
My Fair Model

Your POV

It's been a few days since CL started coaching me.

She's been at my side almost every single day. She's fed me, and practically taken over as my guardian of some sort.

She's my close friend now. One that smokes, and takes no prisoner; a fierce little misfit. 

A misfit that can also keep Key in line and make him not a total brat to me every now and then since she's the only family he hasn't cut out of his life.

CL's family are old family friends with Key's. She thinks Key hasn't cut her out of his life because deep down maybe he'd want to come back to his old life.

Whatever the case, I'm glad there's a girl out there that can keep Key grounded.


I tag along with her when she makes coffee-runs, and orders things for Key.

When she's gone, she hands me over to Onew and Taemin. 

They force me to read fashion magazines, and study everything about it.

'Study the fashion editors, designers, supermodels, photographers, and everything and everybody in between' is what I'd hear from Onew and CL ever since.


Apparently, knowledge about the fashion industry makes the model. 

I haven't done any sort of 'walking' or 'strutting' practice yet. I'm practically dying for something new.

It's just piles of books and High Fashion magazines I'd skim through.

It's a bore; the only thing keeping me sane is the fact that I read around the others.


Tao would comment on pictures, critizing everything he likes and dislikes about the fashion brands.

 Kai would always suggest I read up about langrie, he'd flip through the magazines and mark down the Victoria Secret ads. 

He even looks over my shoulder sometimes and smiles when a y editoral comes up.

It's cute and all, I feel like he's getting more  comfortable around me, but the boy is a bit too 'y' for his own good.


Minho, Onew and Taemin are the ones that actually make sure I'm taking it all in and actually understanding it.

I get it, I understand it all, but sometimes it gets repetitive and taken way to seriously.

It's no wonder some of the these famous fashion people die early.

Too stressed and too busy, they just died, whether it be from drugs or suicide-- fashion has just consumed their being and turned them all into glamourous and tragic things of the past. 

So this is my new fate, I'm going to be a dress-up doll for the fashionable and then I die. The wonderful life I lead, I truly am so happy.

Lessons , well, the lessons as of now .


I find more fun learning when watching Key do his thing in his studio up on the third floor.

I'd sit next CL in one corner while they all work on helping Key with sketches of possible garments.

I'm no use for Key yet. He hasn't given any thought or even tried working on his collection for the girls.

Come to think of it, he hasn't really started anything yet. Not even for the guys. It's just nonstop sketching, ripping paper, throwing paper and neverending trips for sample fabric.

So I'm just here, a sitting duck, flipping through pages while CL plans out what I'll do next.


I like it up at the studio; smooth white walls, great black window frames covered with sheer drapes.

There were over 20 black mannequins torsos lined up on one side of the wall, nothing on them yet. 

The only furniture that was up here were two round high platform pedestals, a freakishly long table cluttered with Key's drawings, and two antique couches -one being a fainting couch- that were reupholstered with a cotton candy pink fabric. 

Key took a can of  black spray paint  and did graffiti on the couches, the words 'sit your down' on one couch and 'ma es' on the other.

Tao, Kai and Minho refuse to sit on the 'Ma es' fainting couch, so CL and I automatically claimed it as our own. Key smirks at us when we sit on it.

He said the paint gave the couches more personality that way, though I thought he was just mad at the fact they were pink.

I was upset about at first but I grew fond of the design after a while.


The third floor has the second best view, I say second because I noticed a small staircase that obviously leads up on the roof.

I imagine the roof's view must be breath taking, but Key set it off limits to me since I'm still 'severely depressed' and  I'm a 'jump-off-anything suicider' type of teen.

I had to beg and let CL convince him to leave my balcony alone. Key and Tao were pretty difficult about it but at least I got my way at the end. They were going to lock it up for good if I didn't team up with CL to stop them.

I'm not going to get my way most of the time with these guys.

I've got to work my off. Until then, I'm still suicidal and can't be fully trusted.


"You're not reading." Kai chucked hovering over me from behind.

"You're acting like you're reading. I can tell, your eyes are going left to right too quickly." Tao added, poking the side of my head.

"I've read this already." I lied.

"Do you want me to get you a different one to read?" Taemin quickly responded.

