My Boyfriend Is From Mars

ohayooo. i missed all of you ;A; so i made a very long chapter for the semi-hiatus i had.

***Oh and I'd like to thank and give kloyola a very big and cozy bear hug for the poster she made for this fic!! 
kyaaaaa thanks so much chingu-ah~ ^O^ it's so beautiful! :A; xoxo keke :p

enjoy this! and sorry for the errors you'll spot :D








After learning that GD was already taken, old lady Jung wasn’t that ‘warm’ towards him anymore.


We can say that Ms. Jung had that kind of behavior because until now, she was still desperately hoping that she would find her special somebody. That explains why she was acting all that, er… ‘affectionate’ towards GD. So when she learned that GD is Dara’s boyfriend, she returned back to her grumpy and snobbish self.


“Now, I called all of you so you could introduce yourselves with our new librarian. His name is Kwon Jiyong. Ssandara brought him here. From now on, he’ll be working with us and now that there are five of you, I’m expecting for a better output. Arraso?” Ms Jung said in front of her librarians.


“Yes, Ms Jung” they all answered.


“Go introduce yourselves to each other and make sure to go back to your own work as soon as you finish. Clear?”


They all nodded in response.


 “I’ll be in my office” those were the old lady’s last word before making her way to her nook.







When the old lady had completely left and entered her office, Luna, one of my co-librarians, quickly went to my side and asked,


“Omo! Unnie, is he your boyfriend?” WOAW WHAT? I was surely taken aback by my dongsaeng’s question. Well you can’t blame me, I’m still having a hard time adjusting with this stupid set up!


Yeah yeah, I know this was all due to my own fault. I made my neighbors believe that Jiyong is my boyfriend for the reason that we have to keep his true identity. But I didn’t expect that that lie would reach up to this far! I didn’t know that my stupid idea would give birth to numerous more complications. Now I’m left with no choice but to live up with this lie that I had started.


Dara scratched her head before replying a very small “Ye-yes hehe”


“Chincha?? He’s so hot!!” Luna fan girled discreetly and whispered her unacceptable opinion about Jiyong to my ears. My jaws automatically dropped at what she said. HOT??! THAT ANNOYING MARTIAN, YOU SAY? Oh please, are you kidding me? /gives GD a look/ Look at him! He’s just\...cute and…slightly..just slightly attractive—Aish! Fine he’s handsome..but still, he’s not hot!


Next thing I know, Luna had already approached Jiyong and she had started introducing herself to him,


“Annyeong Jiyong-ssi! I’m Luna, and I’m very glad to meet you especially that you’re my unnie’s boyfriend. Keke you guys really look good together!” Luna gushed as she looked at me then back to Jiyong. She then offered her hand for a handshake.


Believe me when I say I really saw Luna’s eyes sparkle.  She’s just too smitten with this stuff, /sigh only if she know all of these are just pretense.


“Hi Luna, it’s nice to meet you too.” GD took her hand and flashed her a toothy smile.


 “You really think we look good together?” GD asked with a happy face. What the hell?! What’s up with this Martian?!


And this good for nothing dongsaeng quickly nodded in agreement. Ugh. Facepalm.


“As a matter of fact, I think you two are match made from heaven!” Luna added with clasped hands and dreamy eyes. Double. Face. Palm.


“Oh my gawd, Luna. Will you stop with all that gushiness and just step aside and go to your work.” Now, lemme guess who just spoke, that was sooo Jessica. Just by hearing how those words were spoken and placed in a sentence, I’m very definite that’s Jessica.


Jessica stepped in front and pushed Luna aside. Voila~ see I’m correct, It’s Jessica.


“YA!” Luna reacted and Jessica only shrugged her shoulders at her. Tsk, that woman is really y! I hate her to the core.


Luna then just went back to my side and we glared at the bad-mannered girl together.


“HI Jiyong. My name’s Jessica and if ever you need assistance in work, I’d be very pleasured to help you.” she said and tried to sound very adorable. Very fake tch.


GD smiled a little and nodded his head at her then just said, “Okay, Jessica” HA! HAHAHA! IN YOUR FACE!! Okaayyy, I don’t even know why I’m so happy.


“Ooh! Did you not notice? Our names both start with J, isn’t that cute?” I frowned at what she said. Jessica was just really an attention like that and she just really had to say that though we don’t actually even care. And so what if both their names start with J? Tch, If she just knew I just made up Jiyong’s name, tsk! Grr!


