any moment.

What a lair that lady. 'I'll only be a minute' -- my .

"Take, off… the robe." Key said, impatiently coming closer and checking his watch for a second time.


I went dead silent when Key turned me around to face him.

He didn't look directly at me, but just at my corset and started to adjust it for me.

I felt flushed as he dressed me, letting me face the mirrors as he zipped the back of the gown.

So this is how it's going to be when getting fitted and what not?

To be quite honest, I didn't really know how I felt about the gown.


It was intricate in design, yet subtle and luxurious to the eyes.

The fitted halter sheath gown was a perfect vision of young romantic love.

Its chiffon top was embroidered with beaded lace from the neck down to the hips and turned out to a sheer Chantilly lace that faintly showed off my legs.

It was a subtly see-through from the hips down, slightly flared out on the bottom with the same glamorous embroidery.

The gown was breathtaking in so many ways; it was hard to decide whether I was shocked in a good way or bad.


Key grinned, holding onto my shoulders and looking at me through the mirror.

"You know I haven't had anyone try this on before. You won't believe the work I put into this garment." He chuckled, "Just to have it be displayed on a mannequin up in the Ginza district for a few days."

I smiled, "It's so pretty. I'm a little scared to wear it-- it seems so delicate."

He let out a huff, "It needs a night out to be shown off. Plus, it suits you well, no?"

I bit my lip, "Key, the bottom half though, it's--"

"Don't worry about it." He cut off, "It's fine. I'm happy with this look. You know how satisfying it is to see your own work come to life? Don't up dress, sweetheart, I'll kill you."

I smirked, "Mhm."

"One little rip, tear, stain, crease, or strand ruined, I will have you locked up in the loft for a week."

"You're actually going to ground me?" I chuckled.

He grinned and gave a quick peck on my bare shoulder, "Correct!"

I held my breath, going bug eyed at my own reflection.

Key chuckled, "I'm really happy with how this looks! You look absolutely--"


"That damn Taemin, left your heels in our car when I specifically told him to bring it inside!" CL barged into the room, and gasped, "Wow."

She smiled coming closer, "So this is how it looks. Oh Key, this is the most stunning thing I've seen from you yet."

Key smirked at me, stepping back and turned his attention to CL.

"Chae Rin, make sure she doesn't ruin the gown tonight." He cautioned, "I'll meet up with all of you at Hotel de Crillon."

"Wait, you're going now?" CL asked as he headed toward the doors.

"I sort of have to. You all be there before 8, or they won't let you in, and if I don't see that  gown at the ball," He continued, "CL, consider yourself fired."

He shut the door behind him in a quick sly manner.

CL scoffed and set my velvet heels infront of me to put on.

"As if he'd actually fire me," She snorted, "That boy is just so infuriating."


Hotel de Crillon: Salon de Aigles room


Aside from my competing designers, the room was packed with foreigners; ambassadors, fashion editors, journalists, board of directors and other snooty people that I'll probably never see after tonight.

Still, I put myself out there for the sake of my work; being as charming as possible to the ones that greet me.

I will be one of the best. I am one of the best. 

None of the other Parson competitors dare to speak to each other. It's just a glance, maybe a giving each other a rude once-over and a smirk, but never talk; not even a fake friendly comment is said.

As a fashion designer, i guess it's just natural for us to be this way. Maybe?

Though, one of the designers is the total opposite, and is number one on my list and she takes the award for most annoying son of a in my book.

I think I'm lucky tonight; I haven't seen her atrocious face along with her team within the mile radius... Not yet.


I've been standing waiting for CL and the others while talking to a few journalists and people from the event for the time being. 

All of them asked if I came to the ball alone, which I answered to with a 'yes and no'.

They looked at me like I was either mental or thought I didn't quite fully understand the question.

Maybe because I'm from Asia and the Asian probably doesn't know English well enough but I meant what  I said by 'yes and no'.

I didn't bother to explain myself so just left them with that. I might as well leave a unique impression here.


