My Boyfriend Is From Mars



I was wearing a white silk flowing dress with a crown of flowers on top of my auburn locks 
as I skipped merrily in the vast green field filled with colorful and sweet-smelling flowers.
 The sun was shining brightly up in the skies and its rays touched my skin gently. 

I looked ahead and saw my prince charming, ohmy! Youngbae-oppa~ there I knew who I was 
heading for. I skipped faster but not losing my grace, I had to look pretty and soft. He just 
stood there waiting for me and as he waited he flashed me his infamous eye smile. Ohgosh 
I think I just died, no no not yet I got to caress Youngbae-oppa’s beautiful face first.

I was now standing in front of him, just inches away. I returned to him the sweet smile he 
was giving me. We were just looking at each other and were adoring each other’s features.
 I couldn’t resist to know his impression on me so I asked,

“Oppa, do I look pretty?” I batted my eyelashes. He opened his mouth and was about to answer,
 I anticipated very well on what he was going to say my eyes turned a bit wider in anticipation.

“Kuru buku bukibuki” he spoke and my brow arched. What the hell did he just say??? When did 
oppa learn a new language??

“Uh..oppa?” I called as I tried to hide the confusion in me

“Fliwitz shuruz” he continued and was about to touch my face so I closed my eyes.

But instead of a soft touch I felt hard consistent poking on my cheeks then on my forehead. 
My face scrunched up as an initial reaction. And as if oppa wasn’t contented enough, he began 
poking my whole face.

Slowly the beautiful images began to fade til everything turned black and I was the only one 
left standing there, but despite that the poking thing on my face didn’t stop, what the fuuu???!

My forehead creased more if that was still possible, this poking stuff was irritating the hell outta 
me cuz it was unstoppable! I slowly opened my eyes. I first rubbed my eyes with my fingers to adjust 
with the light, I rubbed more when I thought I saw something rather someone hovering on top of me. 
Then I figured out it was a guy and he was also the crook who was poking my face! Wait, 

My eyes completely opened and I saw another pair of dark brown eyes looking directly at me. I blinked 
a few number of times, then the creature on top of me did the same and he stopped poking my face. 
It took a moment before I realized, it was the  guy from last night! The guy just momentarily looked
at me then he continued again, poking now my nose. I frowned at him then looked down and checked 
if he was still barely clothed but accidentally, you hear me? accidentally, my gaze landed on his 

“KYAAAAA!!!” I screamed and abruptly sat up from bed which made my head hit his head. The  
guy tumbled back. He began ranting as he massaged his forehead. My brows knitted as I heard 
him speak,

“Shru shruki shubu shubu fritzie kuku!! Aishi! Chububibubuuuu!!!”  Okay what the fukc was that? 
Uh...Chinese words maybe?

“Uh er....Ni Hao? Hehe” I tried to speak Chinese but it seemed that he didn’t understand. 
He just rolled his eyes on me, the nerve!! How about…Español!

“Ola amigo~” I said merrily. But as if he didn’t hear anything he just stood up from my bed and 
began strolling inside my room. Aish this guy! Wait wait I am not giving up! How about Japanese??

“Ah.. Arigato? Arigato??”  He didn’t even give me a single look. I continued blurting out 
different languages that I know but even once he didn’t nod or something for me to know 
the language he’s speaking. To be honest he was like baby talking. Gah!!

“I already exhausted all the foreign words—KYAAAA!! PUT THAT DOWN!!!” that rascal went 
digging in my laundry and hooked my bra with his index finger. As if not enough he dangled 
it up in the air.

“YA!!! GIVE ME THAT!!!”  I launched to his spot but before I could grab my undergarment he 
turned back from me. I tried to reach out but he just shove me away. When he turned around 

“AIGOOOOOOO!!!! GIVE ME THAT!!!” I yelled my lungs out but he just ran out of my room and of 
course I chased him. Once I got out of the door, a whole lot of mess welcomed my very being. 
When I turned to look at him he was just standing there, smiling widely and waving at me. My eyes 
flinched AND AT THE COUNT OF THREE….I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I was hungry.
I’ll deal with that crazy guy later. I knew he’d approach the dining room when he gets hungry. *Insert evil 
laugh here*

Minutes later, I’ve finished eating breakfast but that guy didn’t even show his shadow. What was he
doing now? Wasn’t he hungry? Out of my knowing I was already preparing a glass of milk and bread for
that creature.

I went out of the dining room holding his breakfast.

