Chapter 4

More than a friend?

Sorry the colour codes are messed up.... I'll stop them now.  More comments + subcriptions = faster updates


You arrive to your new home...... and enter your bedroom. It wasn't HUGE but you dont care. You like how it is and the furniture has already came in and everything was set up a day before you came.

your room ;

pretend the bathroom is on the right side farther back behind the desk.... and your closet is on the left side. and yeh.. use your imagination and pretend the room is a bit bigger.

" ohh wow...."

"you like it?" your aunt says

"yupp .thank you!! ..... when do I go to school?"

" Next week"

"Really? That's sorta fast"

"Well, me and your dad will be going out to deal with some stuff. If you want to go out ask your oppa to bring you"



"im bored....."

you open the window and stare outside looking at the sky.... then you recive a text message;


                Amy!!~~ Or should I say _____

               now since your in Korea.. I'm

               pretty sure you arrived here already!

               Wanna meet up somewhere?

                                   - Lee Eun


                 Where do you want to meet up?

                im not that sure of where to go

                well I saw theres this cafe near

                my house its called  ~~~ (whatever the name is)

                          - Amy     ______


                     okk see u in 10min

                          - Eun



                  - ______



" oppa!! come with me to meet up Eun??" you call out.

 " Uhm. sure where? I want to go to the convenience near by to get some stuff to eat" TOP replied.

" uh. its...... at the cafe near... I think its beside the convenience "

" okk I'll be ready in 2mins"

" ok.........."       so you just sit there playing on your cellphone while waiting  then you remember something.

"hm.... where did my box go?" you mumble to yourself

" Are you ready yet?? oh and are you looking for this?" TOP says...

" ohh yea. Thank you , lets go" then you just put it on the small table beside your bed and leave the house.

"are we walking there or driving?" you ask

"walking... I dont think its that far... save gas, and no polution"

------ 10 minutes pass----

"ok i'll meet you up later, if there's anything you need just call k?" TOP says.

" alright " you say as TOP enters the convenience store.. then you just walk for about 50 seconds and you take out your phone to see what time it is then you bump into somone

" oh. Sorry " thenn you remember your in korea.

" Ugh. I mean..shoot i forgot how to sa-" thinking of how to say Sorry in korean

"Heh. Its alright. " the guy says.

Then you walk away entering the cafe. Not realising that you dropped the chain from your cell phone.

"Heyy _____~" someone says

" Eun~~!! hello "

"Who were you talking to out there?"

"What?? Who?"

"That guy you were just talking to...the guy that looks like our age  ?"

" Oh.. I dont know who he is. i just bumped into him by accident." Then you think to yourself... He looks a bit like someone I've met before but I can't seem to remember. Well whatever, what are the chances of meeting someone from back home here? Obviously besides Eun..

" So what do you want? Anything to drink or eat? I ordered mango cheesecake for both of us, I dont know if you still like mang- "

"Omg! Mango cheesecake? I haven't ate that since a long time~ ^_^ by the way, do you think that the guy that I bumped into looks like someone we know??" you said

"Uhm..... I dont thi-"  then the mango cheesecake arrives to your table and Eun stares as it as its being placed on the table without finishing her sentence.

"yummm~~ ____-ah , I heard from my parents that this place makes really good cheesecakes" You weren't really listening to her and just started eating the cake while starring outside thinking of who that guy was.

"Urhm. Eunnn.. are you leaving after the break? Or ar-"

"Nopee I'm staying! My parents said that they missed Korea and they to stay here, I'll be going back to Canada next week to pack up everything and then fly back to Korea."

"Yay! Hopefully we're going to be in the same school with the same classes"

"Yup, I think we are! I think my parents planned everything out. because they dont want me to be a loner, so I'm with you now!! =) "

"Cool. oh. we're done eating now..... uhm..... do you have money ?Hehehe... I forgot to exchange the money"

" Oh fine.... >_>   I'll pay. "

"Thanks Eunniiee~~! hahaha. Eunniee.... anyways I'll repay you back later"

" Good. =.= " then Eun checks her phone to see what time it is

" Oh I think I got to go now _____. Here's the money . Bye~" and she grabs her purse and leaves.... leaving you a loner sitting there.

" Ok bye~~" she leaves as you wave. You dont feel like getting up so you play games on your cell phone for a while enjoying the nice smell of the cafe. After 5 minutes you realize that you have been sitting there for a while already so you decide to pay and leave the cafe. As you were about to call TOP, you realize that the chain on your phone disappeared!!!  Then you go back into the cafe to find it but it wasnt there . Then you go back out to see if you dropped it elsewhere and it wasnt there either.
" _____-ah~!" Top yelled once he saw you

"What are you doing?? O_O " he asked seeing you look at the floor everywhere

" I think I lost my cellphone chain thingy.."

"It's alright you can buy another one, let's go home its getting dark" Then you look back up seeing that it is getting dark, it is winter so yea. [ short days, long nights.]

" True....."

And then you two start walking back home while you are still wondering where it might have dropped.

"uhm. oppa do you think we should start buying stuff for school? like tomorrow or something?"

"Noo need, mom and dad already bought "

"ohh...." then you think back to yourself        Oh yeah, they always prepare things before hand.


Author's note ;

Sorry there's been boring chapters so far.

Any comments or suggestions on how I could improve?? I'm a new author this is my first ff... =S

please comment and subscribe!

  p.s.  dont worry other characters wil be introduced in the next chapt!!

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gemmaflame #1
Chapter 26: it's.......... GREAT!!! FABULOUS!!! FANTASTIC!!1
I read the first chapter.. and I couldn't stop reading after that!<br />
It was sooo good! <33<br />
I agree with everyone, if only it was longer hehe
AznJSx #3
daskjlskdjkg omg so adorable but the end ommmgg<br />
asdkjfnakdsjfnajksn the flash back<br />
asdkfnaskdg I really liked it (:<br />
and reading next story tmrw since it's early like heck .... LOL
@bellavita : .... o.o is that a bad thing?? O.O<br />
Thanks. =)
bellavita #5
UFF she is really with Ji :P <br />
Oh but it is the end T_T <br />
good work! I´m reading existance :D see u there
@lolliderellad2nd : ahaa, yeah. I just added that because well, her parents do exist. And there wasn't really an explanation as to why she's with her aunt+uncle.
omomomomomomo, the flashback totally shocked me o__0<br />
and awwwww happy ending for everyone ^o^
@kaemeeoni: Lol really??.. yeah right >_> you read tonnes of other ffs. Yeah, too bad so sad =.= But it has to end at some point. I'm not making this like 30+ Chapters. D:
AWEEE this is the cutest story ever :D <br />
Hehe if only this FF was longer ...