My Boyfriend Is From Mars

KYAAAAAAA NEW BANNER FROM Oh2ne1!!! Kekeke Thank you so much sweetie this is so beautiful <333








The next day, Dara woke up early and cooked breakfast for her and Jiyong. She made French toasts, mixed milk and fried some bacon and eggs. Then after which she made her own snack for school. It was already 6:30 am when she finished so she hurried, she grabbed her towel and went to the bathroom to have some bath.




On the other hand, Jiyong just woke up from his sleep. He rubbed his eyes then sat up from the floor. He then turned his head to Dara’s bed and found she wasn’t there.




When Jiyong finished folding his bed, he walked out of the room and groggily climbed off the stairs and searched for Dara. He then smelled the aroma of the yummy breakfast so he decided to just go staright to the kitchen and care less about where Dara was.




But on his way, he suddenly felt the need to pee and since he was near the bathroom he stride towards it before having breakfast.




GD turned the knob and swished the door open with still half-lidded eyes.




Upon opening the door he saw a woman’s figure in the shower area, taking a bath.




“Oh.. Dara, Good morning..” he greeted nonchalantly like it was just normal to see a person in the shower.




Dara’s head snapped to his direction with widened eyes as Jiyong just made his way in front of the toilet and opened the lid. Dara got frozen on her spot with her fingers still tangled in her shampoo-lathered hair. GD casually pulled down his pajama to his knees and began to pee.  




And of course for the umpteenth time, Dara saw his exposed thing dangling there and creating a trajectory of pee to the toilet.




And in a matter of few seconds Dara covered as much skin as she could before bombarding the whole house with her deafening, mind-blowing and boombasting screech,









She screamed so loud that the whole neighborhood definitely awoke from their sleep and of course made the alien in front of her startled and awoke fully.




GD literally jumped at his spot and panicked because of Dara’s raucous outburst. He wasn’t able to finish his pee as he sprinted off the bathroom with his pajamas still at his knees. He was running around with his pajamas still at the same state and his arms flailing frantically.




“AHHHHHHHH WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED!?!!!” he also screamed as he ran around the house.




It took plenty of seconds before Dara’s shriek subsided. And when it was over, GD tried to approach the bathroom again. But of course, he had some time to pull his pajama up first before going there.




He found the door close and he knocked on it.




“Dara?” he asked worriedly. Why did Dara blasted like that a while ago? Did she something horrible? Why does she keep screaming whenever they see each other at the bathroom? Those were the questions running inside GD’s mind.




“GO AWAY!!! DON’T YOU DARE OPEN THAT FREAKING DAMN DOOR AGAIN!!!!” Dara shouted as she warned him. GD backed away at her yet again another outburst.




GD’s eyebrows formed one line, why was she so grumpy? He just pouted and produced a vibrating sound with his lips before walking away. He just went to the dining room. At least his favorite bread and milk wouldn’t be as grumpy as Dara, right?










Dara and GD were now sitting across each other as they had breakfast. The atmosphere was very awkward between them. Especially on Dara’s part because she was the one who ‘knows’ while GD was ‘oblivious’ about what just happened.




Dara couldn’t even bring herself to look up and give GD even a glance for her cheeks would surely turn to a deep shade of red. She actually wasn’t even sure if GD saw something and she was damn itching to ask. But that would make the atmosphere more awfully awkward. And bringing that topic up would be very embarrassing.




Nonetheless, her tongue was just too tactless and it began to speak by its own.



“W-what did you see?” she asked grimily as she forked a piece of bacon and deposited it inside .




GD, oblivious and innocent Martian he was, didn’t know the situation he was currently in. And answered honestly.




“Well, I saw your buttocks hehe and they look chubby kekeke. Mine’s not as chubby as yours” his face saddened for a while before giggling after comparing their asses.








“Waahh!!” she whined and suddenly kicked GD hard under the table.




“OUCH!! Why did you kick me??” he cried out as he aided his legs.