Then in between my thoughts I heard someone whispered to me,


“Yikie, Jealous~” my frown deepened at that comment. When I turned to look at who said that, I found out that it was Luna and I also noted that she was sending me teasing looks. What the?? I AM NOT FREAKING JEALOUS OKAY? Tch.


“Ya, Jessica. Jiyong already has a girlfriend…” Wooyoung finally came in the scene and spoke his words. If I may add, words of enlightenment especially reserved for a woman named Jessica.


“..who’s standing together with us right now and is boring holes into your head” Wooyoung added and I unconsciously nodded my head in agreement.


Then not long after, I realized what I was doing and shot Wooyoung a look.


“That’s not true!!” I defended myself. I wasn’t boring holes on that irritating girl! I was just staring intently at her, okay? Those are two different things..right? RIGHT. But still, no one reacted as if I didn’t even speak. Wow people, thanks sooo much!


Nonetheless. Jessica stopped her flirting attempts and could only roll her eyes. Coz Wooyoung is cool like that. He has this authoritative aura that makes us obey to some of his commands.


“Whaat?” Wooyoung asked me innocently as I glared at him. As if he didn’t know why I’m looking at him this way!


“I was just saying the truth, tsk. Ya, Jiyong, I think you should teach your girlfriend how to control her temper. Anyway, I’m Wooyoung.”  Wooyoung snickered and told GD that he should train me on how to control my temper. Aish! That guy!


GD chuckled as he nodded and said, “Nice to meet you, Wooyoung. Don’t worry, I will”


“YOU TWO!!” I can’t help but interrupt. They were teaming up on me!


Wooyoung chuckled too and gave GD a manly tap on the shoulder before dismissing all of us.


And so we all went back to our work. The number of people coming in the library thickened so I became a bit busier. Not to mention, I also had to guide GD a little with some tasks. Good thing, he was a very fast learner.


Oh and of course I and GD bickered occasionally as we did our work. Our constant bickering made me not notice the time and the stressful work I had to do. Fine, I admit I’m sort of thankful that GD was around. If not because of him, today would have been another boring and “snail-slow” day.


At the end of the day we received our pay from Ms Jung, except for GD coz apparently he just started working.











“What’s inside the envelop?” GD asked Dara while the two of them were walking their way to Dara’s truck because their day in the library had ended.


“Salary” Dara replied and opened the door to her truck before hopping in.


“Salary?” GD continued to ask as he also hopped in the car.


“Yeah. It’s the money you get for working. You’ll get your own soon, don’t worry.”  Dara replied as she started the engine.


“What do you then after receiving your salary?”


“Some use it to buy stuffs, while some just save it. I’m one of those who save.”


Jiyong nodded in understanding and remained silent in his seat after.


The car began to move and in no time they were already on the road. The silence still lingered and it started to bother Dara. So after a few more minutes Dara began giving GD glances because it was just so unusual for GD to be silent and settled in one spot for a long period of time.


“Hey, is there something wrong? Did you get so tired?”  she worriedly asked.


“Anniyo” Jiyong responded with a pout as he looked outside with his nose pressed on the window.


“Then why do you look so…not energetic?”




A weird growl was suddenly heard which made Dara’s brows form into a line.


“What was that??”


“I think that was my tummy…” GD shyly admitted as he turned to look at Dara innocently.


“Wh-what?! Your tummy—AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG GD!” Dara was so shocked with his confession and at the same time found it very funny so she began cracking up in a pit of laughter.


“YA!!” GD frowned at her and tucked his arms together.


“Pft, I didn’t mean for my tummy to growl like that! I’m just really…hungry already. Aish, I hate you!” he declared and turned his back from her.


“Hey…okay, I’ll stop. I’ll stop now. Don’t be mad, I’m sorry” Dara tried to stop her laugh and wiped the tears that had formed on the rim of her eyes.


GD still didn’t budge.


Dara poked his shoulder while she was controlling the wheel and said Sorry once again.


“Yaaa, Jiyongieee. Oh come on, I’ll buy you any food you like” and because he was hungry, he slowly went back to sit properly and faced her. Dara smiled when she saw him give in.


“Fine. But…” he trailed off with again another pout.


“But?” Dara asked.


“Where are we going to get the money that we’ll spend?” he inquired.


“Where else but from my salary” she answered.


“But you said, you’re saving” he reminded what she said to him earlier.


