10 Hour Flight

My Fair Model

Key's POV

I was exhausted  when we finally got into the jet. Thank god for first class, I get to sleep a little better during this long flight.

I didn't sleep a wink last night, I was too worried about everything else; if I have every item with me, make sure Kai and Tao weren't late, and the most nerve-wrecking part; if ________ were actually going to keep her promise and tag along.

The jet had quite a few seats empty, I had the first row to myself, at first. 

I started to wonder how the hell KIDI can afford to fly us out on this private jet, but then again we are a pretty rich institute with a lot of connections.

Minho, Kai, Tao and ________ were sitting close together, just talking.

Minho decided to take an empty seat next to me.

"So ________ made it." He smirked, "What a suprise right?"

I gave him a slight nod, still fidgeting with my phone. I haven't said a word to her yet but I gave her a smile when I saw her roll up to the airport.


I was quite impressed with her airport fashion. I was worried she might embarrass us with some over-the-top punk outfit. 

But no, she came in black skinny jeans, pumps, loose white v neck, and a black Comme Des Garcons coat. Very impressive, actually.

Her long black hair rolled up into a ballerina bun, no makeup at all from what I saw. Just her dark shades resting on her peachy cheeks.

I wonder if she knows her best feature probably is her big light brown eyes. Such a shame she feels the need to hide behind sunglasses. She sure is the mysterious type isn't she?

I definitely thought she was a different girl when I first saw her come up to us near check-ins.

Honestly, I liked her this way. She didn't look troubled like the first time I met her.

It seems like I'm actually meeting the real ______ for the first time. 

The fact is, she was still suicidal in my eyes. Which makes me add more to me worries.

Though the sight of her seems to ease my worries away if only just for a while.

I end up worrying about the competition in the end, all the time.

What the hell does Paris have in store for me?


"Key, you've got to relax," Minho smirked, "I can see the pressure all over your face. You do realized we haven't even taken off yet? Still in Tokyo. Stop worrying. You got this, bro."

I chuckled, "You can't tell a person to stop worrying. It's not that simple."

"Just some words of advice, before you jump off a bridge." He smirked.

I shook my head at him and glanced over at ________, "How are the rest of them doing?"

"Kai and Tao are playing a little 'get- to- know- _______ game'," Minho muttered, "Asking questions and her responding with either 'yes' or 'no'."

i nodded.

"Should we get closer seats and listen in too?" Minho suggested.


I agreed to it, changing my spot and sat right across from ________.

"What did we miss?" Minho cut in.

"Ah hyung," Kai chuckled, "Well, ________'s has never had a boyfriend before."

"Lost her mom when giving birth to her, and never knew her dad." Tao muttered.

"Wow, that's pretty negative." I frowned, "Why ask her so much intense questions first?"

"It's alright." ________ chuckled, "I think you all should know my background more since we're pretty much stuck together from now on."

I smiled, "Minho ask her something."

Minho nodded, "Alright, uh, so _______ have you ever been to any other countries?"

She nodded.

"Oh?" I sat up, "Where?"

"The states, I lived there for about two years up in Las Vegas." She said softly, "I use to-- well, do work at some cansinos."

"What kind of job was that?" Kai smirked.

She blushed nudging the guy, "Nothing that extreme, you ert. I was a cocktail waitress, and a part-time gogo dancer. Not a stripper. Big difference."

"So you know English and you can dance." Tao smiled, "Would you like to demonstrate one of your dances for us?"

She laughed, "No."

I chuckled, "Maybe she's a little more comfortable around us, yes?"

_______ shrugged and smiled at me.

I didn't notice it went quiet from that point until Tao cleared his throat, "Key, your turn."

I shook myself back to reality, "Uh. I don't know what to ask."

"You can ask me anything," _______ shrugged, "We have all the time in the world, if you think about it. 10 hours on this jet."


Fine with me, I'll just go with the first thing that popped into my head.

I smirked, "Did you find any of us attractive when you first met us?"

She blushed as the rest of the guys leaned in for her answer.

_________ smiled and looked at me, "So straight forward aren't you, Key? Yes. I do." 

"Who?!" Tao chuckled.

________ smirked, "I'm not going to answer that one. But I think it should be obvious."

I watched her look at every single one of the guys. Now I'm confused, which one of us is it? She's really good at this whole mysterious type.

I sat back down and got comfortable, and just listened in. It was still technically participating, if you ask me.


The first few hours seemed to fly by, ________'s life really interested me.

How many girls do you know have gone through more than 7 foster homes, and 4 private schools.

On top of that, she's lived in the states before, all by herself. This girl is nowhere near helpless. In fact, I find ________ inspiring. I wanted to know more.

I observed her for the rest of the time.


I really think she's gaining a crush on Minho, that's for sure.

