
My Fair Model

Your POV

I had this small hope that those boys from last night weren't going to find me.

I was walking around the packed streets, though, not anywhere near the Kita Kore buliding just in case they were to scope me out at this very second.

I'm not going to take my chances. I just had a weak moment last night, it was no biggie. Okay, maybe it was, but I'm just that depressed whenever the future pops into my head.

I'd rather die than think of my future, but it always seems to creep back into my head from time to time. I try my best to deal with it.

But really--- the future scares me.


What would it be like to die? Would my spirit reincarnated? Or maybe I won't remember a thing and just be reborn into another human?

I'd love to be a ghost or something like that, though. 

No, nevermind, I'd be too scared to haunt a building by myself-- I mean-- What if there's ghosts?

I don't know, I could live my immortal days observing people. Not like I don't do that now, but I find it fun to 'people watch'. 


I had a hat I was working on for a couple of days now. I finally finished it. I studded the whole rim part of it with tiny gold stud-spikes. 

If only I could take a little walk down the Kita Kore and see if anyone would want to take it off my hands. 

I usually get the harajuku kids to take it off my hands for enough money to last me about a week and then some.

I need to save up big time now that I'm about to be evicted from the guesthouses. Sorta? Not really but I always think of it that way.

Man, can someone just please shoot me? Why me? I'm a good person.


"There she is! Hey _______-san!" 

I turned around and found Yukiko, a usual gyaru girl that buys my stuff, waving and pointing at me from across the street.

"______-san, your friends were trying to find you! I told them I'd bring them to you!" She smiled as Key and the rest of the boys stood behind her.

My heart began to race, is there's no way of escaping these freaks?! 


Key's POV

"________-san! ________-san?! W-where are you going?!" The tan little gyaru chick shouted over to her.

I chuckled, "Uh, We'll take it from here, I think she's just suprised to see us, thanks for the help."

She smiled and went on her way back to the shops.

I watched the girl leave, I still don't understand the gyaru trend. Why look like a troll doll thing for? And those tans? 

Tans are nice, but these girls go why too overboard--

"Key, she's leaving." Kai shook my shoulder.

"Oh yeah, ________." I muttered, "Well, don't just stand here follow her! I don't have all morning."


I trailed behind them as Tao took the lead.

Damn, Shibuya is a packed place. This definitely seems like _______'s scene in all its underground culture and punk feel-- it fits perfectly to _______'s appearance.

She can't disappear so quickly, this place is packed, I can practically grab her right now if I wanted to.

"Hey ________! I'm surprised you're not dead!" I shouted over to her.

She glared at me from afar and walked a little faster. Her long black hair seemed to just flow effortlessly as if a gust of wind came. Imagine that on the runway...

I chuckled and jogged overa little , gesturing the guys to wait and just hang out nearby.


I trailed behind her clearing my throat as she kept going.

"Ahem... Ahe--"

"I know you're there," She muttered, "Just go away, I'm not doing anything for you and your stupid frie--"

"But you've already agreed to--" I frowned.

She stopped and turned to me, "I haven't agreed to anything!"

I chuckled, "Why so angry?"

She crunched her face at me, "Because of YOU!"

"C'mon, sweetie." I chuckled, tugging on the hem of her shirt.

She gave me a little shove, "Don't touch me. Why are you guys such--- Freaks."

I rolled my eyes, "And you're no different? I say us freaks gotta stick together. You know what I'm sayin'?" 

"I'm busy." 

"So I've heard."

She rolled her eyes at me and started to walk back to Kita Kore.

"I heard you're getting evicted?" I said just as she past me.

She froze and walked up to me, "How do you--"

"I took a picture of your license last night-- went to your address today and told the old man who owns that guesthouses that I was your brother visiting. He says you're currently being evic--"

"Do I need to get a restraining order?!"

"Let me finish." I laughed, "I've took your burden and paid your rent."

"What?! Why would you--"

I chuckled, "Oh, but I told him you're moving out right away."


I covered , "Shush. Now I'm only going to say this once. So listen well." 

She shoved me away and folded her arms.

I sighed, "What's it going to take for you to agree to this?"

"I don't want anything. I've got to straighted things out with the 'old man' so I can stay in the guesthouses," She quickly replied, "Just leave me--"

"No!" I shouted, "Now I may seem like a crazed stalker right now, but if you really know why I'm like this it's because--"

"I don't care!" 

"What do you want? I'll make it happen, anything you want, come on."

She looked at me with pity, "I don't think I can--"

"Hm?" I frowned, "Come on, you have nothing better to do with your life but sell off the streets. You're not even selling drugs for God's sake!"

"URGH!" She stomped her foot, "Alright!"

I did a happy dance and proceeded to try and give her a hug. She just stepped back.

"I have conditions." She said.

I nodded, "Yeah, I think we all know you have a condition."

She whacked my chest, "You want me in or not?"

I chuckled, "What do you want?"

"First of all, since you've pretty much left me homeless and on top of that, you're freaky the least you can do is-- don't touch me."

"Uhm, you're going to be a model for me I have to--"


"Okay you can explain to me on the way!" I said pulling her by the sleeve, "I have to tell my professor!"




Your POV

I stood in one corner with the rest of the guys, feeling sorta out of place.

So this is how the fancy fashion kids learn.

From the moment I stepped into this place I noticed everyone was well-dressed. The students as well as the professors all dressed in what I would see if i worked at some Vogue Magazine building.

And here I am, with my skinny jeans and a plain white top-- Move aside es, I'm so ing glamorous right now. Ugh.

This lady's office was insanely modern, plain, but still full of spunk.