I waited close to the entrance way for any sign of that gown.

Amazingly, I wasn't anxious for their arrival; with a drink in hand, I was quite at my leisure. 

I had bought myself a drink at the Vogue Bar. 

I didn't order anything fancy, nothing as sophisticated as the other elder gents with their Bulleit Neat drinks and such.

No, I just had myself a Manhattan.

I didn't want any frilly, dolled up, fancy drink, I just wanted something strong, but I started to regret it since now I'm convinced that the cute bartender is checking me out.

I must be a bit out of it, I'm sure. 

I started to saunter my way to the corner, looking back at the bar and notice the petite bartender still sending me flirty looks.

Get a hold of yourself, Key, Professor Anna will be here tonight and she sees you the least bit drunk, you'll be replaced by that stupid Zhang from your late workshop class from spring semester.

Then again, I'm already here, there's no way of replacing me since competitions basically started.

I tried to focus on the ball, admiring the room instead of pondering over meaningless thoughts.


There were many special people here tonight; ambassadors, journalists, editors and directors wearing all formal attire, mostly black with a few ladies in white and cream gowns, waiters roaming around serving champagne.

The well established people and the grand ballroom was enough to make you feel small.

What am I doing here?

Grand chandeliers, pearly white walls and gold decor, the giant windows with its silk curtains slightly propped open to overlook a stunning panoramic view of the night.


"I had a hunch you'd be the type to be lurking in the corner," Professor Anna sniggered as she stepped to my side, "Kim, you are one odd designer. It’s nice to see you again, my dear."


She silenced me with a raise of her finger whilst sipping on her champagne.

She began to scan the room, "Kibum, my dear, we're not at the institute; there's no need to address me as 'professor'."

I smiled, "Mrs. Anna, it's nice to see a familiar face.

"You haven't started on your collection." she stated, "Am I right or am I right?."

I sighed, giving a slight shrug and took a swig of my drink, "Technically, I have started."

"Technically," She smirked, "Kibum.."

I chuckled, "Nothing to worry about, Mrs. I have it--"

"I'm not worried about that," She continued, "I'm worried about you. Dear, you're one of my prized students, and I hate seeing my prized students… So...So"

I watched her happily as she chuckled, "It's nothing severe. I'm fine just a little stress, but stress is healthy, right? This is a special night. And seeing one of my hardcore mentors here and at a loss for words makes it even better."

"Oh quiet." She laughed, "Of course, I'd be here, just for tonight though. I've come to support and give advice--- Where is your team?"

I checked my pocket watch, "Well it's almost 8. They should be on the premises..."

I took another swig of my drink as Mrs. Anna's eyes pierced at me.

I had my eyes glued onto the entrance hoping to see _______ and the rest come in.

I could feel Mrs. Anna's glare on me getting worse.

That is until, finally, Taemin, Kai and Tao strutted their way inside first.

"Ah! There they are!" I smiled, walking toward the three as Mrs. Anna followed.

"And where's the rest?" I asked.

"Coming in soon," Kai answered.

"Though, ________..." Tao trailed off looking back at the entrance.

My heart sank into my stomach, "What about her? What happened?"

"_______?" Professor Anna asked, "Ah yes, your new model right? Where is the girl?"

I glared at Taemin, mouthing to him asking him what was happening.

Taemin pursed his lips and nodded, "CL and _______ just went to the powder room. This is _____'s first time to a ball so she's nervous."

Mrs. Anna turned to me once more, "What modeling agency did you say _______ was from again?"

"I didn't." I smiled, "Oh look! There's Onew and Minho, look Mrs. remember Onew?"

Mrs. Anna grinned, "Ah, Onew! It's nice to see, how long has it been since you graduated? Two? Three years?"

Onew smiled, giving Professor Anna a peck on the check, "Three years, Professor Anna. It's been a while."

He raised his brow at me, gesturing me to go to the entrance while he and the guys started small talk with Professor Anna.

