The Lee Team

My Fair Model

Your POV

We got out of baggage claim quick. Though, I fell behind taking in everything around me.

Sliver, gray, and metallic shades covered every inch of every wall, pillar, and bar etc. A voice echoing throughout the place as others zoom passed me.

So I'm here. Paris. What now?


"________?" Tao stopped and waited for me to catch up, "Why are you so slow?"

I chuckled, "Just taking in the scenery."

He smirked, "Taking in the scenery? Near the baggage claim?"

I nodded innocently and took the lead, "The airport is really, gray here-- Very modern."

"What do you expect?" Tao chuckled, gripping my arm and pulling me to walk faster.

I shrugged while I fastened my pace, "I was just expecting pretty architecture to come to play once we landed."

Tao huffed, "Well, once we step outside, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Now hurry, Key's eyeing us down. If there's one thing he hates, it's falling behind."


I glance ahead and found Key turned back at us as he walked in between Minho and Kai.

Key glared at me for a split second then to Tao and continued walking.

Getting on Key's bad side on the first day in Paris is definitely not what I had in mind; I make more of an effort to jog in my heels with Tao.

My airport fashion is stupid, why the hell did I choose to wear heels? 

Tao and I trailed behind the three tall boys.


"Key seriously?!" Minho whispered loudly and gripped onto Key's shoulder as we got out.

I watched them, sorta startled with the random bickering among the two older men.

I turned to Kai as he went around and walked with me and Tao instead.

"What are they arguing about?" I muttered to Kai.

"Key's late for something." Kai shrugged.

"But we just landed minutes ago." Tao said.


Minho's POV

"Rue Saint Honoré for some welcoming event, apparently they cleared out a fashion haus for it, competing designers only. Sorry bud." Key smirked, tapping his passport on my shoulder.

"Roo Say what?" I muttered.

"Rue Saint--"

"Shut up, Key, you can't just leave them with me like this." 

"Yes, I can." Key nodded, "I'm not paying you to just walk for me." 

I sighed trying really hard to not choke him. 


"Minho how many times have you been to Paris?" Key smirked.

"Four." I glared at him, "I don't know the places as well as you do so---"

"Wrong, you've been here six times-- Six."

I sighed again and watched him pull out a small book and using it to hail a taxi.


"Vite! Vite!" Key gestured the taxi over to us.

He chuckled, "See that? I just told him to 'hurry' in French."

Key waved the small book in my face and shoved it at my chest, "Book of French phrases. Use it- it'll be useful."

I reached out for his sleeve once more, "Kibum--"

"I'm gonna need you to take my bags to the loft." He smirked, pulling himself away from my grip, "Vite, vite! It's going to get dark soon."

I narrowed my eyes at him and watched him get into the taxi and roll down the tinted window.

"Kai, Tao, behave yourselves or I'll kill you both when I get back. Minho, watch over the girl. She worries me." Key shouted nonchalantly.

"Key! How the hell am I going to contact yo--"

"What?!" Key smirked.

"I'm gonna kill him." I muttered to myself, hearing the Tao and Kai laugh right behind him.

"KEY!" I shouted as the taxi started to slowly drive away.

"Mezzanines! Studio Loft number 78! DuVille Lane! You better get a move on!" Key shouted and rolled up the window.


I hate being in charged. I much rather follow than take lead.

I sighed and turned to the others.

_______ frowned pointing at Key's large suitcases.

"That brat," I muttered gesturing each of them to go  grab one as I hailed a taxi van for us.

_______ struggled to drag two of them next to me.

I chuckled, "So you boys let the lady grab two? Seems like I have to give some gentlemen etiquette, huh?"

Kai frowned, "Lemme hold that, _______." 

I shook my head, "I've got it, Kai. Get inside."

The guys took the back seat as I watched ________ hesitate to even get in. 

She sighed and looked around.


"Something up?" I smiled, pulling her into a half hug.

She shrugged, "I'm, not sure. I-I.. I don't know."

I chuckled, "Well given all the things you've been through lately, I would be suprised if you weren't like this. It's a lot to take in isn't it?"

Believe me, I feel the same way right about now. in' Key.

She let out a sigh of relief and smiled up at me.

I chuckled, "Come on. Vite. Get inside."


Your POV

It was dusk. Peach skies. Trees adorn with netted white lights. Black, silver, and white taxis passing by, most of them being Mercedes. I hear the soft rumbles coming off of our van as we kept driving. It makes me sleepy.