Dara could only frown at him and at the same time she was a bit guilty because she might have kicked him terribly.




“Y-you shouldn’t have said out loud what you saw!” Dara complained though guilt was slowly eating her up.




“But you asked me! So I just answered!” he retorted back and plastered a sad look on his face as he rubbed his legs.




But seriously, what does a Martian like him know about what just happened? For him, maybe that was nothing, but then Dara and GD were two different species and meeting at the same point was difficult especially like in this kind of situation.




Dara heaved a deep sigh before she spoke,




“I’m sorry, does it still hurt?” she apologized meekly and couldn’t help to ask if his legs were still hurt.




“It’s okay… It’ll be okay don’t worry. I’m a Martian, am I not?” and with just that, GD was back to his high spirits.




“J-just don’t do that again, okay?” Dara confined.




“Do what?” he innocently asked.




“Like..uh..It’s…ugh!” Dara couldn’t collect the right words and kept on fumbling.




“You can do it…” GD encouraged shyly. And Dara snorted before her lips formed into a smile with what he said.




“It’s just, a guy shouldn’t see a woman’s body and vise-versa. That’s only allowable when they’re married or some sort like that..” Dara awkwardly lectured.








“Married or Marriage is when a man and a woman promise to God and to each other that they’ll love each other and stick together until forever.”




“Oh...and I saw your body and we aren’t even married!” he gasped.




“And you also saw mine before!” he added, making Dara embarrassed more than ever.




“Could you not say those things again and again!?” Dara blushed hard as she tried to look somewhere else but him.




“Oops sorry…maybe we should get married so things would be easier”  GD suggested.




Dara stoned at her seat,








“Im outta here” she spoke rigidly before taking a deep breath and abandoning GD and the dining table. She’d surely turn loco if she stayed there.




GD just arched a brow, was his idea bad? He thought.




“Where are you going??” GD shouted for Dara to hear as she was just a few steps away from the exit




“School!” Dara yelled back. In just a second, GD was already in front of her. WOAW HOW’D HE DO THAT !?




“D-did you just teleport??” Dara asked with widened eyes.




“You mean Buluguh? Yeah, I can do that but for shot distances only” he clarified.




“So, you’re going to school again? Can I come?” he pouted cutely and showed her his puppy eyes.




‘Now, where did this Martian learn that strategy, huh?’Dara asked in her mind.









GD’s attempt was a failure and his face saddened. He’s gonna be alone here in this house again for another number of hours.




‘I thought doing that works? Aish! I shouldn’t have believed to that TV show! That Liar!!’




“Be good” said Dara and patted his head before opening the door and leaving the house.




GD turned around and faced the living room. Now he’s stuck here again together with the couch and the TV. He sighed before he walked and plopped himself in the couch.














When Dara came to school her friends quickly approached her,




“Dara!!” Bom called as she launched to her.




“Bommie, hi!” Dara greeted.




“Ya, you didn’t go home with us yesterday and I also learned you didn’t go with Youngbae oppa either!” Chaerin spoke which made Dara’s smiling face faltered.




Dara gasped as she got reminded of what she and Youngbae had talked about last week. They were supposed to hang out after school and she totally forgot because of the Martian!




Dara’s bit her lower lip and flashed an apologetic smile to her friends




“Hehe m-mianhae…I just..uh.. really needed to go home early c-coz of some important s-stuff..” she stammered as she explained without having eye contact with any of her friends.




“Aigoo, and what “important stuff” is that?” Chaerin pried out and raised her brow at Dara.




“H-huh?” Dara said nervously. She can’t definitely just tell them about GD! Because their reaction would either be, they’ll get totally surprised or they’ll just laugh at it and won’t believe her.




But luckily, before Dara gets her more fried on the hot seat, her prince charming came into the scene to save her.




“Hi Dara” Yougbae greeted together with his infamous eye smile. All the heads of the girls turned to look at his direction.