I sighed looking up at Taemin stifling a laugh.

"No, I'm doing alright fake reading this one, but thanks." I smiled.


No, I can't read another magazine or another book, bio, whatever-- I'm just not going to read it. Not today.

I nudged CL, "When am I going to do something?"

She smiled at me, laying another Vogue magazine on my lap.

"No!" I whined, "I mean actually do something."

"I'll take you out, you and me, girl's night out to--"

"That's nice and all," I chuckled, "but not what I meant."


"Chae Rin, you're suffocating her." Onew smirked, "Lighten up on the study guide."

"Like you're the one to talk." CL folded her arms.

"Give her a quick walk lesson. An introduction or something." Onew smiled as he took the magazine away from me before leaving to the other side of the room where Key and Minho were looking at a few sketches he had.


CL turned to me as she rose from her seat, "When I say Givenchy which designers pop up in your head?"

"Mcqueen and Galiano." I answered confidently.

Oh good job _________. Pat yourself on the back, you're not boring yourself to sleep reading today.

CL nodded, "I was hoping for Hubert De Givenchy himself.."

"Oops." I uttered.

"But those answers are still good. I guess I can give you a small little intro to walking." She decided.


She took my hands and dragged me to the opposite side of the room.

"The way you walk on the ramp or in other words, the runway, must go with the designer's collection." She beagan, "Whether it be an edgy fashion show or haute couture, your walk must fit the look.The way you walk is how you can tell a good model from an extrodinary one."

"Alright." I smiled, trying to sound upbeat about my first actual modeling lesson.

Anything is better than a magazine.

"If you can't walk well, the garment won't sell, and if the garment won't sell, you'll go to Hell." She smiled.

"I... Wow..."

So this is the possible gates of Hell.


"I guess we'll start off and try the elegant walking." She cheered,"That should be easy right? Watch me."

I hesitated and caught the guys watching from the corner of my eye, it only made me nervous.

Onew and Taemin looking straight at me with blank expressions.

Kai, Tao, Minho watching my legs intently and Key stopping his sketching and peering over at me as well.


CL effortlessly glides her way to the other see of the studio and turned to me, "Just like that okay? Try and think elegance, and come to me."

I nodded, "Elegance.."

"Think of something like a... A bird or a flower." She suggested.

I gave her a slight nod "Wait, how the do I personify a flower or bird into a damn walk?!" 

I frowned at her as the boys laughed at my comment.

"Channel your inner goddess." CL chuckled as she shrugged.

I let out a sigh and glanced over at the guys once more, as if apologizing for what they were about to see me fail at.

Whatever, I put this upon myself. I should've just stuck with the magazines and asked her when the guys weren't near us.

Here goes nothing....



I'm a flamingo.

A Rose.

A flying wombat.

A radiant Orchid.

I'm a soaring eagle.

A swaying flower in the breeze.

Oh it-- I'm a zombie. I'm pretty sure I didn't even walk a straight line.


I took my last awkward stride to CL, scrunching up my face ready for harsh critisim.

CL nodded with a half impressed pout, "Not bad, not bad."

"Were you channeling your 'inner goddess' or a desperate mall shopper during a holiday sale? I really--  that was atrocious." Key chuckled.

And at that moment, any last shred of confidence I had is now burnt up in flames.Thank you, Kim Kibum.

I hide my face with one hand, covering my flushed cheeks for them to see.

"Kibum, she did good." CL scolded.

He chuckled, "Please don't sugarcoat things, Chae Rin. You at teaching."

I heard him slowly making his way to me and CL.


He took my hand away from my face and looked at me.

"We're going to try it again." He nodded, "This time with me."

I flinched away from his grip.

He shook his head and grabbed hold of my arm. 

"Now I know I promised you 'no touching', but when you're working for me, that promise doesn't apply." He dictated, "But you have my word, no 'Touchy Key' after hours. Deal?"

I sighed obviously it's true and I have to agree to it.  

He dragged me back to the other side of the studio.


"No model working for me will walk the way you did. Horrible." He chuckled.

"Shut up." I muttered. 

"Horrible~" He teased, as he faced me put his hands on my shoulders.

Giving me a little shake, he spoke, "Relax the shoulders back."

