Mr. Matsuo

My Fair Model

Your POV @ Guesthouses

My landlord, Mr. Matsuo really did have Key swing by earlier today.

He was in a chipper mood since Key actually pay off my rent, although my landlord is always a nice old man. He let me stay in his guesthouses when he found me wandering about Shibuya a while back.

I used to sneak into one of the vacant motel rooms to sleep in back when I had nothing.

Mr. Matsuo-- an old bald Japanese man usually wearing an old worn out company train hat, very wrinkley bags under his eyes, pretty short, a little plump in the stomach due to what I think is all the juice he likes to drink--- randomly came up to me knowing I was a homeless teen and offered me a place to stay back then.

The guesthouse he offered me wasn't in good shape as the others, it's heater still worked and the plumbing was fine, the place was even furnished.

It only had one room, two tiny windows overlooking the empty street. The floors were wooden, old and lost its shine. The walls were white, I didn't bother decorating the place. It wasn't much I was thankful. Beggars can't be choosers.  

I promised the old man I'd give him as much money I could dig up for rent, he insisted I just tidy up the around the guesthouses and I would only need to pay half of what everyone else paid since the my guesthouse was in poor condition.

The rest of the renters were older, sort of Mr. Matsuo's age. I was the youngest renter living here.

The old timers that where here long before me tell me they think Mr. Matsuo is fond of me because I looked exactly like his daughter, who apparently died young in a freak accident near the train station. I hate to say it, but I thought I looked a lot like the girl as well when I saw a picture.

Sorta creepy to think I look exactly like someone who's deceased, but if it brings one joy and fond memories, I don't see the problem.

Mr. Matsuo had no family anymore, he was a widower who found joy in housing people and stopping them and asking them about their day.

Other than that, he lived alone in the bigger house, sitting on his tiny plastic stool, whistling old jazz tunes and greeting others.  

I'd spend the holidays with him. He's practically the closest thing I had to a father-figure, the closest thing I had to a family, ever. I remember calling him grandpa onceand it made him laugh, I knew he liked the new nickname so I started calling him that.


"Young lady, you didn't tell me you had an older brother." Mr. Matsuo smiled, 'And who might these two young men be?"

"Grandpa, they're uhh--"

"More of your brothers, I presume?" He giving a hearty laugh.

"Mr. Matsuo, I'm Kai... I uhh... I'm her cousin."

"And I'm an old friend." Tao added.

"Yes well, it's very nice to meet you." The old man grinned, "_______, I've taken the liberty to clean up today so you'll have more time to pack, yes?"

I smiled, "Yes- yes thank you, grandpa."

I felt a bit sad hearing that he'd cleaned the lot all by himself. 

I realized I'd be leaving the only person who's shown me nothing but kindness. He'll be cleaning up alone when I'm gone. The holidays will be a bit more chilly, it breaks my heart. My poor old man.

He sighed and gripped my hand giving it a good tight squeeze before leaving.I watched him wobble away and back to his place infront of his house.


"_______? _________? Yoo-hoo~," Kai chuckled.

I turned, finding them already having the door propped open and waiting for me to go inside first.

I lead them inside and they immediately sat on the couch and stared at me.

I paused at the door, "What now?"

Tao stood up, "You pack everything you want to take with you, but you show us your clothes."

"Why do I have to show you my--"

"You're going to be in a fashion competition representing KIDI Japan, and you'll be surrounded by many harsh fashion students when we're in France. We can't have anyone judging us poorly because of what you might be wearing."

"So you're saying my fashion isn't suitable for--"

"Exactly." Tao smiled, "Sorry, but that's Key's orders. We have money so replace what we throw out from your wardrobe."

"Throw out?" I frowned.

The boys nodded.

"What else are we going to do with them it such a short time?" Tao shrugged, "Sorry."

"I think you have a very unique sense of style, I personally like it." Kai smiled, "I'm pretty sure we won't have to throw out that much."

I sighed, "Let's just do this."


They ended throwing my whole wardrobe out. Suprisingly, I wasn't that mad, I feel like I was still in some bizzare dream.

I watched Kai take out all of my clothes in a trash bag walking out the door. I frowned at the sight.

Tao offered to sell it off in Harajuku tonight and give me the money hoping it would ease my dissapointment instead.

I'd rather have my clothes bought than have them go to waste in some dump. I agreed to it.


Night time: Harajuku

"Okay we don't have much time, Minho said we'd have to come back to the dorms and make sure things are squared away." Kai muttered.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Nothing you have to worry about." Tao smiled, "Now if you'll excuse, I going to see if my bargaining skills have improved. If not, I will whine to my professor who taught my bussiness class. This will be fun."

I chuckled and watched him dissappear into the crowds with my huge load of clothes.

I was left alone with the youngest.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as I watched Kai text on his phone.

