Chapter 7; Together?

More than a friend?

**Sunmi is just a random name I thought of.. so yeah.**


*The bell rings and now you have science.....

"Jiyong please go back to your seat" Mr.Kim says, yeah he's your homeroom teacher.
Then he walks back to his seat while Sunmi is pouting. The teacher starts writing stuff on the board, you see people copying it so you copy them into your notebook too.

You try listening to what he's saying during the lesson but whatever he is saying, it just won't go inside your head. It's like you listen from one ear and it goes straight back out through the other. 30minutes has passed he stops and starts handing out papers

."Ok what I'm handing out is your assignment rubric. Use the site for refernce and make a poster about the stuff that we just learned today. And you'll be working in partners"

"yesss"  you hear Sunmi whisper to herself.

"But I'll be chosing the partners this time"

"Noooo~~~" everybody says.

What.. already? We just started this unit and now an assignment already... >_>     oh... did I just hear.... "working in partners?" Yes I hope I'm with someone smart. >=) ..... no..... what if I get a weirdo? O_O that doesnt do work and tells me to do it all, the slacker......

The teacher comes by walking around and choosing partners . " you are with. her. You are with....-" Blah blah blah. And then he calls out your name.

"_____"  OH! my god. that scared me for a sec.

"_____, you are with..... ughm....... " deciding who to choose, either Taeyang or Jiyong.

" you are with Jiyong, and Taeyang, you're with Lee Eun"   haha I guess Eun's happy now, I just hope Jiyong's smart.. or at least good in science.    Then you see from the corner of your eye Sunmi is giving you a don't-you-dare-touch-him glare.

"Mr.Kim , when is this due?" some random kid asks . "Its due........ Wednesday"  What noo~ we only have today and tomorrow to work on it, I hope Jiyong is smart. Mr.Kim is probably laughing evilly in his head. But HA! He'll have to mark all those posters.


------- Lunch time ------- (at the caf.)

Your POV

"Oppa~!" I yell out.... and tonnes of guys turn around to look at me. awkward....

"TOP Oppa!" I say... but then he just turns around and ignore me. So I decided to walk to him....

"oh, hey. so, how's your day going? any friends?" he asks. then i sit next to him

" uh .... I guess.... you?"

"...................."   he ignores me and continues eating his food.

" ______-shi!!" Oh gawd.... its Jiyong isnt it... >_>    Oh no.. he's coming closer, I can see him from the corner of my eye.

"Heyy ______-shi! =)  Ohh.. who's this??"  is it just me or is he starting to get a bit annoying?

"hi.. oh this is m-"  then Eun comes out of nowhere and says "Boyfriend"   What? O_O

"ohhhhhh....." Jiyong looks depressed. And yet TOP is still ignoring us.

" What no, he's my brother.." should I have said cousin?  Nah brother is good, I dont want them to ask me questions later on.

" OH! =) " Jiyong says. Then that girl comes again... Sunmi....


"Oh no, not her again ..... " Jiyong mumbles. I guess he finds her annoying, well I do too, she always interupts our conversation.

"OPPA!!~~ Sit with me." and she drags him to her table with her friends.

"So, where's Taeyang?"
"what?? Ohh... him hehee. =) "

"ugh... O_O "

"Oh, uhm. to be honest I don't know, I thought he was with Jiyong, but I guess not." And then we start eating and stuff.

After we are done. We walk out of the caf.

"Let's go find Taeyang?" yeah. now we're stalking him... >_>

"uhm. sure." As we walk down the halls we hear a piano playing. We peek through the door from the music room and see a guy playing on the piano..... Its Taeyang..

"omo~~ it sounds soo pretty!!" Eun whispers. And Taeyang stops playing and turns around seeing us peeking through the door O_O    OMG what do we know now?

"Oh Hey~!  ^_^ " Yeah i think his eyes disappeared again, but aw, he has a nice smile.

" so is this what you do every day?? you come here and practice?? " I WOULD of asked.... but i think it sounds a bit rude so instead .... i say.... "wow, you play the piano?"

"HMMHH yea, I come here and practice usually everyday when I have time, like lunch.. "
"Wow.... it sounds really nice when you play" Eun says, admiring him even more....

"Aha thanks "  he says scratching the back of his neck. great is he turning a bit pink now?? ahaa ^_^  I'm pretty sure he heard Eun whispering earlier....

"______-shi!!" OMHGG...... I thought he was with Sunmi now he's here again!! I starting to think that he's stalking me..

"Oh Hey YoungBae, and Eun., so ____-shii,"

"as I wanted to say earlier but Sunmi interupted...... "he mumbles

"Yeah, uhm. where do you live?" O_O what.?

"Well I mean, uh, we have to work on the science project right? Is it ok if we work at your place?"  ugh..... why not his house? but whatever.

"Suuree....... oh  yeah, uhm. my brother....  will be driving us then is that alright?" I'm not walking home in the cold >_>

"Ok =) "

Then I just sent a quick text message to TOP oppa about it. and he just said  "ok.." He acts so different at home and outside =.=



Author's Note :

^_^ please comment and subscribe!

in the meantime while you are waiting for the next chapt, please read my so called 'oneshot' ff!! =)

I know the title for the oneshot is lame.... but I couldn't think of anything. And hopefully you'll know why the title is as is.

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gemmaflame #1
Chapter 26: it's.......... GREAT!!! FABULOUS!!! FANTASTIC!!1
I read the first chapter.. and I couldn't stop reading after that!<br />
It was sooo good! <33<br />
I agree with everyone, if only it was longer hehe
AznJSx #3
daskjlskdjkg omg so adorable but the end ommmgg<br />
asdkjfnakdsjfnajksn the flash back<br />
asdkfnaskdg I really liked it (:<br />
and reading next story tmrw since it's early like heck .... LOL
@bellavita : .... o.o is that a bad thing?? O.O<br />
Thanks. =)
bellavita #5
UFF she is really with Ji :P <br />
Oh but it is the end T_T <br />
good work! I´m reading existance :D see u there
@lolliderellad2nd : ahaa, yeah. I just added that because well, her parents do exist. And there wasn't really an explanation as to why she's with her aunt+uncle.
omomomomomomo, the flashback totally shocked me o__0<br />
and awwwww happy ending for everyone ^o^
@kaemeeoni: Lol really??.. yeah right >_> you read tonnes of other ffs. Yeah, too bad so sad =.= But it has to end at some point. I'm not making this like 30+ Chapters. D:
AWEEE this is the cutest story ever :D <br />
Hehe if only this FF was longer ...