“Y-youngbae oppa” Dara greeted back with a taint of pink on her cheeks. Her friends who were at her side had a huge grin on their faces as they watched the two greet each other. Of course they knew Dara has a crush on Youngbae. And it was times like this that the three friends wanted to tease Dara so so soooo much. For Dara would always be like a nervous and clumsy super red tomato. She always blushed and tensed whenever Yougbae is near.




“Uh..I think I need to go to the washroom..hehe” Minzy spoke out. She didn’t actually need to go to the comfort room but she just wanted to leave Dara and Youngbae alone together.




“Oh! I think I need to go there too!” CL joined Minzy as she looped her arm together with Minzy’s.




“Oh and Bommie-ah! Isn’t it that you have to get something in your locker?” Chaerin asked. And honestly, Bom really had nothing to get from her locker.




“Ah yes! Yes!” Bom lied as she rode in her friends’ plan. She also linked arms with Minzy. And now they were standing side by side with linked arms and with Minzy at the center.




“Okay, We’ll just see you at the classroom, nae?” Bom said before pulling her friends away. And they secretly chuckled as their ‘plan’ succeeded.




Dara’s face slowly turned into a frown as her friends decide to leave without including her. What the hell was happening, she thought.




“Ya!...Bommie! Chaerin! Minzy-ya!!.... Hey guys!! Where are you going!! Yaaaa!!” she called out as her friends continued to walk.




Then when they were already a few steps away, Chaerin looked over her shoulders just to tell Yougbae something,




“Oppa! Please walk her to our room later, nae?”  then the three mischievous girls giggled again as they walked away. Dara on the other hand, frowned more but at the same time can’t help not to blush with what Chaerin said.




“Sure, no problem!” Youngbae agreed and Dara, upon hearing his answer couldn’t get any redder at the moment. She was officially a human tomato now.








 Dara awkwardly turned around to face Youngbae and even tripped a bit on her own untied shoelace when she stepped on it unconsciously. Luckily, Youngbae was able to catch her elbow.




“Hey, are you alright?” Youngbae asked as he lightly chuckled at her clumsiness.




“Ah..y-yes” she stuttered and smiled at him in a nervous manner.




‘Aigoo Dara-ya!! You are really embarrassing!! Aish!’




Dara gasped when Yougbae suddenly stooped down and his hand reached to her shoes to tie her untied shoelace. She was speechless at the super sweet act! Her heart was beating erratically and breathing became harder than ever. She looked down at Youngbae lovingly with her clasped hands against her chest.




‘No one dare ruin this moment! I feel like Cinderella right now! Kekeke’ Dara thought dreamily




“There, so you wouldn’t trip again” Youngbae announced and tapped her foot. Then he stood straight in front of her, with his cheeky smile still not leaving his face.




At this moment, you could imagine Dara almost melting.




“Th-thanks” she managed to say. Then Youngbae began to walk and of course Dara followed.




And there was awkwardness as they walked side by side along the school’s hall. Both were thinking on what possible topic they could talk about to pop the awkward bubble.












They began at the same time, and they chuckled at this.




“Alright, you go first” Youngbae let Dara speak first.  Dara nodded as she agreed.








“So..about yesterday…” she started and tried to look at Youngbae sideways to see his reaction. And she saw he was just looking ahead with a small curve on his lips as he silently listened to her.




“I’m sorry, I forgot about it…” she bowed her head as she apologized.




He stopped in his tracks which also made her stop. He then looked at her and flashed her a smile,




“It’s alright...but then you have to make it up for me” he said and patted her head. And for another time, Dara was surprised with that gesture making her breath hitch.




“ what should I do to make it up for you?” Dara quickly collected herself together and managed to ask.




“We should carry on with our ‘hang out’ today, after class” Yougbae answered.




And Dara was glad that though she had forgotten about their hang out, Youngbae was still on with it! Aigoo, she almost thought she lost her chance.