Leather black seats, generous amounts of award plagues to the institue hung on the walls as well as some abstract paintings. The floor was concrete, the walls were white, and a fancy black chandelier hung from the middle of the room. I liked this place alot.

This whole place as well as the people gave off so much confidence, to me KIDI seemed like they were saying, 'Hey, we're badass and we know it. it es.'

Just so wonderful, so intimidating it made me feel small.


"_______, you can sit outside if it makes you feel comfortable. You seem a bit on edge." 

i turned to see the tallest one out of the four boys standing right beside me. 

"Minho right?" I asked, "What makes you think I'm on edge? I-I'm fine, really I am."

He smiled, "Yeah? well, I  just thought since you keep tapping the floor."

I quickly stopped and smiled, "I'm fine."

Minho shrugged and walked over to Key and his professor.


Key's professor had to be the most intimidating in the room at the moment

As if being surrounding by four of these handsome guys in this rich place weren't intimidating enough, this is all too much, too soon, too unrealistic for me to handle.

Minho turned to me as well as Key and his professor, which finally got me to notice I was tapping my foot again. 

"Miss Kim," The lady called out for me, "Come here would you, darling?"

I turned to Tao and Kai, both looking at me with raised brows, gesturing me to do as I was told. I went to them.


"...Hello." I said softly.

She took my hand into hers and smiled, "I'm Mrs. Anna nice to meet you."

I nodded, "Nice to meet you t--"

"Tell me, you're 5'11?" She asked.

I turned to Key as he nodded to me.

I turned back to Mrs. Anna, "Uhh, yes?"

She chuckled and pushed a lock of her black hair behind her ear and slowly circled me like a vulture, looking me up and down.

My head followed her, I was taking her in as she did the same to me.

Mrs. Anna definitely is somewhere in her mid 40's, I'm guessing. By the look of her hair it was clear to me that she's dyed it a couple of times before. 

For a woman her age, she's still very pretty. She's one of those intimidating older women in the fashion industry that grow old gracefully, yep, that's Mrs. Anna.

"You sure do look like a model, don't you?" She muttered, "I won't question you further, I don't want to. If anything is wrong, it's Kibum who'll pay in the end for his stupid actions. Isn't that right, Kibum?"

I watched her glare at him.

"It's not like you picked her rightoff the streets, right? So Zhang wouldn't replace you- that's just risky to be taking just any tall girl off the streets, right, Kibum?" She smirked.

Zhang? Who the heck is that?

Key chuckled nervously, "Of course not."

"Of course not." She imitated him and chuckled.


Mrs. Anna took my hand and took me behind her desk, "I need you to sign a few things, contracts for the competition, accommodations when you get to Paris.. etcetera etcetera.."

"Sign?" I asked.

Key scrambled toward me and whispered in my ear, "Just do it, and I'll try not to be a total pain in the in Paris."

I smirked at him and took the pen Mrs. Anna had left out for me.




Minho's POV

Key was watching Kai and Tao walk alongside _______ a few steps ahead.

I smirked just thinking about the possible crap that might go down at Key's competition.

_______ handling people dressing her for a show-- disaster. Poor girl has no idea what Key's getting her into.

"I know what you're thinking, Minho." Key muttered, "But I have a good feeling."

"Oh yeah?"

He nodded, "She doesn't look like she'll be a handful."

I nodded, he's right.

"Imagine if I settled for Hyoni." He smirked.

"Oh thank god for _______." I sighed.

Hyoni's name sent shivers down my entire body. I would not survive this trip hearing Hyoni's high matinence whining. I love _______ for that, she's is literally an angel sent from above, one with impecciable timing.

"First thing's first, we need to get her passport ready and her papers done for the competiton."

"...Well, good luck with that." I said, trying to catch up with the rest of them only to get caught by the collar.

"Where do you think you're going, amazon freak?" Key smirked, "C'mon slave, help master get his errands done early."

I frowned, "And what do they get to do?"

"I've already sent Kai and Tao to help _______ out." He muttered.

"Help her out with what?"

"I can not let that girl be anywhere near us with her current wardrobe and not to mention her manners. Now come with me, Minho, I have to make a plane ticket for that girl."


Your POV 

"Wait so what's happening?" I asked.

"You're taking us to your place," Kai muttered, "We only have until the end of the week until we leave, and we're all set. You on the other hand, you --"

"You need to get ready-- and fast." Tao finished.

I stopped walking and watched the two go head, "What exactly are you two going to help me with?" 

They both shrugged.

Kai smirked, "Oh you know, out with the old and in with the new."

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Chapter 12: Please please please update! This is a perfect story with genres combined in balance! I really want how you'll control the story. It's so good, evrn after a few years of leaving aff, I'm still thinking of this story. I beg you please continue it! ≥﹏≤
xJesslynify #2
Chapter 12: Hello! New reader here, I really love this storyline! It's so interesting! ;) Minho is damn hot when ing her lol haha. Felt bad for him though :'( Can't wait till Key and her find out their true feelings with one another!
randomsparre #3
Chapter 12: I legit found this fic a few months ago and it was when I was just starting to get into SHINee and now I'm in too deep and I miss this fic but like I get it if you lost inspiration for this I just wanna thank you for writing it at all. <3
Chapter 12: When will you update this fic? ;~;
shaaneey #5
Chapter 12: Idk wht to say. Ohmygaahd keeeyy.
emilydawn #6
Chapter 12: When are you going to update? This story is perfect! (:
Chapter 12: Why am I crying? :( My feels!!! Oh noes </3
ahhh so cute!!! please update faster... key is such a charmer :)
Chapter 12: Wow really good, I'm glad you went there, definitely different. Love the drama!