Tao and her are having a close friendship. It's probably because they're the same age. Come to think of it, they're totally the same. Tall, and mysterious, and probably both softies on the inside.

Kai is pretty much treated like a younger brother to her. 

As for me, she looks at me and awkwardly looks away and starts talking to the others. 

I know my looks really can't compete with my models, I may not be as tall but I sure as hell am not that ugly. I'm a handsome guy, aren't I?


The guys fell asleep right away. 

I slid up the window cover to a view of darkness. I shut back down and just looked at rest of them.

How can they sleep? I'm a little jealous. I'm wide awake with so much going through my head.

I found it cute how _______'s sunglasses were slipping off her face as she slept.

It seemed like she was getting colder, I guess the blankets weren't helping her.


"Sir, would you like anything?" One of the stewardess' came out of the cockpit, "I've got coffee."

I shook my head at her, "I'm fine. If it's no trouble, could I get another blanket?"

She nodded, " No trouble at all, I'll be right back."


Okay, her sunglasses are really getting to me. I fixed it on her face at first, then decided to take them off and set it on her lap.

"Here you go." The stewardess whispered, handing me the extra blanket.

I smiled and thanked her as she left, and quickly went over putting the blanket over _______.

I stared at Tao and Kai for a while. 

I wonder if any of them would wake up if I started to use my laptop.

I don't want to take my chances, I took my laptop and decided to move to the back so I wouldn't disturb them.


"I thought you promised not to touch me." _______ muttered.

I froze up and turned around to her peeking over at me as she smirked.

I chuckled, "Well, if you didn't like it, I can always take that blanket back. Give it here."

She pouted, "I like it. Never mind. Thanks."

I smirked and continued heading toward the seats near the back.

"Where you off to?" ________ muttered, standing up and following me.

"Just the back, play on my laptop." I muttered, "Boring stuff. I suggest you just go back to sleep."

"I'm wide awake now." She said, "...Can I join you?"

I turned to her and shrugged.

I sat by the aisle and let her take the spot next to me near the window.


"What are you going to look up?" She muttered peeking over my shoulder.

"I was just go to look over my croquis sketches for you." I muttered.


"It's what you call fashion drawings." I smirked, "________, at least read a book. Are you really coming into this knowing nothing at all?"

She shrugged, "Shut up."

I sighed, "I'm gonna have to make gowns all over again."


"You." I muttered, "It seems like I have a good thing going on when I do women's wear. I have to make you a finale piece."

"Am I your only girl model?" She asked.

I scoffed, "Of course not, but you'll be my main model along with Minho. I have more models coming for the finals in the Spring. For now, I'm just sticking with you 3."

______ nodded as I clicked open a folder of my sketches.

She went big eyed.

I chuckled, "You're easily amazed aren't you?"

"How are you planning to actually make these?" She whispered.

"Hours and hours of me locked in a room. Alone. Forcing myself to do it." I said, "Duh."

She shoved my arm.

"Hey, easy there." I muttered, "My clothes are worth more."

She rolled her eyes at me, "Why are you so into this fashion stuff? You're way too absorbed."

"Yes, I am," I nodded, "It's something I'm good at."

"Your parents must be prou--"

"Let's not talk about family." I smiled, closing down my laptop, "I left mine behind once I got out of high school.'

"Well, why'd you leave your own fam--"

I sighed loudly and paused for a moment. 

She has told us about her life, I guess it's only fair I tell her about mine. 


"Long story short, I wasn't going to sit around and let my family decide what my future was going to be like. So, I left-- Never looked back."

"They never came looking for you?" She frowned.

I smirked, "More like, they never stop looking for me."

She just looked at me expecting me to tell her more.

I chuckled, "They send large amounts of money and deposit it into my bank account practically every week. I've never touched that money, if I did I know that somehow they'll find me. I've worked at the KIDI for my money, I've done a lot of paid internships."

"You hate them that much?"

"Yes, and no." I shrugged, "It's family-- it's complicated."

She nodded, "I know how you feel. I feel the same way about my dad. I never knew him since see ran off once I was born."

"... Sorry about that." I muttered.

She smiled, "I'm better off not knowing."

I nodded and started to fidget with the top of my laptop.


"What did your parents want you to be?" She asked.

I smirked, "A businessman or some sort of engineer. The moment I mentioned my interests in the arts, it sparked so much dissapproval from my parents. From that moment, I felt like they were looking at me like I was already a failure. So I got up and left."

"Just like that?"

I nodded, "Just like that. I don't need negativity. What sort of family is that if they don't support you? You're better off without them."

I watched her play with her blanket probably finding another question to ask me.

"'Always having your head up in the clouds' that's what my dad use to say to me." I smiled, "This world needs more fantasy, it has too much reality, don't you think?"

