
My Fair Model

Your POV

CL likes to use a yard stick to correct my posture when I walk.

She'll push me up straight with it, poke me in the to walk faster, tap on my shoulders to loosen up-- I hate that stick.

I'm going to sit on it, break it in half with my , burn it, and scatter its ashes down the nearby sewer.

I'm going to kill that stupid stick. 


My walk is at an 'okay' state, according to CL, we'd find a modeling agency that would take me in no time.

I practice downstairs in the living room while the guys hang upstairs.


Taemin usually comes back and forth just to get things for Key, but he ends up sticking around us and forgets whatever Key asked him to do.

I find it hilarious whenever Key personally comes downstairs to scold him.

Taemin seems to have found his ways out of a beating. 

He'll act clueless, start to chuckle, go big-eyed, and do whatever cute thing he could come up with at the given time. 

Puffing his cheeks out or scrunching his face, it always seems to hit a weak spot in Key's heart. 

If only I had that special gift like Taemin.

Key would end up mumbling to himself, eye Taemin down and mumble more while going back upstairs.

Taemin has this evil laugh after moments like that-- Little punk. 


"I think we're good for today, ________." CL nodded, setting the stupid yard stick onto the counter, "Taemin, could you do some work and find some agencies in the area? Either you or Onew, I'm busy all weekend."

"You're busy? I've got to get Tao and Kai settled and find part time jobs." Taemin rose from the couch, "Tell Onew to handle it."

"Tao and Kai aren't heading to Cannes with them?" CL asked, genuinely puzzled, "Why not?"

"Teen youths have to make a living too, those two are my first priority." Taemin stated, "Just like how Onew's is Key and Minho. CL, you only have _______ and Key to worry about. And Key doesn't even go to you for anything it's unfair."

"Quit your in." CL smirked, "Just get it done? Yes?"


I stepped closer to them, "What's happening in Cannes?"

They both turned to me at the same time.


"Aren't you going to that festival with them, _______?" CL asked.

"How mean, they're planning to leave her alone." Taemin frowned.

"W-what?" I stuttered, "I don't think I'm following this quite ri--"


"No one has to worry about, ________." Key spoke, coming down the staircase.

He headed over to us, whacking Taemin with a thick wad of rolled up sketches, "You should start worrying about your job, Taemin. Where's those tickets I asked for?"

Taemin chuckled, "I did it online, you're ready to go."


Key clenched his jaw, quietly studying Taemin with a half lidded glare, "It better be, son. Don't make me kill you."

Taemin rolled his eyes and sat back down on the couch, "And what about ___--"

"I've got her covered." Key quickly replied, and turned to me, "I've been contemplating whether or not to bring you to the trip this weekend. You won't need much, so pack light, it's only a one night stay."

I stood there a little confused, "Where?" 

"You don't need to come, but I personally think you'd like it there in Cannes," Key said to me and then turned Taemin, "Yo, reserve another train ticket for ______."


"Gotcha." Taemin nodded, quickly getting his phone out.

Key rolled his eyes and quickly whacked him again, "And get upstairs!"

"Alright! Jesus ing christ!" Taemin laughed and quickly made his way to the staircase.

I stood there now listening in to Key and CL's little conversation.


"What about the ball, should--"

"We should dress like a team." Key smirked, "Well, of course you two girls would have to find something nicer."

"Kibum." She glared at him, "How am I suppose to look for gowns when you're taking _______ with you?"

"You can handle it." He yawned, "It's not that hard."

"I don't know what she'll fit, let alone what will suit her." CL lashed out, "She should just stay with me and--"

"No, that's boring." Key smirked, "I thought you like challenges."


He turned to me smiling, looking me up and down and quickly turned back to CL.

"I've got hers done." Key grinned, giving his credit card to CL, "Book a place to get your hair done and just worry about your own gown, short stuff. Oh, and I'm wearing an all black suit; classic collar, angle cut cuffs, notch lapels. Please try your hardest to match, and don't embarrass me." 

"Shut up." CL muttered.

"What's this gown you guys are talking about?" I cut in.