“Ya! Where are you?” I called out as I walked through the hall. After a few more steps I found him 
crouching in front of the pot of dead flowers beside the front door. I walked to his place and when 
I reached him I crouched down as well and showed him the food I had with me.

“I got you some breakfast, here eat” I said as I reached to him the milk and bread. He just smiled at 
me and I got a bit taken aback. He looked so cute when he smiled and my cheeks turned pink upon 
seeing him beam at me. Then he turned his gaze back to the dried flowers, he touched them then 
in a second the flowers were back to their colors, the flowers were brought back to life!! What kind 
of sorcery did he just do!?

“H-how did …y-you do that?” I stammered, still shocked with the thing he just did.

“Gruuu” he just spoke in his undefined language again. This thing was totally creeping me out….

The weirdo ignored the breakfast I prepared for him and went to the window. He moved the 
curtains aside and as if he saw something very interesting outside, his eyes glistened. Then the 
next thing I knew he sprinted out of the house.

I didn’t follow him and instead I went to peek by the window. If he runs away, hmm then good? 
I don’t want to keep a weird wizard, if that’s what he was, in our house so I let him find another 
abode to disturb. What I could just do now was to peek, observe him and insure that he’d end up 
somewhere…and wherever that somewhere was...I don’t know.

In front of our house was a garden but the plants there were almost dead because I was too lazy 
to water them. My mom was the only one who cared about those green stuffs and since she’s not 
here, then let the plants alone take care of themselves. Ha, I’m bad.

The drought days of those plants seemed to be over now as that weirdo did his healing powers 
on them again. All the plants were brought back to their freshness. If I was some weakling I probably 
had fainted with all these recent events I had witnessed.

After he had healed those dead plants, he walked out of the garden and went to the street. He 
approached a bunch of little kids playing basketball and when the kids saw him their eyes went all 
wide. The ball dropped from one of the kids’ hands. And as if by the count of three they all went 
laughing at him. He was just too dumb not to notice he was the source of their laughter for he 
turned heads to look at his sides.

Ugh. Facepalm. What would I do to this creatuuuure!? I screamed in my mind.

Who would not throw into a fit of laughter if he/she sees a man almost  if not for the bra, 
yes he’s still wearing my pink laced bra, and those tight shorts.

I stepped out of the house to rescue this man from further humiliation. They all stopped laughing 
when they saw me nearing them with an angry face.

“Aish you little kids!” I hissed and took the weirdo’s arm to pull him back to my house and 
to save him from embarrassment.

“Why is your boyfriend wearing bra noona??” one kid asked then all of them began laughing again. 
I stopped from my tracks and my cheeks turned pink. I didn’t know if it was because of the 
boyfriend word or the bra word.

I just babbled incoherent words as I ignored the kids and his’ laughter and continued striding. 
Yes, he was giggling as well, really stupid. I bet he doesn’t even know they were laughing at him!

And as if the catastrophe wasn’t enough, Mrs. Gu, my neighbor went out of her porch 
and saw me. Of course she called my name which I wished she just didn’t

“Dara!” I closed my eyes firmly before opening it again to turn to look at her and flash her 
a forced smile.

“Good morning Mrs Gu” I greeted trying to hide the i-have no-time-to-talk-with-you-right-now face.

“Your boyfriend?” she asked.  Oh for the love of pearl! This madman's not my boyfriend!! 
Why do you guys kept on saying he's my boyfriend?!

“A-ani—“ I was shaking my head side to side and tried to disapprove but she beat me into it 
and continued,

“Gosh, I never knew you wanted  men!” she said as she wiggled her eyebrows. My eyes 
turned into huge plates, totally shocked with what she said. ME!? LIKES  MEN?! YOU 
GOTTA BE KIDDIN ME! But my eyes turned into tiny slits when I saw her checking out the body 
of the man beside me, what the hell!? I looked at the weirdo and I saw him smiling innocently at 
Mrs. Gu and was totally oblivious of what was happening. Aish! Totally not helping! Before Mrs. Gu
could even drool and flood our neighborhood with her saliva, I tugged the guy beside me and 
back to the house.

I literally dragged this crazy guy back in my home and closed the door behind us. Then I tossed him 
in the couch. I pulled a chair in front of him then sat on it and pulled the most serious face I 
could show.

“Now, no more pranks” I said seriously and removed my bra off him. He just looked at me, cocked his 
head to the side wondering what I was doing. After I settled my undergarment at the side I started 
off with the ‘serious’ conversation.