“This happens just once in awhile, so it’s okay. Ayo, you worry too much, just trust me okay? We’ll feed that very hungry tummy of yours, nae?” she cheerily remarked and ended with a giggle as she remembered how loud his tummy growled.


“Ehhh, stop teasing me! Aish, anyway…alright, whatever you say…I’m just so hungry now so please drive faster!” he demanded to her. Dara just let out a another chortle at his command and playfully said,


“Yes your highness!”


Dara then sped off and drove the car to the night market.








After a very long night spent at the night market, Jiyong was surely left damn worn out. The two of them didn’t just eat a lot but they also strolled around to buy him his own set of clothes.








My tummy is so full but I swear to Mars, that place where we ate was the best! I wish Dara would bring me there again. And when she does, I’ll make sure that my tummy is clean empty so that I could eat all their food. Especially that yummy brown meat! Hm…I think it’s called...beef? Yeah! I’ll fill my tummy with that yummy brown tender beef~


Dara did not only treat me to dinner, we also went shopping for clothes. She bought me my own set of clothes so that I won’t have to borrow her or her brother’s clothes.


I also enjoyed doing that because I had the chance to pick my own choice of clothes. It’s not that I don’t like Dara’s, as a mater of fact I like her clothes they’re so cute, just like me! But anyway, it’s still good to have my own, right?


When we bought my clothes, at first, Dara was the only one picking garments for me. But I joined in doing the job especially when I didn’t like the clothing she picked for me.

There was this one time when I said to her that what she had picked looked terrible. She glowered at me and next thing I knew I earned a slap on the arm. That Earthling, hmp I was just being honest! But anyway, I still enjoyed everything we did today. I wish we could always do this keke.


When we reached home, I straightly went to the bedroom and left Dara downstairs. I heard her call my name and I know she was going to ask me to carry the things we had bought but I’m really tired and very sleepy. My eyes resembled the hole of a piggy bank and I couldn’t even walk properly anymore. All I wanted to do was to let myself fall to bed and snore my way to sleep. So I ignored her and pursued what I wanted to do.


“MARTIAN!!!!” I heard her voice rang inside the house.


“I’m sleepy…” I mumbled in reply though it wont definitely reach Dara’s ear.


Once I reached the Dara’s bedroom and had opened the door, the only thing that my vision could see was the glorious bed. My feet automatically headed its way there and I literally dropped myself on the fluffy and warm bed.


I finally closed my eyes and not so long I was already in dreamland, dreaming about myself eating all the beef here on Earth.









I can’t believe that Martian went all his way to the bedroom leaving me here! He’s not the only one who got tired, I did too! /tears. Grr, Do me a favor? Please remind me to kick his first thing in the morning.


After making sure that I have already locked all the doors and checked everything, I decided to take a shower first before turning into bed. When I finished, I changed into my pajamas then lastly went to my bedroom to finally sleep.


To my dismay, I found out that I couldn’t sleep yet coz this certain freaking martian was soundly sleeping on MY bed already. I took in a sharp intake of breath before shuffling my way to where that Martian named GD was lying down.


“GD” I called and shook his arm to wake him up.


“Beubeuuf…hmm…awm awm..” he murmured.


Uh what? Was he speaking his Martian language again?


“Ya…GD, wake up. You’re sleeping on my bed!” I husked and continued shaking him.


“Yum….Beef….d-don’t…goo…” he continued to talk in his sleep. And did I just hear him say, Beef? LOL he was dreaming of food!


I giggled a little because that was kind of cute. But still, I won’t be taken away by his cuteness!


I placed both my hands on his shoulder that wasn’t lied against the bed and was about to push and roll him off my bed when he suddenly took one of my arm in his grasp and pulled it.


“Beeeeefeuu” I hear him murmured as he pulled my arm.


“Kyaa!” I shrieked and closed my eyes because I know I was going to fall. When I felt the impact of hitting something beneath me, I slowly opened my eyes and looked at where I landed.


My eyes widened when I saw that I was on top of GD. So I quickly regained my strength. I attempted to push myself up but failed miserably because Jiyong had his arm looped around me.


Oh dear God why are you doing this to meeee? I really want to sleep now huhu.


I tried to get out of his hold and pushed myself away but though how much I tried I ended up to no prevail. It’s just so surprising that even if I had been frisky and quite noisy, this Martian still didn’t woke from his sleep. Well congrats to him, he just outdid Snorlax of Pokemon in doing the sleeping job.