CL smiled, "Nothing to worry about. Leave it to me."

"We're attending the Parson's Ball when we get back. Didn't I tell you?" Key smiled, patted my shoulder.


"No, you don't tell me anything until practically the last minute." I glared.

"Oh, well... Now you you know." He smirked, pushing a lock of my hair away from my face.


I stepped back, "No touching me, remember?"

He rolled his eyes, "My apologies, Madame Sensitive. Why don't you start packing? I'll get to telling you more stuff that you aren't up to date with on our way to Cannes, cool?"

I nodded, stepping back and leaving to get to my room.


Key's POV

The moment ________ reached the top of the stairs, I plugged my ears as CL started to speak.

"Are you crazy?!" She hissed, "What gown is she wearing?! She can't go to an event like this wearing just anything. It's too formal. No, no, I'm going to find her a--"

"I want her to wear what I want her to wear." I stated, "I'll make it happen."


"I'm making us stand out." I smirked, "You guys want her in an agency right? There are bound to be an army of scouts that night. She'll stick out and presto! She's in. Not to mention, my team will look ravishing, no? I'll make her stand out. Don't worry about her gown."

"This is a bit too bold. Let's dull it down a bit please?" CL begged, "This is a formal event!"

I shook my head, "Don't care.  Must I do everything, Chae Rin?"



"Kibum!" I mocked, "Just do it. Let me worry about it, okay?"

She frowned, "I really hope you know what you're doing, Key. I'm all for bold statements, but to use ______?"


"She's mine. She's a canvas and I'll use her for whatever purpose." I shrugged, "That's what models are for."


Your POV

Minho let me inside his room so I could watch him pack.

"It's warm there, you should dress accordingly." Minho muttered, packing a few shirts into his backpack.


"Tao and Kai aren't coming?" 

"Looking for part-time jobs, with the help of Taemin." Minho chuckled, "They won't join us. Poor Tao, he wanted to come, but money is everything right now."

"Oh, so that just leaves you, me, Onew and Key?" I asked, "No Tao... or Kai."

He zipped up his back pack and nodded, "Pretty much, you wanted Tao and Kai to tag along didn't you?"


"Well.." I trailed off tracing the patterns on Minho's bed with my fingers.

"I'm not fun and comfortable to be around yet?" Minho frowned, "I mean, you're hanging out with me in my room."

I laughed, "No,  it's not that. Just... Key's sorta like that."

I don't know what to expect from that guy. He can be such a pain, but then he can be so nice the next.


"Ahhh.." Minho chuckled, "You'll get use to his strong presence, don't worry. I know how you feel when he gets demanding."

"It's not that it's..." I trailed off and chuckled, "I don't know what I'm saying. I'm sorry."


"Why are you sorry?" Minho laughed, "You should pack up, we leave first thing in the morning. You want me to help you?"

I rose from his bed and sighed, "I'm good."

"Alright." He nodded, "_______ it'll be fun. I make sure you have a good time."






The next morning, we left for the station, it was a tad bit chilly, the sun was barely up.

I was still half asleep at that point; it was too early for this. It was definitely a blur, I'm suprised I was able to get up and function.

I was clinging onto the back of Onew's jacket as the guys led the way.

I groaned as we boarded the train, making Minho put his arm around me and guided me to my seat beside him with Key and Onew sitting directly across.


We had a table, already cluttered with our bags and other items.

I was leaned up against the window, watching the three plan out the day ahead.

"It's about 6 hours on this train, _______." Onew smiled, "You can go ahead and sleep if you want."

I closed my eyes.


Key's POV

"I say you should date around. Observe the ladies and get some inspiration flowing that way." Onew smirked.

Minho chuckled, sliding the map his way to get a good look at.

"I say we go hit up the beach for some inspiration." Minho smirked.

"Bikinis galore." Onew nodded approvingly.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm here to find inspiration not a one night stand." 


"My god, Key this is France. The women here in general should spark inspiration for your line." Onew frowned.

"Minho, what do you think?" I asked. 

Minho would be on my side on this..


He shrugged, "Seems a little true. I mean you are trying to here to figure out what feminine inspiration you can get out of this right? Might as well."