“What’s your name? Where are you from? Why did you ended up in that huge box? How could you 
make the thing you did on those dead plants? And…Why are you n-…uh I mean...incompletely 
dressed?” I asked in one breath and kind of hesitant on asking the latter part.

“Krubuu” he answered. Wow!! Great! I understood what he said. He said we’re hopeless! Tch.

We just fell in a deafening silence as I just watched him on his next moves. He saw the remote 
control placed on the side table and he grabbed it. He took it to his nose and smelled it then to 
his ears, when he heard nothing from it he brought it in front his mouth and was about to  it 
but I was able to hoist it away from him.

“What the hell are you doing!?” I took the remote from him.

“You use this to open that, see?” I demonstrated how the thing worked then the TV switched on. 
After which I threw the gadget aside. His gaze went to the TV and I saw his attention was caught by it.

“Gosh! Are you even from Earth!?” I whined. He shook his head as he stared intently at the TV.
 Wait, wait was that a response?

“You are not from Earth?” he shook his head again. I looked at him skeptically. Did he really 
understand me?

“You, Earth?” I said as I shook my head, then he shook his head too. My eyes moved around, 
it was just then I perceived his body, I remembered about his scratches and wounds that I 
aided last night. They were all gone. Holy poop…where did they all go…?

“A mobile ship was found in an open field this morning…” 

My eyes went to the TV as I heard the news reporter. I saw the screen flashed a picture of 
the scene, a mobile, seemed like a spacecraft, crashed and was a total wreck and authorities 
surrounded around it.

The creature beside me dashed to the TV and he began muttering incoherent words again. 
If he could only  in the TV I bet he would. He was pointing at the picture to 
be exact, at the ship

“Brum! Brum! Brum!! Shu shuz brum brum!!” he kept on saying as he looked at the 
TV then to me.

“NASA had reported that the mobile ship might be an extra-terrestrial spacecraft. NASA’s also
trying to find out if the ship contained a creature from the outer space, or what we commonly 
know as alien. NASA also expressed that they need to do more studies about this. …”

Then slowly I processed things, the wounds, the way he speaks, the flowers and now the ship….. 
Could it be that….He’s an…alien? My eyes widened at that thought. I couldn’t count anymore 
how many times my eyes turned big because of all these.

“You say you’re not from Earth..?” I mumbled to myself. Then I thought of an idea..

“Ya!” I called his attention and he looked at me.

“Uh..Earth?” he shook his head.

“Mercury?...Jupiter?...Saturn?... “ all his responses were the same when I said Earth.

I scratched my head and continued in one breath. “Uranus?Venus?Mars?Neptu—“ he began nodding 
his head in the mid of my sentence. I gasped and repeated again,

“NEPTUNE?!” I shrieked. He shook his head

“Noooo?..  URANUS...YEAH URANUS?...” Yeah I don’t even wanna go there. He shook again his head.

“VENUS THEN?” he rolled his eyes and shook his head lazily. I took a very deep breath when I 
knew what was left.

I gripped his shoulders and half whispered-yelled,

“MARS!?!?!?” and he nodded his head vigorously. He also placed his hands on my shoulders 
and we began jumping-jumping all over the place, oh gosh we looked silly. I was too happy 
that I didn’t mind. I pulled him into a hug and we continued jumping,

“You’re from Mars!! You’re from Mars!” I chirped merrily

“Mars-shu! Mars-shuuu!!” he sang with me.

In the middle of merriment, I felt something poke my stomach. I froze on my spot. Did his 
thing just poke me??

“AHHH!!” I screamed and pushed him off. I think I pushed him a bit too hard because he fell 
on his  and he rubbed it as his face crumpled. Then he glared at me.

“Oops ..sorry” I said and helped him get up, I made him sit on the couch again. After that I 
remembered about breakfast. I took the glass of milk and piece of bread again.

“Here, you eat first” I said and placed the tray on the table. I watched him inspect the food.

‘He’s a Martian…Now what are we going to do with him Dara? That alien spells trouble you know’

I saw him having no idea about what to do, I took a pinch of bread and took it in my mouth then 
I chewed. I motioned him to do what I did but he just looked at me and obviously he didn’t 
understand what to do, Aish! So I took another pinch then put the food in front of his mouth. 
He opened his lips and took the food in,

“OUCH! NOT MY FINGER!!”  I yelled as I pulled my finger out when he bit it as I placed bread 
in his mouth.

‘How about you just turn him over to the authorities? Since they’re searching for him anyway’

He giggled when I glared at him. His laugh sounded nice, I thought.