_______ smiled, "I like that. I couldn't agree more."

"Me too." I chuckled, "Now do you mind sharing that blanket? Jesus, you're so selfish."

She scoffed and threw half of it to me, "You know you can be cool for a moment, and then this side of you just always ruins it. Jerk."

"Sweetie, I stopped you from plunging to your death, I paid off your debt with my own money, I'm bringing you to France and gave you a job. I am far from a jerk, like I said, I'm like you're in guardian--"

"Hush." She smirked.


I narrowed my eyes at her, looking her up and down and decided to reach for her shades. I tried them on.

"Hey, what are you doing with those?" She pouted.

I frowned at the thing and snapped it in half and dropped it onto her lap.


"Hush." I smirked.

"Hey!" She whispered loudly.

"I hated that thing, it was a horrible look on you anyway. You're welcome." I muttered.


"Kai picked those out." She stated, "And it was with your money."

I shrugged, "Don't care."

She frowned at them trying to stick them back together.

I took in shoved the thing into my pocket, "I'll buy you something else."

She face went smug.

"Don't think you're getting everything you want. You still work for me. Earn it." I muttered.

"What am I going to have to do?" _______ asked.

I sighed and thought about.

"For one thing, I'm going to make you run my errands with the others. Make you grab as much yards of fabric as my heart desires. Coffee runs, lots and lots of coffee. Assist me when I'm working.  I'll probably shedule you to a modeling school or find a coach-- something like that."

I smirked, "Make you do my laundry. Fetch me my lunch and feed it to me."

I laughed to myself as I went on exaggerating to her.

"_______? ________ are you listening to me?" I glanced over at her falling asleep.

"Yeah." She muttered softly.

"Well, as I was saying, " I smirked, "You'll be cleaning my room too, and baby-sitting Kai. And make sure Minho doesn't pull any pranks on me, and-- Hey, stay awake."


Your POV

I heard a little laughter.

"Quiet guys, excuse me, I can take that from you." A voice muttered. 

For the sound of it, I knew that was Minho.

I felt my forehead touching Key's. 

He must still be sleeping.

But I'm pretty sure the others are awake by the sound of all the muffled laughter.

I pushed the off the blanket and peeked up at Key peeking over at me.


"Well, good morning to the lovely duo." Minho sang, holding a little plate of moist towelettes, "How are you this fine morning in the clouds?"

Key quickly sat up straight and took a towel from him.

"We're here?" Key said groggily, getting up and heading over to his backpack.

"We land in about 30 minutes." Tao said, looking out of one of the windows, "_______ come over here, you gotta see this view."

I sat there wiping my face.

I chuckled, "Hold on."

Minho sat next to me and took my towel and threw it with the rest.

"How'd you end up back here?" He smiled, " I could've sworn you were sleeping next to Tao last night."

I shrugged, "I woke up, got bored and just watched Key go on his laptop. I guess I ended up falling alseep over here."

Come to think of it, I don't really remember much last night.

He smirked, "For a minute there, I thought I finally knew someone that sleep walks."

"________! Come over here!" Tao chuckled, "You're a girl, aren't you? I see the Eiffel Tower from here!"

"Hold on!" I chuckled and continued to talk to Minho.

"You have a little something for Key?" Minho smirked.

Key scoffed and turned to us, "Gosh Minho, I can't sit next to _______ without it being a big deal?" 

"Are you, teasing me?" Minho asked.

"Am I?" Key smiled.

I laughed, "I'm a little lost."

Key smirked and went back to rummgaging through his back pack.

"________!" Tao whined.

Kai went over and dragged me to the other side, "Don't make him beg. He'll probably cry soon."

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Chapter 12: Please please please update! This is a perfect story with genres combined in balance! I really want how you'll control the story. It's so good, evrn after a few years of leaving aff, I'm still thinking of this story. I beg you please continue it! ≥﹏≤
xJesslynify #2
Chapter 12: Hello! New reader here, I really love this storyline! It's so interesting! ;) Minho is damn hot when ing her lol haha. Felt bad for him though :'( Can't wait till Key and her find out their true feelings with one another!
randomsparre #3
Chapter 12: I legit found this fic a few months ago and it was when I was just starting to get into SHINee and now I'm in too deep and I miss this fic but like I get it if you lost inspiration for this I just wanna thank you for writing it at all. <3
Chapter 12: When will you update this fic? ;~;
shaaneey #5
Chapter 12: Idk wht to say. Ohmygaahd keeeyy.
emilydawn #6
Chapter 12: When are you going to update? This story is perfect! (:
Chapter 12: Why am I crying? :( My feels!!! Oh noes </3
ahhh so cute!!! please update faster... key is such a charmer :)
Chapter 12: Wow really good, I'm glad you went there, definitely different. Love the drama!