“Gahhh GD, why wont you wake up” I burbled as I dropped my head on his chest in defeat. My eyes were already heavy and they started to flutter but I still tried to muster all my might to stop them from closing. However my eyes were just really uncontrollable and stubborn.


“Jiyong…” that was the last thing I said before slumber had completely engulfed me.








The next morning…


/shift shift


My forehead creased and my nose scrunched a bit when I felt something shift a little beneath me. Nevertheless, I continued to sleep because I’m still too sleepy to entertain whatever is that thing shifting under me.


So I snuggled and hugged whatever this huggable stuff I was hugging, it was just too warm and huggable to resist. I didn’t even know I had this stuff in my bedroom.


/shake shake


After a couple of minutes, I felt myself being shaken and I groaned in response. Can’t this disturber see that I’m peacefully sleeping here?! Tch.


“Ya Eartthling! I can’t moooooveeeee” Eh? Did I just hear GD speak in my dreams?


A little more later after that, I felt my body being pushed away from the huggable and warm stuff I was hugging.


Seriously, what is the problem of this disturber who wants me to wake up from my comfy slumber?!


 “Wake up. Waaah! You’re so heavy I could die any moment now..!!”


How dare this disturber call me heavy??!


I stirred from my sleep and slowly opened my eyes with a scowl on my face. To my utter shock I found my head lying on somebody’s chest and when I looked down I saw my arms were sinfully wrapped around to this somebody who’s located just right under me.


I gulped at the realization that, all that time I was hugging a person and not just a mere non living object! Shame on me, this is so embarrassing! I even said in my sleep it was huggable!


“Don’t you have no plans on releasing me?” My eyes clasped close when I hear somebody spoke. And I swear I died when I recognized whose voice was that, when I knew who that somebody was.


But still, my faith is strong. This is just a dream, right? RIIIIGHT? It couldn’t be GD. Could it?


There’s only one way to find out.


I lifted my head with my eyes still closed. ‘Alright, this is it’


I slowly, very slowly opened my eyes and when they’re completely open, my eyes met another pair of orbs. I gulped,




“ARE YOU NOT THINKING?! YOU’RE THE ONE ON TOP OF ME!” he yelled back and I realized that he was right, I was the one on top. Oh Dara, how more stupid can you get?


“Oops” I just meekly muttered as I awkwardly moved off him. And when I did, he let out a big sigh as If I was a very heavy burden lifted off him. I frowned once again, I’m not fat!


“Ahh at last…I thought I broke some of my bones” he whispered but I was able to hear it so I slapped the side of his shoulder. I’m not fat!!!


“Ow! Why did you hit me?”


“Because you’re saying I’m fat”


“I didn’t say anything like that!”


“But you were implying it!”


“I was not!”


I rolled my eyes when I knew this was going no where.


“Gahhh whatever! Just prepare yourself because we have work today” I declared as went down the bed.


“In the Library?” he asked with a goofy expression on his face. Darn, this Martian enjoys doing library work so much.


“Yeah” I answered as I crawled out of the bed and headed to the door while GD also followed behind me.


“Yippie!!” he rejoiced. Then we went down to have breakfast and get ourselves ready for our work.








“Erghh,  I don’t understand how to get the vertex of this freaking parabola! Ugh!” I hissed out frustratingly.


So here I am, sitting in one of the tables in the library and stuck in this particular math problem just because I can’t really understand how to get the vertex of this certain math question.


So apparently, I also have work during Saturdays. To budget time, I always bring my books and school materials here so that I can accomplish them here whenever I don’t have customers to attend to.


“I really hate you Math” I mumbled to the non-living object, which was the book,  with passion.


“Waeyo? Math is fun!” I heard someone spoke as that person sat beside me and joined me in my table. My eyes automatically turned into tiny slits. How dare that person boast his love for Math in my face!


I turned my head to look who was the culprit. Oh and talk about a Martian grinning like an idiot beside me!


“What do you know about math, Martian?” I retorted and made sure to keep my voice level in minimum.


“A lot!” he boasted more as he tried to take a peep of my homework.


“Whatever, I bet you don’t even have any idea about getting the parabola, the vertex, axis of symmetry…” I went on and flailed my hands in the air in the process. Just the mere thought of these terms makes me dizzy, gah!