“Sure! That would be great!” Dara said too enthusiastically, that her excitement became obvious. She quickly covered her talkative mouth and looked down again due to embarrassment. But Youngbae just chuckled at her cuteness.




“So, I’ll see you later after class, arraso?” Youngbae confirmed and Dara looked up a little just to give him a nod. And she also noticed that they were already in front of her classroom.




“Annyeong” he bid goodbye




“Annyeong” she replied meekly. And to Dara’s surprise Youngbae suddenly pinched one of her cheeks. Just as when she was to look up to him fully, he had already turned his back around and had set on his feet.




Dara smiled inwardly with her palm touching her pinched cheek. She giggled to herself and scurried her way inside her room.




Ah, now she was more than excited to meet Youngbae after class.










“Oops Sorr—HEY! BRO! WHAT’S UP!” as Youngbae and Dara were walking along the busy district of Myeongdong, a high school guy accidentally bumped on Youngbae. And when they met each other’s stares, the man who bumped Youngbae recognized him quickly and soon, Youngbae also recognized the other man.




“Yongdeuk? Man, it’s you!” Youngbae greeted and manhandled the other guy. Meanwhile, Dara just stood behind Youngbae as he had a mini reunion with that guy who seemed to be his old friend.




Dara just awkwardly smiled there and felt a bit left out as the two guys began to engage themselves into a small talk Youngbae became too preoccupied with his “unexpected get-together”  with his old friend that he kind of forgotten about Dara.




So Dara, just stepped a bit further away from them and just busied herself looking around. As her eyes roamed, she spotted a shop which sells undergarments and clothes for guys, At first she looked away and didn’t give the shop any attention but then she suddenly got reminded of GD who was still borrowing her clothes. Her eyes gazed back to that shop and unconsciously she began walking towards it.




Until she was standing just exactly in front of the shop’s glass window,




“Kekeke cute” she mumbled to herself as she pointed at the mannequin wearing a green shirt with Mike Wazowski of Monsters Inc printed at the center.




Then her gaze went down and her eyes widened when she saw the mannequin wearing a matching brief. It also had the same cartoon character printed at the middle and it was also green.




She pursed her lips as she tried to contain her chuckle.




‘I wonder how he’d look like with that matching shirt and brief kekeke. Cuuute!!’




‘W-wait wait, what the hell am I thinking?! I shouldn’t be thinking about that Martian, I should be thinking about—‘




“Dara” Youngbae suddenly popped out from Dara’s back.




‘—Y es, Youngbae oppa!’




“Uh..O-oppa” Dara replied back as she turned around to look at him.




“I’m sorry for making you wait...I didn’t expect to see Yongdeuk here, really. Mianhae” Youngbae apologized as he scratched his nape.




Dara smiled at him and said, “It’s okay”




“ you want something to buy in there?” Youngbae asked as he looked pass Dara’s shoulder and tried to check out the shop Dara was looking at a while ago.




“H-huh? No, nothing! Hehe uh le-let’s go! I think I want to have some tteokbokki!” Dara blocked Youngbae’s view and pushed him lightly away from the shop.




‘Eh? A men’s shop?’ Youngbae questioned himself




Youngbae raised a brow as he suddenly found Dara weird. At the end he just slipped it off and let Dara push him away.




“Uh..okay..” he mumbled and Dara nervously laughed as she pulled him towards the food vendor.




As they were walking, Youngbae secretly gave the shop a last look before he shrugged and focused his attention back to Dara.














Uwaaaaa!! Where did that Earthling go?? Why is she still not here!! She should be home by this time, hmp. I’m really gonna scold her once she enters this very lair! I mean house!!




I flopped myself on the couch for the nth time and stared at the TV. Gah, I’m really really bored huhu.




I stood up from the couch again because I just cant contain myself there and sit like a good patient martian. I marched to the windows to check again if Dara was coming home. I carefully moved the hem of the curtain a little to the side and made a tiny hole where I can peep.