I cantered down to the grand double doors, but stopped halfway when finally CL emerged from the crowds.

I smirked, giving her my arm, "And where is the other girl?"

CL linked her hand on my arm and pulled me toward the guys, "Coming, just give her moment, she's fine."


Within minutes of anxiously waiting and small talk with the rest of the team, a loud group of murmurs could be heard which made me shoot my attention to the entrance way.

_______ captivating everyone's interest in the ballroom as she slowly made her way further in.

Like a lost puppy, she stood in one place, scanning the room for us.

She wandered around one part of the room still trying to find us.

I took in the sight of people giving her a second look shocked elder ladies and gentlemen and few pictures clearly being taken of her.

That is what you call a grand finale piece fit for a Chanel show.  She was a perfect little dream come to life.

"Lucky you, CL." I smiled, "There's no need for me to fire you, now."


Professor Anna chuckled, "I always knew you were an underdog, Key. Make sure you get the journalists to swing by. I'll be doing some small talk with the art directors. Have a good evening, all of you."

Just be before leaving us, she whispered a comment to me, "Make sure to be especially charming tonight, young man. You've already bewildered the guests with our formal wear."


I was satisfied.

______ wore the gown so well; I don't think I could have pulled off a scandal like this with an actual model.

I forced Minho to get her over here. 

A small hint of guilt for making _______ do this makes me feel in debt to her.

We are now the talk of the ball; the gutsy designer from Tokyo and his tight knit team giving Paris new controversy to the fashion industries. 

Whether it is both good and bad, I'm not the radar in this competition now. Yes, excellent.

I cleared my throat motioning Minho to bring her over.

"All of you watch over her like a hawk." I glared at the three boys, "Onew, CL and I have some small promoting to do."



Minho with a smirk on his face as he gazed at the people around us has tapped me on the shoulder and let me have his arm.

He boldly escorted me to the others, "Looks like someone's up for prom queen~" He teased.

I stayed close to him and glanced around, "No, It looks like I didn't follow the dress code. Please, take me home."

It was uncomfortable being stared at like this.

I don't feel like a real guest, therefore, I shouldn't need to be here. I'm just a tiny helper for Key...

"You look great, ________." Minho whispered, "Just listen to me and the night will be over before you know it."


"It took you look enough." Key muttered and stood beside me, "Good job, thank you."

I nodded, still looking around as the people glance at us.

"Don't worry about them." Key chuckled.

 The warmth of his hand on my comforted me, but was short-lived when music started to play.

"Someone get the lady a drink." Key smirked, "Relax. It's a ball, enjoy yourself."


There were so many elegant girls with such pretty and appropriate gowns. 

Some smiled at me and some studying my gown intently with uncomfortable stares.

I feel so . 

Key grabs my chin to face him, "Are you listening? Don't mind the other guests."

"Don't mind the other guests?" I hissed, "I feel--"

"They don't matter." He winked, pulling Minho close to him, "Minho will be your tonight. Have fun and remember--- Don't ruin the gown."

Key leaned in closer to me, "No really, don't you dare ruin the gown."

He smiled, took a few steps back to look at me and headed off with CL and Onew.


The gown.

Don't ruin the stupid gown.

The gown, the gown, the muthain' gown. I get it.

"in' Key..." I muttered under my breath, making Minho chuckle.

"I think you need a drink." Minho laughed, edging me toward the bar.

I pulled away from him, "What I need is to leave, please Minho, take me home." I begged.

"Why?" He frowned.

"Because my back and my legs are cold in here, I'm the only girl not wearing a neutral palette gown, it's uncomfortable, and I hate people and I--"

"How about we dance?"


"Dance," Minho repeated, "You know, stuff you do when there's music playing.."

I sighed, "No, I want to go home."

He gave me an apologetic smile, "You know I can't do that."

I frowned dragged my feet as he pulled me closer to Tao and Kai, "It was worth a shot."


A few minutes of talking and standing around had calmed my nerves.