I scoffed, directing my view toward _______ sound asleep.


Completely serene with a bit of the morning sun light hitting her slender frame, I could see a faint smile on her face.

What could  she be dreaming of? 

I reached into my duffel bag, pulled out a extra blazer, and  tossed it to Minho.

"Cover her up, will you?" I muttered, "She's cold."


"What a gentleman." Onew smiled, "Why not show the ladies of Cannes what Kim Kibum is all about, eh?"

"Would you shut up with that?" I scolded, "I'm not here for the women, I'm here for... I don't know. This is stupid."

I could always just make a simple line for the girls, and stick to a color scheme but that won't win me anything.


"Date around." Onew suggested once more.

I glared at Minho, "Make him shut up."

"Shut up, Onew." Minho muttered, still looking at the map of Cannes.


I sighed, "I want to go to Monaco, and drink, gamble a little at Monte Carlo."

Onew laughed, "We can't go there, it's too far away. We're only here for a weekend."

"I know, but I will someday; without you people." I muttered, "You guys are too much."


I direct my attention to ________ who was still sleeping.

"Why do I need to date? There's no point to that." I said, "I just need to look at them."

"Don't knock it 'till you've tried it." Onew insisted, "You're desperate right?"

I glared at him, but finally gave in, "I'll do that on my own."


Minho's POV

A little after lunch, we rented out a small beach house.

Not even a house, it was basically a studio, no rooms other than the bathroom---  nothing at all special.

We'd be sleeping altogether in the living room floor tonight, and obviously ______ gets the couch.


We hit the beach, though it was crowded with people and an overwhelming amount of umberellas up everywhere you looked.

We secluded ourselves a bit further down so we had a space to ourselves.


"I knew it was a in' stupid idea to make her go alone." Key muttered, "It can't be that hard to buy a swim suit across the street."

I laughed, taking off my shirt, "She's fine. You know how chicks are with shopping."


He snorted, "She's lost!"

Onew stood up after setting his towel down, "I found her."

I looked at him as his jaw dropped, pointing off to the crowds.


________ smiling casually making her way towards us in her black two piece.

I gulped trying not to make myself divert my eyes too much on her firm figure by looking at Onew.


"How is it?" She shouted over to us, playfully twirling around for us.

Her tight bottoms were quite revealing, short and exposing a small teasing glimspe of her ; her bandeau top pretty much spoke for itself.

I always thought that the cute and y look could never be acomplished, you're either one or the other, but after seeing that performance, I'm stumped.


________'s got me more shy as she came closer.


"How is it?" She grinned.

I choked, trying to sound as polite as possible. 

"It looks i-f... beautiful." I cracked.


She fully smirked as Onew laughed right in my face.


"I think the word you were looking for was y." Key interrupted, making both me and _______ turn red with embarrasment.

"What took you so long?" Key scolded _______.


"The saleswomen had me try on a set and hassling me to buy more." She frowned, "I couldn't leave right away like I wanted."

"Enough with the potential bickering," Onew groaned, "Let's just enjoy ourselves, please?"


Key and ________ studied each other for a good moment, as if talking through their facial expressions.

I wanted to know what was hapening, but I guess this is what she meant by Key being uncomforable to be around.

She grabbed hold of my elbow, still not loosing contact with Key, "Let's go swimming, Minho."


I chuckled, it was cute seeing them this way, "Alright."

Key faked a smile, "Make sure she doesn't try anything stupid. She might try to drown herself."


Key's POV

I watched the two awkwardly leave us for the waves.

I focus on her legs; slow and an uneven pace beside Minho, it was driving me a little up the wall.


"_______ please, can you walk better?!" I whined over to her.

She frowned at me and didn't do anything, she just continued to walk the way she did. 


I smirked. I have to give it to her, that swim suit does her justice. So there is a curvy side to her.

Though it doesn't change the fact that her walk could still use a bit of work, she looks uncomfortable with basically everything.


"Hot chicks nearby," Onew nudged me, "How do they look to you?"

