My Boyfriend Is From Mars


warning: lotsa errors ahead










I was sitting on the couch with my arms crossed in front of me. Dara was having a hard time pushing and occasionally trying to carry the very huge box of books towards the exit door. And I on the other hand was just enjoying watching her suffer.




“Can you like give me a hand here instead of gawking at me!?” she demanded. Droplets of sweat were already trickling down her forehead as she pushed the box, exerting all her strength and her already ing upwards. Kekeke meh~




“Why would I?” I spat back and stuck a tongue out at her. She didn’t want me to tag along to the library, thus I shall not help her!




So the story goes like this, earlier this afternoon, when Dara stepped inside the house she stormed to her room and changed from her uniform to casual clothes quickly. I found her kinda weird, like what's with the hurry? When she got down, she quickly gathered all the books scattered in the living room and tossed them inside the huge box , the huge box which if you can remember was my very first shelter upon my landing here on Earth. I then approached her and tried to ask her what was happening. She faced me and said, “I have to deliver this to the library” I arched a brow and questioned what a library is. Then she told me it’s a place filled with lotsa books. And I was like, “Oooooh Wonderful! I want to go there!” but kill joy as Dara was, she said I cant come. What the heck! And that’s the story why I was acting all mean like this.




“Ugh! You mean martian!” she cried as she continued with her funny pushing stance. Seeing that pushing in that way was useless, she tried another position. Her back and palms were placed against the box then she began walking backwards. She groaned as she pushed. But though how much effort she put on pushing, nothing happened. Like duh! She’s so thin like a toothpick!




I sighed as I got swallowed by guilt. Alright alright, I’m going to help this walking toothpick now.




I got myself off the couch and stride to her direction. I stopped in front of the box, she was too busy pushing and didn’t even notice I was already in front of her.




“Ya face this way” I told her.




"Finally" She said as she turned to my way and rolled her eyes at me. What the? I’m already helping her and she still rolled her eyes at me? Seriously?




We both stooped down and scooped the box by its edges.




“Tch, you better thank me instead of rolling your eyes ya know” I mumbled to her as I help her carry the huge box with ease.




“Oh gee thanks so much!” she said sardonically




Tsk, anyway. We continued carrying the box towards the exit.




“Wow, the box suddenly felt lighter...” she muttered as she “carried” the box with me.




Okay to be honest, I’m the only one lifting all the weight. I just don’t want to tell her because she might feel bad.



“Well thanks to me and my kindness and therefore you’re bringing me to the library too!” I’m not giving up on this! I really want to go to the library huhu.




“No way! We’ve already talked about this GD” she answered.




“Waaahhhh!! I’m going to let you carry this all alone if you don’t bring me with you!” I threatened.




“Okay” she stated arrogantly. AH SHE’S TRYING ME, EH? OKAY THEN.




“ARLIGHT THEN ENJOY BEING SQUISHED!!” I exclaimed as I pretend to let go of the box but honestly I still held half the weight of the box with my vision by my alien powers.




Dara’s knees quickly buckled as I let her carry half the weight of the box. But before she could get really squished by the heavy thing, I took all the weight again with my hands and arms.  See how good of a Martian I am? I didn’t let her get squished lolol. Trolling right now.




“YAAAA!!! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!” she hollered as she widened her eyes at me. I can’t help but chuckle coz she looks funny right now though she’s mad.




“Of course not” I grinned innocently at her.




“So are you letting me come with you now?” I batted my eyelashes as I asked.




“No way! After what you—“




“Okay I’m letting you carry this all alone!”




“NO! NO! OKAY FINE YOU’RE COMING WITH ME!” she frustratingly said as I was about to jokingly let go of the box again.



A gigantic grin spread across my face, hooray for victory!! I’m going out of this ha-ha-hoooouuuuuse at last! After 454761987 years of being imprisoned here! Kekeke I can’t wait to see the library yey!




“But before we go there. You got to change, you can’t go out wearing my clothes”




“Why not?” I pouted, I like Dara’s clothes they’re comfy keke.




“Coz people might think you’re gay”




“Gay? Like happy?”




“Nope, like unicorn gay. Now come on, after we place this in the truck we’re gonna sneak out some of my brother’s clothes”




I shrugged, okay fine. As long as I’m going to the library then I’m okay with everything~










Now, I’m riding on a vehicle called truck. It’s faded red and it looks kinda old. When I asked Dara if I could use this as a piece for the spaceship that I will make, she gave me a hard big no. I think this Chevrolet truck, that’s how she calls it, has a very sentimental value to Dara. Then as she told me more about this thing, I discovered that this was her grandpa’s but when grandpa died, the car got abandoned in the house’s garage and now that she’s quite old enough, she’s using it.