I was actually enjoying the night after a few glasses of champagne with the guys.

Tao and Kai had ventured off somewhere probably causing havoc or in search for food.

I had 3 people give me their cards for some possible chance of me getting into various modeling agencies.

Taemin helped me out through those, and gladly held onto them for me.

We'd have to tell CL about it before getting back to them.

I was flattered that I was being approached by scouts and journalists.

Though, it wasn't for 'me' but for the gown. 

Taemin, Minho and I had to tell everyone who approached us about the gown.

I can never escape Key, can I.

Every now and then I'd inspect the gown in fear that it might have torn since a few guests had wanted to touch it.

I'm a gulible person if anything; I don't want to be locked up bored in the loft for a week like Key said.


"The evening gown is not quite my style but the young lady wearing it is most definitely a model I'd like to work with." A girl smirked as approached us.

She shook my hand and smiled.

I couldn't talk; I didn't know how to respond to her comment. I ended up looking at Taemin and Minho for help.

The girl had to be one of the competing designers since she had her all girl team a few strides away.

If it weren't for her team standing by, I could've sworn she was a European model.

The girl had long strawberry blonde hair, pale skin, icy blue eyes and stood a bit taller than me.


Taemin tilted his head and cleared his throat, "...Thank you?"

Minho rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Please excuse him, he's had a drink too many. We're the competing team from--"

"Tokyo. I know." The striking girl smiled, eyes still on me as she spoke, "For Kim Kibum, yes?"

I nodded, glancing over at Taemin and Minho, "Yes..."

My voice turned timid as she chuckled.

"Kibum and I have very opposite views of fashion." She smiled, gazing at my gown slightly disgusted, "But I've finally found something we can both agree on."

I think I really should be insulted, right?

Taemin suddenly turned tense and bailed out to find Tao and Kai. That guy...


I huffed, "Excuse me, but--"

She smiled "I'm sorry if I came off rude, honey. My name is--"


"Jackie De Rude!" Key raised his voice as he joined me and Minho and our little conversation with the red headed beauty.

She smirked, rolled her eyes and smiled back at me, "It's Jacqueline De Roux. I'm a senior at ESMOD here in Paris--"

Key rudely interrupted her with a yawn and spoke to Minho, "Minho you must be bored, here, take my wallet and head down to the bar."

Minho chuckled "I'm fine--"

"Head down to the bar, Minho," Key repeated, giving an obvious fake smile to Jacqueline.

"Okay, sounds good." Minho pursed his lips and went off quickly.

"Wow," I turned to Key, "may I go with--"

"No." He grinned at me and back to Jacqueline, "Jackie, you're looking.... like you this evening."

She scoffed, "Same to you, Kim." 

"Aww, thank you so much," Key chuckled, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer.

I felt my cheeks go hard and looked away trying to look around for CL or Onew to run to; anyonde else than be a part of this awkward rivalry.

"How's your night so far, Madame?" He asked her just before guiding me away and to the middle of the ballroom to dance, “Never mind, I asked.”


It took me a minute to realize it.

"Key, I can't dance well---"

"Just follow me." He murmured pressing me close to him as he looked around the ballroom.

My face is red, bloody red, I just know it.

What I don't understand is why am I turning red? Key's a pompous little insect... At times...

I looked at him, "What is she to you exactly? That Jacqueline--"

"A complete ," Key quickly responded, and started to hum along to the jazz that filled the ballroom.

I chuckled while he grabbed my hands and personally wrapped them around his neck.

I studied his face.

He looked at me, lightly gripping my waist, "Hey, we're dancing so you can't pull that 'no touching' thing on me. I had to get us away from that woman..."

I laughed and began scanning the room again, "That girl is something else..."

"Don't ever go near her." Key raised his voice, "I mean it. I can’t stand the woman."


"_______, she's a . Tell me not, when you spoke to her, did you get mad? Even the slightest bit?"