“Hmm” he moaned when he seemed to like the taste of the bread. He again turned to me 
and opened his mouth. What the?! Was he asking me to feed him?

I shook my head no and he frowned at me. He crossed his arms as if he was to throw a tantrum. 
I bit my lower lip as I tried to stop my laughter, he looked cute and funny. Imagine a Martian 
throwing a tantrum trololol.

‘What if they hurt him.... ? No, I don’t think I want to turn him over to them. I think I want 
to keep him...I guess I can take care of him…besides Mom, Seungri and Thunder aren’t home 
and they’d be back in a month, I guess a month would be enough to help this Martian adapt’

I stopped the talking voice in my head and concentrated on this Martian.

“Bread. This is a bread.” I said as I waved the piece of bread in front his face. He ignored me 
again and took the glass of milk.

“Milk, that’s milk.” He smelled it then brought the glass to his lips. He took a sip then another 
then until he finished the whole glass.

“Hmm..” I hummed.

“Hmm..” he imitated me.

“Dara” I spoke as I pointed to myself.

“Dara” he repeated and pointed at himself. I shook my head no, he wasn’t getting what 
I wanted to say.

“Dara is me. Me is Dara” I repeated my action. He nodded.

I stared at him waiting for him to introduce himself, his eyes landed on the bowl I left on the 
floor last night and mumbled,

“Jingyo” he picked up the bowl and placed it on his head like it was a cap.

“Jingyo??” I questioned as my brows knitted. He just nodded and began to stroll around the house again.

Alright, if he says he’s Jingyo then let us call him Jingyo.

“Jingyo!! Come back here!!” I called as I ran to where he went. This will be one long roller coaster ride! 



One long update -___- Sorry i cant make two chapters tonight, this chapter took almost all of my time. 
Kkkk but it's ok i hope you guys like it! ^^,  OH AND HI NEW SUBBIES THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING!!
The two finally met!! XD Yippiee! Kkk. Dont forget to leave a comment and subscriiiibe!! ~(^~o~^)~



@safiahazmi: u r the very first one who commented!! thank u ^o^
lol uhm i think so too. but one thing's certain, this fic is very different from all
the fics ive made. XD

@21_blackjack_21: thank you so much!! ♥ i hope u enjoy my story~

@yuukiechan: geez thanks! :D kekeke sorry to disappoint you, it's not rated :(
lol green appler XP Oh, im really not that familiar with
anime stuffs but ill check that one out ;)

@jhenky: thank you!! it starting now kkkk ^^;
@sheepyphantasie: OHMYGOSH GREAT IDEA!!! XD
@gdlovesme: aw thank you so much!! im glad my story was able to make ur day <333
@Oh2ne1: Annyeong chinguuu~ lol we cannot tell
if only dara's the erted one, lets wait for the 
next chappies!! kkk ^^;;
@rhoseannjin: Kyaaa!! That's right that's right!!
Dara's the goddess of earth~ lol XD and they just met! ^^;
@SuperJ13: Updated! ^-^ Kkkk. Im so sorry,T-T
GD's POV might appear on the 4th chapter.
But anyways, Dara's reaction was revealed 
in the recent update :D I hope u like it! ^^
@g-topftw: *daragon wakes up and greets you* they're awake now 
and said good morning to you! lol XD  ~

Til the next chap! Ppyong~ ^-^

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
so i checked this fic and i saw that chap 10 had this 'M' stuff. GUYS THIS AINT RATED ORYT? idk what happened TOT btw, i fixed it already so yeah hehe


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 12: Pls don't abandoned this story authornim ❤️
Dhize4ever #2
Chapter 12: Authornim why you didn't update this story? Please update soon. I like it.
Maria0801 #3
Chapter 12: ommo.. will u update this one, author-nim? i find it cute~
Denise97 #5
Chapter 12: Omoo i thought it was complete already.. Please update :( I wanna see jiyongiee realize his feelings
Mayrah20_5 #6
pleaseeee updateee soon :(
Sara_yong #7
Chapter 12: I just read this story, and I freaking love it!! Update soon author-nim, nae?…♡♡
Chapter 12: awwww....poor jiyongie...mean dara is mean...:(
Chapter 12: OMG! You finally updated! :D
Aigooo... Jiyong don't leave Dara! Youngbae was rejected and you have the opportunity. Aigoo AIGOOO~ just hope that He won't leave Dara or Youngbae won't even think twice to get back Dara. :">