Chapter 04

I Do Not Want A Weak Man

Kibum's Pov

lay awake all night , thinking about the kiss from yesterday. I looked out of the window, wondering if Minho was also thinking about me. I scratched my head. 'Aish, I shouldn't feel this way for him. I don't even like people, well except for Yoogeun.'  I turned my head to Yoogeun who was soundless a sleep in his cradle. 

In the morning I went to grab milk for Yoogeun. 'Omo the milk is only enough for one bottle.' I needed to buy some milk. I grabbed my wallet, there was only 12,50 left. That's not even enough for a week. Fatigued I make Yoogeun's food. I only had one option then.

Mir's Pov


'Minho, let's hangout today. We haven't done that since long.' 'I can't, not today. I'm going to help Kibum.' 'Oh. Okay.' If this is going to keep up, I'm going to lose Kibum to Minho.

In the parking lot of the school, Kibum was there talking with Minho. Kibum saw me and gestured me to come. I came to him. 'What is it?' I said surprised. Kibum looked down and began playing with his hands. Maybe he's uneasy. Kibum don't be uneasy with me, I thought. 'Can... could you...' 'Ask me anything and I'll do it.' I said it a little to quick cause Minho and Kibum looked at me with big eyes. 'Sorry.' I swallowed. 'I was wondering if you could help searching for a job.' Kibum said it with a lot of effort. But even so I was happy he asked. 'Sure.' 'Can we go now?' 'Oh yeah no problem. I know a good place where you can earn enough money.' Kibum only nod. 'How did you came here?' I asked. 'I walked.' 'You walked? But Kibum you could have just called me and ask me to come over.' Kibum narrowed his eyes. 'Whatever.' Kibum said. 'Come, we'll go with my car.' I said. Kibum wanted to follow me when Minho stopped him. 'Can we talk later?' 'No.' 'Please Kibum.' 'I will call you.' Kibum said and walked to my car. What happened between them?

Kibum's Pov

I was sharing my chocolate milk with Yoogeun. I turned to look at Mir. 'Will you stop staring at me?' 'S... sorry.' 'So what is this job?' I said. 'A coffee shop. The owner is a really nice man and you'll only work part time.' 'Okay.'

After having met the owner and seen the shop I was more at ease. Cause Mir would take care of Yoogeun with Minho when I was working. I was so tired that I slept on the way back.

I slowly opened my eyes. Huh? How can it be I'm already home? I stood up and looked around the room. Where was Yoogeun? 'Yoogeun? Yoogeun where are you?' I quickly walked downstairs. I sighed in relief when I saw Yoogeun playing with Minho. 'Oh you're awake.' I walked to Minho and punched him on the shoulder. 'I was really afraid that something happened to Yoogeun. Mir and you are really scatterbrained.' 'Sorry Kibum. You we're just so sleepy that we didn't want to wake you up.' I turned to Yoogeun. I bend down on the ground in front of him. 'Yoogeun, where did you get these toy from? And this carpet?' Yoogeun smiled at me and pointed at Minho. 'Appa gave it. I love appa.' I looked at Minho in amazement. Minho smiled. 'Don't thank me. I love Yoogeun too. I kind of see him like my own son. If you don't mind of course.' I shook my head. 'No, it's okay.' I'm really happy that he has toys now. 'But it must have cost you many.' 'I don't mind, If you and Yoogeun are satisfied I'm too.' 'Appa.' Minho and I looked at Yoogeun in surprise. Yoogeun just called Minho appa. He sees Minho and I as his parents? 

Minho's Pov

I can't believe Yoogeun just called me appa. I'm so happy right now. He drooled all over his toys and clothes. 'Yoogeun look what you are doing. Your clothes are full with your drool.' Kibum scolded. He picked Yoogeun up and but him in his playpen. Kibum turned to me. 'When are you going home?' 'Uhm... right now.' I grabbed my coat and searched for my keys. That's weird, I can't find my keys. 'Kibum have you seen my keys.' 'No. Don't tell me you lost them.' 'Wihout my keys I can't use my car nor can I go home.' Kibum sighed and turned his gaze from me. 'Then why don't you go to Taemin?' I heard sarcasm and jealousy in his voice. 'But I'm already here, can't I stay? Please.' 'No way.' I pout and put my hands together. Kibum rolled his eyes. 'Fine! Stay! But you'll sleep on the couch.' I smile satisfied.

Kibum's Pov

In the room Yoogeun was crying the whole time. keeping me from my sleep. I put him in his cradle. 'Appa' 'You want Minho?' 'Appa' 'Don't tell me you want him here.' Actually I feel kinda bad letting him sleep on the couch. 'Okay I'll get Minho.' I went downstairs and waked him up.