"Well now that you--"

"Exactly." He nodded, gazing down at the gown as we swayed from side to side, "Good job, you manage not to ruin the gown after all."

I rolled my eyes at him stepping back and left to find Minho or anyone else rather than be with Key, who's only obsession with this stupid gown.



"What did you do now?" CL hissed, "We let you swing by to 'check up' and now you've managed to get boys you lost and ______ pissed. What did you do!?"

I shrug, "I don't know... Honestly, I thought I was being pretty suave back there..."

I could've sworn _______ and I were sort of --maybe, even just a little, teeny tiny bit-- 'hitting it' off.


Onew patted me on the shoulder, "I think you're worn out, buddy. Shall we head to the bar for something a little stronger than this dainty- champagne?"

Onew obviously had enough of tonight's rendezvous and was probably hoping to end off with some hard liquor in his system. 

I looked at Onew discretely turning on his iPhone to check the time.

My poor right-hand man's eyes were glazed over and impatiently humming along to the jazz.

Onew always has a mischievous fun side after hours. He's the best guy to do stupid with...


"I wouldn't mind getting drunk off my right about now. That is, if you're in?" I smirked at him.

CL was the one to lead us, elbowing me in the chest as she swept past me, "You need to brush up on how you treat ladies, I swear if ____--"

"Tch. No one cares, Chae Rin."



The Vogue Bar... "Paris Vogue Le Bar"... Woo~ so fancy...  

Why not just call it Vogue? Vogue Bar?

Wow, I need to go home; I'm not making any sense.

At least the atmosphere here is a little more loose and louder. 

The ballroom was to uptight for me.

Now where the heck is any of those boys at?


There was nothing here but the younger guests from the ball. 

Guests ranging from their early 20's to early 30's were flirting amongst each other.

I didn't mind it at all; at least they were all busy doing their own things and not paying attention to me.

It was hard to try and find the guys when practically every guy looked the same. 

Everywhere you look there were young men in tailored suits leaning against the wooden walls, sitting on red velvet furniture.

It didn't help that the place was dimly lit, it made me anxious.

Only the slow tempo music eventually calmed me.


They're not in here.. Tao doesn't look like a drinker anyway..

What is the freakin’ drinking age in France anyway!? 

"URGH!" I stomped my foot, and ended up making a few guests turn my way.

Embarrassed, I smiled and slowly walked backwards to leave, but bumped into something behind me.

"OH!" I whirled around finding Kai startled.

His scotch whiskey had splashed on the side of my hip.

I went big eyed, my heart suddenly dropped to my stomach as Taemin, Minho and Tao rushed towards us both.

"Kai!" I panicked, "Kai the gown! Key's goning to kill me!"

"!" Kai turned to the others, "What do I--"


Taemin pushed Kai aside and pulled me out to the hallway forcing the rest to follow.

I'm hysterical at this point. 

This a horrible night, absolutely horrible, by all means, probably the worst night of my life.

I began to whimper as Tao helped me out, using his handkerchief to dap my gown along with Taemin.

"I'm so sorry, _______." Kai kept repeating to me every god damn minute.

"I know," I groaned holding my head up, "Just please.. Quiet.

Is it weird that I'm scared right now? 

I whined, "What will Key do to me once he finds out about this?"

"Guys, we better do something quick because I see CL from here.." Tao speaks up urgently.


"Dammit, we're all in' screwed!" Taemin cussed, "We were all suppose to make sure nothing happened and-- and then this! This in' happens! We're so screwed!"


I begin hiding myself behind Tao.

Nope, I'm not here.

I am invisible. I am nothing. 

Nope, I'm not even at the ball. 

If I can't CL, Onew, and Key, then they can't see me.

I am nonexistent. I don’t exist at all.

Nope, what gown? I don't know this precious gown you fashion freaks speak of. Nope. 


Minho holds my hand and pulls me down the opposite corridor. 

"Well, are we all leaving or do you want to face death now?!" Minho tells the others as we make haste for the patio, "Let's take a cab back to home! Party's over, boys!"