I sighed, eyeing down the two girls lounging on their beach towels.

One had short hair, and it clearly didn't suit her face.

The other girl had extremely long flowy hair, dried and wavy from the ocean water. 


Both bronzed and fit, wear suits far more revealing than ________'s.

I wrinkled my nose at him, "Not my type. Their obviously under 160 cm. Too short. Not to mention, they're practically ."

"There hot." Onew insisted.


"You call wearing a top twice as smaller than your size and a bottom wedged up the chick's , hot?" I asked, "It's not attractive at all."

"What the hell do you like then?" Onew laughed, "So picky for someone who hasn't even actually dated before."

"Hey, I've had my fair share of dates!" I shot back, and sighed, "I like the girls tall. Doesn't have to be extremely perfect. Just something about them that will keep me interested."


Your POV

I stayed near shore just my feet wet as I watched Minho floating around the shallow parts close by.

The water was clear that you could see the bright sand and my pale feet perfectly.

I really need a tan. I'm too pale it's almost sickly.


I giggled to myself as the water contiued rushed to my feet and bubble.

I stood there taking it all in, finally noticing Key and Onew flirting with some of the local girls.

I get a bit jealous with it, but I get jealous so easily, even with the smallest things. 


Someday soon I'll be worthy. 

I'll get treatment like that if I try harder, just not today.


A large splash of water had hit me out of nowhere I screamed at the top of lungs.

It was cold on my back, I quickly covered myself with my arms and froze.


Minho started to chuckle and swam further away.

I laughed, kicking the water at him that it got on his face, "You idiot, it's cold!"


"Did you just call me an idiot?!" He went big eyed, "Take that back!"

"No, you're an idi--"

He darted toward me and brought me down with him into the water.


We only spent about  an hour at the beach. 

I was getting really into the beach, that it bummed me out when we had to leave so soon.

I really missed the ocean. 




That night, at the bayside. We sat away from the crowds waiting for the the fireworks to start.

Key and Onew sat right behind me and Minho.

The three of them were talking abolut how much numbers Key racked up from the various girls they saw this afternoon.

I on the other hand, glanced around for any sign of the festival to kick off.

I was getting sick of hearing things about other girls.

I took Onew festival pamphlet and started to skim through it while they continued with their conversation.


Apparently, the fireworks showcase was created by an Italian. 

This year's work was named, 'Good and Evil', a constant fight between the two in humans going through passion and self-consciousness,  both Angels and Demons. Until Good finally wins and sends us off with a hopeful message.

How do they think they're going to convey something so complex this in a goddamn firework showcase?


"That girl dark haired girl near the boardwalk was beautiful. You should make a date with her to the ball." Onew suggested to Key.

I dropped the the phamplet onto Onew's lap in hasty manner, it almost seemed rude.

The three looked at me.

I was embarassed, luckily loud orchestra  music started, little  by little fireworks jutted from across the bay.


I decided to get up and move down with the rest of the crowd for a closer look.

I really needed to leave all the testosterone and just be on my own for a while. I just don't understand them.

Why am I like this? 


I focused on the fireworks building up in the dark skies.

I liked the way they exploded with such a low a booming crackle. Dark blood red and gold sparks that seemed to shatter.

The smell of powder gun and faint smoke breezing it's way to us.

I liked it, I was almost hypnotized with it's dark array of colors.

I had no worries, no problems when looking up into that frenzy.


"Are you mad?" A voice said behind me.

I didn't answer, I continued looking at the fireworks, hoping that the roaring crackles and sparks would help me not hear anything behind me.

"I'm sorry if you didn't have a good time, I really thought if I brought you along..."

The fireworks dulled along with the music, slowed it's pace and turned into light gold and white showers of light rushing down.

I turned slightly as Minho stepped to my side with Key's wool scarf.


"Put it on cover yourself like a surgical mask." Minho said handing over the scarf, still staring at the fireworks.

I did just that and took in the scent. 

Inhaling Key's musky spice scent to my memory, suddenly feeling warm inside.

"You okay?" Minho asked putting his arm around my shoulder.

I nodded, "Okay."