There further in we go the more buildings I catch a glimpse of. The Champs Elysees, the shops that ran along the sidewalks, even the sight of French quarter light posts seemed to make me smile. Not to mention the quick drive by near the Eiffel Tower.

It seems so weird to me. How the hell is this happening right now? I giggled to myself.

"Like what you see?" Minho smiled.

I turned to him and found Tao and Kai grinning at me as well.

I chuckled, "It's amazing I can't even begin to tell you. Though, I'm a bit dissapointed. I need to buy a camera right away now."


Kai chuckled looking down and shuffled around in his seat, and handing me his Fujifilm Polaroid camera.

I chuckled and took it, waiting for the van to come at a stop and taking a picture of a random couple walking down the shops.

I smiled taking the picture out, waiting for it to develop.


I handed Kai's camera back, "Thanks."

Kai shook his head, "Keep it."

I shook my head and extended my arm for him to take it back.

"________, really you can have it." Kai smiled, "I have no use for it. I have no patience for that thing now that I have my digital camera."

He took out a big professional camera out of his backpack and snapped  picture of me, "See?"

I smiled at him with gratitude.

"Well, when you have no patience for that digital camera of yours, Kai, I'm always here for you." Tao smiled cutely.




Mezzanines, Studio Loft 78

We pulled up right infront of the industrial loft. A tall, modern, skinny, beige cement buliding. French balconies, with dark vines covering the walls.

"Welcome home guys. I guess?" Minho muttered, thanking the taxi driver with money and quickly getting out of the van.

We let Minho lead the way toward the entrance.

"This whole building id ours? Three floors?!" Kai asked.

Tao chuckled, "Guess so."

I looked around the place, finding a few shops further down the sidewalk catching my eye.

It's quiet here. No bustling streets, like what I encountered on our drive here. I sorta feel like I'm back in Japan headed back to my guesthouse.

But the nearby buildings and shops with styles of Baroque, Neoclassicism and Rococo again remind me that I'm not in Shibuya anymore.


"________, must I always have a hold on you?" Tao laughed, "Keep up!" 

I smirked and rushed up right next to him.


Minho and Kai stood there reading a little note taped up on the doorknob.


Mr. Kim, 

We've been expecting your arrival. We hope the loft is to your liking.

Thank you for your bussiness, and welcome to Paris.

Sincerely,  Mezzanines Estates.


"Key bought this place?!" I asked, quite astonished as to how the hell this boy can buy such things.

Minho nodded, casually ripping the note off the doorknob, slipping it into his back pocket and pulling out a card key.

Once the door clicked, Kai anxiously pushed it open, letting himself in first.

"WHOA!" Kai chuckled, "This place is---"

"in' awesome!" Tao cut in, pushing his bags aside and walking briskly around the place.


I stood next to Minho gazing around the spacious loft.

A high ceiling adorn with a black chandelier. Traditional French chairs and French wooden floors in shades of brown.

Along with the other modern furniture which lay just under a big white shaggy rug, there was a projector screen hanging from one of the empty cement walls. 

Living room walls were all cement; the back wall had three wide windows covered with heavy white drapes. 

Off to the side was the kitchen with all its steel good and marble counter tops.

There was a spiral staircase that led to the other floors to the opposite side.


"What, there’s five rooms!" Kai shouted, "I thought I'd have to room with Tao, but this is cool too!"

I stood there in awe from just looking at the living room and kitchen. Do I even dare head upstairs?

I ended trailing behind Minho as he shouted to the others.

"Hey guys! The bigger room is ________'s." Minho hollered.

"What?!" I froze.

Minho chuckled, "You heard me. It's yours. It was supposed to be Key's but I don't know why he changed his mind."

"Remind me to thank him. I guess." I muttered. 


Why am I being treated like this?

I haven't done anything to deserve this kind of treatment. Though I'm not complaining, I just feel like I need to earn it now.

I followed him into the short spacious hallway. 

He pointed down to the right corner, "That one's yours. Go get settled and do whatever, I'll get all of you in a few so we can head out for something to eat."

I nodded eyeing down the bedroom door that was apparently mine.

Minho smiled opening his door, "________ they all look the same. It's just that you room is haunted."


"I'm joking." He laughed, throwing his bags inside his room, "Go."


I narrowed my eyes at him playfully and went into my room.

I shut the door behind me so I could gush about my room in private.

Totally running around my huge room like a kid would at a candy store.


I have my own full sized bed~

My own huge, antique vanity table~

My own bathroom~

My own balcony~

My neutral colored room accented with a light peach scheme. 

I feel like a god damn princess. I feel undeserving, but I love it. I love it too much.