Minho's Pov 

'Minho, Minho wake up.' I opened my still sleepy eyes. 'Kibum? What are you... doing here?' 'Just come.' I did as I was told and followed Kibum. 'You can lay next to me.' I was perplexed. 'Wait... I can...' 'Not because I want to, because Yoogeun wants it.' I looked at Yoogeun I pinched his cheek. Thank you Yoogeun, your awesome.  

Kibum's bed smelled like Kibum. It smelled good. I turned around and I was shocked being so close to Kibum's face. He also seemed shocked. We kept staring in each other's eyes. The moment was really tense. Kibum was looking so hot, it was hard to resist. Kibum broke our eye contact. 'Kibum I still haven't apologized about kissing you like that. I'm sorry.' Kibum went in a sitting position. 'Yeah about that, how can you kiss me if you don't even love me?' But I do, only you don't know, I thought. I also went in sitting position. 'Mianhe Kibum. Don't stay angry at me too long okay?' 'Babo.' Kibum mumbled then he smiled a little. Kibum stared out of the window. 'Tell me... why are you helping me? I mean I never say thank you nor do I act nice to you and still you are so good to me.' I was surprised hearing that. 'Because you should help when someone has a hard time even if that person isn't nice to you.' Kibum gave me a lifeless stare. 'Your strange.' I only blinked. Again we looked at each other and our faces got closer. Then we kissed, but this time it was passionate kiss. Our tongue battling inside our mouths. We now laid on the bed me on top still kissing. We broke the kiss, both catching up our breath and looking in each other's eyes. Kibum my cheeks, and my heart was beating like crazy at his touch. I went to kiss Kibum's neck. Then I bit him and he gasped in surprise. Kibum put his hands on my shoulder and pushed me on the bed so he was on top. Kibum began kissing my whole neck and moved to my chest. Seeing him so rough . Then he kissed me harshly. We stopped kissing hearing a ring tone. 'Sorry that's mine.' I said. I answered my phone. 'Hello?' 'Hyung, I'm sorry for calling you so late but I'm really scared. Please help.' 'Taemin?' He sounded really scared. 'Don't worry I'll come, where are u?' 'At Seoul street 25.' 'Okay, don't panic and stay there.'

Kibum's Pov

Did he just say Taemin. Ugh he just ruined our hot moment. I really dislike that . Minho hung up. 'I have to find Taemin. He's not at home, there must have been happened something bad with him. He sounded really scared.' 'Then call his parents or something.' I said irritated. Minho frowned. 'Kibum he may be in big trouble, I can't leave him like that?' 'That's not what I'm saying.' 'I know you hate each other but this could be serious. I'm going' 'Wait.' I grabbed Minho's arm. 'Do you have any feelings for me?' Minho stayed silent. Why didn't he answer me? 'Okay, I understand. Well don't you bother coming back Minho!!' 'Kibum I...' 'Just leave already! Leave! Leave!' Yoogeun woke up and began crying. Minho wanted to touch him. 'Don't touch him! Just freaking leave Minho!' He did as I said and left. I began crying. I thought he loved me, cause I do, I grow feelings for him. He wouldn't just kiss me if he felt nothing. Or he just wanted a mate or something. It was a mistake to love again. I stopped loving ever since... I looked at Yoogeun who was still crying. I picked him up and tried to comfort him. Why do I always end up hurt? I didn't even get a May Be. 

Taemin's Pov

I'm so smart, sneaking Minho away from Kibum by making him think that something happened to me. Like I told you Kibum, I wont let you steal away Minho from me. He's MINE!' Now I only needed to rush to Seoul street 25 and made it look like I was beaten up or something. Minho I'll get you for sure!


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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 18: i love it soooooooo much mminkey are just right for each other
amaaaaaazinnnnnnnnnnnnnng !!
i loooooooove it !! love it so so much !!
what can i say !! i don't know !!
you are good writer !!
minkey !! now i'm really in love with them <3
minkey forever <3 amazing pic <3
i want to read all your story about minkey <3
dark_heart #3
Just finished this, and I have to say it was really good.
Gosh I just LOVE Minkey, and I love ur story. It was so cute ^^
The ending was sweet & I love the picture x)
*crying* so beautiful *sniffle* id love to see a sequel with their new son :D
Wasurenagusa #5
LOL I know im late with saying this but thank u all for liking my story!!! :DDD
awww love the ending :))
Auw just a sweet ending...
Kendall #8
I loved the ending ;; and the whole fic seriously ** good job! And the photo at the end is just perfect <3
yunjae11 #9
ahh~ the ending is so sweet! and I looooveee the picture at the end!

thank you so much for writing such a wonderful story!! ^^
GaemChau #10
Aww!! The ending was so romantic and they have another child now~
The was really hot, too~^^
And the picture at the end was adorable!! XD