Key nodded and spoke softer, "Think as if you're my little marionette doll, I'm your puppeteer. Okay?"


He slowly his bottom lip while giving me a stern look in the eye, "Listen."



Key cleared his throat and stepped closer, "I control all your movements, every little string that is metaphorically attached to you. Okay?"


He smiled, "Now pretend that I attached one of those strings to your spine and it's pulling you up to the ceiling-- you can't slouch, not at all."

I automatically straightened up and gazed up at him.

He gently pushed my chin a little higher up with his finger,"Very good."


Honestly, I started to like the touching.

I looked away, what am I? A twelve year old?

His voice got even softer, "Soften the expression."

I just looked at him not really knowing how to soften my appearance like he's telling me.

"You're looking more confused than soft, ________," Key in a hush tone, getting closer to my face, "Soften the look on your face. Listen to me."

I closed my eyes feeling the sudden warmth tickling my face from Key's breath.

I tried to relax, although the way he spoke to me was calming enough, it alos made me anxious at the same time.


"Good girl, don't forget your spine." He urged, pulling me forward his fingertips, "No slouching, and follow me. Eyes on me, straight ahead. Eyes right on me."

He slowly walked backward, still just inches away from me as I followed. 

I felt my face burning up. 

"A little faster, ________." He said, his hands behind his back and eyes locked on mine.

For some reason I got nervous, my chest feeling light and my cheeks turning a little warm. Do I look stupid? 

I wanted to look at Minho, Tao or Kai-- Anyone else for assurance that I'm actually doing alright.


Key stepped back further and stood next to CL, "Don't look over at them, eyes only on me, ________."

I continued to stare at him, feeling like a small child.

"Stop." Key smiled and turned to CL, "And that's how it's done."

"Gorgeous." CL clapped, making the boys clap as well.

"See, Chae Rin~" Key smirked at her, "That is what you call goddess-like elegance. Must I do everything myself?"

"Oh whatever." CL pushed him aside and began to talk something out with Taemin.


Key turned to me and playfully pinched my chin, "Now do that on a go-see for Valentino and you'll get casted."

I pretty much stood there amazed at how nice Key could actually be, minus the usual ego boost he just gave himself talking to CL.

So the snobby guy has a sweet helpful side after all. 

"Nicely done." He mentioned.

"It was good?" I questioned.

He shrugged, shortly thinking it over in his head and admitted, "Fair."


I face went blank, I was dissappointed to hear that. 

"It was enough for me though." He assured, "It was, really."

His answer seemed to honest which is all I could ask for. 

I smiled back in gratitude. Now I just want to walk better.


"My marionette doll," He smirked, "no slouching, and eyes straight ahead."

Key shook his head, playfully poking CL's forehead just before he went back to the table.

At least he's not that bad. This is certainly a side of Key I haven't seen before and I like it.

Though I still expect the smirks and glares and bossy attitude from him, no doubt about that.

Dear lord if I'm coached like that with Key again I'm afraid I might fall in love with modeling lessons.

It's so intimate, something I barely experience myself.

I've always watched couples get intimate and I'd smile to myself thinking when that stuff will happen to me someday if only for a moment. 

Does this one count for me?

I'm trying hard not to smile like an idiot, my cheeks feel hard and I bite the corner of my lip for good measure.


"I think you did good." Tao smiled, grabbing my hand and patting it, "It takes a lot to please Key so don't take what he says too seriously."

I hesitate to answer him, secretly peering over at Onew and Key.

"Yeah, Key's a perfectionist." Minho added, "No girl will ever fit his ideal type."

"Heard that." Key muttered loud enough for us to hear, his back still faced us as he continued sketching.

"You'll be old and alone because no girl is good enough for you!" Minho teased.

"It's like my wildest fantasies realized" Key sang back.


Key's POV

As of now, my denstiny to become a rich old lonely man. Alone but most wanted.

I don't see any girl worth my time right now, not really.


I pushed around some sketches on the table; pushing the ones I liked to the left and the ones to the right-- Everything was on the right.

Onew threw them into the trash bin and frowned at me, "Dude--"

"Not one more word, man." I threatened, slumping down on the floor and against the table.