Ah!! Finally!! She’s here and she has company!! WAIT! DARA HAS COMPANY???




My brows connected as I watched Dara walking together with that man with a weird hair do. What the hell is wrong with his hair…why is hair only at the middle? Tsk, and why does he have small eyes and why does he always smile at Dara and why is he with her and why…Okay enough with the Why’s.




I gawked at them with squinted eyes. Ah, this earthling got home late and forgot about me because she’s with this human guy! Aigoo. Did she not know that I almost died because of boredom */uh..oh…help..…handsome martian…dying…/* Okay okay, enough with my drama. Meh! I’m still mad at her, hmp!




I was staring rather glaring at them intently as they stood in front of the house, Dara’s back was facing my side and I have a complete vision of that weirdo’s face. Ugh, I wish I could hear what they were talking about—OOPS, No. eavesdropping is bad said my parents and Disney Junior.




*GASPS* I quickly shoved the hem of the curtain to its proper place when I thought I saw that weirdo small eyes guys diverted his gaze to my direction. Oh no! Did he see me?




I slid my back down until my reached the floor and my back leaned against the wall under the window pane. I tired to imitate those guys on action films, when they’re hiding from an enemy. Kekeke I feel cool…GD it’s not time to feel cool y’know




HECK YES COZ DARA WOULD FRY MY WHICH WHEN SHE FINDS OUT THAT THAT WEIRDO SMALL EYES GUY SAW ME!! Huhu no one would help me build my ship anymore! Nooooooo!!




Aish, so here’s the picture. Dara have been constantly reminding me that I should never ever get out of this house and never make myself seen by other people unless she tells me to do so. She also told me that the time when I sprinted out to the streets the day after my arrival here on Earth would be my first and last cameo in the outside world. Well, I don’t even know what ‘cameo’ really but Im guessing it means appearance? Meh, Anyway, her idea was to keep me from the eyes of other people to avoid tons of questions and of course to avoid trouble. Because when I get out there, there will totally be a huge probability that my true identity would be discovered. But I asked her, how about Mrs. Gu and the kids, they saw me, right? And she said, It will be fine. What those humans knew was that I am her “Boyfriend”. She explained to me. Okay, whatever Boyfriend means. But I think I also have to make a research on that word. So back to the real topic, My martian identity should be kept as a secret. A secret that should only be known between the two of us.











“Uh Dara..Aren’t your brothers at the province right now?” Youngbae asked Dara as he stretched his neck to look past Dara and check again at the window. He swear, he just saw something moved there!




“H-huh? Yes…Why do you ask?” Dara nervously asked as she watched Youngbae examine her house.




“Coz I saw something or someone moved the curtain” he stated and returned his gaze back to Dara.




Dara’s eyes widened a bit with what he said. She knew who might that someone/something be. She frowned a little at the thought,




That Martian, I’m gonna fry his later!




“Is there someone else staying in your house right now?” Youngbae inquired.




“Wh-what? O-of course, No! Who else would stay there aside from me...hehe” Dara replied hastily and waved her hands in a motion which says no.




“Oh…Is that so?” Youngbae mumbled with a trace of doubt in his tone.




“You want me to come along inside so we could make sure you’re safe and no one had snuck in?” he added and was about to walk towards the door but Dara held him to a stop.




“No..No need! It’s okay, Maybe it was the just the wind which made the curtain move” Dara raised her brows up and down as she tried to make an excuse and reassured Youngbae.




“Oh and Oppa, isn’t it that we still have school tomorrow? You better get going now so you could rest. I-I’ll see you tomorrow, nae? Annyeong!” Dara quickly changed the topic to avoid further “interrogations” from Youngbae. She turned around and headed swiftly to her house’s porch. Before she entered the house, she waved goodbye to Youngbae first and made sure he had turned his back and started walking away.