“Ya, this one is so wrong!” I heard GD suddenly blurted, cutting me from my frustration. My head snapped to his direction and I discovered he wasn’t even listening to me awhile ago when I was ranting about my math dilemma.


I frowned at him and grabbed my book, “What are you talking about???” I questioned. No way there’s a mistake on my answer! I computed that well and thoroughly!


“Look at this, you said the vertex is (-3,6) but your graph is on the first quadrant when it’s supposed to be on the second.” I gasped at the realization and quickly grabbed my eraser to edit my mistake.


“You should be careful next time” he lectured me and I could just pout as I graphed the correct graph.


“Math is just really difficult.” I murmured and defended myself.


“Anniyo. Math isn’t difficult. You just need understanding and focus.” he then smiled at me.


I squinted my eyes…I’m still not convinced, hmp. “Really? How about you try answering this super ultra mega complicated math question over here?” I challenged him and shoved my darn thick math book in front of him.


“Sure!” he accepted the challenged joyfully. He grabbed my pencil and my scratch paper then after awhile he began scribbling stuffs.


I propped my elbows on the table and rested my chin on my palms as I watched him do that particular math problem.


My eyes widened as I saw his fast jotting movements. It’s as if a lot of ideas were clouding his mind that he wanted to put them down on the paper as quick as possible. And in a second I saw my once blank scratched paper filled with his hand writings and I was just like ‘Oh my gawd, RIP clean sheet of paper’


“Done!” he chirped and showed me his solution.


I took a look at what he did and honestly, I was dumbstruck when I saw how he did it. Like seriously, his answer was definitely correct! I can’t even…. I bet he could even out job my math teacher when he tries to study in my school!


“How did you do this…?” I asked him incredulously.


“Not because I’m a Martian that it follows I don’t know anything about Math. We study in Mars too you know” he stated to me.


“It’s just that we were taught in a different way…like in a Martian way. Nonetheless the main concepts are still there and the same” he added.


Hmm..if that’s the case…maybe he could…


“Tutor me then!” I spoke out my very brilliant idea. Wahaha this is the problem to my long-lived misery on Math. And I can feel it, I really can! This problem is going to be solved in a couple of seconds.


“You mean..teach you?” he asked me and I quickly bobbed my head up and down.


“YEAH!!” I said excitedly.


I saw GD took time on deciding. He massaged his chin with his index finger and thumb. Oh come on, this is not a life and death sort of question! JUST SAY YESSSS.


He looked at me then after a bit while he followed with a short, “Okay!”


My face automatically smiled in rejoice and I threw my arms around GD in delight and even shook his body a little from left to right. And he hugged me back with a stupid grin on his face again. Oh well whatever, I’m just so happy kekeke. I’m going to be able to solve all those freakin mind clenching math problems very soon! HA!! GET READY ALL YOU DARN MATHEMATICIAN CLASSMATES!! THE REAL MATH WIZZARD IS COMING!!


“Can you like avoid showing too much PDA in here..” I heard someone blurted and popped my happy bubble in the process. I pulled out from the embrace and both me and GD looked at who that person was.


“Wooyoung, that wasn’t PDA” I clarified. Coz it really wasn’t!


“Well what d’ya call that ‘Hugging my boyfriend oh so tight in the library’ then?”  I just rolled my eyes at him but then this Martian just really had to but in and said,


“We’re just keeping ourselves warm!” he said confidently, trying to “defend our side”, and of course GD almost made Wooyoung choke to death with his fantastic comment.


“..hell yeah..” Wooyoung replied in between his stifled laugh and he gave me a mocking look before he walked away and explode into a huge pit of laughter in front of us. Gah, these are the times when I really don’t like Wooyoung! Aish!


“Did I do something wrong?” the martian beside me densely asked and I just gave him a sideway glance. Seriously, I don’t know if this creature beside me would cause my early death or my fortune.


“Nevermind that..just..just teach me Math now” I said and dismissed the subject. He was hesitant for a moment but at the end he began teaching me.







“There, that’s it…” GD remarked as he watched me solve the last math problem in my homework. And I smiled as I heard his comment.  It gave me a hint that I was acing on this part.


“Tada!” I cheered as I finished off with that number. I’m so happy! I never knew I’d be able to solve all these math stuffs!


I looked at GD with a huge toothy smile on my face. I can feel it, I’ll get an A+ on my next math tests. Good bye C’s! All thanks to my Martian tutor woot woot!!