"Uh.. American Apparel? Urban Outfitters... You know just to get you plain tops and more fitting clothes."

"Fitting?" I tilted my head.

He noded, "Models that have go-sees usually dress that way, it shows your figure more. You don't want anything to flashy that will make people pay less attention to your figure."

I nodded, "I get it."

He smiled, "Well, time to put on the charming boy act and get some discounts for you. Follow me."


I think I caught a glimpse of what awaits me in Paris when going shopping with Kai.

He ended up following me into the changing rooms and dressed me himself when it came to the few dresses he picked out.

It was quite embarrassing, very uncomfortable but I'll have to get use to it somehow.

He was straightening the seams, and checking every item on clothing, circling me just like how Professor Anna did.

These fashion students take this thing really seriously, don't they?

It amazed me how little sweet talking Kai had to do to these workers for a big discount on my clothes.A little smile and wink from a handsome guy like Kai or Tao would definitely swoon a large amount of girls. How I wish I had that power on guys I liked.

We spent about a grand in just few hours, 2 to 3 hours, if I'm not mistaken.

Tao ended up selling everything from my old wardrobe.


"I used a few bucks to buy me a snack, I hope you don't mind." Tao chuckled nervously, giving me the huge wad of cash.

I gocked at the thing he set in my hand. I haven't seen this much money in my entire life.

"Say something." Tao waved his hand in my face.

I immediately threw myself at him and hugged him, screaming.

"I think she likes it." Kai smirked, shoving some bags in hand for him to hold.


"Did we have to do something with her hair?" Tao asked.

At that moment, I didn't care if I was to get a mohawk, I have a load of money now..

I tried shoving the huge wad in my front pocket but Tao took it.

I frowned, "Hey, I thought it was mine."

"I know, I'm just holding it for you." Tao assured me, "Now let's go find that salon that does--"


"No one touches the girl's hair." A voice shouted from behind us.

Key and Minho were back, both holding a few folders.

Key stuck his hand out and giving one to me.

"That's your passport back, and your plane tickets, your card key---"

"What's the card key for?"

He looked at me with his 'don't-interrupt-me' face and continued, "Minho and I will take it from here. You two, Kai and Tao, you guys should get back to the dorms before curfew."

Tao and Kai nodded and left quickly.

"Good night!" I smiled and waved at the two as they did the same.

"I see you've befriended the younger guys." Minho smiled.

"Yay. Good. Anyways." Key checked his watch and picked up the shopping backs, "Shall we head back to your place now?"




Minho's POV

________'s guesthouse was pretty cramped. I can't imagine a girl like her living under these conditions she seems so-- fragile?

I wonder how she's all up and out on her own like this. I'll make it a priority to get to know her better. 

She had no pictures up on her walls, nothing that personal in tact. I don't think she spends much time at home I guess.

"Minho? Could you help me out?" She muttered pushing her suitcase out of her room.

I took the case and carried it near the front door with ease.

"This is uh, very cute place you got set up for yourself."

She smirked, "It's not much, but it does the job."

I chuckled, "Where's Key?"

She shrugged, "Apparently paying my landlord another visit."

I nodded, "Alright.."

We give off a weird slience already. I must break this awkward phase since I know we'll be around each other more often.

I was about to speak but she was too.We laughed and I let her speak first.


She shrugged and sat on her couch, "Is Key always this urgent? Is he always this 'my way or the highway' guy?"

I chuckled, "I guess you could say that, trust me, the more you're with him you'll understand. He's cool, he's just easily pressured is all."

_______ tried to hide a little laugh coming out.

I smiled and sat down next to her, "What's so funny?"

She shrugged, "Nothing, it's just-- It's all so bizzare. This whole thing."

I chuckled, "Sorry."

"Hmm? Now why are you laughing?" She asked.

I smiled and patted her on the back, "It's only going to get worse."


Key's POV

This guy reminds me a little of my grandpa... No. Must. Not. Think about that sort of stuff.

I shook myself out of it and concentrated on the conversation I had left with the old guy.

"I still very surprised about _______ having an older brother." He chuckled, peering at me, "You sure don't have any resemblance to the young lady."

"Oh?" I faked a laugh, "Well, my little sister has surely taken all the good genes right?"

He laughed and shook his head, "Oh no, you're a fine young man as well."

"Thank you."

"What can I do for you again?" He asked.

"I would like to pay off any other debt my baby sister has left--"

"No, no no." He frowned, "You're money is no good here, boy. It's been pleasant to have _______ stay in my guesthouses."

It seems like _______'s left an impact on this man.

"Out of curiousity, what did my sister do during her stay here?"