When she knew it was safe to enter the house, she quickly fished her keys from her pocket and when she got it she inserted the key to the key hole then turned the knob to open the door.




Then she rapidly barged inside her house and slammed the door close.




“YA MARTIAN!?” she yelled. Then she heard a whimper from the side. She turned her head to that direction and saw GD sitting on the floor hugging his knees. He plastered a very innocent smile on his face which was like saying, “I’m a good kid and I didn’t do anything bad”




“H-hi Dara” he stammered nervously.




“YOU!!!” Dara was about to attack GD but he was quick and he scampered away.




“AHHHH!! MIANHAE!!!” GD repeated like a ritual as he got chased by Dara.






Before Youngbae reached the corner of Dara’s block, he gave her house one final glance then turned away.




Was it just him or was there really something strange about Dara…




He thought to himself as he walked towards the bus stop. But for the meantime, he chose not to entertain his idea…just yet. 




Hello :) It's been a while hehe.

Please dont be mad at me T-T here's a very long update hehe :)

so i hope u guys liked it :D AND *GASPS* HUNDRED AND FIVE SUBBIES :O :O :O

GEEE THANKS!!! \(^o^)/ thanks also for the comments!! ahjumma is happy~ :3





@gothiclolita: Yes he is @-@ Aw thank you im glad you like it <333
Yes i am!! *waves at you with a tarsier on my shoulder* lels XD OH DEAR
ME TOO IM SO FREAKING EXCITED T-T huhu see you there?? yes? yes!! ^o^
@gubuchanchan: kekeke sory again and sure no biggie :)
LOL HEHEHE. Dont worry he'll get more 'mature' as time goes by.
But of course his kiddie side would do cameos at some points.XD
Hm...i hope so too :( Sorry took me years to update ToT
@sugue__: *creys a bucket* yes oh yes i should get a vip ticket too.
have u heard bt the rumor? that the vip ticket costs 15K? LIKE 15
FREAKING K!?!? that's just too expensive :(( 
HEHEHE CUTE AND SQUISHY, YES? :3 i want to see ji in pajamas, like cute
pjs huhu :( *deprived ahjumma ToT*
@yuukiechan: XDD breathe in breathe out :O keke. huhuhuu, yeah! ji why
are you so frikkin cuuuute *O* *cheek grab* lels XDD
@Oh2ne1: First of all, Im sorry i forgot to place the story banner 
u made me last time huhuhu sorry. i was so much in a hurry when i 
posted that chap T-T dont worry dear it wont happen again, forgive me? :(
Anyway, isnt she too lucky? hmp! kekeke XP
@bubble_hearts: ME TOOOO!! *squeals with you* Kyaaaaaa!! :3 Hehehe
poor but at the same time lucky darong :| huhu keke. im sorry for this
very very late update T-T
i have a gift for you guys:
credits to macro owner


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thanks!! ppyong~


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so i checked this fic and i saw that chap 10 had this 'M' stuff. GUYS THIS AINT RATED ORYT? idk what happened TOT btw, i fixed it already so yeah hehe


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 12: Pls don't abandoned this story authornim ❤️
Dhize4ever #2
Chapter 12: Authornim why you didn't update this story? Please update soon. I like it.
Maria0801 #3
Chapter 12: ommo.. will u update this one, author-nim? i find it cute~
Denise97 #5
Chapter 12: Omoo i thought it was complete already.. Please update :( I wanna see jiyongiee realize his feelings
Mayrah20_5 #6
pleaseeee updateee soon :(
Sara_yong #7
Chapter 12: I just read this story, and I freaking love it!! Update soon author-nim, nae?…♡♡
Chapter 12: awwww....poor jiyongie...mean dara is mean...:(
Chapter 12: OMG! You finally updated! :D
Aigooo... Jiyong don't leave Dara! Youngbae was rejected and you have the opportunity. Aigoo AIGOOO~ just hope that He won't leave Dara or Youngbae won't even think twice to get back Dara. :">