Okay so now, Dara’s there at the driving seat and she looks pretty and cool doing the driving job while I was on the passenger side watching out from the window as I waited for us to arrive to our destination.




Minutes later, Dara parked the truck to the side. I looked out and saw a stone structure and a couple of people entering it. I fixed myself and took of the seatbelt.




“We’re here” she announced then she got out the car and I followed suit.




We went behind the truck and she pulled down the lid of the cargo part so we can get the big brown square thing. I volunteered to carry the huge box as a sign of gratitude for letting me come with her to the miraculous library. She said okay cheekily, happy that she won’t have to sweat and wear out herself again.




“SSANDARAAAAAAA!!!” Once we were about to enter the building a screeching sound of an old lady boom basted all of a sudden. I almost threw the box to the air out of fright. Who the hell was that?




“What took you so long to deliver these boo—Ooh? Who’s this guy huh?” The stern laced voice turned uh flirty all of a sudden.




I tried to stretch my neck a little over the box I’m carrying to see the face of the lady speaking . And gosh, she was old and wrinkled. I turned my gaze to Dara and she had this WTH-face on her. Then I saw the old lady approaching me.




“Put that down young boy. We could ask the other staff to bring it inside the library.” she tried to smile at me lovingly and I had to put up a smile too to show respect. Plus, Dara was eyeing me and sending me stares like saying, ‘ACT LIKE A HUMAN!!!’ I gulped and nodded at her slightly. I had to be polite.




I put the box down on the floor and then the old lady called a name or two before a couple of guys appeared and picked up the box then brought it inside.




“So what’s your name?” she asked as she attempted to lay her hands on my arm. But before her hands could land on my skin, I scampered to Dara’s side. I don’t wanna be touched!




“I am G—“ before I could speak my name Dara meddled.




“Sajangnim, maybe we should go inside and check the boo—“ Dara wasn’t able to finish because the old lady glared at her. Dara stopped talking and squirmed back. I frowned a bit, why was the old lady mean to Dara? I don’t like people who are mean to her!




“So, back to you young boy, what’s your name?” the old lady insists about knowing my name.




“I am G—“





“JI..uh.. JIYONG!” Dara butted in and when the old lady glowered again at her she diverted her gaze somewhere else. WAIT, WHAT??? JIYONG?? WHO’S JIYONG??




“Jiyong what?” the old lady asked, expecting an answer from me. I can’t answer coz I don’t know what she was talking about! What, Jiyong what? Whaaaatttt???!




I saw Dara looking around the vicinity and she was like fidgeting. Then her stare stopped at one spot before a twinkle appeared on her eyes.




“Uh Kwon! Kwon Jiyong! He’s Kwon Jiyong, R-right J-jiyong?” she looked at through the side of her eyes and she was nudging my side with her elbow. I frowned at her, I am totally lost. I am GD not Kwon Jiyong, aish!




Good thing the old lady didn’t notice my and Dara’s weird actions, she even reached out a hand towards my direction.




“I’m Ms. Jung, the owner of this library and Dara’s sajangmin” sooo she’s Dara’s boss eh? I shook hands with her and nod slightly.




“Come on in, Jiyong. I shall show you around” old Ms. Jung assisted me inside and Dara was tailing behind us.




Old lady Jung showed me around, to be honest the library was really awesome. But it could be better if Ms. Jung would leave me alone and let me sit somewhere so I could read some books.




“So Jiyong, I see that you have interests in books. Would you want to work here?” Work here? That would be great! Coz that would mean more times with these lovely books!




“That would be nice, and that would also mean that I’ll be working with Dara, right?” The face of the old lady looked pleased at first but at the mention of Dara’s name, I noticed that a muscle on her face twitched. She suddenly turned around and faced Dara.




Dara jumped a little at the sudden turn of her boss,




“Oh and speaking of, Dara, why are you still here? You should have started working, shouldn’t you? Piles of book are waiting for you at the back storage” Dara nodded quickly and was about to scurry at the back of the library.




“Dara!” I called and she stopped from her tracks and looked at me.