I have nothing that great to start with. Not at all.


I watched CL and _______ walk out of the room. The guys, once again, all looking at me.

I closed my eyes tightly, "If you guys are still looking at me when I open my eyes, I'm going to throw ."

I opened my eyes, Taemin, Tao and Minho were gone and only Kai was left standing infront of me-- Staring, all smiles. 

Kai is a cute boy but really, I will put the hurt on him-- big time.

I peer over at Onew, who was looking through his wad of papers of things to know about this year's competition.

Now's a good time to discipline in the little twirp. 

Just before I could get up and strangle the kid, Onew grabbed hold of me.

He chuckled and gestured Kai to leave.

I went back to slumping on ground as Onew chuckled.

"How do you expect to make plus fifty looks at this rate?" Onew confronted.

"I can't just pull it out of my , Onew." I fired back.

He sighed, running his hand down the back of his head, "See, this is why it's a competition. Can you handle this industry? Because if you win this you're going to have to pull out of your all the time-- nonstop. I'm talkin' two or three collections a year with seventy looks. This is what you want right?"

I gave him a nod. Sorta...

He shrugged, "I guess I'm helping you find inspiration you can pull better looks from."

I gave him another nod, that, I can fully agree to.

"You have to." I grinned up at him.


He was quiet for a while, thinking of something to say.

"And what was that with ________, huh?" He finally asked.

I stood up and looked at him.

"That whole moment and the walking?" He laughed, "I haven't seen you that close to a girl since-- forever."

"High School." I answered, "Kim Tae H--"

"That was when you were a freshmen that doesn't even count." Onew laughed.

I scoffed, a smile quickly creeping up my face,"Where are we going with this? Change the sub--"

"No, I'm just saying. It seemed like you got a little too up close and personal with her." He shrugged, leaning up against the wall.

Now how can I slip myself out of this?

"She's sensitive," I muttered, "and in a fragile state I don't want her go off killing herself so I wanted to be extra nice. So what?"

"You call it being extra nice by saying her walk is atrocious and then share body heat as you coach her walking?" He smirked, "You like her."

I was taken aback at the sudden bold statement. It's slightly true. I guess? Maybe. Not entirely sure, to be honest.

Okay. Attempt number two to slip myself out of this...

"Of course I like her." I smiled.

"Stop being a smartass, Key. You know you like her." He chuckled.


I nodded, "She's much better than Hyoni. Much better looking. She's less of a hassle and barely asks me for anything.I just need to feed her and give her my credit card every now and then.So yeah, I do lik--"

"Yeah, you're right, let's change the subject." Onew insisted, feicrely rubbing forehead.

I laughed at him. I always win. 


"Since it's still early August, there should be the fireworks festival down in Cannes, you think if we head down there you might find something you can pull looks out of your with?"

I snickered, "How much is this going to cost?"

"I never knew looking up into the sky would cost money." Onew smirked, "It's free, but if you want to bring a certain female friend you like--"

I cut him off, "Fireworks Festival in Cannes. Sounds good. New subject." 

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Chapter 12: Please please please update! This is a perfect story with genres combined in balance! I really want how you'll control the story. It's so good, evrn after a few years of leaving aff, I'm still thinking of this story. I beg you please continue it! ≥﹏≤
xJesslynify #2
Chapter 12: Hello! New reader here, I really love this storyline! It's so interesting! ;) Minho is damn hot when ing her lol haha. Felt bad for him though :'( Can't wait till Key and her find out their true feelings with one another!
randomsparre #3
Chapter 12: I legit found this fic a few months ago and it was when I was just starting to get into SHINee and now I'm in too deep and I miss this fic but like I get it if you lost inspiration for this I just wanna thank you for writing it at all. <3
Chapter 12: When will you update this fic? ;~;
shaaneey #5
Chapter 12: Idk wht to say. Ohmygaahd keeeyy.
emilydawn #6
Chapter 12: When are you going to update? This story is perfect! (:
Chapter 12: Why am I crying? :( My feels!!! Oh noes </3
ahhh so cute!!! please update faster... key is such a charmer :)
Chapter 12: Wow really good, I'm glad you went there, definitely different. Love the drama!