I ran my fingers down my bed and grabbed a pillow, hugging it possessively and headed toward my tiny double doors that led to the balcony.

"I have my own little view." I smiled, hugging my pillow a little tighter.

I sighed looking at my view of Paris. I imagined my future nights here in my room looking out and seeing these gold lit streets.

"I'm so glad I tried killing myself." I said blankly.


"W-what?" A voice said.

It made me jump a little, I turned to see Tao. 

His hands clasped together, worried big eyes watching me near the dresser.

"Tao," I half chuckled, “its okay I didn't really mean it when I said--"

"Come away from the balcony and I'll be fine." Tao nodded intensely and extended his hand for me to hold.


I sighed and smiled, slowly coming to him and reaching for his hand.

He pulls me closer and rushes to lock the balcony doors. 

I chuckled as Tao leaned up against it and lets out a sigh of relief.

"It's not funny." He frowned, "You almost made cry."

I stop laughing and hugged his waist with one arm.

"I'm sorry, Tao." I smiled, "It won't happen again."

He narrowed his eyes at me and forced me do a pinky promise with him.

I agree to it.


"Just so you know, I take pink promises very seriously." Tao smirked, "It's like signing a contract with me."

I nodded, "I understand all the terms, Mr. Huang."

Tao smirked at me, "Good, let's go, Minho told me to get you."




I wasn't the least bit hungry. I told them I was fine for tonight.

But Minho and Kai insisted I eat something, even if it was small.

I like Tao, he goes along with what I want and hasn't bothered me all night with the fact I didn't eat.

I walked alongside Tao watching them all eat their burgers they got from a small fast food diner nearby.

"Thank god we live near so many shops."  Kai muttered, "I'm gonna get fat here."

Minho laughed, "Oh god, guys don't tell me I have to monitor your eating habits too. If it wasn't worst enough that I have to worry about _______ not eating at all."

I pouted and continued to gaze around.


"Take a bite of my burger." Kai mumbled with his mouth full.

"I'm fine." I chuckled.

"Take, a bite, of my burger." Kai glared at me.

I ignored him and continued to look around the shops.


"Kai, where are you going?" Minho called out for him, as Kai ran across the street and into a random pastry shop.

Minho shook his head, "Let's just wait here. The guy's just going to get more food, fat boy."

It was quiet again. I decided to break the ice.

"So where did Key run off to?" I asked, waiting for one of them to respond.

Minho cleared his throat, "Some welcoming event that he was obligated to attend. He should be back soon."

"Oh.." I nodded and realized Kai had jogged back to us with a tiny parchment bag.


"What'd you buy?" I asked him.

Kai forced the bag into my hands and began to lead the way for us.

I opened it, "What are they? They're so cute."

Kai laughed, "They’re macarons.”

I took the pink one and smelled it, forcing Tao to smell it too.

"Smells like flowers." Tao chuckled, "Roses?"

I shrugged and put it in my mouth.

Before I knew it, I finished the whole bag, giving Kai praise from Minho for actually getting me to eat something tonight.


We headed back to the loft and found the lights were all .

“I guess Key’s back.” Minho muttered, opening the door for us.

Once inside, we found a girl accompanied by two guys, sitting in the living room.


Tao, Kai, and Minho looked genuinely pleased with them being here.

Obviously they were already acquainted by the how they greeted each other. A few joking punches and shoves at one another and hugs exchanged.

My eyes were fixated on the petite girl with the eccentric outfit she had on along with her strawberry blonde hair and her cat eyes gleaming my way, I was already in love with her appearance.

Next to her, I bet I look rather plain. She’s really cute.

I watched the guys continue with their little reunion with each other near the front door.


The girl still had her eyes on me. She finally rose from her seat and smiled.

“You’re definitely not Hyoni, and thank god.”  She smiled, “What’s your name?”

I didn’t speak I just edged away, closer to the front door.

 I get so shy with situations like these. I feel like I’m in junior high trying to make friends again.

The door clicked behind me nudging me in the back.

My initial reaction was to whirl around startled as to whom or what opened the door.

It was Key with me bumping into him inches away from his face.

He raised his brow, holding my waist helping me steady my balance.

“And where are you off to at this time?” He asked, “Are you going somewhere?”

I shook my head and turned to the group in the living room.

His eyes followed mine and to the others.

Key smirked, “I see.”

I watched him head over to them, and gesturing me to come follow.


I made my way slowly, getting more and more shy by the minute.

“Well if it isn’t the Lee team.” He smirked, “I wasn’t expecting you three until morning.”