A quick drive back home and we all rush inside.

Minho and Taemin me back into my room.

Taemin shouts to Tao, "You guys look up alcohol stain removing crap, quick!" 

"Uh, Taemin, we can't do that since you took away our laptops!" Kai shouts back.

"ARGH!" Taemin threw both hands up in defeat, "Minho.."


Minho pushed me into my room and turned to Taemin, "I got it, just come back and I'll help her in the meantime."

I rush to my bath room, quicky running hot water from the sink and dampening a face towel on the counter.

I started to dab the huge spot on my hip.

Minho stops me, "I don't think it should be hot water. Isn't it suppose to be cold water?!"

"I don't know! Does it really even matter?!" 

He chuckles, "Yeah?! I think? I don’t know; Hot water might damage the fabric and make it---"

Minho suddenly stops and makes me shut up as well.

"They're back home early!" He whispers and runs out of the bathroom to lock my door.

I think I'm having a panic attack.

I start to imagine Key and how scary he's going to get when he sees I ruined this stupid gown.

God help me.





I was the first to head inside, rather curious as to why the others left early; I insisted that we just go home as well.

"GUYS!" I shouted at the foot of the staircase.

I hear them shuffling loudly and shout back, "Y-Yeah?!"

"Something's up..." I smirk.

CL and Onew head upstairs as I tag along from behind.

"What in the world are you guys up to!?" CL starts, standing just outside Tao's door with Onew.


All three young boy sprawled on the floor, still in their suits with loosened neck ties.

"Oh," Taemin chuckled nervously, "Just surfin' the web..."

I noticed Minho's room wide open with no light on. 

Minho's not here? 

"And where's Minho?" I asked, making my way down the hallway just to hear commotion coming from ______'s room.


Loud noises of what sounds like something slamming against her walls.

I gesture CL and Onew to come listen in with me as I press my ear against her door.



SHH!! S-stop moving so much I can't---

Stop! Stop! Stop! 


Take it off first!

It won't come off!

Don't be so loud or they'll hear us!

It's so big! 

Don't worry ______, it's gonna be fine.


"Dear lord..." I muttered, "What the is going on in there?"

Onew chuckled, "At least someone's having a good night."

CL sniggered as she tried to pry us away from the door, "Leave them alone... They're busy." 

That got me annoyed, so I stayed glued near her door.

Minho, how can be this stupid?

I'm pissed.

"Go Minho." Onew chuckled to himself.

"Will you shut it?!" I hissed, turning away from the door and finding the rest of the boys spying on us from the corner of Tao's door.



[A/N: From now on, comments that just say 'update soon' will be downvoted. Sorry, those comments just make me not want to update. C'mon give me your more intelligent comments.  Other than that, sorry for the long wait. Working on other updates. ♥ Thank you for being patient! ]

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Chapter 12: Please please please update! This is a perfect story with genres combined in balance! I really want how you'll control the story. It's so good, evrn after a few years of leaving aff, I'm still thinking of this story. I beg you please continue it! ≥﹏≤
xJesslynify #2
Chapter 12: Hello! New reader here, I really love this storyline! It's so interesting! ;) Minho is damn hot when ing her lol haha. Felt bad for him though :'( Can't wait till Key and her find out their true feelings with one another!
randomsparre #3
Chapter 12: I legit found this fic a few months ago and it was when I was just starting to get into SHINee and now I'm in too deep and I miss this fic but like I get it if you lost inspiration for this I just wanna thank you for writing it at all. <3
Chapter 12: When will you update this fic? ;~;
shaaneey #5
Chapter 12: Idk wht to say. Ohmygaahd keeeyy.
emilydawn #6
Chapter 12: When are you going to update? This story is perfect! (:
Chapter 12: Why am I crying? :( My feels!!! Oh noes </3
ahhh so cute!!! please update faster... key is such a charmer :)
Chapter 12: Wow really good, I'm glad you went there, definitely different. Love the drama!