"She's kept me company. Very kind little one. She helps me around my lot. She cleans-- sometimes she takes the payments from the other tenant for me so I don't need to tire myself out. Other than that, the young lady is out for the rest of her day. " He smiled, "Holidays were a bit more cheerful for me. I'm old and alone, you know."

I suddenly put myself in Mr. Matsuo's shoes. Will I be old and alone too? No family and just work?

The way I'm headed, I'm sure I'll get to that point.  I took every bill in my wallet and slipped it to him. 

"No, no no." He frowned, "I can't---"

"Please Mr. Matsuo, take it." I smiled, "Think of it as a thank you for all you've done for _______."

He smiled, "You take care."

"I hope it won't feel lonely at your lot, I'm sorry for taking ________ away out of the blue like this---"

"Boy, I am a grown man." He laughed heartily, "Let me tell you something."

I took a step out the door and listened to him at the step.

"I like to think that just because someone leaves doesn't mean the worst. I can only hope they're doing better." He winked, "I'll be fine. Take care of that precious sister of yours... soldier."

I chuckled. I can't believe I told this guy I came back from the army. Look at me. I don't even look fit for the army.

I headed back to ________'s place but before I left the old man's yard I hear him say something.

"If I didn't know any better, I thought you were some kidnapper, taking ________ away." He chuckled.

I turned to him, still headed back to ________'s place, "That's ridiculous. Good night, Mr. Matsuo, and thanks again!"



Your POV

"So basically, we just saw an out of the ordinary thing that night." Minho nodded.

"Yes." I chuckled.

"And you'll never attempt doing that stuff again?" He frowned.

"I promise." I laughed.

"It's not funny." He frowned, "But you promised, so I'll remember that." 

"Mhm, no going out and trying to kill myself, you have my word." I smiled.

He smirked, "Good, because once we get to Paris, you're going to wish you never promised that."

"Why?" I asked.


"Because, you haven't seen drama until you've seen what we go through." Key muttered, coming inside.

"You're back, what did you and Mr.Matsuo do?" I smiled.

"Wow, you seem more upbeat." Key muttered, "Anyways, I just wanted to talk to him is all. Nothing really."

"Oh.." I nodded.

Key looked at me and Minho, sorta fidgeting with his phone.


Key's POV

The moment I've stepped in here I felt weird. 

I'd hate to break the chemistry between these two...

"Key are you okay, bro?" Minho asked.

"Yeah, of course." I shook myself back to reality, "Just a little stress already, feeling the pressure."

Not really.

I cleared my throat, "We better head out now, Minho."

"Okay." Minho nodded.


________ offered to walk us back to our car. I let Minho drive since I didn't feel like it.

_______ stopped me and pulled me aside.

"You. Can. Not. Bail on me!" I glared, "I'm not hearing any complaining from you--"

"I just wanted to say thank you." She cut in.

"W-what?" I chuckled.

"Yeah. Thanks." She smiled, "You caught me at my lowest, and I'm thankful. I'll try my best to help you in this competition."

I shook my head and chuckled, "Well you still need a lot of coaching but the guys will help you on that part."

She nodded.

"Okay," I smiled, "Well, I'll see you at the airport on Sunday, first thing in the morning, don't you dare be late."

She chuckled, "Will do."

I smirked, getting into the passenger seat.

"Get back to your house." I muttered, closing the car door and watching her head back.


We sped off back to KIDI.

"_______'s a nice girl. I think she'll do good." Minho said softly.

"You got a crush on her or something?" I smirked.

"Tch." Minho snirked, "Jeez, Key can't a guy talk to a girl without it being a big deal?"

"Good." I muttered.

"What was that?" He chuckled.

"Food." I chuckled, "I said 'food'. I'm hungry let's get something on our way back." 

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Chapter 12: Please please please update! This is a perfect story with genres combined in balance! I really want how you'll control the story. It's so good, evrn after a few years of leaving aff, I'm still thinking of this story. I beg you please continue it! ≥﹏≤
xJesslynify #2
Chapter 12: Hello! New reader here, I really love this storyline! It's so interesting! ;) Minho is damn hot when ing her lol haha. Felt bad for him though :'( Can't wait till Key and her find out their true feelings with one another!
randomsparre #3
Chapter 12: I legit found this fic a few months ago and it was when I was just starting to get into SHINee and now I'm in too deep and I miss this fic but like I get it if you lost inspiration for this I just wanna thank you for writing it at all. <3
Chapter 12: When will you update this fic? ;~;
shaaneey #5
Chapter 12: Idk wht to say. Ohmygaahd keeeyy.
emilydawn #6
Chapter 12: When are you going to update? This story is perfect! (:
Chapter 12: Why am I crying? :( My feels!!! Oh noes </3
ahhh so cute!!! please update faster... key is such a charmer :)
Chapter 12: Wow really good, I'm glad you went there, definitely different. Love the drama!