He glanced over at the girl and greeted her half-heartedly, “Chae Rin.”

She smirked, “Kibum.”

“Taemin left his cell phone in one of the rooms when we were fixing it up for your arrival.” The other guy spoke up, “We thought we might as well wait since we notice you’ve settled in already.

Key smirked and turned to me, “_______, let me introduce you.”

I nodded, my eyes still glued to the girl.


“The tall, lanky boy with the beautiful weave is Lee Taemin.” Key stated, “He’s only good for translating.”

“I’M NOT LANKY!” Taemin glared at Key but quickly shot a warm smile my way.


Key ignored him and continued, “This guy with the nice voice and milky complexion is my dear old friend, Lee Onew. He’s to be my main assistant. Very smart guy this one.”

I looked at Onew grin with approval as Key went on.

“Though, he’s not as handsome as me.” Key quickly added.

I giggled as Onew’s eyes narrowed at him.

“Watch it Key.” Onew folded his arms.


Key continued, “And this adorable hobbit is Lee Chae Rin. I’m letting her work on you.”

I nodded giving her a small smile.

“Kibum, you call be a hobbit one more time I’ll—“

Key raised his hand, “No one cares Chae Rin.”

“Need I remind you that I’m your—“

“No, one, cares, Chae Rin.” Key repeated with a smirk.

She’s his what? They must know each other on a different level or something.

She glared up at Key, “You are so lucky.”

“I know.” Key winked.

“I liked to be called CL.” She smiled at me and grabbed my hand, giving it a little squeeze.

Key yawned, “No one cares, Chae R—“

“Kibum!” CL scolded him, “Do I need to get a certain person to come find you?”

Key narrowed his eyes at her, “You don’t have the guts.”

“I will someday.” CL smirked.

“Until then,” Key straightened up his position, “________, these people are basically my own personal slave monkeys who’ll tend to my every whim.”


What in the world?


“I like personal assistants and translators better.” Onew added, folding his arms.

Key, once again, ignoring everyone around him started to unwind on the couch.

“I’m tired,” Key muttered, “Please, me and my little team just arrived today. Can we deal with all of this tomorrow?”

I watched the three guests agree.

“We’ll catch up and get acquainted with you tomorrow then, ________.” Onew smiled, “We’ll get out of your way and let you guys rest, then.”

Key sighed, “Sounds like a plan.”

Onew, CL and Taemin quietly headed out the door.


Key’s POV

“That was a bit rude, don’t you think?” Minho threw a side pillow at me, "Making them leave so abruptly."

“What? This is my place, and they came out of the blue. Not really a pleasant surprise if you ask me.” I muttered.

So who cares if they're family friends. Stupid Chae Rin trying to threaten me. 

I caught a glance of _________ having small talk with Tao and Kai.

“You like your room, _________?” I interupted.


She smiled, “Very much.”

I knew giving her the bigger room would be good. She better work hard for me now is all I can say.

I started to think about all the rules that were discussed tonight during the welcoming event. 

I'm already getting stressed out on what concept, what theme, what look I was going to work with before I even dare pick up a needle.

And don't get me started on the women's wear. 

That gown that Professor Anna submitted took me weeks to complete.

How the hell do they expect me to make a line for women's wear?


I sighed getting up from the couch, “So which room is left for me?”

“The one right across _________’s” Tao answer, “Last one to the left.”

Good, I don't think they know that room is basically the second biggest.

"Joy, because I'm tired as ." 

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Chapter 12: Please please please update! This is a perfect story with genres combined in balance! I really want how you'll control the story. It's so good, evrn after a few years of leaving aff, I'm still thinking of this story. I beg you please continue it! ≥﹏≤
xJesslynify #2
Chapter 12: Hello! New reader here, I really love this storyline! It's so interesting! ;) Minho is damn hot when ing her lol haha. Felt bad for him though :'( Can't wait till Key and her find out their true feelings with one another!
randomsparre #3
Chapter 12: I legit found this fic a few months ago and it was when I was just starting to get into SHINee and now I'm in too deep and I miss this fic but like I get it if you lost inspiration for this I just wanna thank you for writing it at all. <3
Chapter 12: When will you update this fic? ;~;
shaaneey #5
Chapter 12: Idk wht to say. Ohmygaahd keeeyy.
emilydawn #6
Chapter 12: When are you going to update? This story is perfect! (:
Chapter 12: Why am I crying? :( My feels!!! Oh noes </3
ahhh so cute!!! please update faster... key is such a charmer :)
Chapter 12: Wow really good, I'm glad you went there, definitely different. Love the drama!