"I should've tried harder so that you'd have a better time." He muttered, "I feel bad."

I linked my arm around his, "I'm having a good time because of you, Minho. Thank you."


Key's Pov

I doesn't sit well with me.

"What'd you say? You can't sit well?" Onew nudged.

Did I say that out loud?

I rubbed the back of my neck to keep warm.

"It's nothing."

That girl should be thankful, she better not ruin that scarf either. That took me a week to make.


I stepped a few paces back to get a good look at the couple.

It's a good thing I have Minho to calm the girl down. 

Though, it does get to me how natural his is with her.

The showcase ended and I led the way back to the beachhouse.


It was a long walk back, though we were all exhausted once we stepped inside.

The guys and I washed up for bed first since we thought ________ would take longer.

She hadn't brought any sleeping clothes and had to borrow on of Minho's shirts to use.

Again, it doesn't sit well with me.

I can't have my models be this way with  each other. Not on my watch.


I don't know if I'm more frustrated with her not packing accurately or just the fact that it's Minho. I'm frustrated.

I was packing up for the train ride back home when ________ sat infront of me giving back my scarf.

"It's yours right?" She mumbled.

I nodded shoving it into my bag, "So did you like the fireworks?"

She gave a casual nod, "Very pretty."


I looked her up as she smoothed down her shirt, Minho's shirt, that was oversized and practically made her look extremely lanky it was terrifying.

"Maybe next time I should just make you a nightgown, eh?" I smirked, "Look at you."

She frowned a little, grabbing  the hem of the shirt, "Onew wouldn't give me a shirt, and Minho packed a lot--"

"I packed a lot too." I cut off.

She looked at me intentively.

I cleared my throat, "But my clothes are too expensive to be worn by just anyone. Minho's shirt will make do for you."


She scoffed, "Minho's the only nice one today. But your rarely nice so I'll leave you alone now."

"Hey, who's the guy who lent you his precious scarf?!" I fired back, "I'm the nicest person in the in' world. Remember ________, I'm like you in guardian angel!"

"Quit your in." Onew muttered, "I'm tired, the ground is cold. Please. Silence."

I glared at Onew who had Minho next to him already fast alseep right next to the couch where ________ laid, gazing at him.


I zipped up everything, and turned off the lights and took my spot next to Onew.

What can I take out of today? Seriously this was a waste.

"Key." _______ whispered over to me.

I turned my head to her, watching her move into the moonlight so I could see her.

"You can make nightgowns?" She asked.

I smirked, "Go to sleep."

"Sheesh I was just curious." She pouted and quickly flopped back down onto the couch.


I had more serious things to think about.

Like the gown I plan on making her wear.

The 10 looks that I'd have to finish mid-December.

The two young boys getting jobs, are they doing alright?

Chae Rin better not let me down.

I had too much to think about.

The ball tomorrow night is getting me nervous.


That night I had ended up picturing the thousands of possible sleepwear looks I could make until I drifted to sleep.

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Chapter 12: Please please please update! This is a perfect story with genres combined in balance! I really want how you'll control the story. It's so good, evrn after a few years of leaving aff, I'm still thinking of this story. I beg you please continue it! ≥﹏≤
xJesslynify #2
Chapter 12: Hello! New reader here, I really love this storyline! It's so interesting! ;) Minho is damn hot when ing her lol haha. Felt bad for him though :'( Can't wait till Key and her find out their true feelings with one another!
randomsparre #3
Chapter 12: I legit found this fic a few months ago and it was when I was just starting to get into SHINee and now I'm in too deep and I miss this fic but like I get it if you lost inspiration for this I just wanna thank you for writing it at all. <3
Chapter 12: When will you update this fic? ;~;
shaaneey #5
Chapter 12: Idk wht to say. Ohmygaahd keeeyy.
emilydawn #6
Chapter 12: When are you going to update? This story is perfect! (:
Chapter 12: Why am I crying? :( My feels!!! Oh noes </3
ahhh so cute!!! please update faster... key is such a charmer :)
Chapter 12: Wow really good, I'm glad you went there, definitely different. Love the drama!