He looked back at me with a gentle smile on his face then he suddenly reached out. Next thing I knew, I felt a hand ruffling my hair. When I looked up, I discovered it was GD’s hand which was ruffling my hair.


“You’ll do well in your exam” he assured me coolly with that handsome half-smile on his lips. And Jesus, I was mesmerized at how he looked at that moment that I couldn’t remove my gaze from him. He was handsome with all that flowers, sparkles and stars in the background like how you see it in movies.


“ *cough cough* Uh…excuse me…”  the moment got cut when a croaky  voice suddenly interrupted. I saw a nerdy guy standing in front of our table, with all the nerdy jumpsuit, yellow and red checkered bowtie, and the very gigantic black framed glasses. Nice one, man. Tch.


“Yeah?” I asked.


“Uh,.,can you help me find this book?” he said and showed me a crumpled paper with a book’s title written on it. I stood up from my chair and assisted the guy but before that I gave GD a BRB look and he just nodded.











When GD was left alone in the table, he got bored so he thought of  doing something. He stood up and decided to just help in the information desk.


The information desk was located near the entrance. GD walked his way there silently, careful not to disturb the readers in their own activities.


When he neared the counter, he was shocked to see a very familiar Mohawk guy entering the vicinity and he was being greeted by Wooyoung!


‘I remember that guy’ he thought.


Soon enough, their gazes met. Wooyoung called GD right after.


“Jiyong! Come over here!” GD stride to their direction.


“Youngbae, this is Jiyong. He’s new here…” Youngbae nodded in recognition and he didn’t remove his stare from GD as what the latter did as well.


“Jiyong, this is Youngbae, he’s a schoolmate and—“ GD cut in, not even letting Wooyoung finish.


“I know you” GD narrowed his eyes at Youngbae while Youngbae raised a brow at him in confusion.




“You were with Dara last time—oops..” GD halted in between his sentence when he realized he wasn’t supposed to say that out. He averted his stare and avoided Youngbae’s eyes. He was even attempting to run away but before he could even put that attempt into action, Youngbae spoke,


“Wait, How did you know that?” Youngbae inquired with bewilderment.


“Dude, He’s Dara’s boyfriend..” Wooyoung butted in. His statement got Youngbae shaken.


“Wh..what?” Youngbae can’t get anymore bewildered than this. While GD can’t get anymore nervous than ever on his spot. To top it all, Dara unexpectedly popped out and entered the scene.


“Ya Jiyongie, we’re not yet done with--" Dara's sentence was put into a halt as she gasped when she got surprised by the presence of the unexpected guest.


"Youngbae oppa?!" she half whispered in shock.



keke i read all you comments and it made my author heart go dokidokidok <333
thanks so much for all the support ^-^ 
i hope u guys liked the update =D
i promise to post the next chapter when i get to have some time XD

im sorry, i cant reply to yer comments right now.
there's just too much things to accomplish phew...
oh and can u guys do me a favor..?
can u please pray that ill be able to pass the college entrance exams that i'll be taking ;~~~; pweeease? :3
yes?? aw thank yeeewwww /huggggzzz

okiee ill see you guys when i see u hehe.

sorta impossible) FOR GD'S 2ND SOLO COMEBACK!! NAE? \(^O^)/

*sorry for the very long A/N. XD*
comment and subscribe? :D

ppyong~ <3
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Thank you!
so i checked this fic and i saw that chap 10 had this 'M' stuff. GUYS THIS AINT RATED ORYT? idk what happened TOT btw, i fixed it already so yeah hehe


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 12: Pls don't abandoned this story authornim ❤️
Dhize4ever #2
Chapter 12: Authornim why you didn't update this story? Please update soon. I like it.
Maria0801 #3
Chapter 12: ommo.. will u update this one, author-nim? i find it cute~
Denise97 #5
Chapter 12: Omoo i thought it was complete already.. Please update :( I wanna see jiyongiee realize his feelings
Mayrah20_5 #6
pleaseeee updateee soon :(
Sara_yong #7
Chapter 12: I just read this story, and I freaking love it!! Update soon author-nim, nae?…♡♡
Chapter 12: awwww....poor jiyongie...mean dara is mean...:(
Chapter 12: OMG! You finally updated! :D
Aigooo... Jiyong don't leave Dara! Youngbae was rejected and you have the opportunity. Aigoo AIGOOO~ just hope that He won't leave Dara or Youngbae won't even think twice to get back Dara. :">