“Isn’t she supposed to stay with us?” I asked Ms. Jung




“Why would she?” the old lady arched a brow. Her tone seemed to say like Dara had no right to come with us because she’s just one of her employees and what she ought to do was just work and work and follow everything she says. Excuse me, but I wouldn’t be here if not because of her, ehem!




And I just had this urge to defend her from her sort of a wicked boss.




“Because her boyfriend wants to, that’s why” I said coolly.




I saw Dara’s eyes widened and she looked at me as if I’ve grown two heads.




“Y-you’re Dara’s.. b-boyfriend?” Mrs. Jung asked uncertainly.




I walked to Dara’s direction and placed an arm around her shoulders.




“Yes ma’am!” I replied cheerfully. Dara could only look at me in disbelief and she can’t even look at her boss straight.




“Oh Ms. Jung, about your job offer, I think I’d be pleasured to take it. I would like to have more bonding time with my girlfriend. I can even start now!” I pulled Dara closer to my side. And I felt her body stiffened more. I think she just officially turned to a stone.




Ms. Jung’s eyebrows twitched as they formed a crooked straight line, she gulped before talking,




“I-is that so? O..okay if that’s what you want” Ms. Jung fixed herself and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears.




“Ssandara, teach him around. I-ill be in my office” the old lady fixed her glasses before walking away and leaving me with Dara.




When we were completely alone, Dara suddenly gave me a hard push and I almost stumbled.




“WHAT WAS THAT B..B-BOYFRIEND THING!?” she asked like it was the most horrible thing.




“AND WHAT WAS THAT KWON JIYONG BLA BLA THERE?!” I asked back in the same way.




“You haven’t answered my question yet!”




“You haven’t answered mine either!”




“I questioned first!” Okay, I lose.




“I just had to say that, okay? Your boss was like belittling you in a way I can’t explain and I just felt that I had to make that up so she would stop treating you that way. I don’t want anybody hurting you” I answered honestly.




Dara’s cheeks turned pink. She had a surprised expression on her face before she turned her gaze away from me.




I looked at her intently, waiting for her to say something.




“Stop staring at me like that!” she blurted and threw a piece of rag at me. I was able to catch it before it landed on my chest. Then Dara began to walk ahead past me, leaving me behind.




“Ya! Dara!” I called.




“Wipe the shelves and the tables, make sure they’re clean, arraso, Jiyongie?” she ordered and teased me with the 'Jiyongie' before she stuck her tongue out.




“YA YOU HAVEN’T TOLD ME ABOUT THE JIYONG STU—HE-HEY!!” before I could finish my sentence she had already  went inside a room which I think was the storage room and then closed the door behind her.




Ah chinchaaaa, that Earthling really! I answered her question but she didn’t answer mine, she even teased me! BAD AND UNFAIRRRRRRRR!!




I pouted before I began wiping the shelves and tables clean which was now against my will due to Dara’s unfairness, tch!




hi people~ ^-^
missed me?  lol what?
hehe i missed u guys, im sorry for not updating for like 73509234873 years.
school was such an as*,eating all of my precious time phew. just pray that ill survive this sy. :3
so uhh this chap is kind of short and crappy but at least, we're progressing, right? :)
i cant reply to yer comments now, it's late and i have classes tom. im so sorry T-T next time, yes?
see u guys on the next update ^-^

comment and subscribe? :D
i love you ooohoooo~ 


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so i checked this fic and i saw that chap 10 had this 'M' stuff. GUYS THIS AINT RATED ORYT? idk what happened TOT btw, i fixed it already so yeah hehe


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 12: Pls don't abandoned this story authornim ❤️
Dhize4ever #2
Chapter 12: Authornim why you didn't update this story? Please update soon. I like it.
Maria0801 #3
Chapter 12: ommo.. will u update this one, author-nim? i find it cute~
Denise97 #5
Chapter 12: Omoo i thought it was complete already.. Please update :( I wanna see jiyongiee realize his feelings
Mayrah20_5 #6
pleaseeee updateee soon :(
Sara_yong #7
Chapter 12: I just read this story, and I freaking love it!! Update soon author-nim, nae?…♡♡
Chapter 12: awwww....poor jiyongie...mean dara is mean...:(
Chapter 12: OMG! You finally updated! :D
Aigooo... Jiyong don't leave Dara! Youngbae was rejected and you have the opportunity. Aigoo AIGOOO~ just hope that He won't leave Dara or Youngbae won't even think twice to get back Dara. :">